REAL men appreciation

Originally Posted by illwill8710

lovemysole wrote:
There is this guy that I've known for almost 7 years now and he is what I call a "real man" IMO. He graduated from UW Business School a year early, got accepted into his master's program and already has a job lined up for when he's done with his mater's from the firm that he interned at this summer. He has a job, his own place, a car and can clean and cook. He's not the cutest guy but he has a niiice *@@ build and is pretty tall for an Asian guy.

Where are the rest of you REAL MEN at?!!!

this changed everything. if he was black this would be something to talk about but I know quite a few asians that got their own.

And does he come from a middle class family? you just discribed things that alot of people are given coming from a house with a decent income.

I'm pretty sure he got thru school from schlarships ... he was a valedictorian. The only reason I even mentioned he was Asian was because he was tall andas far as his family's income I have no info.
Originally Posted by Executive76

Originally Posted by illwill8710

lovemysole wrote:
There is this guy that I've known for almost 7 years now and he is what I call a "real man" IMO. He graduated from UW Business School a year early, got accepted into his master's program and already has a job lined up for when he's done with his mater's from the firm that he interned at this summer. He has a job, his own place, a car and can clean and cook. He's not the cutest guy but he has a niiice *@@ build and is pretty tall for an Asian guy.

Where are the rest of you REAL MEN at?!!!

this changed everything. if he was black this would be something to talk about but I know quite a few asians that got their own.

And does he come from a middle class family? you just discribed things that alot of people are given coming from a house with a decent income.

What are the odd's of finding a heterosexual Black male who:

>Finishes school early

>going for masters
>own place
>has a woman to at least apreciate his qualities

its rare so keep your stoneface.
So from your description, I see you equating a real man to education + wealth. Of course, it is okay to say that a real man has his education, and his ownplace, car, and whatever. But, I hope your aren't saying that if a man doesn't have a degree and tons of $$$, then he isn't a real man. A real mancan drive a 1993 camry, and still be a real man, because he provides your his girl or his family. Not everyone has the luxuries of going to school, especiallywhen a person grows up a a poor city, which results in having a subpar schooling system, and growing up around the wrong people, adopting the mentality thatschool shouldn't be a priority.
Originally Posted by illwill8710

Originally Posted by Executive76

Originally Posted by illwill8710

lovemysole wrote:
There is this guy that I've known for almost 7 years now and he is what I call a "real man" IMO. He graduated from UW Business School a year early, got accepted into his master's program and already has a job lined up for when he's done with his mater's from the firm that he interned at this summer. He has a job, his own place, a car and can clean and cook. He's not the cutest guy but he has a niiice *@@ build and is pretty tall for an Asian guy.

Where are the rest of you REAL MEN at?!!!

this changed everything. if he was black this would be something to talk about but I know quite a few asians that got their own.

And does he come from a middle class family? you just discribed things that alot of people are given coming from a house with a decent income.
What are the odd's of finding a heterosexual Black male who:

>Finishes school early

>going for masters
>own place
>has a woman to at least apreciate his qualities

its rare so keep your stoneface.

JustScoreda100 wrote:
illwill8710 wrote:
Originally Posted by Executive76

illwill8710 wrote:
lovemysole wrote:
There is this guy that I've known for almost 7 years now and he is what I call a "real man" IMO. He graduated from UW Business School a year early, got accepted into his master's program and already has a job lined up for when he's done with his mater's from the firm that he interned at this summer. He has a job, his own place, a car and can clean and cook. He's not the cutest guy but he has a niiice *@@ build and is pretty tall for an Asian guy.

Where are the rest of you REAL MEN at?!!!

this changed everything. if he was black this would be something to talk about but I know quite a few asians that got their own.

And does he come from a middle class family? you just discribed things that alot of people are given coming from a house with a decent income.


What are the odd's of finding a heterosexual Black male who:

>Finishes school early

>going for masters
>own place
>has a woman to at least apreciate his qualities

its rare so keep your stoneface.


if i'm that wrong can someone educate me. I'm not saying that there aren't alot of good black men (real men). I'm saying that there are fewthat meet op description and are praised by women.
illwill8710 wrote:
JustScoreda100 wrote:
illwill8710 wrote:
Originally Posted by Executive76

illwill8710 wrote:
lovemysole wrote:
There is this guy that I've known for almost 7 years now and he is what I call a "real man" IMO. He graduated from UW Business School a year early, got accepted into his master's program and already has a job lined up for when he's done with his mater's from the firm that he interned at this summer. He has a job, his own place, a car and can clean and cook. He's not the cutest guy but he has a niiice *@@ build and is pretty tall for an Asian guy.

Where are the rest of you REAL MEN at?!!!

this changed everything. if he was black this would be something to talk about but I know quite a few asians that got their own.

