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I finally gave in and decided to give the Heavy Rain demo a try.

Interesting concept, but boring as $@%+. It's like watching your edgy grandmothers favorite "who done it?"
If you're not big into games but own a PS3, this might be for you as it looks like it will tap into the potential of the PS3 as an entertainment system. Other than that, it's a waste of time. You might as well go buy a thriller, or go see Shutter Island (good movie btw).
Decent graphics though.
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Yeah it is that bad. The idea is great but everything else is horrible
I disagree. I think the game should have been reviewed a second time after the analog controls were released. I would give the game a 6/10 with the analog controls even though some of the hit detection was off.
Either way that game was nothing compared to Drakengard on ps2
anybody play socom on here? ive been meaning to start up again and i was wondering if anyone wanted to team up in it. i got a few that still play, but more couldnt hurt.
Originally Posted by MarTdiZzle23

Originally Posted by pip777

New God Of War III scans from PS3 magazine(French)
For article translation(spoiler alert) go here:
I read the article earlier HUGE SPOILERS are included lol I like the page where they compare GOW3 to Darksiders, Bayonetta, and Dante's Infereno just to tell you which is the obvious best of these hack and slash games.
What page is it on in that thread? That thread is frickin 14 pages. I just read page 1 where someone translated it.
Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

Heavy Rain, FF 13, and GOW 3 are almost here. Seem like it's been forever.

I remember watching the first HR "Casting" trailer (chick w/ the gun) about 4 years ago
. Watching the first FFXIII trailer back at E3 2006 like
and seeing Kratos spit "my vengence is everything" in the Spike TV Video gaming Awards in 2008. Now there just around the corner. It's good to be gamer right now.
So I finally finished God Of War II tonight which is great because now I have 1 full day to play the E3 2009 God Of War III demo and to finish up and the rest of the trophies I need to platinum GOW II. Then tuesday Heavy Rain comes out
and that will hold me over and I should have it beat by the time MLB 10 The Show drops the next Tuesday.

After beating GOW II the story part really answered a lot of questions I had after beating GOW I and now I'm so ready for GOW III .
Alright so which NT'er on here found a place that broke street dates for video games & copped heavy rain early

Notorious 858, that avy is dope mayne. I can't wait to play against Hades and whomever else in GOW III. Seems like it has taken forever for the game to release.
Notorious 858 wrote:
Alright so which NT'er on here found a place that broke street dates for video games & copped heavy rain early


he has the game and i've been waiting for the damn demo to download for the last four days.
I kind of want Heavy Rain now. The demo was a lot of fun.

And I finally played the Bad Company 2 demo today. Just like old times, it was a lot of fun. You get a squad of friends and you will dominate that game.

Heavy Rain I'll rent first, but BC:2 is a first day cop for me.
Heavy Rain’s Pre-Order DLC Delayed

GameStop is among a few retailers notifying the public today that the Heavy Rain pre-order DLC, the first chapter of the Heavy Rain Chronicles, has been delayed. From the game’s listing on
Due to a delay by the publisher, this content will not be available for download until Thursday, March 4, 2010.

Apparently, the delay is confined to North America, as SCEE confirmed to VG247 that the content will be available upon the game’s launch in the UK or Europe.

Heavy Rain ships exclusively for the PS3 next week. We’ll keep you posted on any new details if/when they come in.




Damn you SCEE & Quantic Dream for being based in Europe and being biased by hooking up Europe with better box art,  then we get shut out of the collectors edition of the game and now you pull this crap on us Americans.
Originally Posted by 03silverbullet

Notorious 858 wrote:
Alright so which NT'er on here found a place that broke street dates for video games & copped heavy rain early


he has the game and i've been waiting for the damn demo to download for the last four days.


4 days to download the demo off the PSN Store?

