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Originally Posted by Speedy0990

[h2]GI nukes AvP with 5.75/10 – just to be sure[/h2]
February 8th, 2010 @ 19:02
By Patrick Garratt


If the first Aliens Vs Predator review’s a sign of things to come,Rebellion had best be dug in like an Alabama tick for the next fewweeks.

Game Informer’s given the shooter a tooth-sucking 5.75/10, saying,“We have a title trying to live off the fumes of two dormantfranchises.
Originally Posted by imINchucks5

what good upcoming games coming out that are must cop?

Bioshock 2, Heavy Rain (in my, and a few others opinions), God of War 3. There's more, but those are my most anticipated.
Originally Posted by imINchucks5

hey all,

ive had a 40gb ps3 before but sold it last year, picked up the slim ps3 2 days ago

i have Warfare 2, and i just bought the God of War collection on ebay for 26.50 shipped (that should hold me till god of war 3 next month)

what good upcoming games coming out that are must cop?
If you havent played them yet get Uncharted 1 & 2. Uncharted 1 can be had anywhere from $20 to $29 bucks and Sam's club still has this deal:

Also if you like baseball MLB 10 The Show is the best baseball video game around and it comes out on 3/1
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by imINchucks5

what good upcoming games coming out that are must cop?

Bioshock 2, Heavy Rain (in my, and a few others opinions), God of War 3. There's more, but those are my most anticipated.
dont forget about GT5
Originally Posted by 2sappy

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by imINchucks5

what good upcoming games coming out that are must cop?

Bioshock 2, Heavy Rain (in my, and a few others opinions), God of War 3. There's more, but those are my most anticipated.
dont forget about GT5
I don't think anyone has.

It just seems like polyphony digital and Sony keep forgetting to release the damn game
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by imINchucks5

what good upcoming games coming out that are must cop?

Bioshock 2, Heavy Rain (in my, and a few others opinions), God of War 3. There's more, but those are my most anticipated.
MLB 10 The Show

Damn I can't wait
Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Originally Posted by 2sappy

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by imINchucks5

what good upcoming games coming out that are must cop?

Bioshock 2, Heavy Rain (in my, and a few others opinions), God of War 3. There's more, but those are my most anticipated.
dont forget about GT5
I don't think anyone has.

It just seems like polyphony digital and Sony keep forgetting to release the damn game
For real
I'm not anticipating that to come out any time soon. Which is okay with me actually thanks to the lineup of 5-star games coming out soon.
Originally Posted by jrp44

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by imINchucks5

what good upcoming games coming out that are must cop?

Bioshock 2, Heavy Rain (in my, and a few others opinions), God of War 3. There's more, but those are my most anticipated.
MLB 10 The Show

Damn I can't wait


Is the MLB 10 TS demo dropping this week, I read a rumor that it might.

here's a translated french article on GOW3

Page 1-2:

We promised it to you, we're keeping our word. Kratos has paid us avisit, and we're not about to forget it. Discover why the final chapterof the GoW saga will be sublime.