And does he come from a middle class family? you just discribed things that alot of people are given coming from a house with a decent income.


What are the odd's of finding a heterosexual Black male who:

>Finishes school early

>going for masters
>own place
>has a woman to at least apreciate his qualities

its rare so keep your stoneface.


if i'm that wrong can someone educate me. I'm not saying that there aren't alot of good black men (real men). I'm saying that there are few that meet op description and are praised by women.

I'm saying don't generalize an entire group of people based soley on your limited perspective and stereotypes. It seems like you don't even havemuch interaction with black people so why even make an ignorant statement like that?

And why get specific with heterosexual black males? Are homosexual males supposed to be more accomplished? You brought up race when it did not need to bebrought up. Seems like your heavily racially biased.
Originally Posted by illwill8710

JustScoreda100 wrote:
illwill8710 wrote:
What are the odd's of finding a heterosexual Black male who:

>Finishes school early

>going for masters
>own place
>has a woman to at least apreciate his qualities

its rare so keep your stoneface.


if i'm that wrong can someone educate me. I'm not saying that there aren't alot of good black men (real men). I'm saying that there are few that meet op description and are praised by women.

You sound mad racist and ignorant... and also how can you just stereotype a race like that?
JustScoreda100 wrote:
illwill8710 wrote:
JustScoreda100 wrote:
illwill8710 wrote:
Originally Posted by Executive76

illwill8710 wrote:
lovemysole wrote:
There is this guy that I've known for almost 7 years now and he is what I call a "real man" IMO. He graduated from UW Business School a year early, got accepted into his master's program and already has a job lined up for when he's done with his mater's from the firm that he interned at this summer. He has a job, his own place, a car and can clean and cook. He's not the cutest guy but he has a niiice *@@ build and is pretty tall for an Asian guy.

Where are the rest of you REAL MEN at?!!!

this changed everything. if he was black this would be something to talk about but I know quite a few asians that got their own.

And does he come from a middle class family? you just discribed things that alot of people are given coming from a house with a decent income.


What are the odd's of finding a heterosexual Black male who:

>Finishes school early

>going for masters
>own place
>has a woman to at least apreciate his qualities

its rare so keep your stoneface.


if i'm that wrong can someone educate me. I'm not saying that there aren't alot of good black men (real men). I'm saying that there are few that meet op description and are praised by women.

I'm saying don't generalize an entire group of people based soley on your limited perspective and stereotypes. It seems like you don't even have much interaction with black people so why even make an ignorant statement like that?

And why get specific with heterosexual black males? Are homosexual males supposed to be more accomplished? You brought up race when it did not need to be brought up. Seems like your heavily racially biased.
I apologize if my generalization and bringing up race but I did get my hopes up and thought that the post was going to be about black men. Idon't mean to offend anyone but.

my perspective isn't limited. Going to all black schools until college I've noticed there aren't alot of males in college, going to college, orgraduating college compared to asians, white's etc. It's not stressed in public schools or in households to even go to college from where I grew up(North Philly). Yes their are the few that do make it but HS/College graduation rates of black males aren't even comparable to most races.

In the office where I work, out of 200 people 5 are black and has a degree. granted thing and rates are getting better but it's not like I see it as acommon accurance in my enviormnent.

And out of all the black men that I have come across in college only one graduated early with a communcations degree.

I've also noticed that black men don't as often get praised by female counterparts as much.

yes i have seen and read that more homosexuals are driven toward sucess.

but as I said I apologize if my generalization offens anybody. I'm black and speaking from a middle of the road perspective.
Originally Posted by ChrisPhenephom

Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

i don't think of an asian dude when I think a real man

well he got the reaction he wanted out of you. This clown has been coming with the borderline sneak disrespectful comments for awhile now.

hes a raciest plain and simple and should be banned

dude is probably the most racist dude on nt. practically every thread about asians, he sneeks in there and puts a sly comment. like !%*?

after i read "asian" on op's 1st post i knew Trueshotaura was gonna comment

He should be BANNED.

if you have a problem with me, why don't you talk to me directly? quit crying like females, ol snitch _ "oh he should be banned"
Originally Posted by illwill8710

What are the odd's of finding a heterosexual Black male who:

>Finishes school early

>going for masters
>own place
>has a woman to at least apreciate his qualities

its rare so keep your stoneface.
WOAH woAH woAH. I am offended.
Why does success have to be defined by a set amount of education? I do not want a masters because I can make due with my 4 years of college and hs diploma andget a good job, better than decent as a matter of fact. And finishing school early is just meh imo. I could have been skipped a few grades in h.s. and takensummer college courses, which would equal early graduation, but I chose not to. That doesn't mean much.
Owning your own place is good but it isn't required. Some people, including me, live with their parents and simply choose to help around the house. As muchas rent is now why go through all that early when you can save your money towards other things?
Car is nice but it is a luxury. Living inNY 90% of the places I go to is much easier using the mta than sitting in traffic.
Cleaning and cooking is not that hard to do..

