R.I.P Trayvon

George Zimmerman should of not had the right to carry because of previous accounts on his record, domestic violence and assaulting an officer... Of course its easy to get things cleared when your dad is an ex judge and can help pull some strings... The Martin family should build a civil case against the father because he's the reason why George Zimmerman was allowed to carry a gun..
No, he needs to stay here and deal with the repercussions of killing a kid. Trayvon is still dead. His life should never be the same. Trayvon isn't getting to finish his. Nor can his family and friends ever see him again.

So are you saying that Trayvon Martin is innocent? The lord work in mysterious ways bro. I don't even have to explain to you about karma.
He doesn't have to be innocent - unless he was in the act of committing a serious offence (and right now I'm thinking only murder or rape) then there is no justification for shooting him.

Being suspicious that he is going to commit a crime (any crime) doesn't give anyone the right to murder him.
Protest in Union Square, NYC
I'm not only referring to race when i say minorities, its class to. OJ had the rare advantage of using the best lawyers money could buy. without it he would probably serve the same fate as others. which by the way i wish he would, i don't doubt for a second that he did it and its a shame that justice wasn't served that day.
This is not true.  There was a self defense case in Long Island, NY involving a Black father who shot and killed a white kid threatening his son.  He was found guilty but pardoned by the mayor.  

Here is the story: 

Thanks man, i read about him before, didn't know that he got pardoned by the gov. thats why i said that I couldn't find or think of an example, not that there wasn't. the real world reality is that the majority of minorities dont get the same "justice" as the ones controlling the justice system. sometimes because of race and other times, class or both. in either case justice should be the same for all, no one should get a more objective or forgiving justice based on race or social status.
I'm not only referring to race when i say minorities, its class to. OJ had the rare advantage of using the best lawyers money could buy. without it he would probably serve the same fate as others. which by the way i wish he would, i don't doubt for a second that he did it and its a shame that justice wasn't served that day.
I mentioned we have issues with class and race when it comes to the judicial system last night.
this is so terrible and sad.... they won, they can gloat..... a black boy is dead but the "justice system did its job"......  laws and morals are not the same thing....
and people are gloating and happy 
co-sign, thats the reason why i feel a certain way about this.
George Zimmerman should of not had the right to carry because of previous accounts on his record, domestic violence and assaulting an officer... Of course its easy to get things cleared when your dad is an ex judge and can help pull some strings... The Martin family should build a civil case against the father because he's the reason why George Zimmerman was allowed to carry a gun..

How much of this is fact based?
He doesn't have to be innocent - unless he was in the act of committing a serious offence (and right now I'm thinking only murder or rape) then there is no justification for shooting him.

Being suspicious that he is going to commit a crime (any crime) doesn't give anyone the right to murder him.

Self defense is not murder neither.

And like i said. The lord work in mysterious ways. Maybe Martin finally met his due because of his previous life sin acts.
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I thought FOR SURE they were gonna come back with the guilty verdict on the manslaughter charge, just because it was a "child".

All the evidence was shaky. State's witnesses making points for the defense a little too often. Rachel Jeantel really hurt the prosecution, IMO.
Evidence may have been shaky, but the fact remains that you can't claim self defense when you stalk and murder an unarmed individual. Does this mean that I can now strap up and run up on anyone who I don't like, and as soon as they make an act of aggression back at me, that I can shoot and kill them? Rachel's parents should be ashamed of themselves.

That's probably the only part where you and I see it a tad differently. From my understanding of the evidence, Martin went "back" to where the shooting happened. Meaning it's very well possible he instigated the fight that led to the shooting.

I do not think Zimmerman should have gotten out of his truck. For his safety or anyone else. He should have driven up to Trayvon Martin, identified himself as NBHW and offered the kid a ride home. If the kid says "**** off" or "I don't live here", then he's OFFICIALLY suspicious.

Or he could have just done nothing you know. That's always an option. Personally, I'm not paying the kid any mind. Mind your own business is the motto I live by.

Nope Martin ran away from Zimmerman to take a different route. Zimmerman cut him off and confronted him

Please look at the maps before you speak
How can you tell that someone went back.

His body was near his dads girlfriends house, it wasnt near GZ truck or GZ house :smh:
He doesn't have to be innocent - unless he was in the act of committing a serious offence (and right now I'm thinking only murder or rape) then there is no justification for shooting him.

