Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

Omar Mir Seddique Mateen is a registered member of the Florida Democrat Party.

Wew lad.

You right wing, conservative cats are the absolute ******* worst, I swear.  :smh:

Dudes in here trying to rustle jimmies after 50 people just got slaughtered.  What in the blue hell does his political party affiliation have anything to do with this story?  

Gun control and LGBTQ rights.

NT, I present to you the new village idiot.

Congrats--it's surely a difficult feat given the level of idiocy displayed by your fellow NT right-wingers on any given day.

Remember NT it only goes left, once you lean right you are denounced.

Nope. You say stupid **** and bring illogical statements to the table and you get called out.

Here we have 59 people confirmed dead, and all you can muster up are some posts about a shooting involving 2 minority segments of society, popcorn and the shooter's political affiliation.

I'd say that fits the bill to be called an idiot, regardless of which way you lean. I call 'em how I see 'em. Just so happens a lot of the ignorant **** said when these types of tragedies occur comes from cats like you. Need examples? See this thread.

Welcome to NT General.
I think US gun culture and mental health are more to blame than the actual guns themselves. Switzerland has one of the highest gun ownership per capita rates and this type of shootings rarely ever happens there. I can only recall one mass shooting in Switzerland the past decade or so.

US gun culture just seems like fear-mongering to me. Hardly anyone feels the need to have a gun around here. We used to have very loose laws but around 10 years ago some guy went on a shotgun rampage and the government put heavy restrictions on firearms 3 weeks later.
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 "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

nobody cares that it was the right arm of slave patrols and from a different era, it's the most American thing about America, anybody that runs up on me gets hit with the nine
The right to keep and bear arms. Obviously.
Again, who tryna take your guns?

Who's tryna take away your right to defend yourselves?

I don't get the confusion.
Well yeah
Look at Mexico
Guns are hard to get, but the cartels have them anyway
Look at China. Guns are mostly illegal there but they got terrorists bombing in the Northern side of China where it's populated with Muslim Chinese folks.
Rules don't change criminals and terrorists!
I deserve my right to defend myself, not be barred from it.

I can agree to more thorough background checks, but simply banning guns don't prevent tragedies like these.
No idea if there is any validity to this graphic, but if there is....

You don't get to violate 300+ million people's constitutional rights because of the action of one Islamic terrorist.

It's not 1776 anymore, it's 2016. It's too easy to obtain guns. We live in a completely different state.

I'm aware many gun owners are hobbyists. That's fine. BUT guns are one of the most efficient ways of murder. Regulation is absolutely necessary.
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A psych eval, thorough background check, a waiting period for gun and limit on ammo. **** I honestly wouldn't trip if they tracked guns and force lock it or something when at certain areas
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I think US gun culture and mental health are more to blame than the actual guns themselves. Switzerland has one of the highest gun ownership per capita rates and this type of shootings rarely ever happen there. I can only recall one mass shooting in Switzerland the past decade or so.
They've got 550s down the *** there. Everyone gets Military service anyways. You don't too many Russian mass shooters either, unless it's the butthurt Chechens terrorists being Chechen terrorists.

You take 30 round mags again, and good luck. It's like the ******* 25 year car but for a constitutional right. **** off
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But his parents were born in Afghanistan and immigrated here, and their kid was obviously radicalized. Do we really want to let more in right now who's kids may be radicalized?

And who is to be certain that Muslim Americans born here are incapable of "radicalizing" their own children? And their children doing so onto their next generation? This argument holds no substance and does not justify banning an entire religion from entering the country
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Well yeah

Look at Mexico

Guns are hard to get, but the cartels have them anyway

Look at China. Guns are mostly illegal there but they got terrorists bombing in the Northern side of China where it's populated with Muslim Chinese folks.

Rules don't change criminals and terrorists!

I deserve my right to defend myself, not be barred from it.

I can agree to more thorough background checks, but simply banning guns don't prevent tragedies like these.

Again we can't even get to step one because "I deserve my right to defend myself, not to be barred from it."

No one wants your guns b. :lol:

Don't know who you keep hearing this from.

We just want to make it much harder for you to get certain kinds.
You just called for a nationwide ban.
Turn in your 40 cal then after this tragedy.
politically made no sense to me considering how gays are treated in da middle east.

Watch out man, apparently that picture is against NT's Rules on Conduct :lol:

It's funny that the same people who complain about "snitching" are the first ones to snitch on something that isn't even bad. Poor little sjw's and their triggering issues.
A psych eval, thorough background check, a waiting period for gun and ammo. **** I honestly wouldn't trip if they tracked guns.
I think Cali tracks weapons so that every bullet has a kind of thumb print that's unique to one gun.
I think Cali tracks weapons so that every bullet has a kind of thumb print that's unique to one gun.
Cali has the most ******ed gun laws. Same idiots banned assault tactical folding pistol stock grips.

