Pro Skater Brian Anderson comes out as gay

Who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?

I did, but that isn't the point, just being honest. Who cares if he is gay, and why does he need to "come out"? How presumptuous of people to think he was "in", making it necessary for him to "come out" at all.

If you don't skateboard, I wouldn't really expect you to understand, but it is a big deal because of how skate culture is.

The presumptuous people thinking he was "in", are the same ones who may have ostracized him if he "came out" 15 years ago. If he wasn't so accomplished, it could have ruined his career early on. Hence, why he's kept it a secret all of his life, and now, he feels the need to "come out" to show people who he really is and be accepted all the same. At this point in his career, it is kind of a "who cares?" thing. Everyone loves the guy any way. But like I said earlier on this would have been a different story. He probably thought a lot of people would care, and he was probably right.

This isn't just Jason Colins coming out as gay to draw attention... This is the equivalent to the skate culture if Patrick Ewing or someone came out as gay. BA is an all time great who has cemented his career. Him coming out publicly is very impactful to the skate culture where homophobia is pretty rampant.
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