R.I.P Trayvon

Question: So next time if I get in a fight "that I didn't start" and am getting my *** beat, I can just whip out the heat and shoot someone???

I'm asian if this matters.
Question: So next time if I get in a fight "that I didn't start" and am getting my *** beat, I can just whip out the heat and shoot someone???

I'm asian if this matters.

You can start the fight as long as there are no witnesses. Whoops, I missed the ""
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What you expect Meek?
Dude cannot believe what he's saying . . .​
Zimmerman: my brother had the right to defend himself​
Piers Morgan: Did Trayvon Martin have the right to defend himself?​
Robert Zimmerman: From What Piers, Trayvon Martin had the right to go home
As if Trayvon Martin wasn't trying to do that in the first place when he left 7/11 . . . this wouldn't have happened if Zimmerman either minded his own damn business or called the cops if he was legit concerned​
i gotta turn off the tv :smh:

if a 17 yr old kid knocked you down and he started banging your head against the concrete, would u shoot him with your gun?
You can't get to this point in the story without going over what happened leading up to it . . . Zimmerman should have never got out of the car to approach dude . . . he should have called the cops . . . for someone walking back from the gas station :lol: . . . now once he's beating your ***, you fight this 17 year old kid with your MMA trained 29 year old hands . . . you don't shoot him in the chest . . .​

he was on a neighborhood watch due to previous robberies in the neighborhood. If I was living in the neighborhood, I would thank him for volunteering to watch out for criminals. Would u be suspicious of a kid wearing a blk hoody in the middle of the night? I dont care what race the kid is, but if I see a kid wearing a hoody with previous reports of robberies in the neighborhood, I would keep an eye out on him. I dont wanna stay in the car and lose sight on where he went by waiting for the cops to show up. What if trayvon was one of the robbers who burglarized houses in the neighborhood and he ended up robbing a house or hurting an innocent person while waiting for the cops?

As for the attack, it doesn't matter if you're a trained mma fighter. If you get hit with one solid punch, u will get knocked down with loss of coordination. GZ might have been dazed by the attacks from Trayvon. In addition, trayvon grabbed GZ's head and banged it against the concrete floor with blood leaking out (as evidenced by multiple photos).

What if your mom, dad, brother was in GZ's position. Would u want them to shoot trayvon or risk of getting killed themselves? Answer truthfully.

So Trayvon was going to kill Zimmerman with his bare hands

1000000000% possible

source: medical background, brothers/friends are doctors/RN and we discussed this issue and they can back up my statement

So Trayvon was beating up Zimmerman so bad, but yet Zimmerman could unholster his gun and shoot the kid?
no one will ever know if GZ started that "fight"...

Zimmerman should have never confronted him. He was even ordered NOT TO PURSUE HIM. Trayvon was minding his own ******g business.

We gonna say Trayvon started this situation now?
There are millions of George Zimmermans in this country.

Safe people, white people, don't realize this.

Black people, minorities, live with it on a daily basis.
But when Blacks kill Blacks we just chalk it's just another homie dead? Rightttttttt
is it self defense when you provoke a confrontation when you have a superior weapon?
How do you know who provoked who? Simply following someone doesn't mean you're provoking them. The weapon has nothing to do with whether it's self defense or not. If he had reasonable fear for his life, it's self defense. You can argue it all you want but that's what the law states.
A lot of ya'll are speaking from emotion rather than looking at it from a judicial standpoint. For all that happened the way it did, there was no other verdict that could've been reached. You can't look at the what ifs, and the he shouldn't have's. You have to look at what happened. Like I said earlier, from a moral standpoint, he should have went to jail, but you can't look at it from that perspective. As soon as we got the news that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman back with the head pounding the concrete and all of that, everyone should've known that this was going to be a self defense case.

I agree. The law is funny like that. No one ever said justice always prevail but more so what can be proven is what the verdict will be. It's unfortunate on the outcome but not a surprise by any means.
What you expect Meek?
Dude cannot believe what he's saying . . .

Zimmerman: my brother had the right to defend himself

Piers Morgan: Did Trayvon Martin have the right to defend himself?

