Question for Christians: Why is your "God "respected while Lucifer is not?

I know my reply will be lost to the thread, but the reason is because of what Lucifer represents. He "gave" us Knowledge in spite of God. It'slike when you cut off your nose to spite your face, even if you lived in a land of %$$. Lucifer represents jealousy and deceit, whilst God represents truth andJustice. Christians have made the whole world confused as to what God means in so many situations. Killing an unjust person may be just, if he is going to doharm to others spiritually or/and mentally. Thats why god is revered to me, whilst Belzabob isn't. Though I would like to learn more about the devil andhis "effect" throughout history.
Originally Posted by 916JORDANboy

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

If God is such a forgiving and compassionate God, why wouldn't he accept Lucifer if he begged for forgiveness and truly repented?

satan gets no respect...because he brought sin into the world

No, according to the Bible sin already existed Eve brought sin into the world by disobeying God.

And do you guys even know what Amen means?

Amen was the god of all gods in Egypt, Hebrews changed the name of pharaohs to the cast of people in old testament.
that's Amun, not Amen. numbnut

Amun, reconstructed Egyptian Yam
Originally Posted by I R Andre

Personally I think the garden of Eden story is the stupidest thing ever BUT I mean, if it happened the way you guys think it did with Eve eating from the tree of life- wouldn't that make Lucifer responsible for all creativity and wisdom in man? While your god wanted to keep humans ignorant and unenlightened Lucifer wanted to open the eyes of man kind and . The definition of "evil" from Christians of all people isn't one I can really weigh too heavily.
[font=Arial, Helvetica]And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

[/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica]For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.[/font]
Discuss. I'd seriously like an answer to this question. Why would some one who originally wanted to keep humans ignorant and be worthy of praise? Essentially without Lucifer and without what is called "original sin" there would be no music, art, philosophy etc etc. because "God" wanted to keep us all stupid.


I counted the number of people that were killed by God in the Bible. I came up with 2,391,421, which, of course, greatly underestimates God's total death toll, since it only includes those killings for which specific numbers are given. No attempt was made to include the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc., with which the good book is filled. Still, 2 million is a respectable number even for world class killers.
But how does this compare with Lucifer? How many did he kill in the Bible?

Well I can only find ten, and even these he shares with God, since God allowed him to do it as a part of a bet. I'm talking about the seven sons and three daughters of Job.
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Numbered Killings Estimated total killings
God 2,390,971 33 million
Satan 10 10

So yeah all you bible thumpers defend your "god". Ill wait.

Dont worry i got you... I'm not trying to be condescending...

1. it was the tree of knowledge (just for reference)
2. We dont know if the snake was Satan
(it doesnt say)
but for the sake we will say it was...

3. No Satan
wouldn't be responsible for creativity and all that..God created it already... but if you want satan
to credit for it thenok..
And who said that Adam and Eve were not creative??

keep humans ignorant and unenlightened
umm... not ignorant but PURE.. kinda like being a little kid not know right from wrong .. but only knowing right...

gen 3:21
21 The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. 22 And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.

Essentially without Lucifer and without what is called "original sin" there would be no music, art, philosophy etc etc. because "God" wanted to keep us all stupid.

Wrong! lol jus joking.. kinda..
Yes without the snake
there would not be a original sin. That's it.

But there was already music, art, philosophy..
Ephesians 5:19
19Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Singand make music in your heart to the Lord,Colossian 3:16
16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you singpsalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.

OH.. forgot
Lucifer was the angel of song.

I think i got it all .. if not i will be back with my sword and shield in hand

This is the story where we get the Adam's Apple from
If adam and eve were the first on THIS earth where did all those other people in heaven come from?
Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

Originally Posted by 916JORDANboy

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

If God is such a forgiving and compassionate God, why wouldn't he accept Lucifer if he begged for forgiveness and truly repented?

satan gets no respect...because he brought sin into the world

No, according to the Bible sin already existed Eve brought sin into the world by disobeying God.

