Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

You bringing up “gay” CEO’s & Hollywood folks under the premise of a speculation in order for u justify to yourself your denial of gay oppression is similar to when racist would say reason doesn’t exist b/c Obama was president. Not to mention, it’s just bozo thing to say.

I do appreciate your usage of proper punctuation, though it does make that dumb **** u just typed more dumb.

I for one, have never ridiculed or rejected gay people. Judged or persecuted them. We all are equal. Just how you have naive black people who think white people don’t do any dirt or any wrong, or any culture for that matter. Everyone is imperfect and has done some wrong in life. That noname Gypsy chic, (Ironically use to always check out her songs or features on fakeshoredrive.com blog) is dead wrong. People keep promoting this message as if gay people are immune from doing wrong, being negative or violent. That’s the wrong message to send. It’s like people automatically equate “oh, he or she is gay” let’s give them unlimited passes and protect them, no matter what. That’s a bad narrative being pushed. Because in turn, the may turn around and do bad stuff and use them being gay or transgender, as a cop out for their transgressions. That’s a bad message. I’ve known and seen lots of gay people. And when you reject their sexual advances, they’ll be quick to label you as homophobic or prejudice. Which is wrong
1. I for one, have never ridiculed or rejected gay people. Judged or persecuted them. 2. We all are equal. Just how you have naive black people who think white people don’t do any dirt or any wrong, or any culture for that matter. Everyone is imperfect and has done some wrong in life. That 3. noname Gypsy chic, (Ironically use to always check out her songs or features on fakeshoredrive.com blog) is dead wrong. 5. People keep promoting this message as if gay people are immune from doing wrong, being negative or violent. That’s the wrong message to send. It’s like people automatically equate “oh, he or she is gay” let’s give them unlimited passes and protect them, no matter what. 6. That’s a bad narrative being pushed. Because in turn, the may turn around and do bad stuff and use them being gay or transgender, as a cop out for their transgressions. That’s a bad message. 7. I’ve known and seen lots of gay people. And when you reject their sexual advances, they’ll be quick to label you as homophobic or prejudice. Which is wrong
1. Yes the hell you do. Your biggest slight at 69 is you calling or implying he's gay. You love calling that little gob****e out on his "homoeroticism" w/ his rainbow hair. You love talking about his rainbow hair. You. Love. It. The rants are appreciated for the must part though. Good promo, you draw tons of heat.

2. Unless you be trolling you don't believe that. I don't have problem w/ believing that, but I do have a problem w/ denying that you don't believe that.

3. Great rapper, probably will end up being in goat convos if she give keeps it up. 2 for 2 rn. Arguably the best lyricist out rn. I don't fully disagree w/ u.

4. I don't fully agree w/ this part of her tweet "if they don’t publicly criticize violence against black trans/queer people they are maintaining white dominance and are white supremacists", specifically the " maintaining white dominance and are white supremacists" part. It's dumb, it's extreme, it's borderline nonsensical, & it's bad timing b/c we have yet to establish that Black Lives Matter across the board. Breaking up a movement in subcategories when the main one has yet to become embedded is just irresponsible.

5. This right here is just not true. Gay ppl are overwhelming criticized for being who they are, "they can be gay, I just don't want to see it." How many times have you heard that dumb prejudice ****? I seen gay dudes get harassed & called the f-word just for holding hands. Nothing more, nothing less. That community is an oppressed community & ppl have a problem w/ them speaking up like most oppressors do in reaction of them losing the power.

What Noname could've/should've said is "if you don't think black lgbtq members lives matter, then you don't think black lives matter." It's hard to refute, less divisive, hard for homophobic folk (and other-phobic) to deny being homophobic for arguing against it. Believe it or not, ppl hate gay ppl just for being gay.

6. Some people are terrible w/ taking rejection. I've *****es hit me w/ the "are you gay?" for turning them down. It's manipulative & wrong; they're suckas.. Last week some dude smacked a chick in the face w/ a skateboard for turning him down. Crazy nut ****. Mans was wilding. "***** you ugly anyway" is always great to hear. Wild funny, but I also know that those dudes are suckas. It's wrong.
u really gonna post this w/o giving a name, duke?
So if I'm against cancer, I have to speak for AIDS too?

I'm going to hate that Cole gave this broad a voice I see.
Way I see it i'm against all sorts of *******, I support them all in spirit, but purposely being selfish my energy only goes to black issues at the moment until that's satisfied. After that i'm in. Saw some anti bullying people at the supermarket looking for donations, said yeah that sucks, and kept it moving.
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