Only one will remain. Kratos awaits. Quietly established on histhrone. He is smiling... and is letting the others tear each otherapart, back down. He is not scared, on the contrary, it amuses him.Bayonetta, War or Dante can go crazy, show off their muscles, they arenot in the same league. Kratos knows, and now so do we, that playerscannot imagine what GoW III will be like. They might have played toBayonetta, Darksider's or Dante's Inferno, but they won't be preparedfor what awaits them in March. Kratos takes his blades and enters thearena, whithout fear. GoW II will be a slaughter. You probably haveplayed or seen the demo for the game. You have certainly been blownaway ( the polish of the graphics, the quality of theanimations. Tell yourself that it is nothing compared to what awaitsyou in the retail version. The GoW III demo, as impressive as it was,dates back june 2009. Since then, the team has enormously polished thegraphics, in order to make of GoW III a jewel made of blood. Thetextures are much sharper, the details on Kratos' body incredible, thelightning effects magnificent.
Upside down
A brief reminder of the basics of Gow III's story. Kratos has forged afragile alliance with the Titans. He has released them from theimprisoning of the Gods so that they can help him satisfy his lust forrevenge. Gow III's begins where II ended. The team of Santa Monica kepttheir promises when they were talking of "giant levels". We've had thechance to see a few images of the beginning of the game: Kratos is onthe back of Gaia, mother of the earth. This titan is covered offorests, streams and waterfalls. She is twice the size of the EiffelTower (only point of reference as far as height goes for the french
)! Gaia is climbing Olympus when she gets attacked by Poseidon. Duringthis fierce fight, and depending on her movements, the level changescompletly. Kratos is therefore on the arm of Gaia horizontaly. Butbecause of its movements Kratos finds himself at one point barelyhanging from it. You must constantly adapt to your environment. Thepower of the Ps3 (TM) allows to reinvent the level design of the gameand your advancement in the world. Besides the "living" levels on thetitans, you will have to overcome moving puzzles. At one point in thegame, Kratos will find himself trapped in a rotating cube made of woodand iron. The problem is, there are spikes springing from the cube.Kratos will need to grapple on a harpy to avoid being shredded. Lateron in the game, he will need to find a way out of the Olympus gardens,a mineral and vegetal maze in which he will face the Talos, enormousand very tough statues. Here, every time he activates a lever, theconfiguration of the maze will change. Gateways move, closing andrevealing passageways.
And now, chaos. [Uninteresting stuff] With the Hermes boots, theghost of Sparta will be able to run on walls. Finally, Kratos will havenew impressive attacks. One of them will be to plant a giant sword inthe floor to make a giant cyclone appear. [...]
The engine of the game is based on the one of GoW II. But it has beenremade and boosted. As a result, there can now be up to 40 enemies onthe same screen, against 10 for the previous instalments.
From Olypus to Hell Another sequence we've seen starts where thedemo ended: after a brief flying sequence, Kratos rushes towards thetitan of fire. Once again, you have to avoid the fragments and fireballs coming from the giant. Kratos can not only move up/down andleft/right, but he can also make a quick dash. Our hero searches arefuge in a cavern. But the walls of the cave begin to tremble, theroof to crumble, the cave to collapse... Kratos cannot fly here, hemust escape by climbing the walls and avoiding the falling rocks. Atthe last moment, he jumps into another underground gallery and spreadshis wings. This time, he is not flying towards the sky but falling atan alarming speed. At the bottom of the pitt, Kratos eventually findshimself in a huge room, the Court of the Judges. In this Court, men arejudged by the three Judges of Hades. The purest are given the right toaccess the Elysium the least pure will go directly in the inferno ofthe Tartarus. In this room, three giant statues are placed side byside. Each one is as big as the Colossus in Gow II... Here you willhave to use your brain. Beams of red light come out of the eyes of theJudges. Kratos must move in the room while avoiding their lethal gaze.To find your way out, you must find a way to turn their murdering gazeagainst each other. Not sure Hades will like this...
You probably realize it, Gow III not only satisfied the fans'expecations, it obliterated them. Get ready. Because in March 2010,Olympus will tremble, the Gods will pay, and you will discover one ofthe most memorable gaming experiences of your life...

Page 3:
Neither God, nor master
For his final adventure, Kratos will have to face an amazing bestiary. Here is a foretaste.

Talos are statues made of wood, stone or iron, to which the Gods havegiven life in order to hunt Kratos without mercy. Think of them as thehero's nemesis. They fight with huge hammers or fractions of pillars.They might move slowly, but only one single blow can be lethal. Themore Kratos will hit them, the more they will crumble. The rightstrategy will be to take their hammer and use it against them.

The Satyres are half-man half-goat creatures. Those are very fastenemies, who are constantly moving. Thanks to the blade on theirscepter, the Satyres can use devastating circular attacks.

The Cerberus is coming back in GoW III, but this time he will be muchharder to overcome. To do that Kratos will have to kill his three heads, while staying away fom the inflamed puppies he spits and whichexplode when close to the hero. Hot!

Page 4:

Hades is one of the bosses of GoW III. The fight against him will be anepic one. Not only is Hades moving very fast to try to spill yout gutswith his giant hooks but he is also throwing damned souls at you. Evenworse, he will try to suck your soul. To prevent him from doing so youwill have to rappidly press L1 and R1. And when you will damage him bytearing some of his organs apart, they will try to get back to him,meandering on the floor (
). You will need to be patient to figure out the good strategy.

Centaurs are like the generals on a battlefield. They give indicationsto the foot soldiers. Those soldiers then use better strategies, forexample by circling Kratos. You will have to defeat the Centaur todisorganize the enemy troops.

The Minotaur is one of the most famous enemies of the GoW franchise. Hewill obviously be back in this new installment, tougher and morepowerfull. You will need to avoid his devastating blows. It seems thatKratos will encounter different types of minotaurs, more and morepowerfull.

Sorry for the (numerous) grammatical errors


Gran Turismo PSP helps series top 55 million units sold

We hate to be all Captain Obvious about it, but there's good reason the Gran Turismo series is still doing laps around the virtual track. People are voting with their cash, as the latest figures from Polyphony Digital show that Gran Turismo PSP has managed to sell 1.8 million copies. And through its success, it's hit one hell of a milestone for the Gran Turismo series at large. Here's the rundown of the franchise's success:

* The original Gran Turismo has sold 10,850,000 units
* Gran Turismo 2 has sold 9,370,000 units
* Gran Turismo 3 A-spec on the PS2 managed to sell 14,890,000 units
* Gran Turismo Concept Series sold 1,560,000 units
* Gran Turismo 4 "Prologue" invaded 1,350,000 homes
* Gran Turismo 4 has been a heck of an earner, selling 10,980,000 units
* Gran Turismo 5 "Prologue" brought the series to the PS3 by selling 4,650,000 units
* Gran Turismo PSP recently recorded sales of 1,800,000 units

That brings the total to 55,450,000 units. It seems impressive enough -- over five million units sold in the last year-and-a-half ain't too shabby -- though there are some caveats.

