Question for Christians: Why is your "God "respected while Lucifer is not?

i r andre

Sep 14, 2008
Personally I think the garden of Eden story is the stupidest thing ever BUT I mean, if it happened the way you guys think it did with Eve eating from the treeof life- wouldn't that make Lucifer responsible for all creativity and wisdom in man? While your god wanted to keep humans ignorant and unenlightenedLucifer wanted to open the eyes of man kind and . The definition of "evil" from Christians of all people isn't one I can really weigh tooheavily.
[font=Arial, Helvetica]And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

[/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica]For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.[/font]
Discuss. I'd seriously like an answer to this question. Why would some one who originally wanted to keep humans ignorant and be worthy ofpraise? Essentially without Lucifer and without what is called "original sin" there would be no music, art, philosophy etc etc. because"God" wanted to keep us all stupid.


I counted the number of people that were killed by God in the Bible. I came up with 2,391,421, which, of course, greatly underestimates God's total death toll, since it only includes those killings for which specific numbers are given. No attempt was made to include the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc., with which the good book is filled. Still, 2 million is a respectable number even for world class killers.
But how does this compare with Lucifer? How many did he kill in the Bible?

Well I can only find ten, and even these he shares with God, since God allowed him to do it as a part of a bet. I'm talking about the seven sons and three daughters of Job.
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Numbered Killings Estimated total killings
God 2,390,971 33 million
Satan 10 10

So yeah all you bible thumpers defend your "god". Ill wait.
Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

If you don't believe in God or anything to do with Christianity, keep it to yourself.
You sound mildly upset, I asked a question I have yet to get an answer to. Hopefully Ska sees this and can explain it to me.
Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

If you don't believe in God or anything to do with Christianity, keep it to yourself.

Not very insightful. The man asked a question, if you cannot or will not answer it stay out of the thread.
If you believe in God or christianity, keep it to yourself unless you're answering the OP's question.
Lucifer was the most favorite angle, but he wanted to be god but the Lord didn't stand for that so he got cast down to hell.
Lucifer came on earth in the form of a snake and tempted Eve to eat the fruit, she did and in return Adam ate the fruit also. God told them both not to eat thefruit because it was absolutely forbidden.

My Lord is the creator of all things that's you see upon you. He deserves the highest of respect.

Lucifer does not respect Lord, Lucifer is jealous of mankind and thinks that mankind doesn't deserve life. if adamn and eve hadn't ate that apple thenthey would have lived forever.

we are born into sin
As I understood it

Lucifer made a rebellion in heaven with 1/3 of the angels being kicked out. Basically ego tripped...if I recall they did say his body had instruments likeflutes or something....

he was jealous of mankind because god created us as the highest pinnacle of creation and didn't want to serve us like the "good" angels.

Free will but he did put the bug in Eve's ear. At the same token, I feel you on "Why would God keep us ignorant?"
Originally Posted by seniosoul

Lucifer was the most favorite angle, but he wanted to be god but the Lord didn't stand for that so he got cast down to hell.
Lucifer came on earth in the form of a snake and tempted Eve to eat the fruit, she did and in return Adam ate the fruit also. God told them both not to eat the fruit because it was absolutely forbidden.

My Lord is the creator of all things that's you see upon you. He deserves the highest of respect.

Lucifer does not respect Lord, Lucifer is jealous of mankind and thinks that mankind doesn't deserve life. if adamn and eve hadn't ate that apple then they would have lived forever.

we are born into sin
It was only forbidden because your god didn't want us to be smart he originally wanted to keep us all stupid and blindly worship him. Whyrespect some one who originally had a plan to keep us essentially as pets with no real higher way of thinking? Essentially Lucifer was the one that lit a firein the minds of men and is the original reason as to why humans have any sort of creativity N that born into sin stuff is ridiculous, its only "sin"because your god got his original plan of worshipers essentially ruined.
Originally Posted by I am Furby

Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

If you don't believe in God or anything to do with Christianity, keep it to yourself.

