Post your most embarrassing sexual encounters vol. 4

Funny story from a house party I hit up when I was a senior in HS. My boy hooked up with the chick who's house it was. It was the first time we met herthrough a friend of mine's from school. Anyway I ended up bouncing and my dude kept hooking up with her. Anyway, he calls me the next afternoon and tellsme what happened after we bounced. He said that he felt weird when he woke up in the morning. Now a few hours later my friend who brought us to the party callsand says that he caught head from that chick and busted twice in her mouth that night. I was rolling when I heard this. Funny part is that I told like 3 peopleat school who were at that party and no1 else. But by 7th period everyone and the teachers somehow found out. Our basketball coach/counselor who let us chillin his office during lunch was cracking jokes at him. And I'll never forget walking into History class and the teacher having a hilarious smirk on her faceas she saw him walk in.
not mines but i remember one night after leaving this girls house. it was too late for me to go home so i went to my cousins. it was late and nobody answeredthe door so i went to hop in the window like i usually do. i get the window climb up and fall into the room. i see him hitting some girl from the back. shescreamed and ran into the corner because she thought i was trying to rob them. my cousin just laughed because he knew it was me.

I've had an experience with my current girl and I was in and done in like a minute. We hadn't had sex in a long time.

She just smiles and goes "You must have really missed me

She didn't mind at all... and that was the only time it happened.
Originally Posted by DiPlOMaT007

too drunk to get it up
that's pretty much THE most embarrasing I've had and this was last memorial day weekend. I was just way too drunk though, it's neverhappened to me before that. tried everything and when it finally got 'hard enough' I would try to put it in and it just went back to it's previousstatus

I just met this girl so I was like maybe we should chill but really I wanted to $%+! but after like 20 minutes of trying to get it up I was just called itquits

other times it wasn't really that embarassing but me and my ex had gotten a hotel room with the sole intention of Sexing all night long. after going atit about 6 times with literally at most 2 minute breaks in between, we went at it again but by this point she was dry. tried putting it in but it was just notcomfortable with how dry it was. I was much younger at the time so I had not been schooled on usage of lube and all that, and I wasn't gonna give her oralpleasure word to pulp fiction due to the fact that we were using spermicidal condoms and the taste would be

so I just said "okay we'll wait a bit, I've gotta go pee anyways" but really I wanted to relieve myself
so I turn the faucet on and proceed, she yells are you about to take a showercause you're taking forever. I was like no I'm almost done. then a few seconds later she opens the door wide open to catch me JO'ing about togo
and she started laughing and said you shoulda just told me Iwould've helped you

anyways, this was my girl of like 2+ years so it wasn't that embarassing but that's all i have
ahh the memories
this happened when i was 15. I was a freshmen in high school and u know that transformation where females is butt ugly but over the summer they sprout wingsand be looking like butterflies well this one female that looked straight up like a light skinned buster douglas turned into a jessica alba. She was mixed andhad a nice lil round %*+. anyway even though i clowned her all 8th grade year she gave me play when we made it to high school. Well we start dating first day ismash in a utlility closet at school. she feelin it but we didnt do it for long she like lets find a place after school. so school gets out we go to the parkby her house we try in the bushes she lays her coat in the grass but branches is scratchin her back so we decide to go to the rec center bathroom. its onme ofthose places where u need a key. so she gets a key and we decide to go to the female bathroom cause it would be cleaner. we go in and lock the door she laysher coat on the floor of the bathroom. I pull out my bag of condoms(went to planned parenthood during lunch and got that bag with condoms and lubricant. Put itin 10 minutes into my smashing session i hear a pull on the door nob but we know its locked so we aint trippin then all of a sudden we hear keys jingle we jumpup as we hear fumbling with the lock and run into 2 seperate stalls. its me an empty one next to me and then her after the empty one. someone walks in cuts onthe lights and then goes to the stall in between us and starts to pee. Now mind u the coat is still laying on the floor the condoms and lubricant are thrown onthe sink and floor. and we standing on toilet seats. while the lady starts to pee we both look up outta the stall look at each other and run out she grabs hercoat i leave the condoms. we run outta the rec to the park. we sittin on the bench all outta breath from running she like wanna go to my house. im thinkin ydidnt she just say that before. anyway we go to her house i have to sneak through her window which is in a back ally, because her older brother who goes to thesame high school and her dad is home. she sneaks me in i have to hide in the closet for like an hour while her brother asks for help with his homework and herdad walks in and out of the room. finally its time to get down to business. we did it on the floor(again) cause her bed was squeaky. After about 30 minutes imgetting ready to leave but she like come back later on. im like fa sho she tells me what time to knock on the window(12 midnight) and everything. so i go homedo homework play videogames eat watch buffy the vampire slayer then angel. my impatient %*+ like %*#% 12 im a go early. the second i saw the preview for nextweeks episode of angel go off i snuck out the house went to her house. i went through the ally climbed the fence and started knocking on the window. i wastapping for like 5 minutes when i see the curtains start to move and the window open. i cant see the person but im thinking its my girl. next thing i know imlooking at the barrel of a gun and her dad im thinkin oh #%@%. he like freeze #*+#%. and calls his daughter in the room she looking like oh #%@%. im like mybad i got the wrong house im looking for my friend he like yeah right #$!*!+*@%%$!. and asks his daughter if she knows me i motion no(im thinking this $%%*$gonna shoot me if he knows im here to %*#% his daughter) she says no and im thinkin if i continue the story of i got the wrong house this will all blow overand he will let me go. Well i was wrong: his $%%*$ calls the police on me the police comes but before they get there i throw the condoms on the ground cause ididnt want them to think i was a rapist. the cops come and pat me down and i go to jail for tresspassing. And to top it off i got probation and house arrestand community service even after i admitted to my lawyer what really happened. the $%%*$ say it could be wort because its illegal for minors to consent to sexso i had to take the probation. I did like a week or two in juvenile hall after i got back to school we talked about what happened but after that convo wenever talked to each other again
Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

