R.I.P Trayvon

How was it manslaughter?

Manslaughter by Culpable Negligence (Involuntary Manslaughter): Engaging in “Culpably Negligent” conduct that resulted in the death of another person.

Excusable Homicide

The killing of a human being is excusable, and therefore lawful, under any one of the following three circumstances:

When the killing is committed by accident and misfortune in doing any lawful act by lawful means with usual ordinary caution and without any unlawful intent, or
When the killing occurs by accident and misfortune in the heat of passion, upon any sudden and sufficient provocation, or

Justifiable Homicide

The killing of a human being is justifiable homicide and lawful if done while resisting an attempt by someone to kill you or to commit a felony against you.

Did George Zimmerman shoot TM by accident? No he said that's what God wanted.

Only thing left is justifiable homicide which means the jury believed Trayvon Martin was going to kill George Zimmerman.
Funny how people are ASSUMING that the state has not proved its case in the trial. I am not sure, not too long ago we know that  whites used to unapologetically engage in jury nullification on the DAILY setting free their fellow whites who had been accused of killing a black irregardless of what the evidence  had shown. Not so sure if this verdicts was based on the evidence or not, in fact, you could NEVER be   sure in this nation, where we adore the "rule of law" and two kinds of justice systems.  Just sayin......


The state has not proved its case because the jurors found the GZ not guilty. If you want to speculate on juror misconduct, that's something else.
Zimmerman was clearly not guilty under the law, and the FBI concluded in their investigation that Zimmerman was not a racist/ this crime was not a hate crime. It is time to accept that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman and then got shot as a result case closed.
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Zimmerman was clearly not guilty under the law, and the FBI concluded in their investigation that Zimmerman was not a racist/ this crime was not a hate crime. It is time to accept thaTrayvon attacked Zimmerman and then got shot as a result case closed.
why did trayvon attack zimmerman?  why?  did zimmerman call him a ******?  did trayvon have a thirst for blood?  did aliens invade the planet?  what?  ZIMMERMAN caused the altercation, not Trayvon!
Zimmerman was clearly not guilty under the law, and the FBI concluded in their investigation that Zimmerman was not a racist/ this crime was not a hate crime. It is time to accept that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman and then got shot as a result case closed.
There's NOTHING that proves that Trayvon attacked George.  Nothing.

Just because he wasn't found guilty, doesn't mean hes innocent.
why did trayvon attack zimmerman?  why?  did zimmerman call him a ******?  did trayvon have a thirst for blood?  did aliens invade the planet?  what?  ZIMMERMAN caused the altercation, not Trayvon!
Sorry. Forgot you were there. Why didn't you testify? Maybe Zimmerman would be in jail right now.
There's NOTHING that proves that Trayvon attacked George.  Nothing.

Just because he wasn't found guilty, doesn't mean hes innocent.
Ummm Zimmerman had a bloody, broken nose. Lacerations on his head.  
That's your proof that Trayvon was the one who initiated a physical altercation?  That he attacked GZ?

GZ got handled by Trayvon, that seems clear.  But again, there IS NO PROOF that Trayvon was the one initiating the fight.
Aggravated Assault

Oh yeah I forgot, Trayvon was armed with the sidewalk :rofl:

That's not a aggravated assault, he had no deadly weapon. A fist fight is classified as a simple assault which is a misdemeanor not a felony. So again which felony did Trayvon commit against Zimmerman for this to be a justifiable homicide?
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That's your proof that Trayvon was the one who initiated a physical altercation?  That he attacked GZ?

GZ got handled by Trayvon, that seems clear.  But again, there IS NO PROOF that Trayvon was the one initiating the fight.
A witness told the police he attacked George. 
Oh yeah I forgot, Trayvon was armed with the sidewalk

That's not a aggravated assault, he had no deadly weapon. A fist fight is classified as a simple assault which is a misdemeanor not a felony. So again which felony did Trayvon commit against Zimmerman for this to be a justifiable homicide?
Not true at all. A weapon is not needed for aggravated assault. All you need to prove is that they wanted to cause significant bodily harm. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.
Just to be clear, as far as the law is concerned words are not "initiating a fight" when discussing self-defense.  Mere words are never even enough for a conviction of assault (at least at common law...maybe Florida state law is different).  Again, I'm not saying that it's a good/just law, but that is the law being applied.  Therefore, it comes down to whether Zimmerman escalated the altercation to the point of deadly force first.  Unfortunately, Martin isn't here to refute that, so it is hard to say otherwise.
Did this person testify to this claim?
Yes his name's John Good. Look him up
I thought Good just mentioned he seeing TM on top of GZ.. I don't recall the part where he said TM initiated or started the fight with the first punch.

Either way the case is over.. no matter what you say or do is not going to change the outcome of this case nor will it bring back TM.
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exactly, YOU DON'T KNOW- and neither do I. The trial is over, but you're still runnin off tv/media fueled fumes and you continue to keep at it. All you've done is cherry pick facts, post opinions and scenarios, and make it pretty obvious that you and many others don't understand the trial process or how laws work. You just regurgitate what you hear from tv, so long as it fits what you wanna believe. I get that it hurts you and that you take it personal, its an unfortunate situation. But its over. Do something positive, do the next right thing- dwelling on this is doing NOTHING positive
that's NOT their job

So basically you can justify a homicide based off a felony you're not sure happened, cool thanks.

I can contribute my opinion to whatever I choose to. Appreciate the suggestion though.
Either way the case is over.. no matter what you say or do is not going to change the outcome of this case nor will it bring back TM.

This is very helpful. Mods, please close this thread and let's also spread the word to all news outlets, every concerned citizen and those who intend on raising the dead that we don't need to discuss anything further.
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Either way the case is over.. no matter what you say or do is not going to change the outcome of this case nor will it bring back TM.
This is very helpful. Mods, please close this thread and let's also spread the word to all news outlets, every concerned citizen and those who intend on raising the dead that we don't need to discuss anything further.
ty for understanding
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