Real Deal College Football Discussion... no homers please

VT update...

Beamer said on Mike & Mike this morning Tyrod is probably out for tonight :smh:
ing linebackers. Brett Warren and Cody Grimm are in. (sons of former ******** Don Warren and Russ Grimm for the ******** fans)

This N' Fat Phil trying to steal one of our commits.....Terrance Parks, dude played with EB last year..

I heard that he's comin up this week.
You know EB gon try and sway his homey

Got a Miami Commit comin thru as well (forgive me I forgot his name btu I think he's a DT from west palm). He said he committed to UM but he def leaving his options open. He was at LSU last weekend for Auburn.

Tyrod out = Va Tech Loss. Glennon wont be able to make up for the 8 men in the box they will face vs BC (who does have a very good run defense)
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Yeah....You can never underestimate the 'HS Teammate factor' thats the only thing that has me worried...If he was just visiting then I wouldn't be as worried....But since EB is up there...UT will be able to get into his ear more

Tenn always steals people's recruit though....Though I guess it isn't really stealing since they have yet to enroll in the university that they originally committed to ....
antone smith , greg carr , preston parker ,andre fluellen ,tony carter,letroy guion , everette brown , paul griffin , geno hayes , myron rolle , marcus ball​
ill have to agree w/ you gunna, unless vt magically developed an offense over the bye week, the only way they are putting up points is from the defense and special teams. im just praying beamer is trying to play a guessing game w/ bc and taylor ends up starting. but if hes not 100%, and cant scramble they might as well sit him anyways.
No offense to Jonas, but this kid is a moron. I don't like the way he's handle his recruiting at all. He only decommitted from Nebraska after he had received his offer from ND.

I don't understand how Weis is recruiting like this, but w/e, they're 1-7 or whatever they are now.

What do you mean? you don't understand how he is still recruiting good players even though we suck this year? or you don't understand why he's going after other teams players?..He is just learning from what others did to him last year with Florida taking Justin Trattou last year.. and UNC taking Greg Little.. and teams are still doing it, USC is still after Darius Fleming and maybe Omar Hunter too.. and LSU is still going after Dayne Crist..

my man Mike Floyd has like 17 td's this year in 8 games at the WR spot.. my man is killin it, hopefully he can help out next year, but we'll see..

oh yea, and Jonas has been dropping hints that trevor robinson is favoring ND right now.. we'll see, i think its between michigan and nd..
Reppin the 260
FLO holdin down Indiana​
What do you mean? you don't understand how he is still recruiting good players even though we suck this year? or you don't understand why he's going after other teams players?..He is just learning from what others did to him last year with Florida taking Justin Trattou last year.. and UNC taking Greg Little.. and teams are still doing it, USC is still after Darius Fleming and maybe Omar Hunter too.. and LSU is still going after Dayne Crist..
Vince Hall and Cam Martin are also out, 2 starting linebackers.
ing. He was initially ruled out because he's had mono.

And I don't know how the field is looking, but we've had several inches of rain over the past couple days, it's a straight MONSOON here right now. Wouldn't want Tyrod to injure his ankle even worse. Then again I WOULD like to win the game. I just hope if Glennon plays that our crowd doesn't boo him unmercifully. :smh:
Super Bowl Champions: XVII:XXII:XXVI
I don't think this is real...But

An LWS Exclusive Series - Tennessee Star Kenny ONeals Football Journal - Bama Week October 24, 2007
Posted by volscaintloosetherewiners in SEC Football.

[LWS is proud to present the 8th installment of Tennessee star Kenny ONeals football journal, recorded weekly. Kenny is a junior wide receiver for the Vols and was a five-star prospect coming out of junior college. Over the past few weeks, Kenny has detailed his experiences adjusting to a new school and to big time college football. This week, Kenny tells us about the teams preparation for Tennessees biggest rival - Alabama.]


7 am: I get out of bed and put my skullcap on. Monday is my day to wear my blue skullcap. Troop [Taylor, WR Coach - editors note] say it makes me look fast. I kick Marquwita out of my apartment cuz I dont want her stank @#%$ hair on my pillow.

11:00 am: Class in somethin.

12:00 pm: Team lunch. Today I dont want no food because Chief [John Chavis - D. Coordinator] eat all the crab cake and that is all I want to eat. Fat @#%$.

