Questions for ATHEISTS vol. keep it funky

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You buy into this stuff? Be real my man

No. Thats foolishness. Most forms of christianity are only christianity by name alone. (which is why I dont
identify with that term) But this is theatrical garbage. My first inclinations is to :rofl:.
But then I realize people are actually investing time, finances, and brainspace then I
feel like :sick:. But ultimately I reside :smh: because the folks are too lazy to read the scriptures for themselves and realize they are being lead astray.

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand - John 10:27-28
History will not look back kindly on this period.

Religion protecting real pedophiles. Children are being abused and scarred for life. Just raping kids everywhere. 300 in one state alone.

******* sick
History will not look back kindly on this period.

Religion protecting real pedophiles. Children are being abused and scarred for life. Just raping kids everywhere. 300 in one state alone.

****ing sick
Research the history and symbolism of "alter boys" and ask yourself why thwre are statues of little boys with wings everywhere you see a Catholic Church or a building associated with the Catholic church
If this caused her to be a non-believer, So does she go to hell for this or does God "understand?"

And whenever she hears the word "God," Carolyn said, flashbacks of abuse keep coming back.
"The word 'God' makes me think of him," she said. "I just feel like my whole life has been a lie."

Priest abuse victims detail lifetime of trauma and broken trust
Haven’t read any of this thread. The one thing atheists lack that religion followers get is a sense of community.

My life lacks community and there is no easy means in the modern day to have it apart from religion.

This is not to say that I am lonely. I have friends at work. Friends I meet up for vacation. A gf I live with. Pets. A sister close and niece/nephew I live close by.

What I miss though is a complete sense of belonging. We have this in high school and college with our friend group/school. As adults though it feels like pulling teeth to create a connected world that you settle into.
I play rec league basketball.

My coworkers are TIGHT

My circle of friends are tight

My neighbors in my street are tight.

I just finished grad school and my cohort worked 3 hard years to reach that goal

I think your thesis is wildly inaccurate.

Maybe YOUR life LACKS the sense of community, but don't assume all nonbelievers suffer from the same issue
But bruh, you on NT :lol:

While digital, you a part of this community too. And there's options for real life interactions.
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You buy into stuff like this?

I come in peace

I do believe in supernatural healing, but I dont know if I buy this girls story. If I got taken off of death row,
I dont think I could talk about anything else. She kinda went about it really casually. Even if she told
this story a million times, there's a certain level of passion, awe and humility I see consistent with people I know personally
who have experienced miracles, both big and small. I didn't feel any of that from this girl. (Did she have a positive test to even begin with?)
Also, I disagree when she says if you believe, you will be healed. Your healing journey can start with belief. But just because you
do, doesn't mean that you will be. There's millions of folks who believe they will beat their sickness, who are God fearing, and
they dont survive. There no formula to healing, but if there is, belief is an important ingredient, just not the only one.
( Not to discredit her, but she doesn't come off to me as informed or knowledgeable in her faith. She just says a bunch of terms and phrases Christians use)

Sidenote: the biblical account she gave early on about Laban is wrong. Laban was Jacobs father in law. He was a crooked man. He never had leprosy.
She was probrably referring to the Commander of the Syrian Army, Na'aman. He was a leper and pretty popular. He wasn't hiding his illness like she said tho.
Israelis would put you out of the camp if you were a leper, as a form of quaratine, but Syrians and other nations did not practice this.
I loved watching that show.

Some sound arguments. Laid out all of the logical fallacies so they could be easy to spot.

When they would allow call-ins is when the religious would get exposed :lol:
:lol: That bigot was feeling himself.

Everybody else just supporting discrimination.
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