Real Deal College Football Discussion... no homers please

bigmike and ironman,

If Dorrell goes, will the recruits stay? A lot of it depends on the incoming coach, but to me it would seem like those a couple of kids would start looking elsewhere because a lot of them decided really early. I know we were still after rahim moore for awhile and I'm sure SC and other west coast schools are really interested in a number of the other prospects.

It seems like there will be quite a shake-up in the recruiting world after this season is complete. Nebraska, Notre Dame, Texas A&M...
Team Wolverine
I think this is where the CyFair/CyFalls game will be played at tonight. Place is crazy. Lots of money down in Houston.

Dude lost his job with the ND loss, at home. The Utah loss was bad, but if UCLA would have won out (except against USC, Cal and Oregon), it would have been seen as an anomaly and not another sign of his inept coaching.

Dorrel was under qualified when he took the reigns, and it clearly showed during his tenure that he was in over his head.

i agree with him been under qualified and thats the reason i havent been on KD hard because he is pretty much doing on the job training. the ND lost was bad but ucla was down to there 3rd string QB and WR. inless ucla is going to throw big money someones way its not point in showing KD the door because there going to keep Hireing coachs like KD.

If Dorrell goes, will the recruits stay? A lot of it depends on the incoming coach, but to me it would seem like those a couple of kids would start looking elsewhere because a lot of them decided really early. I know we were still after rahim moore for awhile and I'm sure SC and other west coast schools are really interested in a number of the other prospects.

Lets go Bulls, UCLA,Dodgers and Cowboys!
I think this is where the CyFair/CyFalls game will be played at tonight. Place is crazy. Lots of money down in Houston.
Those Who Stay Will Be Champions
Wanted sz. 8 or 8.5: Michigan Jewel AF1 Mid
Mark May done lost his mind. Son said that if USC was undefeated, he would vote USF #1, even though he's been jocking on them the whole year.

But his logic is better than Robert Smith's and other old heads.

These people are judging USF on past history. W T F does a programs stability have to do with rankings this year?
Did you hear that harris Pollsters comments ? LMAOOO

Miami and FSU fans cant seem to embrace the fact that USF has a better team then theirs either. Its about whats on the field today, right now, this instant not a programs tradition.

Im rooting for USF
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The Andre Berto Movement: Still 'Dre Day
Yeah I was watching that like FOR reall

I'mma vote for LSU because they've been more stable for 100 years.


They need to take the voting out the hands of these people who are too ignorant to watch the game but just vote off of prior histories.

Mark May done lost his mind. Son said that if USC was undefeated, he would vote USF #1, even though he's been jocking on them the whole year.
Dennis Dixon & Jonathan Stewart for Heisman​
nah they are undefeated. that isn't even close to some of the asisine statements he makes.

Well, he's just an idiot.

"Notre Dame is reloading."

This guy is just beyond his years of anything competent. I liked Trev Alberts...He at least knew what he was talking about. I feel sorry for Rece, Mark, and all of the other people who actually have to work with this guy and hisssssss fake teethf.
Dennis Dixon & Jonathan Stewart for Heisman​
I don't like Trev Alberts, he thinks the world revolves around Nebraska.

It's kinda sad how each analyst shows homerism to the school that they went to.

^ Except Lee Corso...He talks @#%$ about FSU when he can......

Polls will be shaken up again......

Saturday's Texas A&M-Nebraska contest will not be televised. Not even on PPV. That's unfortunate for people who like to watch car wrecks. In fact, sadists and lovers of soft-playing football teams are anticipating the game so much that one A&M message-board poster called it, "The world's greatest pillow fight."

UPDATED: Oct. 19, 2007 Coaching Rumor Mill
Dennis Franchione, Texas A&M. RECORD: 5-2, 2-1 Big 12.

A&M A.D. Bill Byrne issued a statement last week regarding Franchione's "VIP Connection" e-mail newsletter. In the statement, Byrne indicated that A&M likely had committed NCAA violations, leaving many to believe that would give A&M "cause" to eventually fire Franchione without having to pay his $10-million-plus contract buyout. Rumors abound that Fran and the university already are in buyout negotiations, but there is no proof of any such negotiation ... yet. Update Oct. 19: Because of the tenuous coaching situation, A&M lost a verbal commitment from a high school junior on Wednesday. More defections could be on the way.
Outlook: How hot is the hot seat? Think Joan of Arc.
Rumor Mill: Tommy Tuberville, Jeff Tedford, Will Muschamp, Mike Sherman, Bo Pelini.
Last week: Lost to Texas Tech, 35-7. This week: at Nebraska.

