Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

We should put a nice large explicit VAT on guns, ammo, and accessories. Then use that money to build mental health clinics.

If gun owners think that is such a problem, then they should be more than willing to pay to address it.
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I've always wondered about that term "mentally ill"

what exactly does that mean....because when i think of mentally ill, i think of like a slow person.......

where is the line of mentally ill and just evil.
I hate that they are trying to push this guy's bigotry as a "mental illness". If so call it like it is, religiosity is a MENTAL ILLNESS.

The backlash you would get tho. It's impossible to have a healthy discussion on the role religion plays. I previously mentioned how people feel it's alright to kill when they believe god is on their side.
We should put a nice large explicit VAT on guns, ammo, and accessories. Then use that money to build mental health clinics.

If gun owners think that is such a problem, then they should be more than willing to pay to address it.

Good idea. Email this to your local representative.
I hate that they are trying to push this guy's bigotry as a "mental illness". If so call it like it is, religiosity is a MENTAL ILLNESS.

They tried to pin that mental illness crap on that guy who shot up the black church. Ain't no magic pill for being a racist and a homophobe, except maybe reading a book and traveling every now and then.
Whats wrong with you man?
im for calling things for what they are.

when tree huggers bomb a Hummer dealership, name it eco-terrorism, guy shoots up an abortion clinic, name it prolife fanatic terrorism, and if Islamic extremists go chopping down innocent lives while yelling "Allahu Akbar" it needs to be named as such.

wow man. You are something else.

You can't attack an entire religion bro. Thats just not realistic

thats da point, its not da entire religion, its da radicalized segments of it that needs to be singled out, and condemned.

Christianity went thru a Reformation, Islam gotta do da same thing.
I don't like racists and homophobes, if you don't agree maybe there's something wrong with you. Like I really gotta explain myself?
MY issue was your stance on mental illeness. These evil creatures who commit these acts are mentally ill. Nobody with a sound state of mind would do these things. How you don't understand that?ee
I've always wondered about that term "mentally ill"

what exactly does that mean....because when i think of mentally ill, i think of like a slow person.......

where is the line of mentally ill and just evil.
Bi-polar, depression, schizophrenic, PTSD, sociopathy, etc.

You're probably thinking of developmental disorders.
Some people I work with know people who were there. Some that got out and some who were shot and still in the hospital.
They aren't mentally ill, they are racist. Racism and homophobia aren't mental illnesses. Brutal acts have been committed throughout history---war, genocide, slavery by men who had no "mental illnesses". There are several countries that have made homosexuality punishable by death, are all those men mentally ill?
Anyone who commits these acts of evil on innocent people are mentally ill
Westboro church christian church website

Is godhatesfabs.... but radical islam is the only homophobic religion

Chile please

Christian was just trying to hurt lgbt for using the bathroom
I agree with whoever said ban guns all together and institute a mandatory jail sentence if found with one.

That would work but it's already too many out there. The people that needs em will still be able to get em. There's no way to take the millions that are already on the streets. Tho the process of getting a gun is too easy it's even easier obtaining an illegal firearm. I'm not giving up my pistols tho, no way.
Anyone who commits these acts of evil on innocent people are mentally ill
Well I guess half the planet is mentally ill. Go vouch for racism and homophobia to be label mental illnesses and let me know how that goes.

Cultural and religious beliefs, as well as social norms, should be taken into account when making a diagnosis.

If your religion or culture tells you it's ok to kill gays, it technically disqualifies your actions from being a mental illness. Like I said earlier, why not make religion a mental disorder (they can be violent, they hear and see things that aren't there, they are out of touch with reality etc). We don't because religion follows cultural and social norms.
Actually that's a pretty accurate figure. It's forecasted that about 50% of the earth's population has some sort of mental disorder.
Well I guess half the planet is mentally ill. Go vouch for racism and homophobia to be label mental illnesses and let me know how that goes.

Cultural and religious beliefs, as well as social norms, should be taken into account when making a diagnosis.

If your religion or culture tells you it's ok to kill gays, it technically disqualifies your actions from being a mental illness. Like I said earlier, why not make religion a mental disorder (they can be violent, they hear and see things that aren't there, they are out of touch with reality etc). We don't because religion follows cultural and social norms.
Your not comprehending anything. There are tons of hateful, racist, homophobic people and groups. The white lady who may say the n word is not mentally ill. She just ignorant.

The cowards who actually harm people especially like how this coward did in Orlando did are mentally ill.
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