Restaurant put "Fat Girls" on these ladies check

Hungry hippos indeed. They ought to start fining people for being so overweight, we'd kill the deficit.
I don't know where you are going with your reasoning, but you are all over the place. I saw your comments on that in that thread and it seemed equally *** backwards. I'm not sure what your experience in that area is, but it seems limited. I'm done. Peace
if ppl are saying and was said in the black reciept thread oh well they shouldve not been ghetto etc... dressed a certain way etc... then they could easily avoided having the n word/ghetto on their reciept....

why cant the same theory apply for the hippos posted.... they shouldnt have been fat obease etc... looking a certain way then they could have avoided having fat girls on their reciept...

if dressing a certain way slang is a choice... why isnt being obeast?

And why should one change conform and step out of who they are to avoid a situation and the other be accepted for who they are?

and hell wanna be real fat girls was a complememt its clear these chicks are morbid obeast... so fat was a understatement and a compliment... they shouldve said oh thank you thats sweet of you and waddled on out of there
Hungry hippos indeed. They ought to start fining people for being so overweight, we'd kill the deficit
kill it hell more like beat it into submission.... but nah... wed still be in debt cause they would just go broke and owe so much in fines that that would need govt assitance... to afford to stay fat...thus still costing us more money...
I don't know where you are going with your reasoning, but you are all over the place. I saw your comments on that in that thread and it seemed equally *** backwards. I'm not sure what your experience in that area is, but it seems limited. I'm done. Peace
if ppl are saying and was said in the black reciept thread oh well they shouldve not been ghetto etc... dressed a certain way etc... then they could easily avoided having the n word/ghetto on their reciept....

why cant the same theory apply for the hippos posted.... they shouldnt have been fat obease etc... looking a certain way then they could have avoided having fat girls on their reciept...

if dressing a certain way slang is a choice... why isnt being obeast?
And why should one change conform and step out of who they are to avoid a situation and the other be accepted for who they are?

and hell wanna be real fat girls was a complememt its clear these chicks are morbid obeast... so fat was a understatement and a compliment... they shouldve said oh thank you thats sweet of you and waddled on out of there

Just say you hate fat people and call it a damn day. You are going too hard defending this restaurant's action even though someone with common sense can see the restaurant is wrong.
Just say you hate fat people and call it a damn day. You are going too hard defending this restaurant's action even though someone with common sense can see the restaurant is wrong.
so basically i could or just stated the same in the thread that was the exact same except it was ppl of color... just say nt is racist..... and hate black ppl who are ghetto etc... and call it a day...

its funny the exact same thing happened and anytime someone said it was wrong of the restuarant to do so... the imfamous "race card" was used... and the ole they shouldnt have been ghetto etc...

yet the exact same thing happens to someone because of weight and ppl say they shouldnt be fat... and its oh you hate fat ppl... how dare you defend the establishment... just find this ironic... is all
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I mean it is pretty rude but hilarious at the same time. Those broads are huge, that's obesity status already.
The laughs in the thread are endless. Thanks, I needed it towards the end of this work day.While I think that what the bartender did was tactless and immature, I don't see what these women are playing at. Does the bartended deserve to lose his job over this? Maybe. Because he is in a customer service position and he clearly offended the customer. But these women taking it to the news??? Are you kidding? Social media is going to have a field day with these women to the point where the bartenders "Fat girls'" ID would be a compliment. All I know is that if they were truly hurt by that then had better avoid the comments section of any news website that posts this story and for god's sake they had better stay away from NT haha
That's contradictory in theory. So according to your logic it's unfortunate to be restricted to diets etc. to prevent being fat, but yet you say fat people are disgusting to look at (which I think is a narrowminded way of thining, but that's neither here nor there). You do know there are several factors that go into that, and it's not mutually exclusive to women right? So if you are against this "ideal" then what do you believe in? You just sound like you're spewing a bunch of mess with no real direction. I don't know if it's due to your POV of life so far or lack of experience, but you sound ignorant. Putting any group of people in a certain box all the time and writing it off is lazy and irresponsible thinking.