Bill Callahan, Nebraska. Record: 4-3, 1-2 Big 12.

Former A.D. Steve Pederson, who hand-picked Callahan, then gave him an extension in September, "stepped down" as Nebraska's A.D. on Monday. Legendary Nebraska coach Tom Osborne was named interim A.D. on Tuesday and will make all coaching personnel decisions at the end of the season. Update Oct. 19: Here is an excellent article about the coaching situation by Yahoo!'s Jason King.
Outlook: Will lose some staff, if not his job.
Last week: Lost to Oklahoma State, 45-14. This week: vs. Texas A&M.

Houston Nutt, Arkansas. Record: 3-3, 0-3 SEC.

Frequent dalliances with other programs, the wife/Mitch Mustain e-mail issues and the disappointing season puts Nutt on the watch list. If he keeps losing winnable conference games, unrest will grow.
Outlook: Never underestimate his staying power. Nutt is the Teflon coach.
Last week: Lost vs. Auburn, 9-7. This week: at Ole Miss.

Mike Stoops, Arizona. Record: 2-5, 1-3 Pac-10.

Stoops was a good hire to replace John Mackovic, and he has elevated the Cats' talent level. But compare that to what Dennis Erickson is doing in Tempe, and the writing may be on the wall. Update Oct. 16: The Tucson Citizen quotes school A.D. Jim Livengood as saying, "I have absolutely capital N, capital O no reason to believe that we should be panicking whatsoever."
Outlook: Needs a strong finish.
Last week: Lost at USC, 20-13. This week: vs. Stanford.

Greg Robinson, Syracuse. Record: 1-6, 1-2 Big East.

Robinson finally got a landmark win this season (against Louisville), but even that is overshadowed by consistently poor execution on the field.
Outlook: Fans are restless. But is the administration?
Last week: Lost vs. Rutgers, 38-14. This week: vs. Buffalo.

Bill Doba, Washington State. Record: 2-5, 0-4 Pac-10.

There are a lot of likeable coaches around the country, but Doba may be the one we most regret seeing on the hot seat. He is a coach's coach, a gentleman and family guy to the core.
Outlook: Does this signal the return of Mike Price?
Last week: Lost at Oregon, 53-7. This week: Idle.

Tommy Bowden, Clemson. Record: 4-2, 2-2 ACC.

The annual midseason swoon has begun. How the season ends will determine his fate.
Outlook: Start moving the football or start packing your bags.
Last week: Idle. This week: vs. Central Michigan.

Karl Dorrell, UCLA. Record: 4-2, 3-0 Pac-10.

His up-and-down tenure is up-and-down again this season. But he's also down to his third-string quarterback.
Outlook: Give him another season, at the least.
Last week: Idle. This week: vs. California.

Ed Orgeron, Ole Miss. Record: 2-5, 0-4 SEC.

High-octane coach needs to start finding a way to win close games or his hot seat eventually will catch fire.
Outlook: Team shows signs of life. Alumni must remain patient.
Last week: Lost vs. Alabama, 27-24. This week: vs. Arkansas.

Lloyd Carr, Michigan. Record: 5-2, 3-0 Big Ten.

Carr has righted the ship, but many believe he will sail into retirement after the season.
Outlook: Is Les Miles the heir apparent?
Last week: Won vs. Purdue, 48-21. This week: at Illinois.

Dave Wannstedt, Pittsburgh. Record: 2-4, 0-1 Big East.

He asked for a contract extension for recruiting purposes and was said to be denied. Never a good sign. Update Oct. 17: May still get a one-year contract extension but remains on the hot seat.
Outlook: Expect the mustache to survive this year. Then, it's win or else in '08.
Last week: Lost vs. Navy, 48-45. This week: vs. Cincinnati.

Phil Bennett, SMU. Record: 1-5, 0-2 C-USA.