What's up with that? Are you running your PS3 internet connection through 56K modem
[h1]What's On Deck For MLB 10 The Show[/h1]MLB 09 The Show was widely hailed as a best-in-class game, for thesports genre as well as baseball. But Sony's San Diego Studiounderstood that even last year's effort didn't excuse them fromimproving on it this season.
Players will find plenty ofdifference between last year's game and MLB 10 The Show, which releasesa week from Tuesday. The team outlined to me the major changes it madeover a 30-minute conference call on Friday. I was unable to get myselfto their studio for a hands-on preview, so this will have to suffice.Then again, The Show has earned plenty of gamer goodwill and trust. Sohere's what players can expect in this year's edition.

Real-Time in the Field

Sony posted a video of this a couple weeks backand reaction to it was very strong. "We wanted to create an atmospherewhere you feel like you're watching a game on the television, you justnever leave the action," said senior producer Chris Gill. Otherpresentation modes (which will remain with the game if you prefer them)are, between the game action, cutscene-based, and "You feel like you'releaving real time or fast-forwarding into the future," he said.

In real-time presentation, MLB 10 The Show's camera will deliverappropriate camera shots relative to the most recent play as the nextbatter is coming to the plate. For example, say, a shortstop stabs ahot smash and guns the runner at first. The game will cut between shotsof the player getting back into position, the reaction in the dugout(which, by the way, will be fully populated with players not in thefield or bullpen), then the ball coming back to the pitcher as thebatter walks up to begin the next play.

As a first-year offering, Gill says there's still a lot to build onwith this design decision. "I don't want to take anything away from thedefault (broadcast) mode, there's a phenomenal amount of work that'sgone into that. And they've expanded on that mode in this game, thatshould be noted," Gill said. "This gives the player an opportunity toplay in a different style. It doesn't slow the game down, and it's howI play the game now."

Pitchers and Catchers on the Road to the Show

Now in its fourth year, Road to the Show will see several additionsto its core experience, but those in the pitcher-catcher battery willsee the biggest difference. Pitchers now have their own set of drillsto improve specific pitches or traits. Last year, the game had onlybaserunning and batting drills, so their absence then was a littledisappointing. Senior designer Eddy Cramm explained that the plan wasall along to have pitching and fielding training, but rather than rushan complex pitching drill set into last year's game, the team chose tofocus on two sets of drills per release.

This is great news for those who like to play as pitchers in thecareer simulation. In the past, you could spend attribute points onsomething like your hits-per-nine-innings trait, and the game wouldtell you you'd pitched a simulated game and the score went upmarginally. Now you will pitch that simulated game, Cramm said, and theoutcome will affect more than one attribute.

"It's a three inning simulated game with a live lineup, the goal isto not allow a run," Cramm said. "You allow a run and the inning ends;you get everybody out and the inning ends. And you'll be judged on yourchoices and outcomes. If you get a ground ball out, that'll help withyour home runs-per-nine trait. If you're efficient with your pitches,it'll affect the stamina."

Another pitching drill, called knockout, requires players to cleareight squares in a grid of nine on the strike zone in as few pitches aspossible. (Eight, because you're not supposed to chuck it down themiddle.) Depending on how accurate you are and what pitch you use,you'll improve both those pitches and other performance traits.

Cramm said players can expect to be served up three training drillsa month in Road to the Show, so there's plenty of opportunity toimprove your player if he's taken a beating in live games and hasn'tearned a lot of skill points to spend.

The game will also add fielding drills. "Fielding is for the mostpart automatic, so this is difficult to design for," Cramm admitted.The drills will be more reaction-based, he said, judging how fast youare off the crack of the bat, your path to the ball, and throwingdecisions.

All of these drills are accessible on their own from the game's mainmenu, so players can train themselves to the game before jumping intoit in-depth.

The biggest position-specific upgrade is for those who play ascatchers. In this game, catchers will be responsible for callingpitches. In the past, as a catcher you knew if the game fast forwardedto a fielding career event, you were going to have to pick off a basestealer or catch a foul ball. Calling pitches makes the game morerealistic to catchers' responsibilities and keeps base-stealingsituations from being so telegraphed.

