Restaurant put "Fat Girls" on these ladies check

Sometimes fat chicks need to be called out on their fatty ways. If it's something you have control over, then do something about it instead of getting mad at people calling you for what you are.

It doesn't even matter if people are saying it. If you're fat, people are going to think it, so get your fat *** on that treadmill and stop shoving food in your mouth for once.
we're becoming way too sensitive of a society
This is my take on it too. Sure, it's offensive to them, but there are a lot more offensive things out there that restaurants have done to people.

  That pic looks familiar

:lol: I know they like to put descriptions in the ticketing system to keep track. But a simple "3 women" would've been more appropriate.

Nah man, people are labeled in ways you wouldn't want to know, but it sure helps with their memory :lol:
That's just the harsh realities of fat people bias. People who are Caucasian, beautiful, rich, skinny, will usually get better service and more attention than > unattractive, fat, minority, poor folks.

Isn't this a proven fact?
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Read 1st page of nonsense.... sure its been said.

We're so sensitive but would it be ok if it said "black people" "Negro's" " Cra**ers" or any other racial slur/race referring word? If you can't remember your section in a restaurant, why is your dumb*** even getting hired? Isn't there an educational bar?

It is what it is though, I dont put much pass America nowadays 
i like how you conviently used a factual term and kinda on the sly tip linked it with a racial slur... black,negro... next n word.... well played my man...

insuiting calling a fat person fat is the same as calling a person of color a n word....nice way of slowly but surely
That's just the harsh realities of fat people bias. People who are Caucasian, beautiful, rich, skinny, will usually get better service and more attention than > unattractive, fat, minority, poor folks.

Isn't this a proven fact?

Uh...idk about that. Before you do that maybe you should post some evidence of it.
Read 1st page of nonsense.... sure its been said.

We're so sensitive but would it be ok if it said "black people" "Negro's" " Cra**ers" or any other racial slur/race referring word? If you can't remember your section in a restaurant, why is your dumb*** even getting hired? Isn't there an educational bar?

It is what it is though, I dont put much pass America nowadays :nthat:
i like how you conviently used a factual term and kinda on the sly tip linked it with a racial slur... black,negro... next n word.... well played my man...
insuiting calling a fat person fat is the same as calling a person of color a n word....nice way of slowly but surely

I think what he was trying to say but missed was that, it's still wrong to point out. Yes it is a fact as you claimed, but does it make it right? Would it be cool to tease someone because of a speech impediment? What if the whole table stuttered? Would it be alright to put "stuttering Johns" on the ticket? While that would be a fact, it's still messed up to put that term on the ticket.
Uh...idk about that. Before you do that maybe you should post some evidence of it.

Obesity is highly stigmatized in our society. Overweight and obese individuals are vulnerable to negative bias, prejudice and discrimination in many different settings, including the workplace, educational institutions, healthcare facilities and even within interpersonal relationships.

A recent study by the University of Manchester and Monash University, Melbourne found that obese women are more likely to be discriminated against when looking for jobs and more likely to be offered lower starting salaries then their non-overweight colleagues.

Larger sized women are likely to come face-to -face with some heavy discrimination in the workplace.

Obese women were more likely to be denied employment, receive lower salaries, and perceived to have less leadership potential, according to research published in the International Journal of Obesity.
Uh...idk about that. Before you do that maybe you should post some evidence of it.

Obesity is highly stigmatized in our society. Overweight and obese individuals are vulnerable to negative bias, prejudice and discrimination in many different settings, including the workplace, educational institutions, healthcare facilities and even within interpersonal relationships.

A recent study by the University of Manchester and Monash University, Melbourne found that obese women are more likely to be discriminated against when looking for jobs and more likely to be offered lower starting salaries then their non-overweight colleagues.

Larger sized women are likely to come face-to -face with some heavy discrimination in the workplace.

Obese women were more likely to be denied employment, receive lower salaries, and perceived to have less leadership potential, according to research published in the International Journal of Obesity.

Thank you. That's all I asked for
I looked at the pictures associated with the place on yelp, quite a bit of their clientele is overweight. If they're going to do this on a receipt they should be prepared to deal with the repercussions of people going else where.

I know I don't buy food at bars because of how healthy the salads are.
I think what he was trying to say but missed was that, it's still wrong to point out. Yes it is a fact as you claimed, but does it make it right? Would it be cool to tease someone because of a speech impediment? What if the whole table stuttered? Would it be alright to put "stuttering Johns" on the ticket? While that would be a fact, it's still messed up to put that term on the ticket.
see your changing what happen you said teasing making fun of... the pictures of hungry hungry hippos while funny lol that is teasing making fun of... if some one just said fat ladies... that isnt teasing making fun of... i mean ppl can take twist interpret things anyway they choose... but at the same token taking a truthful fact statement and trying to spin it... thas on you...

obama is the first black president... nothing i said was malice... or gave a rude/disrespectful connotation... but a person who maybe albiet racist hates blacks dont like the fact we have a black president can twist/misconstrude this and take offense to this... sure... but still doesnt change the fact that obama is our president he is black and he is the first black president of the usa....
Thank you. That's all I asked for

Isn't it just common sense though? Fat people are disgusting to look at, take up too much space in Airplanes, request soda refills after refills cause they can't control themselves.. etc.. etc.. Society is not accepting of obese people in this country. It's unfortunate because young women are compelled to go on strict diets, have eating disorders, just to fit into this perfect mole of what a woman should look like.