Not very insightful. The man asked a question, if you cannot or will not answer it stay out of the thread.

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

If you believe in God or christianity, keep it to yourself unless you're answering the OP's question.

what are you two .. the niketalk police or sumthing? and just to stay on track i dont believe in any religion or any of that stuff but you sound very ignoranttrying to go against an entire religion by arguing that satan is a figure that should be praised. what religion do you believe in btw
Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by seniosoul

Lucifer was the most favorite angle, but he wanted to be god but the Lord didn't stand for that so he got cast down to hell.
Lucifer came on earth in the form of a snake and tempted Eve to eat the fruit, she did and in return Adam ate the fruit also. God told them both not to eat the fruit because it was absolutely forbidden.

My Lord is the creator of all things that's you see upon you. He deserves the highest of respect.

Lucifer does not respect Lord, Lucifer is jealous of mankind and thinks that mankind doesn't deserve life. if adamn and eve hadn't ate that apple then they would have lived forever.

we are born into sin
It was only forbidden because your god didn't want us to be smart he originally wanted to keep us all stupid and blindly worship him. Why respect some one who originally had a plan to keep us essentially as pets with no real higher way of thinking? Essentially Lucifer was the one that lit a fire in the minds of men and is the original reason as to why humans have any sort of creativity? N that born into sin stuff is ridiculous, its only "sin" because your god got his original plan of worshipers essentially ruined.
be the dumbest and go straight to heavan > be the smartest and go straight to hell

do i really need to choose. lol you must worship satan since you bring this up and did you forget that satan is jealous of us... meaning he don't like us.
I don't need to answer to you Satan!

I mean I have nothing against your beliefs, but are you really trying to defend the Devil on this one?
Human Logic and Religious Faith cannot be used to rationalize one another...

Stop trying to stir up the board and just do you
Originally Posted by seniosoul

Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by seniosoul

Lucifer was the most favorite angle, but he wanted to be god but the Lord didn't stand for that so he got cast down to hell.
Lucifer came on earth in the form of a snake and tempted Eve to eat the fruit, she did and in return Adam ate the fruit also. God told them both not to eat the fruit because it was absolutely forbidden.

My Lord is the creator of all things that's you see upon you. He deserves the highest of respect.

Lucifer does not respect Lord, Lucifer is jealous of mankind and thinks that mankind doesn't deserve life. if adamn and eve hadn't ate that apple then they would have lived forever.

we are born into sin
It was only forbidden because your god didn't want us to be smart he originally wanted to keep us all stupid and blindly worship him. Why respect some one who originally had a plan to keep us essentially as pets with no real higher way of thinking? Essentially Lucifer was the one that lit a fire in the minds of men and is the original reason as to why humans have any sort of creativity? N that born into sin stuff is ridiculous, its only "sin" because your god got his original plan of worshipers essentially ruined.
be the dumbest and go straight to heavan > be the smartest and go straight to hell

do i really need to choose. lol you must worship satan since you bring this up and did you forget that satan is jealous of us... meaning he don't like us.
I expected some one who subscribes to something that is essentially blind worship or "faith" to say something lke that. N in the biblethey say Lucifer is jealous of humans, I don't beleive a lot of stuff in that book- while I have great respect for it, it is essentially a tool tomanipulate the human mind. So what the Christians in here are saying is that you basically you'd rather live forever as sheep than live a limited life inwhich you can actually think for yourself and tell the difference between good and evil? I dont subscribe to organized religion btw, I believe in a higherbeing that is responsible for creating everything but I dont subscribe to any organized religion- it not good for your mind or the world period.
Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Human Logic and Religious Faith cannot be used to rationalize one another...

Stop trying to stir up the board and just do you
you have a very good point andre..and if "lucifer" really did open our eyes to the "real world" then so be it. but i don't think godsintentions were to keep us as sheel and just as his is possible though

but if you have real in depth questions like you do a priest/deacon/bishop would be able to actually answer them, rather the some NTers
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