Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

Over 50 people killed in a gay club and most of the effort in the media, social media, and politicians on the left seem to be about not offending/defending islam. The left has chosen who is at the top of the victim hierarchy. Strange partnership.
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Cmon son

If it can go boom, it will

Common sense don't cost much

lol ok, I hope you don't blow up your hands. People think making an effective bomb is as easy as making a molotov cocktail. A lot of those amateurs either have their bombs not detonate or end up injuring themselves, happens all the time.

Good riddance

But don't insinuate I'm over doing something just cause it's not rocket science
Most terrorist acts in this country are committed by white christian males, so labeling ONLY muslims as terrorists would be hypocritical. The left has condemned all acts of brutality in the name of religion, the right is just mad Muslims aren't being singled out.

My point is that if it was a christian who just killed 50 people on a gay club we would be hearing about how evil christianity is and how gay people were targeted because christianity promotes homophobia. More focus on gays being targeted.

The story line coming out is drastically different. Instead of defending gays, most of the left seems more interested in defending islam.
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some dude had a video when they stormed in, you couldn't see but you could hear.....they unloaded hundreds of rounds at dude.

its crazy to me that people can own assault rifles.....whenever i see pictures of regular people online showing off certain types of guns Its crazy to me.

i understand you want a gun for protection but theres other guns lol.
Guns are like cars, everything is different and I love my friend's 91, Galil/Rk kit, SP1s, etc. Unique characteristics, and just fun. You don't like that somebody's bumpfiring an AR, too bad.

If I wanted to take out kids, I'd just set up with a 700 hundreds of feet away.
We would not, they could barely get themselves to call that guy who shot up a black church a terrorist. They would call him troubled, mentally ill, and post a clean picture of him at graduation. Christians are just as bad, currently and historically....ain't no point singling one evil religion out.

I'm talking specifically about the narrative from the left side of the aisle.
Most terrorist acts in this country are committed by white christian males, so labeling ONLY muslims as terrorists would be hypocritical. The left has condemned all acts of brutality in the name of religion, the right is just mad Muslims aren't being singled out.

My point is that if it was a christian who just killed 50 people on a gay club we would be hearing about how evil christianity is and how gay people were targeted because christianity promotes homophobia. More focus on gays being targeted.

The story line coming out is drastically different. Instead of defending gays, most of the left seems more interested in defending islam.

-People on the right are suggesting violating the Civil Rights of Muslims. Someone has to defend Muslims. Someone has to have a level head.

Whenever any marginalized minority needs some sort of protect or social justice, it is the left that has to fight for them.

Including gay people. Any suggestion from the right about "think about the gay people" is point blank bull ****. Because when these people got the right to marry, the christian right were running around saying it violates their religious rights

-Liberals can't have logically discussion about something because the suggestions from the other side are so disgusting.

No one in America ask Jewish people to answer for Israel, to answer for the rampant child molestation going on in the Hasidic community.

But we demand certain groups constantly answer for the for people that they have no relation too other than their skin color, religion, or region of birth.

-If you, and others on the right want the Muslim defending to stop, stop suggesting that they neighbors be monitored, they be banned from the country, or innocent people be killed overseas.

I'm not going to defend the religion of Islam, **** that.

But push back at the suggestion that a brown skinned (which is important) minority group be oppressed for the sake of a lil peace of mind. Which is exactly what conservatives want to do
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My point is that if it was a christian who just killed 50 people on a gay club we would be hearing about how evil christianity is and how gay people were targeted because christianity promotes homophobia. More focus on gays being targeted.

And you have no issue with the fact that this is EXACTLY how the right is treating Islam?
Most terrorist acts in this country are committed by white christian males, so labeling ONLY muslims as terrorists would be hypocritical. The left has condemned all acts of brutality in the name of religion, the right is just mad Muslims aren't being singled out.

My point is that if it was a christian who just killed 50 people on a gay club we would be hearing about how evil christianity is and how gay people were targeted because christianity promotes homophobia. More focus on gays being targeted.

The story line coming out is drastically different. Instead of defending gays, most of the left seems more interested in defending islam.

No, we would be hearing about a crazy person who hates gay shot up a gay club. Might get a good background story about how they were perfect and wouldn't harm a fly either

Again most hate crimes are rooted from religious beliefs but only if the religious belief is Islamic in nature then it is being labeled terrorism

It's ignorant and hypocritical
Source? is this real? 
I just don't understand how you guys can be so adamant about baking a cake and bathroom rights and then ignore that the penalty for homosexuality in multiple muslim countries is DEATH. Seems like a disconnect.

Never in my life would i think liberals would be defending a specific religion so much.
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and WOW. 


Fell bad for those who call this man pastor.
Homosexuals does not equal pedophilia
And being glad that they are dead? That was someones
friend and family member. I strongly disagree with their lifestyle
but they weren't just a different sexual preference, they were
people who brought joy to the lives of other people. There
is nothing good in their loss.
I just don't understand how you guys can be so adamant about baking a cake and bathroom rights and then ignore that the penalty for homosexuality in multiple muslim countries is DEATH. Seems like a disconnect.

This is such a nonsense argument.

First, things at home of course get more attention. Naturally

And who ignores them? No one cosigns that disgusting ****

Are American Muslims flying overseas to partake in this.

Because if we indulge in the Muslims hate in America, American Muslims will be affected first and foremost.


Btw, I need to know when the FBI can send over the surveillance van to your house.

Pedophilia is rampant in the Hasidic community, must be something about them being Jewish. People like you must be monitored, so your kids to be safe.

7am work for you papi?
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Fell bad for those who call this man pastor.

Homosexuals does not equal pedophilia

And being glad that they are dead? That was someones

friend and family member. I strongly disagree with their lifestyle

but they weren't just a different sexual preference, they were

people who brought joy to the lives of other people. There

is nothing good in their loss.

Calling a sexual preference has always sounded ignorant and bigoted to me.
what number would one dial to call a sexual preference? Is that an 800 number?
No one in America ask Jewish people to answer for Israel, to answer for the rampant child molestation going on in the Hasidic community.

I've seen you bring up this hasidic thing multiple times. You know what comment you' won't generally get? "Oh those hasidics sucking baby **** practice a distorted view of judaism"

If people asked jews why there is an abnormally high level of molestation in hasidic communities I think they would be able to handle it ok.
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No one in America ask Jewish people to answer for Israel, to answer for the rampant child molestation going on in the Hasidic community.

I've seen you bring up this hasidic thing multiple times. You know what comment you' won't generally get? "Oh those hasidics sucking baby **** practice a distorted view of judaism"

If people asked jews why there is an abnormally high level of molestation in hasidic communities I think they would be able to handle it ok.

So you're agreeing that Jewish people should be monitored as potential pedophiles then? You would be cool with that constant be suggested to you too?

Because that is what the other side is suggesting we do to American Muslims. That is what at stake, not some taking point.

-Plus, I'm bring up the Hisidic thing as a counter example that never happens. The Muslims, and black Americans are constantly asked to explain **** that there not associated with.


You know what, scratch the Hisidic thing, I read somewhere white supremacy is flourishing in Israel, lemme do some research so I can make you answer for it.
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