Robert Zimmerman: From What Piers, Trayvon Martin had the right to go home


As if Trayvon Martin wasn't trying to do that in the first place when he left 7/11 . . . this wouldn't have happened if Zimmerman either minded his own damn business or called the cops if he was legit concerned

i gotta turn off the tv
if a 17 yr old kid knocked you down and he started banging your head against the concrete, would u shoot him with your gun?
You can't get to this point in the story without going over what happened leading up to it . . . Zimmerman should have never got out of the car to approach dude . . . he should have called the cops . . . for someone walking back from the gas station
. . . now once he's beating your ***, you fight this 17 year old kid with your MMA trained 29 year old hands . . . you don't shoot him in the chest . . .
Would u be suspicious of a kid wearing a blk hoody in the middle of the night? I dont care what race the kid is, but if I see a kid wearing a hoody with previous reports of robberies in the neighborhood, I would keep an eye out on him.
Can see glimpses of that stereotyping and arrogance shining through.

No I would not be suspicious of anyone wearing a hoodie at night in the middle of February.
. It's extremely ignorant of you to assume that anyone wearing a hood in the winter is a thief.

If my family members were in this predicament, the blame would ultimately fall on them for getting out of the car after 911 told them not to pursue. It would not have been illegal for them to ignore the 911 operator and pursue the dude, but nothing good could come of that. It would have been in their best interest to stay in the car and call the cops . . . on someone coming back from the gas station with a bag of candy.

I really hope you're just playing devil's advocate and don't really believe what you're typing right now man.

If someone was following me, in the middle of the night I'm not about to wait and see what they are trying to do. For all Martin knew, Zimmerman was trying to rob/assault/abduct him.
Question: So next time if I get in a fight "that I didn't start" and am getting my *** beat, I can just whip out the heat and shoot someone???

I'm asian if this matters.

If you're in Florida, ABSOLUTELY!

Part of me truly wishes Trayvon had a gun and maybe he would have been in jail for a period but at least he'd get to be alive and see his family.
Question: So next time if I get in a fight "that I didn't start" and am getting my *** beat, I can just whip out the heat and shoot someone???

I'm asian if this matters.
As long as the state has the stand your grounds law.. that's what we have learned today.

Create the fight.. but don't start it.. get hit a few times by some good shots.. make sure you're bleeding. Once you're injured enough shoot him through his heart.
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Just stupid. Simply stupid.

Trayvon Martin is not a child. George Zimmerman is not a child killer, he did not go out of his way to kill Trayvon. He acted in self defense, whether you like to accept that fact is up to you. Do you truly believe that George Zimmerman wanted to shoot that 'boy'?

Why not shoot him when he was confronted? Why let Trayvon batter him while he had his gun out? You know why. Because he did not confront the 'boy' with his gun out, it was his holster and taken out after he felt his life was in danger.

Why relinquish your rights and voluntarily give yourself in? Why give not 1,2 or 3, but 5 separate but all identical video-taped accounts of what happened that day?

Youre a moron. People like you will get innocent men killed.

He was 20 days past his 17th birthday. 17 is an adult?

If we're in the same car, and I've been drinking. I crash the car and you die. Did I want to kill you? I would still get a manslaughter conviction.
No one is going to learn anything from this verdict.

Nothing has changed. Next week, it will be some other headline story of rape, murder or whatever gets headlines and pundits a reason to sit at a satellite monitor.

Blacks will continue to get treated like second class citizens in the American two tiered system built on White supremacy.

The struggle continues.
Again, that is how the legal system works.  None of the above has been proven.
Here's something proven... An unarmed man was shot. That is illegal. And please don't tell me it's stand your ground. Force has to equal force. A man with a gun approaches an unarmed man is not considered equal force.
By the way, I do not have a problem with you at all. I actually respect the fact that you have a different opinion than mine as it opens debate.
Question: So next time if I get in a fight "that I didn't start" and am getting my *** beat, I can just whip out the heat and shoot someone???

I'm asian if this matters.
sure, if he provoked and attacked you first and u didn't know there was going to be a fight.
Zimmerman should have never confronted him. He was even ordered NOT TO PURSUE HIM. Trayvon was minding his own ******g business.