For one, the Gran Turismo series has been around for over 10 years -- much longer than any of its competitors. Secondly, it's been the definitive diehard simulation racing experience on Sony's consoles, effectively making it the only show in town. Finally, the series has over seven Guinness World Records. Basically, when you have the world record for "Largest Instruction Guide for a Racing Game," it's, like, a guarantee people are going to buy it.

Report: Global PS3 market share increasing

You may have assumed this from the climbing PS3 sales Sony reported last week, but a report from Research and Markets provides further confirmation that the system is increasing in popularity around the world.

"The PS3 is dominant in Japan and Korea," the report notes, "and as of June 2008, has begun to outsell the Xbox 360 in Europe. It is also steadily increasing its market share in all other regions across the globe, including in the North American market." The Xbox 360 is still ahead of the PS3 in North America. It's worth noting that the increase in sales in Europe predates the price drop and introduction of the PS3 Slim.

Research and Markets also provided a bit more information about the distribution of console sales. Though North America remains the largest market for consoles, "The high population density and rapid uptake of technology in countries such as Japan and Korea, and to a lesser extent in Singapore and Hong Kong, see a disproportionately high level of console sales compared to the rest of the world," the report reads." Console sales are also fairly high in Western Europe and are growing considerably in the emerging markets of Eastern Europe, Latin America, and other areas in Asia."

Medal of Honor, APB dated for Summer 2010

According to EA's list of upcoming titles in its latest earnings report, a couple of high-profile games are going to be released this summer between July 1 and September 30: Realtime Worlds' crime-themed MMO APB (which is likely to be the "major MMO" to whose spring release John Riccitiello referred to previously), and ... a "TBA" Medal of Honor title -- possibly the one with the beard. EA did say that game would be out before March 2011! The summer release is listed for consoles, PC and handhelds.

Also due out in the quarter: the expected spate of annual sports franchises (Madden, FIFA, FIFA Online, NHL), a Monopoly game for consoles and handhelds, and a new MySims title -- we're guessing MySims Sky Heroes.

Keighley: L.A. Noire coming this September

We always assumed that Geoff Keighley's ability to secrete world exclusives only applied video games, but his power/curse seems to extend even to magazines about video games. Keighley says he got an early look at Game Informer's recently teased piece on Rockstar's L.A. Noire and let slip via his Twitter feed that the game is apparently slated to arrive in September.

According to legend, Keighley is often able to see pieces like this even before the electrical impulse makes its way from the "typing synapse" of the brain to the writer's fingers. That's our accurate, scientific way of saying we haven't seen the piece for ourselves yet, so we're going on Keighley's word at the moment. We know, we know, we dislike trusting a guy who misspells "Jeff" too.

This is the most realistic, graphically looking sports game ever, period. I just showed my co-worker (who is a huge bball fan) and she really thought it was real life. "Baseball season started already?". When I told her it was a videogame she was like "no way
". This is probably top 5 best looking game this generation, up there with Uncharted 2 as well.
^^^ I don't even care for baseball games but that does look insanely realistic.

Edit: Btw, FFXIII is officially 1 month away. I watched the trailer a few times over yesterday and I'm still convinced the game will be good 

Edit again: HBD.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

This is the most realistic, graphically looking sports game ever, period. I just showed my co-worker (who is a huge bball fan) and she really thought it was real life. "Baseball season started already?". When I told her it was a videogame she was like "no way
". This is probably top 5 best looking game this generation, up there with Uncharted 2 as well.
Surrrrreeeee, a huge baseballfan doesn't know when the season starts and anyone can tell it is not a real game by the animations. The game looks great but it doesn't look like a real game.
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

This is the most realistic, graphically looking sports game ever, period. I just showed my co-worker (who is a huge bball fan) and she really thought it was real life. "Baseball season started already?". When I told her it was a videogame she was like "no way
". This is probably top 5 best looking game this generation, up there with Uncharted 2 as well.
Surrrrreeeee, a huge�baseball�fan doesn't know when the season starts and anyone can tell it is not a real game by the animations. The game looks great but it doesn't look like a real game.�

im a nerd when it comes to video games, but youre taking it to another level with youre "anyone can tell its not a real game by the animations" - you might as well mention how 1 in 10 crowd members looks like one another or how theres some aliasing going on when the dirt meets the grass

its all about the overall unmatched presentation of the game  that has non-gamers confused
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

This is the most realistic, graphically looking sports game ever, period. I just showed my co-worker (who is a huge bball fan) and she really thought it was real life. "Baseball season started already?". When I told her it was a videogame she was like "no way
". This is probably top 5 best looking game this generation, up there with Uncharted 2 as well.
Surrrrreeeee, a huge baseball fan doesn't know when the season starts and anyone can tell it is not a real game by the animations. The game looks great but it doesn't look like a real game.

Hush trick.
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