Questions for ATHEISTS vol. keep it funky

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Duwende are goblins, hobgoblins, elves or dwarfs (Spanish: duende "goblin, elf, charm" < "duen de (casa)", owner of the house). They are little creatures who can provide good fortune or bad fate to people.[2] In the pre-colonial Philippines they were called mangalo and were believed to cause the death of children by eating their bowels. Also in pre-colonial Philippines, mainly Visayas, people believed that this race of creatures served and raised the goddess Burigadang Pada Sinaklang Bulawan. In modern-day beliefs duwende frequently live in houses, in trees, underground, termite like mound or hill, and in rural areas. They are known to be either good or mischievous, depending on how homeowners treat them. They usually come out at 12 noon for an hour and during the night. Filipinos always mutter words ("tabi-tabi po" or "bari-bari apo ma ka ilabas kami apo") asking them to excuse themselves for bothering the Duwendes. Filipinos would leave food on the floor, so that the duwende residing (or guarding) the house would not be angry with them. They also take a person's things, and laugh at him/her when you try to find it. They give it back when they feel like it, or when one tells them to please give it.

If only that really happened. I'd love to watch that on tv.
If something catastrophic happens, and "prayers sent" is said by many people but the prayers are asking for different things, who does God listen to?
Research the history and symbolism of "alter boys" and ask yourself why thwre are statues of little boys with wings everywhere you see a Catholic Church or a building associated with the Catholic church

Did my googles but not really finding anything.

Here is what some of the atheist might not understand, the God that is supposedly in charge of the world right now happens to be a man. Someone with that sort of power can only hear himself, never listening to anyone but himself. That's how tyrants get down. You are poor and in pain with no other options, he likes it that way, it makes you worship him a bit harder. That is how that thing works. Those who forgo his crap, stop trying to live through his accord, make it in this world. This is why Christianity/Islam/Judaism is taught to people of color one way, with it being taught as an aggressive means of survival for White men.

It is pretty simple.
Hi everyone.

I’ve scrolled past this thread for years, deciding it best to not bother with whatever conversation was going on in here. My curiousity got the best of me and I went to the second to last page just to see where the conversation was currently residing.

Based off of some of the posts I saw, I have a question for “both sides”.

Do you all believe the existence of a higher power MUST be equated/linked with religion?

Remember I only went one full page back, so keep it funky :wink:
Hi everyone.

I’ve scrolled past this thread for years, deciding it best to not bother with whatever conversation was going on in here. My curiousity got the best of me and I went to the second to last page just to see where the conversation was currently residing.

Based off of some of the posts I saw, I have a question for “both sides”.

Do you all believe the existence of a higher power MUST be equated/linked with religion?

Remember I only went one full page back, so keep it funky :wink:
Spirituality > Religion

Through spirituality you recognize the connection through all things.
Through religion you are limited in recognition to what the laws of that belief allows you to know.

Your eyes can't believe, what your mind can't conceive.

Religion = spiritual imprisonment.

Still no good reason to believe it exists at all though.

I only asked because it seemed like the madness taking place in some of those religious videos that were posted was being used to disprove a higher power.

Another question if I may, once again for all parties.

To what extent has the Big Bang Theory been discussed?
There’s a higher power. We’re all here through too many intricate processes that science can’t even begin to explain

I only asked because it seemed like the madness taking place in some of those religious videos that were posted was being used to disprove a higher power.

Another question if I may, once again for all parties.

To what extent has the Big Bang Theory been discussed?
In this thread? Not in great detail.

On NT? Plenty.
Probably the dumbest thing I've read all week.

I also love the argument from ignorance logical fallacy because it basically boils down to "I can't explain it, therefore let me explain it."

Dumb is thinking that everything is the way it is by chance...

Human arrogance.

Why do you feel this way?

Arrogant because I don’t give humans credit for every thing?

I feel this way because it’s the most rational explanation believe it or not. We aren’t in control even though we’d like to think we are.
Dumb is thinking that everything is the way it is by chance...

Arrogant because I don’t give humans credit for every thing?

I feel this way because it’s the most rational explanation believe it or not. We aren’t in control even though we’d like to think we are.
No, it is arrogant that you believe we SHOULD be at a point in time where we know everything.

So that is actually overvaluing the ability of humans, let alone diminishing the complexity of the universe.
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