That post seemed materialistic and greedy.
Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Originally Posted by ChrisPhenephom

Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

i don't think of an asian dude when I think a real man
well he got the reaction he wanted out of you. This clown has been coming with the borderline sneak disrespectful comments for awhile now.
hes a raciest plain and simple and should be banned
dude is probably the most racist dude on nt. practically every thread about asians, he sneeks in there and puts a sly comment. like !%*?

after i read "asian" on op's 1st post i knew Trueshotaura was gonna comment

He should be BANNED.
if you have a problem with me, why don't you talk to me directly? quit crying like females, ol snitch _ "oh he should be banned"
I think your problem is that when you think Asian you think of China, Japan, Korea, and any other country with ppl you would group together as faras looks. Completely ignoring Russia, India like they're not in Asia too.

But then again maybe you do and when you think of a Real Man you think of some Anglo-Saxon male with blond hair and blue eyes.
Originally Posted by illwill8710

JustScoreda100 wrote:
illwill8710 wrote:
JustScoreda100 wrote:
illwill8710 wrote:
Originally Posted by Executive76

illwill8710 wrote:
lovemysole wrote:
There is this guy that I've known for almost 7 years now and he is what I call a "real man" IMO. He graduated from UW Business School a year early, got accepted into his master's program and already has a job lined up for when he's done with his mater's from the firm that he interned at this summer. He has a job, his own place, a car and can clean and cook. He's not the cutest guy but he has a niiice *@@ build and is pretty tall for an Asian guy.

Where are the rest of you REAL MEN at?!!!

this changed everything. if he was black this would be something to talk about but I know quite a few asians that got their own.

And does he come from a middle class family? you just discribed things that alot of people are given coming from a house with a decent income.

What are the odd's of finding a heterosexual Black male who:

>Finishes school early

>going for masters
>own place
>has a woman to at least apreciate his qualities

its rare so keep your stoneface.


if i'm that wrong can someone educate me. I'm not saying that there aren't alot of good black men (real men). I'm saying that there are few that meet op description and are praised by women.

I'm saying don't generalize an entire group of people based soley on your limited perspective and stereotypes. It seems like you don't even have much interaction with black people so why even make an ignorant statement like that?

And why get specific with heterosexual black males? Are homosexual males supposed to be more accomplished? You brought up race when it did not need to be brought up. Seems like your heavily racially biased.
I apologize if my generalization and bringing up race but I did get my hopes up and thought that the post was going to be about black men. I don't mean to offend anyone but.

my perspective isn't limited. Going to all black schools until college I've noticed there aren't alot of males in college, going to college, or graduating college compared to asians, white's etc. It's not stressed in public schools or in households to even go to college from where I grew up (North Philly). Yes their are the few that do make it but HS/College graduation rates of black males aren't even comparable to most races.

In the office where I work, out of 200 people 5 are black and has a degree. granted thing and rates are getting better but it's not like I see it as a common accurance in my enviormnent.

And out of all the black men that I have come across in college only one graduated early with a communcations degree.

I've also noticed that black men don't as often get praised by female counterparts as much.

yes i have seen and read that more homosexuals are driven toward sucess.

but as I said I apologize if my generalization offens anybody. I'm black and speaking from a middle of the road perspective.


What are you talking about fam? First off anybody that has done that list she put out is on their grind. That's not something alot of people do...and ontop of that you seperate gays like they smarter or something? Just tell us how you really feel
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Originally Posted by ChrisPhenephom

Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

i don't think of an asian dude when I think a real man
well he got the reaction he wanted out of you. This clown has been coming with the borderline sneak disrespectful comments for awhile now.
hes a raciest plain and simple and should be banned
dude is probably the most racist dude on nt. practically every thread about asians, he sneeks in there and puts a sly comment. like !%*?

after i read "asian" on op's 1st post i knew Trueshotaura was gonna comment

He should be BANNED.
if you have a problem with me, why don't you talk to me directly? quit crying like females, ol snitch _ "oh he should be banned"
I think your problem is that when you think Asian you think of China, Japan, Korea, and any other country with ppl you would group together as far as looks. Completely ignoring Russia, India like they're not in Asia too.