And do you guys even know what Amen means?

Amen was the god of all gods in Egypt, Hebrews changed the name of pharaohs to the cast of people in old testament.
that's Amun, not Amen. numbnut

Amun, reconstructed Egyptian Yam
i coulda sworn amen meant "so be it"
^ It does, but with a much more sovereign meaning than people are giving to it.

'Amen' was originally used as an affirmation of a Godly truth; its now used to simply say that the person saying it agrees with what someone else wassaying.

Most people know that God is called by many names in the Bible, and one of those names is The Amen.

In it's original meaning, I would tell you 'As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, God's love is eternal. Amen.'

See? It's not really 'So be it,' like someone is agreeing with me. It's not really supposed to mean something like 'God's love iseternal' and then someone else says 'Amen!'
^ In that context, 'Amen' is simply an alternate spelling of the god 'Amun'.

Doesn't the word 'bob' have a meaning in our English language? And yet we have people we call 'Bob', as an alternate spelling of the name'Robert'. Their name 'Bob' has nothing to do with the word 'bob', spelled exactly the same way.
If adam and eve were the first on THIS earth where did all those other people in heaven come from?
What people? I read of angels, but no people.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

Originally Posted by 916JORDANboy

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

If God is such a forgiving and compassionate God, why wouldn't he accept Lucifer if he begged for forgiveness and truly repented?

satan gets no respect...because he brought sin into the world

No, according to the Bible sin already existed Eve brought sin into the world by disobeying God.

And do you guys even know what Amen means?

Amen was the god of all gods in Egypt, Hebrews changed the name of pharaohs to the cast of people in old testament.
that's Amun, not Amen. numbnut

Amun, reconstructed Egyptian Yam
Originally Posted by 916JORDANboy

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

If God is such a forgiving and compassionate God, why wouldn't he accept Lucifer if he begged for forgiveness and truly repented?

satan gets no respect...because he brought sin into the world

No, according to the Bible sin already existed Eve brought sin into the world by disobeying God.

And do you guys even know what Amen means?

Amen was the god of all gods in Egypt, Hebrews changed the name of pharaohs to the cast of people in old testament.
that's Amun, not Amen. numbnut

Vowels were interchangeable in Ancient Hebrew, but I thought that was cute how you thought you made a point.

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

I R andre and RKO are the 2 posts I alwasy ignore in religious threads. And since this was made by one of them I am leaving

Nice contribution to the thread, go beg men to vote you on to a television show and stay out of grown folks business.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

i coulda sworn amen meant "so be it"
^ It does, but with a much more sovereign meaning than people are giving to it.

'Amen' was originally used as an affirmation of a Godly truth; its now used to simply say that the person saying it agrees with what someone else was saying.

Most people know that God is called by many names in the Bible, and one of those names is The Amen.

In it's original meaning, I would tell you 'As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, God's love is eternal. Amen.'

See? It's not really 'So be it,' like someone is agreeing with me. It's not really supposed to mean something like 'God's love is eternal' and then someone else says 'Amen!'

Amen means the hidden one. Kings 1 verse 36 Amean means lord of my lord. The Egyptian God Amun, or Amen is the same God as the God of the bible. Old TestAMENt,
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

I R andre and RKO are the 2 posts I alwasy ignore in religious threads. And since this was made by one of them I am leaving

I voted for you!
And you ignore us for what reason?
Originally Posted by JDMEVOIXMR

^ Who else could it be?

umm.. its a serpent. no where in the bible does it say anything else. only later do we read anything about the devil/lucifer
lol niketalk's first devil worshipper
my dude gonna wear them new jordans to next week's animal sacrifices hahahaha
Any religion can be questioned in the same way. if you don't believe in a certain thing your going to question it. Why do you believe in this why do youbelieve in that. These questions can be asked of any religion
Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by 916JORDANboy

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

If God is such a forgiving and compassionate God, why wouldn't he accept Lucifer if he begged for forgiveness and truly repented?

satan gets no respect...because he brought sin into the world

No, according to the Bible sin already existed Eve brought sin into the world by disobeying God.