Is SMU a winnable job anymore, or is Bennett just not the right fit?
Outlook: Bennett will be a major college defensive coordinator somewhere else next season. A good one.
Last week: Lost at Southern Miss, 28-7. This week: vs. Tulane.

Guy Morriss, Baylor. Record: 3-4, 0-3 Big 12.

No one tells it like it is quite like Morriss. So if you asked to him assess his progress with the Bears' football program, what would he say? Updated Tuesday, Oct. 16: Assistant coach is cited for public intoxication and lewd behavior.
Outlook: Must keep his assistants out of the bars, a Baptist no-no.
Last week: Lost at Kansas, 58-10. This week: vs. Texas.

Mark Snyder, Marshall. Record: 0-6, 0-2 C-USA.

0-6?!?! That's not what they bargained for when they hired him.
Outlook: Due another year, but only if the program shows some life.
Last week: Lost at Tulsa, 38-31. This week: vs. Southern Miss.

Sonny Lubick, Colorado State. Record: 0-6, 0-3 Mountain West.

He is the man responsible for putting the Rams on the college football map. But with 13 consecutive losses and Lubick advancing in age, the program is expected to look for a replacement after the season. Update Oct. 17: Lubick tells press that he is considering retirement at year's end.
Outlook: The sun is setting on a great career.
Last week: Lost at Air Force, 45-21. This week: at UNLV.

Rickey Bustle, Louisiana-Lafayette. Record: 1-6, 0-3 Sun Belt.

Many feel Bustle, the former Virginia Tech offensive coordinator, should never have taken this job in the first place. Perhaps they were right.
Outlook: Bustle could return to Blacksburg next year if there is an opening, or move on as an assistant elsewhere in college or in the NFL.
Last week: Lost at Arkansas State, 52-21. This week: vs. Florida Atlantic.

Ted Roof, Duke. Record: 1-6, 0-4 ACC.

Unless Duke pulls an upset in its remaining five games, the Blue Devils will be 4-42 in four full years under Roof.
Outlook: One more win probably saves him.
Last week: Lost vs. Virginia Tech, 43-14. This week: Idle.

antone smith , greg carr , preston parker ,andre fluellen ,tony carter,letroy guion , everette brown , paul griffin , geno hayes , myron rolle , marcus ball​
Yeah....I seriously doubt that we get Julio.....I thought we had somewhat of a chance....But as the weeks went by, I saw our chances decrease
antone smith , greg carr , preston parker ,andre fluellen ,tony carter,letroy guion , everette brown , paul griffin , geno hayes , myron rolle , marcus ball​
STOP it is it on gameplan?

O @#%$ its on gameplan, thats goin on TV #2 ....

No way they hold that lead, theres just no way, but I hope so!
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Yeah I know there is no way. If we score on this drive, then maybe i'll have some hope

You serious Gunna? Us beating a top 5 team makes us look better
Wiz.. why is #9 playin QB? they givin up on ya boy already or is he hurt?
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Because Nickson has been playing like HOT Trash.

4 Intos against Eastern Michigan. Played like trash against Bama and Auburn. He got hurt in the Bama game, and ever since then, He's been trying too hard.

I'm just surprised Coach had the guts to switch QB's.

nooooooo THIS IS WHY I HATE Adams. HE ALWAYS does this. He's turnover prone. The closer he is to the end zone, the more likely he is to give the other team the ball

Oklahoma and South Carolina both down right now....let's go Vandy and Iowa St. :D
UCSD Football Win Total: 0​
These announcers ARE trash.

WTH We're running stunts and stuff. What IS THIS? This is NOT Vandy

EDIT: They got the ball at the Vandy 17. Yeah, I knew this was too good to last.

HAHAHAHAA North Dakota St is beating Minnesota.
AND I think NDSU is probably the better team


Cincy/Pitt is the only game worth watching right now.

17-13, Cincy, 6:01 left in the 3rd.
whywesteppin 23ska909red02 KingLouisXIV DS 530s Finest sir hendrix Rexanglorum Kiddin Like Jason

Ole Ball coach put Blake Mitchell in, and yanked his @#%$ right back out :lol:
Smelley back in at QB for So. Carolina :lol:

Smelley with the INT on a badly thrown corner route :smh:

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