R.I.P Trayvon

Why are you guys comparing racial/ cultural atrocities to each other? They're all different circumstances.

This is exactly what the media wanted. They want the racial tension and rioting to happen. And people are falling right into the trap.
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actually i think u missed the point saying we cant defend salvery cuz we werent there but u can? once again im done for real
I think a lot of this race talk isnt meant just for zimmerman, but for america as a whole. I think black people stereotypes are embeded into a lot of peoples brain. like its written in stone. we cant shake them. i dont think there is any other race that is judged by their appearance more than blacks. thats what makes it so frustrating about people thinking what zimmerman did was ok. black people know that its these stereotypes that allow you to ignore all the things that zimmerman did, that may be legal, but are wrong and led to martins death. its so sad
I think a lot of this race talk isnt meant just for zimmerman, but for america as a whole. I think black people stereotypes are embeded into a lot of peoples brain. like its written in stone. we cant shake them. i dont think there is any other race that is judged by their appearance more than blacks. thats what makes it so frustrating about people thinking what zimmerman did was ok. black people know that its these stereotypes that allow you to ignore all the things that zimmerman did, that may be legal, but are wrong and led to martins death. its so sad
I watched the O'mara closing arguments on YouTube. Is it true Trayvon had 4 minutes to run home, which was 100 yards away, and didn't?

1 Post. Joined Today at 12:15 pm


You can use that time thing.. But Zimmy had 2:01 to walk from the T where he said he was at when he got off the phone to his car which was like 20-30ft away
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Dude I'm no moron. The civil rights for blacks at that time were also disgusting and immoral. But your grandparents rose up and fought for their rights.

Again NO ONE in this thread suffered that kind of discrimination. NO ONE. And if you feel that you have, well good luck to you cause its gonna be a hard life. You're not getting over discriminations that didn't happen to you. Your grand parents can say this all day cause they LIVED IT. you haven't. Period.
How are you to tell someone they havent experiencied that kind of racism?   Research shows discrimination in housing, education, criminal justice, hiring  still occurs. There was a study that found that black males with college degrees and no criminal records have a harder time getting a job than white males without college degrees and criminal records. There is research and personal expereince to prove that racism and discrimination exists in a country ran by the majority population.  People arent claiming that they experience racism and discrimination for their health or for sympathy. To insuiate that  would be insinuating that blacks are inferior, lazy and want handouts,when in reality most balcks just want equal opportunities to suceed and progress in society, and stats show that whites receive more handouts than blacks. This country was born on racism and it still exists becuase the dominate culture still controls society. In arizona, legal mexicans are harrased by police officers who fell they are Illegals. You as a white man  have no right to tell anyone that they arent experiencing racism. You cant speak for a black man because you are not a black man.Nor can you speak on a black mans experiences.  As me as an Italian dude cant tell you about being Irish. This is a huge problem with a lot of white people they think that they can speak for everyone, which is why I some time hate being labeled as white.
I watched the O'mara closing arguments on YouTube. Is it true Trayvon had 4 minutes to run home, which was 100 yards away, and didn't?

Who's troll account is this?

Who joins a board about sneakers and your first post is about the Zimmerman murder trial?
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Were these in response to my question? Because it doesn't answer it.

Let me ask it this way, what percentage of the black population is on welfare? What percentage of the Hispanic population is on welfare? What percentage of the white population is on welfare?

I think you have a misconception on what wellfare is. Welfare is not one big program it includes several social service programs that provide needy families assistance, such as food stamps, free lunch, health care,etc. The various programs that provide assistance are listed in the chart and the racial percentage of those receiving benefits are listed. Not everyone gets all the different social service programs because they may not apply. It is hard  for one to get  assistance from multiple  programs.

That still doesn't answer the question.
I think a lot of this race talk isnt meant just for zimmerman, but for america as a whole. I think black people stereotypes are embeded into a lot of peoples brain. like its written in stone. we cant shake them. i dont think there is any other race that is judged by their appearance more than blacks. thats what makes it so frustrating about people thinking what zimmerman did was ok. black people know that its these stereotypes that allow you to ignore all the things that zimmerman did, that may be legal, but are wrong and led to martins death. its so sad

Yea, the case really is less about Trayvon Martin and more about racial profiling and a flawed criminal justice system.

It's more like an Emmett Till type of thing. It's symbolic. I'm sure just like people are saying Trayvon should have ran home, there were people back then that said Emmett Till should not have talked to a white girl.
So everybody at my job saying George was right, saying tm was black, high, snooping around windows, and that he hit George first... How do they know he hit who first, these racist people said look at who face was messed up more and look how big he was. Saying he was a big kid.... That's racist, and also one guy said first I want to see if his birth certificate and see if hes really 17??? Like dude Wtf???
A restaurant with racist waiters and waitresses due to the fact the media has embedded negative imagesof blacks in people head and also because they hate that blacks ddon't tip em, maybe because yall ain't serving them
Nobody had it worst than what happened during Slavery

Jews @ Auschwitz
Cambodians in the Killing Fields
Victims of Mao Zedong's "Great Leap Forward"
Targets of Stalin's Great Purge
North Koreans
...........................victims of countless other genocides

They would all like to have a word with you.
Maybe I missed this explanation, but if trayvon was beating Zimmerman up, how come his hands had no damages except a little cut?

Usually when you beat someone to that extent, even if there arent any cuts, there would be some kind of blue/black marking on your knuckles at the least. If you punched a hard surface or even someone's face in your life, there is some kind of marking even under the skin....

Did I miss this elaboration?
So everybody at my job saying George was right, saying tm was black, high, snooping around windows, and that he hit George first... How do they know he hit who first, these racist people said look at who face was messed up more and look how big he was. Saying he was a big kid.... That's racist, and also one guy said first I want to see if his birth certificate and see if hes really 17??? Like dude Wtf???
Didn't you already post this?
And please I know some of you can't comprehend rational conversation so I'll break it down.

Slavery was disgusting. Horrible and immoral.

All I'm saying is other nationalities had it terrible too but decided to forge from it rather than harp on it.

Say what you want. I really don't care. This is what I believe just as you believe what you believe.

They sure have.

It still doesn't change that black people have faced institutional hurdles in this country that no other ethnicity has faced.

Well maybe the natives but they were just extermanated.
Jews @ Auschwitz
Cambodians in the Killing Fields
Victims of Mao Zedong's "Great Leap Forward"
Targets of Stalin's Great Purge
North Koreans
...........................victims of countless other genocides

They would all like to have a word with you.

400 Years. The End.
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