Rape Victim Commits Suicide After Police Pressure Her to Marry Attacker

Some responses in here are just :x :smh:. This is why I can't take NT seriously a lot of times. I don't know if I'm missing sarcasm or it's just a particular poster's lack of perspective or what, but this situation is just indefensable.
This is one of those rare instances in which I appreciate the media.

This is a disgusting act, and it deserves international coverage
Damn... I mean... When you can't turn to the police.. Imagine how that must feel. You basically have nobody on your side.

I need to move out there and become a vigilante.
Unfortunately, he's right

How the hell is he right? I bet if he were in the shoes of a woman in India he wouldn't be saying that. Slavery? Genocide? Rape? Naw, it just human culture. Let it be.

I hope he was being sarcastic.

I read the story about her rape a while back, apparently they messed her up so bad her intestines prolapsed from her anus. Talk about adding insult to injury. :smh:
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Unfortunately, he's right

How the hell is he right? I bet if he were in the shoes of a woman in India he wouldn't be saying that. Slavery? Genocide? Rape? Naw, it just human culture. Let it be.

I hope he was being sarcastic.

I read the story about her rape a while back, apparently they messed her up so bad her intestines prolapsed from her anus. Talk about adding insult to injury. :smh:

:wow:. And people want to be sarcastic. Let's not forget, she was still a kid. Only 17. Sexual abuse against minors isn't anything to joke about. Sadly, this thought process goes on globally.
This is just sad. That's why I normally don't watch or listen to the news. There's just some things in the world you don't need to know about.
Wow, marry one of your attackers?  What kind of solution is that?  I'm sure they won't even try to catch dude :smh: .  RIP |I ...

In that part of the world no would marry a girl who's not a virgin. I'm not saying everyone out there is like that but, that's society for you. I'm sure there's righteous men out there. Unfortunately, raped women have to suffer this fate. That's why she was offered to marry one of the attackers instead locking him up or whatever.
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In that part of the world no would marry a girl who's not a virgin. I'm not saying everyone out there is like that but, that's society for you. I'm sure there's righteous men out there. Unfortunately, raped women have to suffer this fate. That's why she was offered to marry one of the attackers instead locking him up or whatever.

This puts it into perspective, but it's still a messed up situation.
Media reports have said that her assailants beat her and inserted an iron rod into her body during the assault, resulting in severe organ damage.


Well, it's a cultural thing, and we can't judge.

We are born with free will you can't go around raping people. I would like for you to make that statement when it has happened to your mother or sister. This isn't right nor should it be acceptable in any culture.
We are born with free will you can't go around raping people. I would like for you to make that statement when it has happened to your mother or sister. This isn't right nor should it be acceptable in any culture.

Read the entire thread before responding.
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