We gonna say Trayvon started this situation now?
*Continues to ignore fact that not following the police dispatcher is not illegal in an any form*

Watch out though, facts are around here are mistaken for racism and blind hate.
Dude! One guy had a gun, the other guy didn't!

Come on dude, think for a second!
do we have proof that he was shot and killed while unarmed, after being pursued by a vigilante?
We don't have proof. That's why the jury acquitted GZ on the charges. The prosecution failed to prove it.

You know its entirely possible to kill someone without a gun right? You may have missed the closing arguments, but the defense destroyed the prosecution. A key point was when O'Mara told the jury (I'm paraphrasing) that TM was not unarmed then grabbed a big block of concrete. This was TM's weapon because GZ's head was being slammed on the concrete by TM
I had NO idea of that man, I am extremely sorry. I meant in no way to speak of your deceased wife like that, just making a point about assuming things from pictures that you know nothing about (as I have shown).

Once again though, didn't mean to insult or disparage your wife in any way shape or form, seriously. I just disagreed with your assertions on a photo and judging or making claims. I certainly wouldn't have used that example had I known.

No problem, I honestly did have some bouncing boobs up there before but I recently was able to get pictures of her.

Im not making claims on a photo, I just believe a child out of respect to his or her parents should not display themselves in that manner. With that said why didnt the media use those pictures instead of the ones they have been using.

Im trying relate everything back to respect and lack of in this incident.
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How do you know who provoked who? Simply following someone doesn't mean you're provoking them. The weapon has nothing to do with whether it's self defense or not. If he had reasonable fear for his life, it's self defense. You can argue it all you want but that's what the law states.
Unless Martin dragged Zimmerman out of the vehicle, than Zimmerman provoked it.
Prosecutors weren't good enough. Never gave us a clear image of what they believe happened. Obviously that's more difficult because Trayvon is dead. The Defense turned some of the state's witnessed into their own. Then I heard this dude was out here saying stuff like the tree might've hit George. :smh:
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Okay I can't go back and read through all the posts but I'm not really getting why people are so focused on this case.

Reading through the facts of the case it seems like Zimmerman was innocent. This Trayvon Martin kid wasn't some academic nerd type. It seems he got into an altercation and was giving Zimmerman a beatdown and got shot up.

Regardless of why Zimmerman was there, why Trayvon was there, etc...and some point it became a verbal confrontation, then a physical confrontation, then a gun got pulled.

It's why you don't bring a knife to a gun fight. Honestly, either Trayvon instigated the situation, or didn't back down. All this shows me is that this is another instance where guns are to blame. People will be people. They are gonna misinterpret, judge, make wrong decisions, get heated, keep it real....but without guns it is unlikely anyone dies in this instance.

Sigh. Weapons. It's so stupid to allow people to have them...when it has been shown time and time again that people are so emotional. I love guns. They are awesome. They should be kept at the gun range though. No need for anyone to be walking around with them. Even cops should just have tasers. Unless you are SWAT guns in your possession are just asking for trouble.

It really doesn't seem like racism was the big issue here. This Zimmerman guy didn't seem racist at all from his past. Just seemed like some dude trying to protect his rich-ish hood. For a rich sounding place, there were a ton of police calls, vandalism and burglary calls from the area from 2011 to 2012.

It's easy to see why they got heated. Trayvon may or may not of been doing anything, but of course he got heated when he saw some dude trying to be in his business. Other dude has seen crime happen over and over and is sick of it. Just a perfect storm for a confrontation that escalates. If Trayvon threw the first punch (and clearly he got in at least a punch from the photos), then by the letter of the law, it was reasonable for Zimmerman to defend himself.

I disagree with gun laws, and the level of defense allowed for stand your ground, but I agree with the verdict. There is not enough evidence to charge him. I feel like this is a NBA replay call where the call on the play was innocent, and after review the evidence wasn't enough to overturn it.
There are millions of George Zimmermans in this country.

Safe people, white people, don't realize this.

Black people, minorities, live with it on a daily basis.

See youre spreading this stupid ****. This isn't a white or black thing, this is a matter where one man defended himself from another.

George is a hispanic male, yes that is true. However, one man clearly was attacked and acted in self defense. The evidence is there, the witnesses are there and the facts rose above politics today.
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