POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

why hasnt tasha been exposed yet? She really the reason ol boy got killed by his father. Fell in love with her :smh:
If Ghost was the one who killed himnsure but Sean tried to act tough with his pops and got laid down for it.
Magic33 Magic33 What red shoes? DIdnt catch that

Kantos wouldve eventually gone but it was too early. That move is gonna bite back at ghost.

When he went to do his running thing back to the waitress spot he had red shoes on with all black. I was wondering if he got that from the chick with the pink shoes. The kicks distract you from the face

Tommy acts like a few Brooklyn ****** I've met.

I feel like he says "boom" and stands like this

He's from Chicago doing a fake accent though
He was kind of trying to son Ghost when Stern put him in charge.

Asking him to fill out a time card n' ****.
TV Ratings: 'Power' Swells to Starz Record in Sunday Shift

Starz officially shifted its original series to Sunday this past weekend — and the new night seemed to work quite well for Power.

The network's biggest hit, entering its third season, returned with 2.26 million viewers during its original telecast. That's a 56 percent bump from the same showing last year and easily a Starz record for a live-plus-same-day tune-in. It was further boosted by two encores, giving the episode nearly 3.4 million viewers for the night.

The Power surge puts Outlander's success in perspective. Airing on Saturdays, the popular series' original telecasts were only drawing 1.5 million live viewers at best.

"Sundays are a prestige night and we feel our shows are definitely going to be very competitive, not just in viewership but in the attention-getting business on Sundays," Starz CEO Chris Albrecht told The Hollywood Reporter in May. "So it made sense to move."​

Gonna be entertaining to see how Ghost makes it out this season alive & out of jail.

He just added another enemy to his long list in Santos.

Dude was an asset though. I think Ghost cut ties a bit too soon.

I also wanna see how, or if, Tommy avoids death. Dude is wild.
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Don't think Tommy makes it past this season.

He's still too loyal to kill Ghost and isn't smart enough to outwit Lobos.
It's wild to me how fire this show got after season one. I still remember us complaining how meh it was and how buns the acting was. I'm all in now.

Something happened with ol girl that messed with ghost desk. when he went to her spot with the red kicks on.

I'm thinking the kantos thing is misdirection. Sell on the fact he's a snake and grimey, but really ghost is using him to go undercover to find out who is really loyal. I think kantos is in on it. and they just scammed everyone into thinking there's beef. Watch him start reaching out to people on some 'f james' steeze.
Another win for black lead TV/Film.

Hopefully this shows that they should finance black people writing black stories.

:pimp: Black excellence.

Even though he's drug dealer Ghost character is way deeper than that. It's funny cuz the white dude is the one who's the thug through and through. This show doesn't push any stereotypes or crazy agendas unlike Empire.
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