Racism iN America (esp. 4 gamers)

you absolutely CANNOT take what is said online seriously. You will NEVER win an argument or solve the problem
It annoys me more than it offends me. U can't argue w/ em cause it's fightin a lost cause. I just make sure I bust they %@% as soon as the game starts after I mute em.

It's nothin more than what's been said on here already, dudes do it cause they know they're protected behind the screen and think u can't find em or don't wanna go thru the trouble doin such.

Just mute em and keep it movin or leave the party before the game starts
You'll get use to hearing the n word thrown around.

None of them are really racist I've talked $#^% to them and in the end they cant back it up and want to send me friend request.

Ive had friends Ive known on their for years sine halo2 on live and they still say the n word around me. I get fed up with it every once in a while.

I'm black BTW and they can tell by my voice.
I've noticed online ppl say things to get away with it not because they actually mean it. Saying things before thinking is very prevalent online.
You don't let it get to you kid. Like who really gives a !$*+?

After you beat they @ss and pop *!#* the only trump card they have is %@%+@% this and %@%+@% that.

I honestly laugh that lame !#*%++#* off. As soon as they make it racial, I know I got to you.
Doesnt really bother me its kinda hysterical hearing a lil nerdy white boy (or what they usually sound like) saying things they only wish to say in real life. But yea I ususally mute everybody anyway when i play COD
Yeah, people just talk mess just to talk mess. All they want is a reaction, just being knuckleheads. While I do pretty well in ignoring them, it gets very annoying( especially when rocking me headset, I got sleeping kids lol) when that is all I hear.
I was in a game with these little white 5 year olds and they were talkin about n____ having extra muscles from a cheetah and that's how they jump so high and run so fast.
I was like "for real" and they shut up fast
I mean it doesn't ruin my day or nothing, I was just not use to having it done openly and was curious....the one i was really curious about was whether or not other people call their
own race "Ngers"because ive been in games with dudes who are friends outside of da game and one will kill the other and he'll say "gosh your such a Ngger" or something like that
Ive noticed that to,Their the type of kids that go to school with 3 black kids in their school.

I knew a kid like that, somebody broke his nose.
Originally Posted by bluedeniro

ps3 online > xbox live, dudes can get they IP address found real quick talking that +!%, on ps3

and what are you going to do?
Fly to japan, or whatever other state there?
Mad childish and stupid if you ask me.

Dude be waiting at the door with the Russian Mafia for all you know.

Just ignore it.
Originally Posted by King Beef

Were you playing Xbox Live? Everyone is racist on live.

People will say anything they can when they're behind a screen.

so true x-box live is bad and so is chatroulette people show there true colors online
I'm white so my judgment on this is not supreme nor is it even relevant to anyone but myself.

If you are white and say it, I really don't give a @%+% who you are, you are getting sonned in some shape or fashion (i.e. Kid from high school who I really don't like but was somehow hanging out with him, said it, I told him don't say that ever again. He knows I dislike him so he tried to test me, and said it again, I beat the hell out of him). If you are white and of European origin (most of us are, but I mean born there and have spent most of your life there, I really don't tolerate it because while racism here is bad, racism over there is unreal)

If you are black, I have no problem with you saying it. If it is a term of endearment or a greeting or salutation that's not a problem. But if you use it as a way to be judgmental or put someone down, I'm not having that either.

Any other race it is all context, how you use it, when you use it, your tone, and how often you use it.

But as of this situation. There's not much you can do.. They are just people looking for attention and feeling all bad behind the tv screen.. So I guess ignore them or report them.. Or you can mute them. It's impossible to do what you need to in this situation
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

*waits for the "reaching" posse*


talk is cheap though. don't let it get to you. now days, it's becoming a catch phrase.

when i lip sync to rap lyrics, do i have to censor myself?
Originally Posted by Essential1

What if you're mixed? jk

I played a couple of times on Live and all I heard was the N bombs drop out of nowhere.
People just say it just to say it and theres nothin you can do about it really, maybe report them?
i just mute everybody. the racism doesn't really bother me, it's just annoying hearing them talk and ruins my concentration.
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