What I believe in is if you're "fat".. you're "fat"! Period! You don't need to cry or be ashamed about it. OK the restaurant labeled them the 'fat table'... boo hoo why not accept it and make some life changing decisions? Yes it's unfortunate that society is discriminatory against obese people however it is what it is.. a FACT! Instead of playing the victim, these girls should have taken that as a wake up call and do better. I mean just look at that bill... should those 3 girls be drinking soda? Should those 3 girls be eating tri-tip sandwiches and fries? I mean if you're obese, why in the world are you eating that crap and then get all butt hurt because you're labeled fat? :smh:
I def got into an argument with some friends about this yesterday.  Their argument was even if it's true(not an opinion, fact) it's offensive to say to someone.  My argument was, was it wrong on the part of the business, absolutely.  It was inapporpriate to do that to your paying customers.  But then I hit them with, it's like a pornstar getting offended when someone calls her a *****, can she really be offended.  I'm never wit people being degraded but I mean if it's true/fact there isn't much you can do but accept it.   And from the looks of things they looked like some pretty healthy females.  Seeing that probably hit a sensitive spot they probably felt some type of way.  Or if they didn't think the comment wasn't true and didn't consider themselves what they were being called, take your business elsewhere where you feel valued as a customer and leave bad feedback online/word of mouth.  I understand they want to inform other patrons about their terrible customer service but taking it to the news might do more harm then help.  If i'm fat and I know i'm fat and sombody says "that dude is fat"  I chalk it and proceed to open a bag of rap snacks and a black cherry soda...haha

On the real the server was dead wrong, he could kept that between the staff.
So if a server labels the table "cripples" then said handicaps should go out and do something huh, How can you un-paralyze someone? I forgot, it's only right on certain levels lol
So if a server labels the table "cripples" then said handicaps should go out and do something huh, How can you un-paralyze someone? I forgot, it's only right on certain levels lol

That's not a really valid argument though. You don't choose to be cripple. These women are fat due to bad lifestyle choices. They can change the way they are but they choose not to. Someone that can't walk due to a bum leg of some sort isn't something you have an option with. I'm not condoning behavior like this by a waiter cause yes it is wrong but for these women to get upset is a bit ridiculous. If it was three skinny, hot broads do you think they would be offended if the waiter wrote skinny girls? They're sensitive cause they're fat.
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That's contradictory in theory. So according to your logic it's unfortunate to be restricted to diets etc. to prevent being fat, but yet you say fat people are disgusting to look at (which I think is a narrowminded way of thining, but that's neither here nor there). You do know there are several factors that go into that, and it's not mutually exclusive to women right? So if you are against this "ideal" then what do you believe in? You just sound like you're spewing a bunch of mess with no real direction. I don't know if it's due to your POV of life so far or lack of experience, but you sound ignorant. Putting any group of people in a certain box all the time and writing it off is lazy and irresponsible thinking.

What I believe in is if you're "fat".. you're "fat"! Period! You don't need to cry or be ashamed about it. OK the restaurant labeled them the 'fat table'... boo hoo why not accept it and make some life changing decisions? Yes it's unfortunate that society is discriminatory against obese people however it is what it is.. a FACT! Instead of playing the victim, these girls should have taken that as a wake up call and do better. I mean just look at that bill... should those 3 girls be drinking soda? Should those 3 girls be eating tri-tip sandwiches and fries? I mean if you're obese, why in the world are you eating that crap and then get all butt hurt because you're labeled fat? :smh:

because they shouldnt be labeled anything when they go to a restaurant
because they shouldnt be labeled anything when they go to a restaurant

Of course not but it happens doesn't it? No doubt that server was in the wrong for labeling them however more often than not every time those 3 ladies go into any dining establishment, they will most likely be discriminated or ridiculed due to their weight. Servers would probably talk reckless with other employees about them, and other patrons of the restaurant probably stare at them eating their Tri-Tip sandwiches in disgust. That's just the harsh reality of being obese and these ladies should understand this and accept it. Instead of being emotionally distressed and getting all angry, why not use that as motivation to start losing that weight and controlling their appetites?
:lol: If the server wanted to keep track he could have easily put something else to remember the table. LMAO and the manager thought those silly discounts would heal all wounds.
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