All in all people just need to take personal responsibilities for themselves instead of always playing the victim.
I think what he was trying to say but missed was that, it's still wrong to point out. Yes it is a fact as you claimed, but does it make it right? Would it be cool to tease someone because of a speech impediment? What if the whole table stuttered? Would it be alright to put "stuttering Johns" on the ticket? While that would be a fact, it's still messed up to put that term on the ticket.
see your changing what happen you said teasing making fun of... the pictures of hungry hungry hippos while funny lol that is teasing making fun of... if some one just said fat ladies... that isnt teasing making fun of... i mean ppl can take twist interpret things anyway they choose... but at the same token taking a truthful fact statement and trying to spin it... thas on you...

obama is the first black president... nothing i said was malice... or gave a rude/disrespectful connotation... but a person who maybe albiet racist hates blacks dont like the fact we have a black president can twist/misconstrude this and take offense to this... sure... but still doesnt change the fact that obama is our president he is black and he is the first black president of the usa....

Didn't you read at all what I said? Teasing was the first part, but I also said what if stuttering johns was on the ticket? I didn't change anything, I just used a different example of what you initially used. The teasing is secondary to the FACT, which you pointed out.
Didn't you read at all what I said? Teasing was the first part, but I also said what if stuttering johns was on the ticket? I didn't change anything, I just used a different example of what you initially used. The teasing is secondary to the FACT, which you pointed out.
couldnt they just lose weight.... i mean whats the worse that could happen....? i another thread ppl were saying oh ppl should change/disassociate themselves from their respective cultures etc... if they know it can put them in situations where they may be targeted etc...

so how is lets say hispanic/black etc... going thru this and ppl saying well they dont like it shouldnt be wearing baggy jeans etc... any different then oh well shouldnt be fat... both are things done by choice and both can be changed... and both often time brew a negative stigma by some ppl.
Didn't really read through this whole thread because I was occupied with that garbage Walmart thread.

My 98 cents.

I think being fat is a lifestyle choice and you have no one to blame but yourself if you are obese. Blaming it on anything (genetics) is quite possibly the lamest excuse. If you are obese (not overweight) you lack functionality in this society. Being fat is NOT a disease.

The three women that are shown seem to be obese.

BUT at the end of the day these people are still humans with feelings and at the end of the day the restaurant should have shown professionalism no matter who or what their customers are. This is a business and your job is to make them happy. They are paying you to prepare and serve them food and that is it. You may hold judgement toward them but you need to keep that to yourself and treat these customers the same.

This restaurant is a sorry excuse for an establishment and I, for one, would never step place into it because if they're judgmental about these fat people, who knows if they would be racist or laugh at the handicapped? It's the audacity of these workers to let their immaturity show and affect their customers in a negative manner that astounds me.
Thank you. That's all I asked for

Isn't it just common sense though? Fat people are disgusting to look at, take up too much space in Airplanes, request soda refills after refills cause they can't control themselves.. etc.. etc.. Society is not accepting of obese people in this country. It's unfortunate because young women are compelled to go on strict diets, have eating disorders, just to fit into this perfect mole of what a woman should look like.

All in all people just need to take personal responsibilities for themselves instead of always playing the victim.
But isn't this another case of a service employee doing some douchbag-y and everyone again focusing and blaming the customer, because somehow people in that profession are immune to criticism? If the fat women had said something about the simpleton nature of the server's profession, nobody would be like, "well it's true," but everyone would be calling for their heads.

It should be simply common sense to see why it would be a bad idea for a business to offend it's customers.
Thank you. That's all I asked for

Isn't it just common sense though? Fat people are disgusting to look at, take up too much space in Airplanes, request soda refills after refills cause they can't control themselves.. etc.. etc.. Society is not accepting of obese people in this country. It's unfortunate because young women are compelled to go on strict diets, have eating disorders, just to fit into this perfect mole of what a woman should look like.

All in all people just need to take personal responsibilities for themselves instead of always playing the victim.

That's contradictory in theory. So according to your logic it's unfortunate to be restricted to diets etc. to prevent being fat, but yet you say fat people are disgusting to look at (which I think is a narrowminded way of thining, but that's neither here nor there). You do know there are several factors that go into that, and it's not mutually exclusive to women right? So if you are against this "ideal" then what do you believe in? You just sound like you're spewing a bunch of mess with no real direction. I don't know if it's due to your POV of life so far or lack of experience, but you sound ignorant. Putting any group of people in a certain box all the time and writing it off is lazy and irresponsible thinking.
Didn't you read at all what I said? Teasing was the first part, but I also said what if stuttering johns was on the ticket? I didn't change anything, I just used a different example of what you initially used. The teasing is secondary to the FACT, which you pointed out.
couldnt they just lose weight.... i mean whats the worse that could happen....? i another thread ppl were saying oh ppl should change/disassociate themselves from their respective cultures etc... if they know it can put them in situations where they may be targeted etc...

so how is lets say hispanic/black etc... going thru this and ppl saying well they dont like it shouldnt be wearing baggy jeans etc... any different then oh well shouldnt be fat... both are things done by choice and both can be changed... and both often time brew a negative stigma by some ppl.

I don't know where you are going with your reasoning, but you are all over the place. I saw your comments on that in that thread and it seemed equally *** backwards. I'm not sure what your experience in that area is, but it seems limited. I'm done. Peace
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Thank you. That's all I asked for

Isn't it just common sense though? Fat people are disgusting to look at, take up too much space in Airplanes, request soda refills after refills cause they can't control themselves.. etc.. etc.. Society is not accepting of obese people in this country. It's unfortunate because young women are compelled to go on strict diets, have eating disorders, just to fit into this perfect mole of what a woman should look like.

All in all people just need to take personal responsibilities for themselves instead of always playing the victim.
Common sense aint common man. That's the damn shame :smh:
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