Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

I guess it’s the cool thing to hate on him because he white I guess.
“Because he’s white I guess” That sounds like something one of his racist stans would say :rofl:

No it’s because his star power is dwindling and we’re finally recognizing how trash his **** is. Talented rapper but subpar at making actual music people want to listen to.
The funny thing about all this nonstop Em talk is he says little to nothing. I don't even understand why some of you _'s get so worked up about his fans. Why are you talking hip hop with white people? :lol:

Then people try to rewrite history like he wasn't a respected rapper. Wasn't it a thing that Em murdered Hov? I never agreed with that but that was a thing and it wasn't just white people saying it. I said it in the podcast thread Em ain't in my top 20 but when dudes play dumb like he was vanilla ice or post malone and only had white fans that's 100% false. Your favorite rappers respected his skill.
“Because he’s white I guess” That sounds like something one of his racist stans would say :rofl:

No it’s because his star power is dwindling and we’re finally recognizing how trash his **** is. Talented rapper but subpar at making actual music people want to listen to.

and it was manufactured in the first place. ****** try to hang their hats on him being able to "rap" as if it's not a TON OF ****** white, black, green, orange, silver, etc. that are technically proficient as actual rapping goes. There is absolutely nothing special about the way Eminem raps for him to be considered a "great" :lol:. We all know damn well he's in that category because of his COMMERCIAL SUCCESS. If that ***** was a tier 3 rapper w/o the push he wouldn't have even made it this far and we'd be talking about this ***** like he's El-P or Vinnie Paz or something.

Papoose can rap. But nobody calls Papoose a "rap legend".
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I said it in the podcast thread Em ain't in my top 20 but when dudes play dumb like he was vanilla ice or post malone and only had white fans that's 100% false. Your favorite rappers respected his skill.

Nobody is doing that. But he been washed since like 2003. And he’s only gotten bigger since then.

You, do some of this re-writing with Lil Wayne ironically enough :lol:. And the difference is, *****s actually listen to him and his **** resonates with the core of hip hop culture.

Eminem, not so much. People been saying forever that Eminem was a good rapper for a lil period of time, but completely lost touch/ain’t been good or relevant in true rap space for a minute. And it’s just true.

The growing chorus isn’t a rewrite. It’s stating what’s been known.
Very much so. He's also not considered a member of Hip-Hop's pantheon and nobody's putting up an argument on him being so based on his "rapping".
Not sure about any "patheon" but I know he's made some of the greatest music I've ever heard within Rap and he's left a serious impact on underground rap. Not really concerned with anyone else's opinion but my own anyway
Nobody is doing that. But he been washed since like 2003. And he’s only gotten bigger since then.

You, do some of this re-writing with Lil Wayne ironically enough :lol:. And the difference is, *****s actually listen to him and his **** resonates with the core of hip hop culture.

Eminem, not so much. People been saying forever that Eminem was a good rapper for a lil period of time, but completely lost touch/ain’t been good or relevant in true rap space for a minute. And it’s just true.

The growing chorus isn’t a rewrite. It’s stating what’s been known.

THANK YOU! Eminem is LITERALLY the only "legend" that gets to circumvent this.

Nobody ever argues against this either. It always falls back to "he can rap" :lol:

Whatever I say is being felt
The words off my tongue make your taste buds melt
See me and my team push pies throughout Queens
When the lights hit the ice they shine like high beams

Nothing but frozen jewels im holding tools
And **** could get ugly like bowling shoes

Been telling y’all for years it’s a classic. :smh:

Buck was never better than Banks, but he was definitely the second best in G Unit. Imo

That album has way too many good songs to just sweep under the rug. It just came out right as G-Unit was starting to over expose themselves. Straight Outta Cashville though may be one of the top 3 G-Unit albums top to bottom.
and it was manufactured in the first place. ****** try to hang their hats on him being able to "rap" as if it's not a TON OF ****** white, black, green, orange, silver, etc. that are technically proficient as actual rapping goes. There is absolutely nothing special about the way Eminem raps for him to be considered a "great" :lol:. We all know damn well he's in that category because of his COMMERCIAL SUCCESS. If that ***** was a tier 3 rapper w/o the push he wouldn't have even made it this far

The argument of commercial success attributing to an artists placement on the list of greats can easily be applied to madd people on the list. Wayne is on the list of greats. Is there anything special about the way he raps? If he was a tier 3 rapper w/o the push would he have even made it this far? :lol:

I don’t like Em/he’s not on my list of greats.” Yall are better off going with one of those.
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Nobody is doing that.

people literally do this in this thread :lol: idr who but somebody in here literally told me Black people didn’t listen to Eminem :lol:

think location and internet access/music availability has a lot to do with it.

them mixtapes and freestyles were heavy. commercial stuff was *** for the most part. thought this was common knowledge but everybody rewriting history these days to fit whatever narrative :lol:
“Because he’s white I guess” That sounds like something one of his racist stans would say :rofl:

No it’s because his star power is dwindling and we’re finally recognizing how trash his **** is. Talented rapper but subpar at making actual music people want to listen to.

The ratio is terrible to me. For every :pimp: song/verse he’s put out in his career, there have been hundreds of complete garbage songs that drown out any good content he put out. Remember he did an entire album in some bizarre ethnic accent?

zero people I know look down on him because he’s white. They don’t like him because he made extremely irritating music that radio/MTV spammed us with in the early 2000s. Nowadays it’s easy to avoid music you don’t like, but back then as kids we’d play the radio all day to find new songs, only to hear “it feels so empty without me Nanananananana” played constantly
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and it was manufactured in the first place. ****** try to hang their hats on him being able to "rap" as if it's not a TON OF ****** white, black, green, orange, silver, etc. that are technically proficient as actual rapping goes. There is absolutely nothing special about the way Eminem raps for him to be considered a "great" :lol:. We all know damn well he's in that category because of his COMMERCIAL SUCCESS. If that ***** was a tier 3 rapper w/o the push he wouldn't have even made it this far and we'd be talking about this ***** like he's El-P or Vinnie Paz or something.

Papoose can rap. But nobody calls Papoose a "rap legend".

WTF do y’all ****** be talking about? Why is Papoose in this conversation? Of course he not a ******* rap legend, we wouldn’t know **** about him today if Remy ain’t wife him up. Yeah he can rap, but when has that ever been enough? Eminem is one of the most skilled rappers of all time and and from a commercial standpoint is the biggest rapper of all time. Period.

You saying it was manufactured like there haven’t been countless other white rappers before and after Eminem, why have none of them had close to his success?
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