But then again maybe you do and when you think of a Real Man you think of some Anglo-Saxon male with blond hair and blue eyes.

nah I think a real man is this man's persona
Originally Posted by webnerd06

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Why did you post your picture though??? I'm still not sure on why that was necessary--
... to prove a point you made last week about NT females.

what was my point?
Cuz if anything, she proving a point I made aboutchicks from another board.....

but didn't she unecessarily post her pics in a thread like 2-3 weeks back?

and to the dude who posted the list about black men aren't likely to do---I went to Howard
Pretty much EVERY dude in the school of B and various other schools were onthat list (save for graduating early)
So if there's a man that makes a mistake and gets his girl pregnant at a young age..Can't finish school bc he stuck around to take care of his childand girl, then decided to go back for his bachelors while raising his kid and supporting his wife, he's not a real man bc he didn't get a job making 6figures? To associate a man's worth with his career path is as ignorant as judging what a real woman is by how good of a cook she is
This thread is filled with ignorant racists.

Theres really no point of arguing with people across the internet, let alone Niketalk.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

So if there's a man that makes a mistake and gets his girl pregnant at a young age..Can't finish school bc he stuck around to take care of his child and girl, then decided to go back for his bachelors while raising his kid and supporting his wife, he's not a real man bc he didn't get a job making 6 figures? To associate a man's worth with his career path is as ignorant as judging what a real woman is by how good of a cook she is
Ohh boy here we go again ... THERE ARE REAL MEN IN EVERY DIFFERNT TYPE OF SITATUATIONs!! I was justappreciating someone in particular who has made decisions to have a brighter future. I was just pointing out that it's nice to have some guys who thinklike that instead of doing counter-productive type activities.

My cousin got pegnant at 19 and her bf who was a science major and dropped out to get a full-time job to support the means of his family - he's a real manin my eyes. Raising a child is no joke and I congratulate you on stepping up and doing the right thing; if you need confirmation - yes you're a real man.

Originally Posted by lovemysole

Originally Posted by quik1987

Originally Posted by lovemysole

He replied and said he was sorry and that he wasn't texting his sister but his homie was and didn't know who picked up his phone because he was hoopin'. He so called doesn't cheat -- he said he would break it off instead of cheating. I believe that; his mom even said it -- he may be lame as ^&!# but he would never cheat.
He doesn't work because he's in barber school and doesn't drive because he needs high risk insurance and since there is no J-O-B in the picture, he can't get the insurance. I don't know; maybe I'm just straight tripping because I will admit that my mind can run 1000mph when it comes to situations.
And to aswer your question - I do it out of love. I'm pretty sure that if he could take care of me the way I do him, he would do it. It's just not possible atm but, I do see your point. I was raised to do a "do gooder" and I know he's fully aware that I'm not a skeezer because I'm a certified dime and WIFEY.

So this is the root of your opinion? Your current BF has no job, so he's not a man, he takes advantage of you, yet you're still with him. You consider yourself a dime and a wifey? Gassed. Kill yourself.
Who said we were still together ...
so why were you dating some lowlife with no job or car... instead of giving a chance to this "real man" you made the thread about, whoseems to be a decent guy?
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by lovemysole

Originally Posted by quik1987

Originally Posted by lovemysole

He replied and said he was sorry and that he wasn't texting his sister but his homie was and didn't know who picked up his phone because he was hoopin'. He so called doesn't cheat -- he said he would break it off instead of cheating. I believe that; his mom even said it -- he may be lame as ^&!# but he would never cheat.
He doesn't work because he's in barber school and doesn't drive because he needs high risk insurance and since there is no J-O-B in the picture, he can't get the insurance. I don't know; maybe I'm just straight tripping because I will admit that my mind can run 1000mph when it comes to situations.
And to aswer your question - I do it out of love. I'm pretty sure that if he could take care of me the way I do him, he would do it. It's just not possible atm but, I do see your point. I was raised to do a "do gooder" and I know he's fully aware that I'm not a skeezer because I'm a certified dime and WIFEY.

So this is the root of your opinion? Your current BF has no job, so he's not a man, he takes advantage of you, yet you're still with him. You consider yourself a dime and a wifey? Gassed. Kill yourself.
Who said we were still together ...
so why were you dating some lowlife with no job or car... instead of giving a chance to this "real man" you made the thread about, who seems to be a decent guy?

What can I say ... sometimes I'm just a sucka for love even when if means that I don't get the better end of the deal of even 50/50.

This dude has been an extremely great friend and if it were to go sour it would be losing someone dear to me. I also know that if it a friendship were trulythat great then it could possible heal itself ... but is it worth it? We also both had a thing for each other back in HS but never knew it till recently and Iguess it's never really crossed my mind.
oh so now being a real man means having a great job, money and a house? yea okay whatever you say. i know plenty of unsuccessful dudes who are still real men.a "real man" is a dude who is good to peoples and takes care of his family. i dont care if you live in a 1 room hut, if thats the best you can do andyou do it everyday with a smile on your face you are a real man.
you guys are just OD'ing now...she already clarified what she meant...had a guy posted those stats about himself yall would have been congratulating himand what not...but cuz a chick made it everyone is offened cuz 'not everyone has the opportunity to do the things she listed'
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