Questions for ATHEISTS vol. keep it funky

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I'm a that I mean I follow the teachings put forth by Mr. Satan from Dragon Ball Z, peach & blessings be upon him.
Tbh I've never really considered Easter as a religious holiday. I went to a catholic elementary school but our Easter celebrations were all about hunting for hidden chocolate eggs.
Nobody in our class was religious anyway (except a muslim) so it would have been pointless to really involve religion in that tradition
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a frontrunner for the atheism leadership roles. Ricky's points about the books is amazing


i was just talking to my friend who is christian the other day 

i wilded out when he made a comment saying that homosexuality was the same as pedophilia 
I told my mom that Christianity was unbelievable when I was teenager. I've been the black sheep ever since. I could care less lol.
My mom finally had a breakthrough and understood why I don't believe when I explained to her that the Abrahamic God can't be truly omniscient and omnibenevolent and create a place like hell especially when he's supposedly all knowing. No truly all good diety would that vindictive and well, stupid.

So you already knew some cats were gonna be a POS and you went ahead and made them anyways huh? Oh okay. I [emoji]128064[/emoji] you big dawg. That makes mad sense. INB4 someone tells me big dawg works in mysterious ways.

It is what it is. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with her trying to get me back into Islam anymore. I'm not one of these internet atheists who feel like they need to get people to stop believing. Sometimes people just need something to believe in to get through this ****** up life. I understand, we all have that God sized void, I just choose to leave mine empty.

**** it.
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My mom finally had a breakthrough and understood why I don't believe when I explained to her that the Abrahamic God can't be truly omniscient and omnibenevolent and create a place like hell especially when he's supposedly all knowing. No truly all good diety would that vindictive and well, stupid.

So you already knew some cats were gonna be a POS and you went ahead and made them anyways huh? Oh okay. I [emoji]128064[/emoji] you big dawg. That makes mad sense. INB4 someone tells me big dawg works in mysterious ways.

It is what it is. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with her trying to get me back into Islam anymore. I'm not one of these internet atheists who feel like they need to get people to stop believing. Sometimes people just need something to believe in to get through this ****** up life. I understand, we all have that God sized void, I just choose to leave mine empty.

**** it.
My mom finally had a breakthrough and understood why I don't believe when I explained to her that the Abrahamic God can't be truly omniscient and omnibenevolent and create a place like hell especially when he's supposedly all knowing. No truly all good diety would that vindictive and well, stupid.

So you already knew some cats were gonna be a POS and you went ahead and made them anyways huh? Oh okay. I [emoji]128064[/emoji] you big dawg. That makes mad sense. INB4 someone tells me big dawg works in mysterious ways.

If that breakthrough means there is a new level of peace in yall relationship then great. Just wanted to address what you said thereafter:

when you create a trully free willed system, then that gives people the choice to be POS. The gift of life is good. But the choices made with that life is up to that person living. God wants you to choose Hi, and do good.. If He made every to do what he wants, He'd have a planet full of robots.
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If that breakthrough means there is a new level of peace in yall relationship then great. Just wanted to address what you said thereafter:

when you create a trully free willed system, then that gives people the choice to be POS. The gift of life is good. But the choices made with that life is up to that person living. God wants you to choose Hi, and do good.. If He made every to do what he wants, He'd have a planet full of robots.

Free-will is an illusion. Our actions are a result of brain chemistry and conditioning. Specifically the mechanism behind our behavior is the firing of neurons. Conditioning from thousands of years of evolution, genetics, etc also play a hand in why we are predisposed to certain actions.

We are a planet of robots albeit organic robots. Our brains are nothing more than sophisticated computers.

I won't delve too much into the science because frankly I can't articulate it with any meaningful effectiveness. I'm no Sam Harris and I won't pretend to be.

I will however say that the concept of hell is a direct contradiction for a being that's allegedly omnibenevolent. The abrahamic God that would subject people to eternal damnation simply for not believing in him strikes me more as a narcissist than a being of infinite grace and wisdom.
My mom finally had a breakthrough and understood why I don't believe when I explained to her that the Abrahamic God can't be truly omniscient and omnibenevolent and create a place like hell especially when he's supposedly all knowing. No truly all good diety would that vindictive and well, stupid.

So you already knew some cats were gonna be a POS and you went ahead and made them anyways huh? Oh okay. I [emoji]128064[/emoji] you big dawg. That makes mad sense. INB4 someone tells me big dawg works in mysterious ways.

If that breakthrough means there is a new level of peace in yall relationship then great. Just wanted to address what you said thereafter:

when you create a trully free willed system, then that gives people the choice to be POS. The gift of life is good. But the choices made with that life is up to that person living. God wants you to choose Hi, and do good.. If He made every to do what he wants, He'd have a planet full of robots.
Replies like this completely dodge and minimize the fact that if this higher power exists it created a world with human beings on it knowing full well that over the course of human history millions if not billions would do horrible **** to each other and just lets it rock or in some versions does even worse **** to humans so that they act right or put them in the most foul situations if not to teach them a lesson teach others who hear about the story a lesson.

**** that. Its not love.
that legit made me so mad. I hate when religious folks hear that you aren't religious that shoot you the ultimate question instantly? what happens when you die?

I've learned that yes I acknowledge that there was a time before me and there will be a time after me. It was black before and after it will be black. much like going to sleep and waking up. that blackness occurs but you know it happened and thats the importance of it

not even gonna talk about the fact of it being on TV in a heavily christian country and what not
It bothers me when people thank god a little too much on award shows. Like thats cool that that stuff makes you happy and gives you drive, but to a person that believes that its just you and your drive that did everything, it just gets too long and preachy. What if someone started to thank allah or buddah on stage for like 2 mins. Most would be like...yea ok...its probably not like that...and what if i started thanking the almighty hamburger for giving me strength to go through lifes obstacles and his grace to show me right pathway to whatever jargon. Like. Nah. Something profound to you might not be very deep to someone else. It just becomes that feel when youre just waiting for them to stop talking. Like youre watching someone explain to you how to build an ikea shelf knowing theyre giving completely wrong instructions.

I know on the flipside they might "feel the same way"...but cmon. Real knows real.
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