Stocking up on C-Mags and some 30+ P-MAGS if this becomes the discussion.
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politically made no sense to me considering how gays are treated in da middle east.

Watch out man, apparently that picture is against NT's Rules on Conduct :lol:

It's funny that the same people who complain about "snitching" are the first ones to snitch on something that isn't even bad. Poor little sjw's and their triggering issues.

Brah you hit the report button all the time.

You forget Meth got man at us because I kept taking jabs at you, and you kept reporting me. And we both got in trouble
Again, who tryna take your guns?

Who's tryna take away your right to defend yourselves?

I don't get the confusion.

You serious bro? I've seen thousands of people call for that today on social media. And here's a sitting senator saying it.

[thread="650009"] [/thread]
Well yeah

Look at Mexico

Guns are hard to get, but the cartels have them anyway

Look at China. Guns are mostly illegal there but they got terrorists bombing in the Northern side of China where it's populated with Muslim Chinese folks.

Rules don't change criminals and terrorists!

I deserve my right to defend myself, not be barred from it.

I can agree to more thorough background checks, but simply banning guns don't prevent tragedies like these.
No idea if there is any validity to this graphic, but if there is....


Thank god for research and logic.
I think US gun culture and mental health are more to blame than the actual guns themselves. Switzerland has one of the highest gun ownership per capita rates and this type of shootings rarely ever happen there. I can only recall one mass shooting in Switzerland the past decade or so.

US gun culture just seems like fear-mongering to me. Hardly anyone feels the need to have a gun around here.
See I don't even think mental health is the main culprit.

I always identify income disparity, inequality, and division within the country which leads to a schizophrenic culture of consumption, fear, and paranoia. Mental health and violence are the byproducts. Guns are just an implement unfortunately. Like someone pointed out, plenty of other gun toting countries that don't have our level of violence.
I think Cali tracks weapons so that every bullet has a kind of thumb print that's unique to one gun. :pimp:

Technology could be implemented to kind of stop stuff like this. Gun should be tracked. Should have some kind of stopping mechanism once found out to be used in a dangerous situation like such, and more. Theres more that can he done with the gun situation here besides banning them.
You serious bro? I've seen thousands of people call for that today on social media. And here's a sitting senator saying it.
Bruh, I'm talkin to NT

I was only talking about MY comments my bad for the confusion.

Thought your responses were for my comments.

Yeah I know there are extremist on both sides.

You on the other.

Thank god for research and logic.
One grainy graphic = research and logic
I think Cali tracks weapons so that every bullet has a kind of thumb print that's unique to one gun.
Technology could be implemented to kind of stop stuff like this. Gun should be tracked. Should have some kind of stopping mechanism once found out to be used in a dangerous situation like such, and more. Theres more that can he done with the gun situation here besides banning them.
My personal opinion is that the second amendment is a short sighted mistake but in reality I understand banning guns won't work. But their are measures we can take, finger print scanners to shoot, tracking there are things that can be done be we can't even get to these solutions because of the people scared of the government taking away their precious guns and the NRA has done a fie job form any progress being made. You're s aright technology could help us so much with this stuff.
They have those laws in place in Chicago and LA

Still have one of the highest gun violence rates in the nation

To implement rules for a false sense of security doesn't make sense to prevent tragedies like this

The terrorist went to a "gun free zone" and killed 59 people

Yeah that law totally showed him

How about we scrutinize the FBI for allowing this man in the first place to even have access to weapons in the first place? He was on the watchlist for god sakes.

I know Chicago for a fact is getting their guns from neighboring states.

I said nation wide.

Why not try that first?

Are you against it?

Yeah if all states played ball it would be tougher. NY cats go ot for all of that.
You just called for a nationwide ban.

Turn in your 40 cal then after this tragedy.

When did I do this?

You drunk.
Your previous posts state the massive restrictions on guns which pretty much means it's a ban on weapons in general, unless I'm missing something.
But I have to disagree even with restrictive gun laws don't prevent tragedies like these, because like I said, terrorists will always find ways to do some crazy ish through bombing, going through the black market to obtain illegal weapons, etc.
the process u just described doesn't prevent bad guys from getting weapons regardless
Technology could be implemented to kind of stop stuff like this. Gun should be tracked. Should have some kind of stopping mechanism once found out to be used in a dangerous situation like such, and more. Theres more that can he done with the gun situation here besides banning them.
That's all I'm saying.
 Microstamping is a ballistics identification technology. Microscopic markings are engraved onto the tip of the firing pin and onto the breech face of a firearm with a laser. When the gun is fired, these etchings are transferred to the primer by the firing pin and to the cartridge case head by the breech face, using the pressure created when a round is fired. After being fired, if the cases are recovered by police, the microscopic markings imprinted on the cartridges can then be examined by forensic ballistics experts to help trace the firearm to the last registered owner.
Implement this **** to the manufacturers ASAP
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