And do you guys even know what Amen means?

Amen was the god of all gods in Egypt, Hebrews changed the name of pharaohs to the cast of people in old testament.
that's Amun, not Amen. numbnut

Vowels were interchangeable in Ancient Hebrew, but I thought that was cute how you thought you made a point.

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

I R andre and RKO are the 2 posts I alwasy ignore in religious threads. And since this was made by one of them I am leaving

Nice contribution to the thread, go beg men to vote you on to a television show and stay out of grown folks business.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

i coulda sworn amen meant "so be it"
^ It does, but with a much more sovereign meaning than people are giving to it.

'Amen' was originally used as an affirmation of a Godly truth; its now used to simply say that the person saying it agrees with what someone else was saying.

Most people know that God is called by many names in the Bible, and one of those names is The Amen.

In it's original meaning, I would tell you 'As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, God's love is eternal. Amen.'

See? It's not really 'So be it,' like someone is agreeing with me. It's not really supposed to mean something like 'God's love is eternal' and then someone else says 'Amen!'

Amen means the hidden one. Kings 1 verse 36 Amean means lord of my lord. The Egyptian God Amun, or Amen is the same God as the God of the bible. Old TestAMENt,

did you just watch religulous?
Originally Posted by supahoopa

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Personally I think the garden of Eden story is the stupidest thing ever BUT I mean, if it happened the way you guys think it did with Eve eating from the tree of life- wouldn't that make Lucifer responsible for all creativity and wisdom in man? While your god wanted to keep humans ignorant and unenlightened Lucifer wanted to open the eyes of man kind and . The definition of "evil" from Christians of all people isn't one I can really weigh too heavily.
[font=Arial, Helvetica]And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

[/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica]For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.[/font]
Discuss. I'd seriously like an answer to this question. Why would some one who originally wanted to keep humans ignorant and be worthy of praise? Essentially without Lucifer and without what is called "original sin" there would be no music, art, philosophy etc etc. because "God" wanted to keep us all stupid.


I counted the number of people that were killed by God in the Bible. I came up with 2,391,421, which, of course, greatly underestimates God's total death toll, since it only includes those killings for which specific numbers are given. No attempt was made to include the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc., with which the good book is filled. Still, 2 million is a respectable number even for world class killers.
But how does this compare with Lucifer? How many did he kill in the Bible?

Well I can only find ten, and even these he shares with God, since God allowed him to do it as a part of a bet. I'm talking about the seven sons and three daughters of Job.
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[/td] [/tr][/table]
Numbered Killings Estimated total killings
God 2,390,971 33 million
Satan 10 10

So yeah all you bible thumpers defend your "god". Ill wait.

Dont worry i got you... I'm not trying to be condescending...

1. it was the tree of knowledge (just for reference)
2. We dont know if the snake was Satan
(it doesnt say)
but for the sake we will say it was...

3. No Satan
wouldn't be responsible for creativity and all that.. God created it already... but if you want satan
to credit for it then ok..
And who said that Adam and Eve were not creative??

keep humans ignorant and unenlightened
umm... not ignorant but PURE.. kinda like being a little kid not know right from wrong .. but only knowing right...

gen 3:21
21 The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. 22 And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.

isnt that kind of flawed tho. think of it like this kids don't know right from wrong BUT somehow they still tend to commit mistakes right? soif humans only knew what they think of as right then who is to say that they wouldn't commit sins that they think are right.

more importantly i thought god created humans with the intention of having us choose the correct path and by doing so giving us free will. what is the point ofgiving us free will if we only are only supposed to see things from one point of view? it isnt exactly free will if we are given a limited amount of choices.
I love how these posts knocking Christianity come up every other month on a shoe forum.

I'll keep my answer short: God > Satan.
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