Being suspicious that he is going to commit a crime (any crime) doesn't give anyone the right to murder him.

Self defense is not murder neither.

And like i said. The lord work in mysterious ways. Maybe Martin finally met his due because of his previous life sin acts.

Stop it dude
Yes, I watched.

That's our legal system. Zimmerman was on trial so the state was allowed to attempt to build a case that showed he had predispositions toward young black youth, which would help create their argument of ill will or spite. And in that respect, I agree with the system's allowing those phone calls be played.

But since everyone's screaming about our flawed system, let me throw this monkey wrench in there. The defense was not allowed to introduce evidence that may have shown the jury Trayvon Martin in another light, a light that doesn't depict him as the "innocent 17 year old child" who was gunned down by a racist assailant. (I also disagree with a 6'1 17 year old person being referred to as a child, constantly, as well as pictures of him clearing not depicting his age at the time of the incident, as insulting to my intelligence). Rightfully so, because Trayvon Martin is not who was on trial. Zimmerman was.

They weren't allowed to see his text messages discussing purchasing a firearm for $80.

They weren't allowed to go in depth on why he was living with his father.

Are these things relevant? Yes, in the grand scheme of things, I believe if you're going to look into the background of the head side of the coin, you should look equally as deep on the tail side of the coin. But that's not how our legal system works and we take the good with the bad. IT COULD BE MUCH WORSE.

In terms of a COURT CASE, I believe the defense should have won. That has nothing to do with Trayvon Martin or George Zimmerman. The only thing the state did well was their closing arguments.
Whatever light you're referring to doesn't justify murder...he was unarmed. 

What does this have to do with Zimmerman going on the hunt?

Who is he to kill a person who maybe considered somewhat troubled? Which is complete bs imo. 

Those things are not relevant btw...and what about Zimmerman's history since you want to bring up the past?

You know you're trolling with that my dude. I see what ya'll dudes been talking about, and why I stayed out of this thread. 

Dudes try to bait you every which way...


Not sure how it's trolling?

There were huge discussions following the Sandy Hook shooting, the Boston Marathon bombings, and similar tragedies. But for some reason, Casey Anthony, Oscar Grant flew under the radar relatively speaking compared to this. Those two murder cases were just as big of miscarriages of justice in my opinion.
Not sure how it's trolling?

There were huge discussions following the Sandy Hook shooting, the Boston Marathon bombings, and similar tragedies. But for some reason, Casey Anthony, Oscar Grant flew under the radar relatively speaking compared to this. Those two murder cases were just as big of miscarriages of justice in my opinion.

Are you kidding me right now.

In those cases was the person who committed or allegedly committed the crime not even arrested?

Don't forget why we even know about this story

Its not the freaking same.
Not sure how it's trolling?

There were huge discussions following the Sandy Hook shooting, the Boston Marathon bombings, and similar tragedies. But for some reason, Casey Anthony, Oscar Grant flew under the radar relatively speaking compared to this. Those two murder cases were just as big of miscarriages of justice in my opinion.
You know why those flew under the radar compared to this...

The same reason why this thread is updated constantly by someone's opinion on race in this country...

It's not only polarizing because of the circumstances itself, but because race is the underlying current keeping everyone in debate. 
So are you saying that Trayvon Martin is innocent? The lord work in mysterious ways bro. I don't even have to explain to you about karma.

You trolls are ridiculous, and to bring God in to this?

What was he guilty of? Walking down the street?

So those kids who died at Sandy Hook were guilty of something?

I can't even believe some of the nonsense people are typing.
I thought we were talking about Zimmerman being racist, you definitely went on a tangent somewhere else

My point was that while you're trying to use things that happened outside of March 12, 2012 to justify your theory of him (GZ) being racist, I can also use similar tactics to justify Trayvon Martin being the "trouble" that George Zimmerman profiled him to be.

That's all.

It's already been done though. "Trayvon smoked weed, Trayvon puts up middle fingers in pictures, Trayvon poses in pictures with guns, Trayvon deals drugs, Trayvon watches homeless people fight" etc
Stop quoting that dude, he is off his meds so he is trolling extra hard.

Bringing up God just like Zimmerman ole murderous self did :x
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