4:00 pm: Practice. EA [Erik Ainge - QB] is working with Lucas [Taylor - WR] and CrackaAss [Austin Rogers - WR]. I never get to work with them. I asked Coach Cut [Cutcliffe - O. Coordinator] why one time and he tell me that I didnt know the dynamics of how to adjust in space when confronted with soft zone coverage. I never know what the @#%$ that guy sayin, but Im faster than Austins white @#%$, thats for sure. When that goofy @#%$ @#%$ [Ainge] gonna throw me the ball?

So Screech [Kurt Roper - RB coach and Assistant OC] pull me aside and tell me that I was gonna run a really secret play this week and that its just our secret and that I have to remember never to tell anyone. Screech creeps me the @#%$ out. He talk at me like Im 10 and he looks at my pants the whole time. I dont know what he mean, but I do know that me and Professor Murder [Nevin McKenzie - junior safety] wanna kick his honky @#%$.

Anyway, I just practice the same @#%$ reverse I been running since I got on campus. I have literally practiced this reverse at least 500 times, and I only screw up like half the time. I guess that was the secret play. I swear these dumbass hicks dont even remember we already tried this @#%$ five times and it dont work.

8 pm: Moesha on.


7 am: DeLaQuandra needs to get the @#%$ outta my @#%$ dorm room, @#%$ stank.

12 pm: Gotta test in somethin but that cracka that always be in the player lounge [Casey Woods - Holder] already give me the answers.

4 pm: Practice. I work with the scouts today against the first team DBs. Cosby [Larry Slade - DB Coach] is yellin at the corners and safeties about playing too tight and tellin em to relax and treat the opposing WR like a girl you wanna make love to. Thats some weird @#%$ there. In drills, I was supposed to line up across from Veal Marsala [Marsalous Johnson - senior DB] and just run ten yards up and turn around. I had a little trouble with that at first, but I eventually got it down. I dont know what they was practicing, but Slade was yellin about how its third and 14 boys, how they got to know where the first down marker is at all times and how to always remember to stay way behind the first down line and how they have got to make sure to back the @#%$ up off your opponent on third down and give him his personal space. When he said go all the DBs basically ran 20 yards backwards and left us wide open. Hef [John Hefney - All-American Safety] tripped on the play. I thought they all @#%$ up but Slade was slappin they @#%$ and tellin em thats Tennessee football damnit and Marshall betta not bring that @#%$ in our house. And we aint even playin them this year I dont think.

9 pm: Everybody Love Raymond. That cracka crazy as hell.


7 am: Chlamydia-Champagne smell like she @#%$ in her thong. Get the @#%$ out.

12 pm: Military Science. @#%$ teaching this look like Steve Erkel.

4 pm: Fulmer does somethin for the news cameras. He tells us to pad up and all look focused and to slap each others heads and @#%$. So the news show up and turn the cameras on and we all jump around and yell and Phil climbs his fat @#%$ up on a chair and tells us this is Alabama week gentlemen, and you know what that means to me, the University and our fans and some other @#%$ about this General who fought a bear or somethin. When the camera guys leave he cancels practice and tells us he better not hear anymore about none of us [LaMarcus Coker - RB] stealing crutches from the training room to make bongs.


7 am: I leave Troop a text that say I am sick and me and Joko [Jakouri Williams - position still undetermined] go to Dollywood Splash Country up in the mountains. Its some waterpark where all these fat cracka rednecks slide down water slides and eat all this @#%$ and throw up in these pools. @#%$ is hilarious.


7 am: Todd needs to get out, but he smell ok.

12 pm: Team meeting. We go over what the coaches call last minute review of @#%$ we was supposed to learn in the last week. @#%$ like be in the hotel by curfew or make sure to sneak through the hotel kitchen so the media dont see you and that @#%$ aint allowed in the locker room at half-time. It was all the usual @#%$, but then SpongeBob [Mike Hamilton - Athletic Director] walk in and all the coaches get all weird and start talking about game Maxims and representing the University. I am representin UT - see my orange skullcap @#%$?! And I think Maxims is that cracka from the movie Gladiator, and he a bad @#%$. So that makes sense.

1 pm: Ah yeah, hush that fuss / everybody move to the back of the bus - we on the bus to Alabama @#%$!