"That's exactly why we did it," Cramm said. "The catcher is a lotmore involved in the game, and I don't think we reflected that well inthe past. He's involved in every pitch of the game. You're responsiblefor calling the pitch, and the location, from the start of the game.And our AI batters will adapt, so you have to know the situation well.You have to mix things up and pick a good location."

The game will offer pitch suggestions based on batter and pitchertendencies, the same as if you were on the mound as a pitcher, but youare as free to ignore those as a catcher as you would be as a pitcher.

One other tidbit: As we discussed the amount of time people spendwith their Road to the Show players, Cramm said they hear a lot aboutthe ability to import a created player from a previous Road to the Showinto the current edition of the game. While that is not a feature ofMLB 10 The Show, it is "something we've started looking into," Crammsaid. They're mindful that players can spend more than a year(real-time) in their virtual careers.

The Details

Every year is an opportunity to improve the gameplay's realism, Gillsaid. "It's important to us that we never go toward an arcadey style,ever," he said. "Everything we do is based on real life."

This year the ball physics have been redone, Gill said, and willinclude balls striking players. "If the pitcher can't catch acomebacker, but maybe he tries, it could deflect off a body part, maybeit ricochets to the shortstop and he barehands it to first," Gill said.
Second, the team noticed some unrealistic friction on ground ballslast year, so they've massaged that to include truer bounces and morechoppers. Also, balls hit hard enough to roll all the way to the wallwill bounce around in the corners as they would in real life. Thisresolves a nettlesome quality of the previous game, where a hard-hitball into the corner settled so quickly that a runner couldn't getextra bases out of it.

More than 1,200 gameplay animations have been added into the game,Gill said, and will be apparent in the catch-and-throw sequences. Forthat, the throw meter has been remade. It will look the same, butcriticisms that the meter didn't do anything in the past have beenanswered. It'll more distinguish between hard and soft throws, and latethrows, too, although you will still be able to preload them.
Cramm added that the pickoff system has been remade, too. One of mycomplaints with MLB 09 The Show was how the base buttons were invertedfor pickoffs, because it was mapped to your pitching perspective, notthe field. This is because you couldn't hit X to throw to second, as itwas the pitch button. Now, players will bring up a pickoff attempt withthe L2 as a modifier, and throw to bases per the standard fieldingalignment. Further, they've added three attempts, a casual throw, whichis a simple tap; a quick pickoff as a double-tap, and then a deceptivepickoff, which is a hold of the button.

Deceptive pickoffs will bring up a pitch meter, in case you'replaying a human opponent. Also, if you have runners at the corners,it'll allow a righthander to fake the throw to third and then pivot andnail the guy at first.

During the call I asked for the team's elevator pitch for the game,and that's what I got, so it would take a very long ride to coverwhat's new and enhanced. Of course, I haven't seen MLB 10 The Show withmy own eyes. But given the quality of last year's game, if they canpull off all of what they told me, MLB 10 The Show will be veryimpressive, indeed. I'm looking forward to spending time with it.
Check out this video done by IGN showing the different type of results you can get.

No spoilers are in the video. It's just the fight scene that's in the demo that is out right now.
i dont want the DLC on the first day anyway but it does suck

that european box art is way better than the one we're getting
[h2]Kitase: Final Fantasy VII to be remade only if takes a year to do so[/h2]
February 20th, 2010 @ 23:20
By Stephany Nunneley


Yoshinori Kitase has said that Final Fantasy VII could be remade if it were feasible to do so within a year’s time.

Speaking to TechDigest,Kitase said that with today’s technology it is possible to remake thegame, but being able to do it within a year would not be possible.

“If it were possible that we had all the right facilities and theright environment to be able to make and prepare a Final Fantasy VIIremake within a year, we’d very much like a go at it,
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