Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Sunshine would of been fine if not for the video. Jay-Z and Babyface on a song together sounds like a great idea
jamie is a goat.
damon is a legend.
keenan gave us classics
Marlon is power washed but the wayans bros and don’t be a menace >>> Jim Carey
I mess with j lo more.
DAG and Tommy were funnier. Not more successful.

yeah I’m cool on jim. Last movie that was good to me was ace Ventura

I agree with like half this list ngl. I think Jim’s characters are more recognizable than most though, especially Fire Marshall.

he’s more talented on the whole than most of the cast too based on serious roles. To me at least. I feel what you’re saying though.
I agree with like half this list ngl. I think Jim’s characters are more recognizable than most though, especially Fire Marshall.

he’s more talented on the whole than most of the cast too based on serious roles. To me at least. I feel what you’re saying though.
Jim's Firemarshall character is not above Wanda or Homie da Clown or even Men On Film or Handicap Man.

In Living Color was bringing heat. So damn talented.

I do think hes extremely talented for sure. Jamie's the most talented of the crew. Which is no shame to Jim...Jamie may just be the most successfully talented man of the last 3 decades.

I'd say Jim's a better actor than Damon, but Damon has incredible writing credits. Not sure I could see Jim carry a tv show as a dad, or as anything for that matter.

Same for KIW.

Shawn and Marlon are def a tier or 2 below Jim.
The funny thing about all this nonstop Em talk is he says little to nothing. I don't even understand why some of you _'s get so worked up about his fans. Why are you talking hip hop with white people? :lol:

Then people try to rewrite history like he wasn't a respected rapper. Wasn't it a thing that Em murdered Hov? I never agreed with that but that was a thing and it wasn't just white people saying it. I said it in the podcast thread Em ain't in my top 20 but when dudes play dumb like he was vanilla ice or post malone and only had white fans that's 100% false. Your favorite rappers respected his skill.

Respect someones ability to rap and wanting to listen to them are two different things.

Just like wanting to work with them because they sell a million records their first week and wanting to listen to them are two different things.

Almost all his fans were white and if he did have black kids as fans, they were younger than 16, which says a lot since he was 30.
And he got KILLED for it and you never saw him do anything that corny for a long time.


This was a 30 year old man doing this, and he got a pass because of his so called "skills"

Imagine Black Thought doing some goofy **** like this and people going, he can rap though.
Y’all mad at him for dissing all these pop acts but if he would have came out the blue dissing black rappers for no reason y’all would have said he was racist and tried to cancel him... He went at everybody who called his name

How about diss nobody

It's worked well for tons of rappers

Magic33 Magic33 is extreme :lol:. But I get what he’s saying. It’s hyperbole. Plenty of black people listened to Eminem. It was unavoidable at one point. Between MTV & BET & his underground **** etc. *****s f’d with the White boy on a level. And some of it was good for that time. Especially the Dre produced beats that were in RYTHM with hip hop.

Somewhere in like 2004...he completely lost any connection to the core of it tho. And he’s never really tried to get it back. He further went in the complete opposite direction. Full pop. So fully and truthfully, black people (on a larger scale) really haven’t listened or checked for Eminem since then.

And he’s completely been fine without it. Became the “rap god” in that time period since. And we didn’t crown him that. He goes from dope rapper/lyricist to “rap god” :lol:.
Magic33 Magic33 is extreme :lol:. But I get what he’s saying. It’s hyperbole. Plenty of black people listened to Eminem. It was unavoidable at one point. Between MTV & BET & his underground **** etc. *****s f’d with the White boy on a level. And some of it was good for that time. Especially the Dre produced beats that were in RYTHM with hip hop.

Somewhere in like 2004...he completely lost any connection to the core of it tho. And he’s never really tried to get it back. He further went in the complete opposite direction. Full pop. So fully and truthfully, black people (on a larger scale) really haven’t listened or checked for Eminem since then.

And he’s completely been fine without it. Became the “rap god” in that time period since. And we didn’t crown him that. He goes from dope rapper/lyricist to “rap god” :lol:.

How old were you in 2000?
Magic33 Magic33 is extreme :lol:. But I get what he’s saying. It’s hyperbole. Plenty of black people listened to Eminem. It was unavoidable at one point. Between MTV & BET & his underground **** etc. *****s f’d with the White boy on a level. And some of it was good for that time. Especially the Dre produced beats that were in RYTHM with hip hop.

Somewhere in like 2004...he completely lost any connection to the core of it tho. And he’s never really tried to get it back. He further went in the complete opposite direction. Full pop. So fully and truthfully, black people (on a larger scale) really haven’t listened or checked for Eminem since then.

And he’s completely been fine without it. Became the “rap god” in that time period since. And we didn’t crown him that. He goes from dope rapper/lyricist to “rap god” :lol:.

yeah most of his actual songs I don’t and didn’t like :lol: son is a horrible song maker and I think that’s why he leaned so heavy into the pop **** honestly. he’s an underground rapper that caught on and had to do mainstream **** cuz the underground things weren’t gonna work scaled up to where he was going.

sometimes I really feel like it’s location and age based. everybody whose music opinion I care about around my age here knows about the mixtape stuff and technical rapping. and these are Black folks that listen to rap rap :lol: thats where the praise comes from.

that rap god **** was crazy to me too :lol:

ONE THING I have never in my life heard a Black woman say they liked an Eminem song
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