R.I.P Trayvon

I had NO idea of that man, I am extremely sorry. I meant in no way to speak of your deceased wife like that, just making a point about assuming things from pictures that you know nothing about (as I have shown).

Don't be sorry.

He's lying.

Damn. I have no idea but I really hope someone wouldn't joke about something like that, like I REALLY pray they wouldn't. I'm gonna stick by apologizing bc my mom has really sick and I can't even fathom joking about a loved family member being dead.
Zimmerman should have never confronted him. He was even ordered NOT TO PURSUE HIM. Trayvon was minding his own ******g business.

We gonna say Trayvon started this situation now?
lol im agreeing with you

I believe this is the sequence of events

1) He calls 911

2)get outs the car

3) follows and catches up to TM

4) Initiates a fight by provoking TM and throws the first punch

5)Gets beat up

6)Shoots as Trayvon is letting up on him


quote from someone else:

"She did not fire a warning shot. She went to the house where her ex husband was, got into a argument with him, went back out to her car, retrieved the firearm, fired at him while the children were in the same room, and then claimed it was a "warning shot."
She was offered 3 years but rejected it and went for the trial, where mandatory sentencing guidelines hosed her."

I agree. The law is funny like that. No one ever said justice always prevail but more so what can be proven is what the verdict will be. It's unfortunate on the outcome but not a surprise by any means.
Yeah, no shocks here. At the end of the day, it's sad what his parents have to go through.
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Here's something proven... An unarmed man was shot. That is illegal. And please don't tell me it's stand your ground. Force has to equal force. A man with a gun approaches an unarmed man is not considered equal force.
By the way, I do not have a problem with you at all. I actually respect the fact that you have a different opinion than mine as it opens debate.
I'm open for an honest debate, PM if you'd like. I think it's been proven that someone can be killed by bare hands. I had a friend who was killed at the SF giants game in 2008 by simple blunt force trauma to the head. People have the misconception that because I agree with the verdict simply means that I agree that people can get killed without justice, I just feel that you can't prosecute someone on what may or may not have happened. Could the justice system be tweaked? Absolutely, but let's not riot over one death when they happen in every city, every day.
What pictures of drugs and a gun?

And it's funny how certain people will bring up the dead kids past, but never Zimmerman's.

But then they will say I'm not racist.

See this is what i'm talking about. You defend this man-Trayvon Martin, with sword and shield while you don't even know the whole story.


"Kruidbos testified last month that he found embarrassing photos found on Trayvon's cellphone, including pictures of a clump of jewelry on a bed, underage nude females, marijuana plants and a hand holding a semiautomatic pistol. Defense attorneys allege that data wasn't turned over to them as part of the evidence exchange process, known as discovery."
You act like Zimmerman couldn't have been knocked unconsious if the fight continued.
ya know thats a great point i didnt think of it that way.  good thing it didn't continue and we only have a dead black kid to deal with rather than an unconscious white/hispanic male. 

im done.
No one is going to learn anything from this verdict.

Nothing has changed. Next week, it will be some other headline story of rape, murder or whatever gets headlines and pundits a reason to sit at a satellite monitor.

Blacks will continue to get treated like second class citizens in the American two tiered system built on White supremacy.

The struggle continues.


Every parent should learn something from this, give your children the attention your children needs or they will get it from these streets and it wont be because these streets love them.
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HLN brought up another good point. Zimmerman can go out tomorrow on his neighborhood watch with his gun and hunt down young unarmed black men at night.

I've been saying that from the beginning. Any white guy can do it to any minority in Florida. If it's his word against yours, and you end up dead, justice won't be served.

If Zimmerman doesn't pull the trigger, does he walk away that night alive? We don't know if at the time Zimmerman thought it was a wrap for himself. That's why it is deemed Self Defense.

Yes, we do , because what was he going to do, bleed to death?

Trayvon was going to hit him with the ice tea can?
Underage nude pics
dude was 17 he got some hs girls to sext him what's the big deal.. the other pictures are serious stuff but don't bring up "underage pics" he was a kid too
What you expect Meek?
Dude cannot believe what he's saying . . .

Zimmerman: my brother had the right to defend himself

Piers Morgan: Did Trayvon Martin have the right to defend himself?

