R.I.P Trayvon

Jews @ Auschwitz
Cambodians in the Killing Fields
Victims of Mao Zedong's "Great Leap Forward"
Targets of Stalin's Great Purge
North Koreans
...........................victims of countless other genocides

They would all like to have a word with you.

Add the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki getting nuked and the aftermath years later to the list.

400 Years. The End.

Really bro? Are you really trying to say one horrible thing is better than the next horrible thing? They're all messed up! None of it is anything to be proud of.
what part of that wasnt slavery tho?

EDIT: This shouldnt be a comparison at all because they are all terrible but objectively slavery was the worst if you cant see that you dont value all races of human life as being equal.  The millions that died JUST IN CROSSING on top of those that died upon reaching and after for 400 YEARS.  Women and children? Yup those too.  The goal was to exterminate those that couldnt serve a purpose, and force those that could into subservience.  Being killed in cold blood is bad, what worse is surviving and being forced to serve in live in constant fear of those who didn't kill you for the most selfish and utterly opposite of what the ideals of this country were supposed to be built upon.
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We're talking about millions of people tortured + murdered in cold blood. In thee worst ways. DEAD. For no reason. Babies. Women. The goal was to wipe entire races and groups of people off od the face of the earth. Life > Death. The end.
You must not be familiar with the middle passage?
Didn't you already post this?
idk then
What you posted tells us what percentage of each program was made up by each race. You need to take those numbers and relay them into the total population size for each race. To save you the trouble, something like 5% of whites are on welfare while something like 27% of blacks are on welfare. So yes, there are more white people on welfare, but you can't just look at the raw numbers. You have to consider population size also.
You must not be familiar with the middle passage?

exactly, People fail to realize Slavery was literally like every thing wrapped in one.

And NOBODY is saying something is "better" but there is nothing that can compare that happened to a Race of people that are still around. What happened in One country cannont amount to what happened across CONTINENTS.
I dont even know why you guys are arguing with him about the legitimacy of the suffering of African slaves around the globe. What is the relevance of the argument when   millions  on millions of people were killed, raped, separated from their families, and subjected to subhuman conditions?  People always  want to deligitmize the suffering of African people. Europeans rape, pillaged and tortured around the globe.
I am familiar. And you are right. Add it to the list. My point is that slavery doesn't sit alone as "the worst" thing that happened in history like the poster I replied to proclaimed.
Some would say it is because it was a global phenomenon.
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Dude I'm no moron. The civil rights for blacks at that time were also disgusting and immoral. But your grandparents rose up and fought for their rights.

Again NO ONE in this thread suffered that kind of discrimination. NO ONE. And if you feel that you have, well good luck to you cause its gonna be a hard life. You're not getting over discriminations that didn't happen to you. Your grand parents can say this all day cause they LIVED IT. you haven't. Period.

stevie lips ban yourself.

your post are always full of ignorance and flat out denial

by you saying nobody has suffered from that type of discrimination shows you need that keyboard taken away from you

you do not know what everybody has gone through in this post. NO IDEA. You do not live our lives.

That statement you made was a slap in the face to EVERY MINORITY

you think its ******g funny comparing stuff from the past well buddy racism is alive and well and until people like you realize that there will always be discrimination

discrimination is discrimination you closet racist

you should be ashamed of yourself if you really want to make different types of discrimination lesser than others.

Every battle against bull **** like this is important

but you have the balls to say because our grandparents had it harder that we shouldnt fight for what is right?

Yea log off please
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I don't care to get involved with attempting to articulate either story.

Bottom line? Americans don't respect each other or life anymore. It's a shame that we act as if this isn't a daily routine and a one time incident. They're both guilty of not respecting or valuing life...the end result is pure chance. It wasn't planned out by either. This should be a lesson in civility. I don't care about age.

We hate people every day and justify the spiteful attitudes and actions we maintain towards each other with bs like "who started it?" and ridiculous blanket statements about social etiquette.

Then we want to let the media get us all worked up over who's right/wrong? We're all wrong. We're all to blame.

well said
Some would say it is because it was a global phenomenon.

And people can agree to disagree. I believe all, including slavery were horrible in their own way and left resounding effects to this day. To put slavery above other instances of genocide however is pretty irresponsible in my opinion.
thats bs what u said is a ridiculuous blanket statement.  no respect for life?  no value? pure chance? no planned out? what are these words?

Tell me if you feel that way next time you get rolled up on and get shot

EDIT:  If theres no such thing as "social etiquette" or defining "who started it?" then essentially were all just out here doing whatever we want whenever on whoever living in anarchy?
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Some might say the Holocaust was worst

But Jewish people can pass for White, so it helps ward against continued discrimination which is different from other minorities
What you posted tells us what percentage of each program was made up by each race. You need to take those numbers and relay them into the total population size for each race. To save you the trouble, something like 5% of whites are on welfare while something like 27% of blacks are on welfare. So yes, there are more white people on welfare, but you can't just look at the raw numbers. You have to consider population size also.
Of course whites have a greater population size than blacks and non white hispanics, so they will receive a higher percentage of  social benefits than everyone else. I just stated that the misconception that blacks and hispanics are welfare kings and queens eating up all the welfare benefits  is a fallacy, since the bulk of the welfare funds go to whites. I dont think there is aggragate data to determine exactly how many blacks, hispanics or whites recieve assistance individually. We can only compare the population rates and rates of those who receive assistance.
Nobody had it worst than what happened during Slavery

Jews @ Auschwitz
Cambodians in the Killing Fields
Victims of Mao Zedong's "Great Leap Forward"
Targets of Stalin's Great Purge
North Koreans
...........................victims of countless other genocides

They would all like to have a word with you.
I hate when people try to compare who had it worse. Why can't we just all agree that any suffering and oppression of ANYONE is wrong and try to make sur it doesn't happen in the future
This thread is about the The state vs Zimmerman with the charges of 2nd degree murder.

Just incase you guys forgot.
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What you posted tells us what percentage of each program was made up by each race. You need to take those numbers and relay them into the total population size for each race. To save you the trouble, something like 5% of whites are on welfare while something like 27% of blacks are on welfare. So yes, there are more white people on welfare, but you can't just look at the raw numbers. You have to consider population size also.
Of course whites have a greater population size than blacks and non white hispanics, so they will receive a higher percentage of  social benefits than everyone else. I just stated that the misconception that blacks and hispanics are welfare kings and queens eating up all the welfare benefits  is a fallacy, since the bulk of the welfare funds go to whites. I dont think there is aggragate data to determine exactly how many blacks, hispanics or whites recieve assistance individually. We can only compare the population rates and rates of those who receive assistance.

That bulk share is only about 5% of their population tho. Over a quarter of the black population is on welfare. I don't know the numbers for Hispanics, but I would assume it would be just as much, if not more.
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