11 pm: Troop called my cell and asked where I at. I tell him Im at the @#%$ tittie bar like I told you I was. He say he was just making sure that Boss Hogg [Dan Brooks - DL Coach] was still there with us. I said if by still here you mean tryin to put a bottle of Coors in some @#%$s birth canal, then yes, he still here. Troop thought that was some funny @#%$. EA tried to give me a high five - dumbass cracka.

3 am: I steal some of Montels [Montario Hardesty - RB] GHB and hit the sack.


1:15 pm: Im texting Fermanatoquia - now that @#%$ smell nice. I think its the 3rd quarter. Chavis already sent one of them girls to the locker room to get his scotch, so I think we losing. Screech comes and sits next to me and grabs my knee and says Kenneth, its time to reveal that secret that weve talked about. He kinda leans over and adjusts his nerdy glasses and I get the @#%$ outta there. As Im running on the field, I hear some Bama fans yelling Reverse! Reverse! I mean @#%$, if that fat toothless idiot sitting behind me on the bench knows the play, then its about as secret as the fact that Mapu [JT Mapu - Defensive Tackle and Mormon] likes golden showers from fat @#%$.

1:16 pm: Hey, guess what? @#%$ play didnt work. Loss of six - nice work coach. Why dont you just throw the ball at my nuts next time? Screech tells me we can delve into my feelings about the busted play later. Troop gives me a chest-bump. We all sick of his chest-bumps - he gives them for everything. I swear to God he gave me a chest-bump when I finished all my broccoli last week. I go sit on the bench and play PSP.

10:00 pm: We back in Knoxville. Coaches gave us two days off because nobody got arrested. Fulmer seemed pissed on the way home, talking to Chief about how he shoulda never gave Haslam that money. I dont know who that is, maybe he a bookie.

We lost pretty bad to Bama, but they aint even in our conference so it aint a big deal. We just need to take care of business and beat Lafayette and make a bowl game, cuz we still control our own destination in the Pac-10. Thats what Opie [Ryan Karl - slow-@#%$ LB] said anyway. I wouldnt know. I just want my blue skullcap back from Asshat [Daniel Lincoln, K] because he got some nasty @#%$ hair grease.
antone smith , greg carr , preston parker ,andre fluellen ,tony carter,letroy guion , everette brown , paul griffin , geno hayes , myron rolle , marcus ball​
4:00 pm: Practice. EA [Erik Ainge - QB] is working with Lucas [Taylor - WR] and CrackaAss :lol:

aight imma read the rest...
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That has to be the most rediculous thing I have ever read in my life. Apparently people do not think that Kenny ONeal is the brightest cat in the world.
VA, Yall might have lucked up, the weather is horrible and that will definitely help the hokies out. I think I go back to Hokies wining this game.
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Mark Sanchez officially starting against Oregon.

Also, a few months ago I said it's never over when Pete Carroll really wants a recruit; here's a quote from Patrick Johnson (Miami commit):

I would say USC is ahead, Johnson said. Maybe USC and LSU. Thats the first time Johnson has said he was favoring a school not named Miami. USC and Florida are recruiting me the most aggressive, Johnson added. I have more contact with the coaches from those schools than I do the others. I like the way the coaches get after it at USC. Coach (Pete) Carrolls teams always have a chance to play for a championship and I dont see that changing.

Not saying he'll decommit, but it sounds far from a "Cane lock" to me.
Gators just got Brendan Beal, No. 2 Linebacker. We will probably get at least one out of Patrick Johnson and TJ Bryant. Gators continue to dominate in recruiting - No. 1 and 2 safeties, No. 2 linebacker, No. 8 cornerback.

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beals too slow to play lb at sc. we stopped aggressively recruiting him a while ago.
Louisiana Superdome January 7, 2008​
Joe McKnight - Future Heisman Winner​
Rutgers all black Uni's today... :pimp:

Wake vs UNC today on LFS ...
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Rutgers Jerseys are FIRE!!!!! :wow:

Lets go Bulls, UCLA,Dodgers and Cowboys!
Rutgers Jerseys :pimp:
We will probably get at least one out of Patrick Johnson and TJ Bryant.
antone smith , greg carr , preston parker ,andre fluellen ,tony carter,letroy guion , everette brown , paul griffin , geno hayes , myron rolle , marcus ball​
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