Robert Zimmerman: From What Piers, Trayvon Martin had the right to go home


As if Trayvon Martin wasn't trying to do that in the first place when he left 7/11 . . . this wouldn't have happened if Zimmerman either minded his own damn business or called the cops if he was legit concerned

i gotta turn off the tv
if a 17 yr old kid knocked you down and he started banging your head against the concrete, would u shoot him with your gun?
You can't get to this point in the story without going over what happened leading up to it . . . Zimmerman should have never got out of the car to approach dude . . . he should have called the cops . . . for someone walking back from the gas station
. . . now once he's beating your ***, you fight this 17 year old kid with your MMA trained 29 year old hands . . . you don't shoot him in the chest . . .
Would u be suspicious of a kid wearing a blk hoody in the middle of the night? I dont care what race the kid is, but if I see a kid wearing a hoody with previous reports of robberies in the neighborhood, I would keep an eye out on him.
Can see glimpses of that stereotyping and arrogance shining through.

No I would not be suspicious of anyone wearing a hoodie at night in the middle of February.
. It's extremely ignorant of you to assume that anyone wearing a hood in the winter is a thief.

If my family members were in this predicament, the blame would ultimately fall on them for getting out of the car after 911 told them not to pursue. It would not have been illegal for them to ignore the 911 operator and pursue the dude, but nothing good could come of that. It would have been in their best interest to stay in the car and call the cops . . . on someone coming back from the gas station with a bag of candy.

I really hope you're just playing devil's advocate and don't really believe what you're typing right now man.

If someone was following me, in the middle of the night I'm not about to wait and see what they are trying to do. For all Martin knew, Zimmerman was trying to rob/assault/abduct him.
lol sure, i may be stereotyping, but everyone does. I lived in the bronx for 21 years (not anymore) and i always kept an eye out for suspicious ppl. If I see someone with a hoody over their head with the news of robberies in the neighborhood, then of-effin-course im gonna suspect the person with hoody over their head walking in the middle of the night as being a criminal. No, im not playing devil's advocate. GZ did not provoke the fight. He asked trayvon what was he doing.
I really don't understand how anyone could be on Zimmerman's side.  It would be one thing if Tray was killed within the vicinity of Zimmerman's vehicle, but this boy's body was found in between the back of homes on a dimly lit pathway.  That's enough to say Zimmerman got out of his vehicle in pursuit of trouble, and found it.  This just ensures me that black people have absolutely no rights at all.  This really sickens me.
Every parent should learn something from this, give your children the attention your children needs or they will get it from these streets and it wont be because these streets love them.
My ***** you keep talking like he was shot by another black kid on the streets on some black on black crime ****..You severely lack critical thinking skills...higher education will not be forthcoming for you. If you are in college or beyond...I apologize sincerely.
Question: So next time if I get in a fight "that I didn't start" and am getting my *** beat, I can just whip out the heat and shoot someone???

I'm asian if this matters.

In many (if not all) states, even if you were the initial aggressor, deadly force may sometimes be used in self-defense. The circumstance in which self-defense would typically not apply is if the initial aggressor was the one who initially escalated the altercation to deadly force. Therefore, in your hypothetical situation, even if you were the initial aggressor, if the other person escalated it to deadly force, and you had no clear line of retreat, then you can make a self-defense claim.

Even in states without the "stand your ground" law that Florida instituted, self-defense can be argued for if there is no clear line of retreat.

Let me note that I am in no way expressing an opinion on the outcome of the case. I'm just a law graduate studying for the bar, so criminal law is fresh in my mind.
Dude! One guy had a gun, the other guy didn't!

Come on dude, think for a second!

do we have proof that he was shot and killed while unarmed, after being pursued by a vigilante?

We don't have proof. That's why the jury acquitted GZ on the charges. The prosecution failed to prove it.

You know its entirely possible to kill someone without a gun right? You may have missed the closing arguments, but the defense destroyed the prosecution. A key point was when O'Mara told the jury (I'm paraphrasing) that TM was not unarmed then grabbed a big block of concrete. This was TM's weapon because GZ's head was being slammed on the concrete by TM

That was O'Mara saying that. It was never proven Trayvon had a block of concrete
lol sure, i may be stereotyping, but everyone does. I lived in the bronx for 21 years (not anymore) and i always kept an eye out for suspicious ppl. If I see someone with a hoody over their head with the news of robberies in the neighborhood, then of-effin-course im gonna suspect the person with hoody over their head walking in the middle of the night as being a criminal. No, im not playing devil's advocate. GZ did not provoke the fight. He asked trayvon what was he doing.
Who told you that there were words spoken between the two?
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