Questions for ATHEISTS vol. keep it funky

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:x :x :rofl:

That video is nuts. Just started reading the bible again. 1st time was 12 years ago. I forgot about their being Giants and Adam dying at the age of 920 years. Not to mention, how Abraham gave his son's foreskin to god as a gift. The bible reiterates the importance of snippen the foreskin a couple chapters later. :\
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Been a while since I checked in here but with what flithy said about the bible I recommend reading the Age of Reason by Thomas Paine if it hasn't been mentioned here already. Paine wrote his piece during the time it was the revolutionary war. After going through a social revolution and a political revolution he felt it was time for a religious revolution.

He talks about everything bad about the bible. Logically. Like Adam being 920 yrs old or what we call 'prophets' in today's definitions actually meant 'poets' in ancient or "biblical" times. How else did a lot of things rhymed so well lol. Many books were told in the point of view of disciples hundreds of years after the disciple (mathematically) has passed and it brings them alive now telling their story. That's like me writing the journeys of Alexander the Great right now in 2016 as if I was his best aid. This is off the top of my head but I jumped at the chance of reading it

Edit: autocorrect fix
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Repped. I'm glad I checked in here today, one more book to add to my list now :smokin
Do yall atheists celebrate or participate in Easter on any level? Do yall allow yall kids with school activities?
Do yall atheists celebrate or participate in Easter on any level?

Didn't even know it was Easter until somebody was telling me about some parade and then something on Monday so I can't go somewhere (I've never heard of Easter Monday :lol: ). Had to check my calendar.

Was walking home a few hrs ago and some dude I don't know from around the corner was like "Good morning!! Happy Easter!" Caught me so off guard, had to laugh before I gave a head nod.

Do yall allow yall kids with school activities?
Don't got kids but I'd probably let it rock if it's a school activity like painting fake eggs and ****. Also is gonna depend on the mother and how we sort out if the children are gonna be practicing that stuff; mainly if I'll be okay with it if the mom aint atheist too. If it was just me when they're older they'd just come to be about the subject and I'd just drop knowledge on them.

Gonna let children be children for the fun **** though
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You're suppose to actually eat eggs during this holiday? Like ppl make it a point too?

Only thing I recall is my mom saying not to eat on Easter Friday and I don't eat fish so you know how that goes but I was never sure if that was an Easter thing or a West Indian Easter thing :lol:

You would appreciate this episode. They compare MLK and Jesus. They said Jesus was probably a BASIC dude but because nobody is really around to co-sign what he really did, his legacy is probably inflated. Humans have the tendency to exaggerate so that is what probably happened with Jesus's tales

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Do yall atheists celebrate or participate in Easter on any level? Do yall allow yall kids with school activities?
Of course not.

If I had a kid, I wouldn't mind letting him participate in those school activities.  Why stop him from having fun with his friends?

You would appreciate this episode. They compare MLK and Jesus. They said Jesus was probably a BASIC dude but because nobody is really around to co-sign what he really did, his legacy is probably inflated. Humans have the tendency to exaggerate so that is what probably happened with Jesus's tales
Most likely. I mean, we're talking about a book that has talking snakes, zombies, and a worldwide flood. I don't know how people take a book written at least 30 years after Jesus allegedly died and say that it's 100% fact.
Reminds me of

your man used every possible faith based fallacy in the world to defend his foolishness. This is seriously sad man
LOLOLOLOL - He hit a, "All yall folks on the INNANET" statement.
I wonder if anyone has ever transcribed what they said in videos such as those and honestly just read it out loud. From a 3rd party perspective and just wonder
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