Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

 you just can't extrapolate your life experiences to everyone else's even if I don't necessarily agree with dude thats a silly way to try and prove a point.
I would like to conduct a study to see the likelihood non-gun owning homeowners being robbed or injured by gun toting criminals.
i hope this is a wake up call to Democrats that radical Islam is the exact opposite of what liberal principles represent and protecting what America holds dear is necessary to ensure those rights.

and i hope that it's a wake-up call to Republicans that bigotry still exists and these terrorist acts arise deep down from the same religious-based anti-secularism that drives a fringe of the right-wing movement that, up until now, the party has not squarely rejected.
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Again you and you're family members and friends doesn't represent everybody else. Come on now.
Of course but non-violent crime occurs more often than violent crime. We ban guns, gun manufacturers won't be able to pump new guns into our cities.
How did a guy who was supposedly on an FBI watch list, obtain an AR-15?

I mean...if that alone doesn't tell you the system is broken somewhere, then I dunno what to tell ya.

A suspected terrorist on the FBI watch list shouldn't be able to wipe his *** without the FBI knowing about it
Of course but non-violent crime occurs more often than violent crime. We ban guns, gun manufacturers won't be able to pump new guns into our cities.
You can't ban something that people know how to make, create, invent, whatever. People will find ways to go around it. It's happened with alcohol, drugs, whatever. I don't see how people don't recognize this. Prison doesn't stop others from obtaining these things.
 you just can't extrapolate your life experiences to everyone else's even if I don't necessarily agree with dude thats a silly way to try and prove a point.
I would like to conduct a study to see the likelihood non-gun owning homeowners being robbed or injured by gun toting criminals.
NRA won't let you.

that's the problem. are guns a deterrent? we can debate all day using random anecdotal stories but until we undertake a serious study without interference from the gun lobby we won't make progress.
You can't ban something that people know how to make, create, invent, whatever. People will find ways to go around it. It's happened with alcohol, drugs, whatever. I don't see how people don't recognize this. Prison doesn't stop others from obtaining these things.
True but it would help limit the amount of guns. Maybe we should start by banning assault rifles like the one used by dude in Orlando.
The terrorist was gonna shoot until he was dead, which he is dead now
I don't think terrorists are worried about prison sentences just saying
There's still drugs out there and the war on drugs has failed. Cmon son
It would be a lot harder for the terrorist to get a gun if they were banned.. Dude in Orlando just walked into the gun shop and copped the musket even though the FBI knew about him..
Guns are illegal in Mexico and guess what, the cartels have them
Guns are illegal in Chicago and guess what, the gangs have them
When there is a will there is a way.
NRA won't let you.

that's the problem. are guns a deterrent? we can debate all day using random anecdotal stories but until we undertake a serious study without interference from the gun lobby we won't make progress.
Yup one can have a gun but it doesn't mean that you'll be successful in stopping a burglar.
Of course but non-violent crime occurs more often than violent crime. We ban guns, gun manufacturers won't be able to pump new guns into our cities.
You can't ban something that people know how to make, create, invent, whatever. People will find ways to go around it. It's happened with alcohol, drugs, whatever. I don't see how people don't recognize this. Prison doesn't stop others from obtaining these things.
i don't think we have a common understanding of what laws are.
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Pretty much every religion on the planet is against Homosexuality
And it seems very often when a tragedy like this happens, religion is behind it in some way.

Religion is worse than guns tbh
i said it already but this requires a 3-pronged approach. we have to deal with a) mental health, b) violent crimes (which includes a discussion on guns and other weapons), and c) hate/radical Islam/radical Christianity/radical environmentalists/etc.

all 3 are at play and i think all 3 need to be systematically addressed.
Pretty much every religion on the planet is against Homosexuality
And it seems very often when a tragedy like this happens, religion is behind it in some way.

Religion is worse than guns tbh
i said it already but this requires a 3-pronged approach. we have to deal with a) mental health, b) violent crimes (which includes a discussion on guns and other weapons), and c) hate/radical Islam/radical Christianity/radical environmentalists/etc.

all 3 are at play and i think all 3 need to be systematically addressed.

Sounds sensible.
I'm sure the club has multiple surveillance cameras. They should release some videos. You would think there were multiple shooters with that type of accuracy/ amount of deaths. I don't know that much about guns but wouldn't he have had to reload multiple times?

I'll pass on watching a video of 100 people getting riddled with bullets.
Pretty much every religion on the planet is against Homosexuality
And it seems very often when a tragedy like this happens, religion is behind it in some way.

Religion is worse than guns tbh

Fanaticism is the problem IMO. Not religion.

I'm sure we all know peaceful people who are religious.

People who are fanatical about things are the danger. That can be anything. Sports fans ready to beat another fan senseless because the like the other team etc.

To me that's more about the person than the institution of religion.
Let me guess. It's still many ppl who believe these acts are mere coincidences and have nothing to do with being propagandas orchestrated with an Islamic/Muslim patsy? [emoji]128527[/emoji]

This stuff has been so ridiculously obvious for years now.

"Oh! They still don't want to believe Muslims are this n that?! Ok well we will just start blowing up stuff, killing ppl then blame it on any random Muslim and slap Isis on it and we will fix your perception asap!"


I'll pass on watching a video of 100 people getting riddled with bullets.

Maybe there are more shooters on the loose. It's hard for me to believe 1 person killed 50 people and Injured 53. There's got to be more. Maybe some of them got away acting like victims.
It's crazy that you have those thoughts in the back of your head like, "is it safe enough to travel to Paris" or other cities that are hit with terrorism/massive hate crime, and then something like this happens in your backyard, and you know people who lost loved ones.
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Let me guess. It's still many ppl who believe these acts are mere coincidences and have nothing to do with being propagandas orchestrated with an Islamic/Muslim patsy? [emoji]128527[/emoji]

This stuff has been so ridiculously obvious for years now.

"Oh! They still don't want to believe Muslims are this n that?! Ok well we will just start blowing up stuff, killing ppl then blame it on any random Muslim and slap Isis on it and we will fix your perception asap!"


Been like that since 9/11
And they have been all on the FBI watchlist
Either FBI can't do its job right or they are complicit in this? Hmmmm
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