Restaurant put "Fat Girls" on these ladies check

Jul 18, 2012
When three friends finished their meal at a California restaurant, they did not expect to be insulted on the bill.

That is exactly what happened to Christine Duran, Christina Huerta and Isabel Robles when they visited Chilly D's Sports Lounge, part of the Cameo Club Casino, in Stockton, Calif., according to ABC affiliate News 10. When the three diners got their check they saw "fat girls" written on their bill.

"I got the bill, and I was like, why does the receipt say, 'fat girls?'" Duran told News 10. At first, her friends didn't even believe her. "[Huerta] was like, 'You're lying,' And I was like, 'No, I'm serious. Look at it.' She was like, 'fat girls?'"


When their server returned, the three girls questioned him about the "fat girls" label, but the waiter denied any wrongdoing, according to News 10. He said an employee named "Jeff," whose name appears on the receipt, must have typed "fat girls" into the system to keep track of their bill.

A manager went over to explain the 'fat girls' check, but he “had like a smirk on his face, like it was funny but trying not to laugh,” Duran told ABC News. Instead of clearing all charges, he offered a discount of 25 percent and then a discount of 50 percent, but the women rejected the offers.

On Saturday, Chilly D's posted an apology on its Facebook page over the insulting bill.

NT thick?

I don't get it. You can ask a smoker to leave, go out of your way to help an old person wether they need it or not, but lord forbid you call a fat person fat. If you don't wanna be called that, do something about it. Fat people should be denied service at a certain point just like drunk people who get cut off at the bar. End rant....
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:lol: :lol:

-I feel bad for the girls for having gotten embarrassed like that
-Feel bad for Jeff because maybe homeboy is gonna lose his job over a simple mistake, or a silly joke. Which ever one it was
-Manager made it worst by not offering the meal be on the house
-Jeff didn't lie though :rolleyes. I feel bad for this chicks, but it is not like they were called a racial slur. They're fat by choice
I used to work in a bar in college and we did this type of thing on the reg. you just can't get caught. Not even to be malicious, just to keep track.
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What do they not know they're fat? What do they expect?

This Jeff guy is probably young though. I'm sure all of you have made fun of someone like that, he just got caught :lol:
There fat they don't like being called fat lose weight what are they supposed to put in the system the short/chunky girls?
while he did "technically" didnt say something that would warrant defamation... or made fun of them... "he didnt make a false statement, nor used any rude language of reference in regards to their weight" it simply isnt social accepted thus im sure to save grace and come across as some caring company something will be done to tame the savage beast...

I wonder would this be a big deal if it was a group of 12 y/o and it said pre-teen girls... or a set of tall ppl and it said tall guys/girls.... or a set of elderly ppl and it said elderly table..

what i find funny is how this whole insult/offensive thing works...If i said oh take those drinks to the table full of workers... white guys... etc... built guys... hot chics etc... nothing would be said and it would go unnotice.. yet you say fat/overweight...and it is rude insulting etc..

I could see if you said ugly cause that is a derrogatory term and it is opinion based, i could see gay because it is assumptioned based... but overweight/fat isnt a assumption... it is a fact.. and can be used to distinguish a particular person/persons. in a sense like saying the table of cops... children/preteens etc...

It ideally shouldnt be a big deal... but like i said the way of the world... stating a fact about someone... is offensive only if they are ashamed about it or insecure about it. I mean if he had said something to ridicule their weight like table of whales/hippos etc... similiar to saying table of black ppl and instead saying something like table of monkeys/***** etc.....
while he did "technically" didnt say something that would warrant defamation... or made fun of them... "he didnt make a false statement, nor used any rude language of reference in regards to their weight" it simply isnt social accepted thus im sure to save grace and come across as some caring company something will be done to tame the savage beast...

I wonder would this be a big deal if it was a group of 12 y/o and it said pre-teen girls... or a set of tall ppl and it said tall guys/girls.... or a set of elderly ppl and it said elderly table..

what i find funny is how this whole insult/offensive thing works...If i said oh take those drinks to the table full of workers... white guys... etc... built guys... hot chics etc... nothing would be said and it would go unnotice.. yet you say fat/overweight...and it is rude insulting etc..

I could see if you said ugly cause that is a derrogatory term and it is opinion based, i could see gay because it is assumptioned based... but overweight/fat isnt a assumption... it is a fact.. and can be used to distinguish a particular person/persons. in a sense like saying the table of cops... children/preteens etc...

It ideally shouldnt be a big deal... but like i said the way of the world... stating a fact about someone... is offensive only if they are ashamed about it or insecure about it. I mean if he had said something to ridicule their weight like table of whales/hippos etc... similiar to saying table of black ppl and instead saying something like table of monkeys/***** etc.....
You hit the nail on the head.
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