Q. Richardson rips Stephon Marbury (update pg 7: Steph responds to coach & teammates)

Originally Posted by imINchucks5

its OFFICIAL!! Stephon Marbury will remain a knick

Lebron james just said if he comes to NY, he wants marbury to be resigned and remain on the roster to be the starting pg.



On a serious note, my personal opinion is torn on this subject. Being an HR major, im trying to really see things in the eyes of the employee. WhatD'Antoni did to Steph was wrong; "Get in shape for the upcoming season". We saw Steph train harder than before, and produce the best results ofbeing shape; the best shap he has ever been. But in return, D'Antoni tells him that they are going a different direction.

Now, if were talking in employment terms, you can view it as an assignment that wasnt for the best. If two people carry out an assignment asked from theirboss, and the boss has to pick one, if your (Marbury's) results arent what the boss wants, then its over and you gotta move on. I can seeD'Antoni's side in all this, but I also see how Steph is upset.

All that hard work, to be told that he isnt the right person for the team, but then not being traded or bought out really isnt helping both side's case.D'Antoni has dealth with this situation horribly, but Steph has gotten to a point where he has to move on. Under contract, D'Antoni is still his boss,and he should have to obey what the boss asks. Its gotten to a point where now this is Steph against D'Antoni, rather than the organization's plansagainst individual production.

Both sides should just agree to disagree, and move on. D'Antoni is trying to make it up, asking Steph to play for the team; you know full well if Stephhandled it right, he would be back on the court on a regular basis. Its difficult to see that Steph has taken it to the extreme, dealing it on a personallevel. I understand about having a terrible boss, but at a certain point you have to look back and try and change things for the better; be the better man.

The first night when he was asked to play, I would agree with Steph, because the team hasnt put a lick of work into trying to make things work with him, so whyshould he. But now, after a few days, it should have all blown over, and both sides can continue as a regular employment contract.
its his job, and hes getting play, hes not injured, he should play if asked to....

this love affair with management on niketalk is annoying. "do what you're told, it doesn't matter" get out of here with that

if you fail to see the human element on both sides of this equation, why bother posting in this thread?

Cosign. Stop the Stanisms.

Donnie needs to flex his muscles and dead this. Its becoming too drawn out.

And ya'll wonder why Steph has such a bad rep around the L.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514


Cosign. Stop the Stanisms.

Donnie needs to flex his muscles and dead this. Its becoming too drawn out.

And ya'll wonder why Steph has such a bad rep around the L.
part of his rep was brought upon himself but theres somethings that aren't marburys fault.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by lnMyMind

What is it about New Yorkers and their tendency to stand behind their hometown failures/cancers no matter what?
Quite honestly both sides are failures, with this particular situation. Since we want to take the "its his job angle" You don't train someone for a management position, give them management pay, and when their first day in management comes say "hey go clean toilets". Then when 2 of the people that were in management are gone come back and say "hey I know you don't like cleaning these toilets, Bob and John left so there is a position....if you want it" expecting him to jump up and say "YEAH!". Why would he? He's getting the same pay....to do nothing. Expecting him to come play, especially when we all know once Nate comes back he's going right back to the bench, is stupid. Extremely stupid actually. I think part of being a man is biting the bullet even when you don't like how you are treated, so I can understand people who support management in this. But I think of it like if I was in the situation I wouldn't play either....since you obviously don't want me...trade me or buyout my contract...but don't make me sit after I did what you wanted

Yep, I agree 100% with this. I mean, some of y'all saying, "Steph is this, Steph is that"...sometimes, as a man, you have to take astand. I def feel the Knicks jerked Steph around in an unprofessional manner and thats not right. Regardless of what happened previous seasons, this wassuppose to be a 'clean slate' for everyone. But it wasn't for Steph. So, if you treat someone like trash, don't expect them to happily go alongwith whatever you say. He's a grown-man, not a slave. Good for him. All the times owners have gotten over on players and used and abused them, this is oneinstance of a player doing what he feels he needs to do, good...

And Q should shut-up. This situation is clearly above and beyond a typical basketball situation, he really shouldn't speak on the issue...
Curse of the Marbury?

Steph will get the last laugh if everything works in favor and doesn't for the Knicks in 2010.
Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

http://xxhu5sl1npnoyxx.u.yuku.comxxhu5sl1npnoyx its 12:59 and your not sleeping its a miracle

marbury is just making himself look bad by not playing, i understand his frustration but given his track record its not a good look for him.
its thanksgiving fool, and nah dude im not goin shoppin tomorrow, black friday in LA? its the worst! lets go saturday... haha, and i could see ifsteph was makin minimum wage, but cmon now ur makin like 20 million, play for God sakes!
q needs to shutup. he knows damn well he 'd be doing the same thing if the organization did him dirty like the knicks have done marbury this whole year
Im siding with Marbury on this one. With all thats gone on this season with how he got his playing time taken away after putting in work, then the whole buyoutsituation, I think he is alright in refusing to play. They didn't want him to play then, now when they need him to suit up, he declines. I don't seethe wrong with what he did considering what went on.
obviously 95% of the fault is on marbury. he probably treated management like trash. e.g. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=3108416
and i quote "Isiah has to start me," Marbury reportedly said, according to the Daily News. "I've got so much [stuff] on Isiah and he knowsit. He thinks he can [get] me. But I'll [get] him first. You have no idea what I know."

why would a player in their right mind say something like that? and that was from last year. there are many instances that marbury is the instigator and thecancer.

you dudes need to stop defending this fool. he never accomplished anything for the knicks. it is always some sort distraction from him.
marbury needs to suck up the so called "human element" ... d'antoni is the coach. he has the authority. listen to the coach. that was taught inelementary basketball team, use it.
d'antonio only want good characters to play but right now with a depleted backcourt, he has no choice but to play marbury and he has to accept it.unless... he wants to get suspended...
I'm sick of this gotdamn soap opera. Regardless of whose side you take - ENOUGH'S ENOUGH !!!!!!!!!!!

END THIS ****!!!
Q needs to shut his mouth, he's making this situation 10x worse.

D'antoni jerked Marbury around now he wants him to come help the squad? Just ship his $!$ out already!
I can't stand Stephs antics like all other Knick fans.

People forgive and forget too quickly. It's not like this is the first time dude has caused trouble.

Q is right, but he is being a chump going to the press and all. If he has a problem with Marbury he should let him know. Hell, e-mail him if you don'twant to say it to his face, but don't go to the press.
Q tried to body Steph in practice one time. I do know he has had problems with Steph for a minute now.

And happy Thanksgiving to you and your familia as well Pr0phecy. Save me a plate, and a can of budweiser.
Originally Posted by KingJay718

I don't blame Steph for doin' what he's doin'. Collect your checks, chill, and just be easy Steph. Look how the tables have turned

Yeah but they asked to buy out his contract and he refused.... Dude is so spoiled that hes forgetting that ball is his JOB
basically...so why would he accept a buyout thats less then his contract?
Would you rather him play when he doesn't want to? I mean, if I was a Knicks fan, I wouldn't want a player that didn't want to be on the court...onthe court.

He could just go out there, make the Knicks lose and sit back down on the bench. What would you say if he suited up and didn't shoot the whole game just toprove a point?

Both sides are wrong...but I feel Steph. Don't call me when you're desperate. It's like your girl ex-ing you and then calling you when she catchesa flat on the way home. Chill...
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