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Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

So you don't not support something that others would consider "fake morale compasses"

You just accept and exuse everything and have no standards, huh :rolleyes

Where Have i Accepted or excused anything :lol::lol:. I've stated that I don't **** with Trump or Kanye's ideas to create "dialog" with him, I think he's clearly adding trolling to it for boosted attention & i really dislike trolls.

My only point this ENTIRE conversation is that i'm not willing to relegate someones entire existence & everything they've provided to a trash Neo Nazi supporter because he put on a hat & open endedly said he loved someone. I've been listening & watching the moves he's been making for two long to simply throw All that on him from a 140 Character tweet.

Jay one of the dudes i legitimately rock with in rap, How dude moves is an inspiration. With that said The ***** Has worked & broke bread with Lucian & Lyor for YEARS. He was just sitting on a panel with Harvey Weinstein LAST YEAR & being business partners with him. He was prancing around with Hilary Clinton doing benefits & ****.

Ain't none of these ****** saints & ain't none of these ****** who doing big business moves not somehow aiding & funding people who's interest are in the detriment to black people. I've come to realize this & for a lot it's a necessary evil to gain real independence one day. I take things into account the totality of peoples comments, actions, & arts & see if i can genuinely rock with them. Ain't none of these ****** prophets or Diety's & i treat them as such, They Regular Humans who also have tendencies to do some **** **** from time to time.

Pretty close to my entire feelings on this situation.
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Has Kanye become the new R. Kelly...We overlook his foolishness because his music is so good?

This is true, R Kelly makes way better music than Kanye and R Kelly makes his own music. Doesn't have a team of beat makers and writers like Kanye does.

It's also easier to stop listening to Kanye since his last two albums were dog s h i t

Graduation was a great album but that song Good Life was corny as ****.
Where Have i Accepted or excused anything :lol::lol:. I've stated that I don't **** with Trump or Kanye's ideas to create "dialog" with him, I think he's clearly adding trolling to it for boosted attention & i really dislike trolls.

My only point this ENTIRE conversation is that i'm not willing to relegate someones entire existence & everything they've provided to a trash Neo Nazi supporter because he put on a hat & open endedly said he loved someone. I've been listening & watching the moves he's been making for two long to simply throw All that on him from a 140 Character tweet.

Jay one of the dudes i legitimately rock with in rap, How dude moves is an inspiration. With that said The ***** Has worked & broke bread with Lucian & Lyor for YEARS. He was just sitting on a panel with Harvey Weinstein LAST YEAR & being business partners with him. He was prancing around with Hilary Clinton doing benefits & ****.

Ain't none of these *****s saints & ain't none of these *****s who doing big business moves not somehow aiding & funding people who's interest are in the detriment to black people. I've come to realize this & for a lot it's a necessary evil to gain real independence one day. I take things into account the totality of peoples comments, actions, & arts & see if i can genuinely rock with them. Ain't none of these *****s prophets or Diety's & i treat them as such, They Regular Humans who also have tendencies to do some **** **** from time to time.


You pretty much should have just said nobodies perfect and saved yourself some typing

So at what point do you stop ****in with someone? Do you have a tolerance level? Because you keep calling people out for being hypocritical as you are this righteous person who doesn't judge.

So abusing their spouse, rape, murder, pedophilia?

What can they say that will make you leave them alone?

If someone says something about your mom, would you rationalize it as it was just jokes or it was out of anger?

You pretty much should have just said nobodies perfect and saved yourself some typing

So at what point do you stop ****in with someone? Do you have a tolerance level? Because you keep calling people out for being hypocritical as you are this righteous person who doesn't judge.

So abusing their spouse, rape, murder, pedophilia?

What can they say that will make you leave them alone?

If someone says something about your mom, would you rationalize it as it was just jokes or it was out of anger?

Again my ***** all this was already answered multiple times in this thread....

I shouldn't have said "nobody's perfect" & left it as that because i Clearly said what i said in detail.
Again my ***** all this was already answered multiple times in this thread....

I shouldn't have said "nobody's perfect" & left it as that because i Clearly said what i said in detail.

No you didn't, you gave an answer like a politician to try to look good to all sides

Lol all the old rappers getting exposed one by one. Touching kids beating their girls :smh: false prophets

40 yo comittee in shambles
I'm not putting **** past ANYONE.

But I'm over holding public opinion court over what I can't deem to be factual or if I don't have enough information to come to a hypothesis.

If Nas was abusive, that's ****** up. If he wasn't and what she's saying isn't true...that's ****** up too.

We don't HAVE to feel one of 2 ends of the spectrum. Especially when it's about **** we don't really know.
Again I don't give two ****s about Chance or his career, but this is 1000% people assuming things off tweets. Yes I do believe he still supports Kanye, that doesn't mean he supports everything Kanye says or does. But he's getting flamed like he does because again "groupthink" & fake outrage. Kanye i'm sure does admire some part about Trump, didn't specify anything & now he's in line with Racist & Neo Nazi thinking.

Kanye has to take blame for not clarifying what exactly it is he Loves about Trump (probably didn't because it would **** up this trash *** troll job). However to discount every other action & word he's ever had & relegate him to a neo Nazi supporter is just ridiculous.

I Just seen a ***** selling his Yeezy's talking about i can't support this *****... checked the Twitter & dude rocking patriots gear, And Got Nike's who has actively & knowingly been running sweatshops for decades, & ain't blink an eye. I'm just sick of this era of fake *** morale compasses.

Just say you’ll never stop listening to Yeezus and Life Of Pablo. It would save everyone time
Lol you keep thinking that bro

Naw, I don't see anyone put them on high moral ground. We know biggie and pac were pieces of **** when it came to women. Dre own artist rapped putting dre putting hands on women. NWA didn't hide that they were scums. Pun used to beat his wife. Jay had a skit on his first album calling a women a ***** and telling her to shut up. I'm not sure about Nas though cause he scribbled in his notepad and created his whole life.

Be honest, you just used this as an opportunity to **** on older people cause that's what you like to do :lol:
Was he trolling when he stopped a concert in the beginning and canceled shows too?

Yes! :lol: bruh knew that by shutting his tour down after performing two songs and arriving an hour late would cause a stir, and cause headlines. He isn't above trolling for headlines and buzz.

Is he right in the head? Is he ****** up? Probably. But there's no doubt to me that buzz is pushing his desires to be a lunatic. Maybe not 100%, but it's playing a part.

You pretty much should have just said nobodies perfect and saved yourself some typing

So at what point do you stop ****in with someone? Do you have a tolerance level? Because you keep calling people out for being hypocritical as you are this righteous person who doesn't judge.

So abusing their spouse, rape, murder, pedophilia?

What can they say that will make you leave them alone?

If someone says something about your mom, would you rationalize it as it was just jokes or it was out of anger?

Imagine if 69 did all this :lol:

The amount of vitriol coming from Ty would be Oscar worthy
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