this happened when i was 15. I was a freshmen in high school and u know that transformation where females is butt ugly but over the summer they sprout wings and be looking like butterflies well this one female that looked straight up like a light skinned buster douglas turned into a jessica alba. She was mixed and had a nice lil round %*+. anyway even though i clowned her all 8th grade year she gave me play when we made it to high school. Well we start dating first day i smash in a utlility closet at school. she feelin it but we didnt do it for long she like lets find a place after school. so school gets out we go to the park by her house we try in the bushes she lays her coat in the grass but branches is scratchin her back so we decide to go to the rec center bathroom. its onme of those places where u need a key. so she gets a key and we decide to go to the female bathroom cause it would be cleaner. we go in and lock the door she lays her coat on the floor of the bathroom. I pull out my bag of condoms(went to planned parenthood during lunch and got that bag with condoms and lubricant. Put it in 10 minutes into my smashing session i hear a pull on the door nob but we know its locked so we aint trippin then all of a sudden we hear keys jingle we jump up as we hear fumbling with the lock and run into 2 seperate stalls. its me an empty one next to me and then her after the empty one. someone walks in cuts on the lights and then goes to the stall in between us and starts to pee. Now mind u the coat is still laying on the floor the condoms and lubricant are thrown on the sink and floor. and we standing on toilet seats. while the lady starts to pee we both look up outta the stall look at each other and run out she grabs her coat i leave the condoms. we run outta the rec to the park. we sittin on the bench all outta breath from running she like wanna go to my house. im thinkin y didnt she just say that before. anyway we go to her house i have to sneak through her window which is in a back ally, because her older brother who goes to the same high school and her dad is home. she sneaks me in i have to hide in the closet for like an hour while her brother asks for help with his homework and her dad walks in and out of the room. finally its time to get down to business. we did it on the floor(again) cause her bed was squeaky. After about 30 minutes im getting ready to leave but she like come back later on. im like fa sho she tells me what time to knock on the window(12 midnight) and everything. so i go home do homework play videogames eat watch buffy the vampire slayer then angel. my impatient %*+ like %*#% 12 im a go early. the second i saw the preview for next weeks episode of angel go off i snuck out the house went to her house. i went through the ally climbed the fence and started knocking on the window. i was tapping for like 5 minutes when i see the curtains start to move and the window open. i cant see the person but im thinking its my girl. next thing i know im looking at the barrel of a gun and her dad im thinkin oh #%@%. he like freeze #*+#%. and calls his daughter in the room she looking like oh #%@%. im like my bad i got the wrong house im looking for my friend he like yeah right #$!*!+*@%%$!. and asks his daughter if she knows me i motion no(im thinking this $%%*$ gonna shoot me if he knows im here to %*#% his daughter) she says no and im thinkin if i continue the story of i got the wrong house this will all blow over and he will let me go. Well i was wrong: his $%%*$ calls the police on me the police comes but before they get there i throw the condoms on the ground cause i didnt want them to think i was a rapist. the cops come and pat me down and i go to jail for tresspassing. And to top it off i got probation and house arrest and community service even after i admitted to my lawyer what really happened. the $%%*$ say it could be wort because its illegal for minors to consent to sex so i had to take the probation. I did like a week or two in juvenile hall after i got back to school we talked about what happened but after that convo we never talked to each other again

Cliffnotes please.
Originally Posted by MR HiPPOH

^ Thats hella smashing
helll yeahhhhh....

Originally Posted by Nktran001


My first time was similar.

So, what I was going real slow and she was diggin' it.

it wasnt my first time, but it was my first time after a long drought.. last time i gotten some was around enw years before this one..

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

UFCkid no stamina bruh.

i was a beast at first, but i had gotten sore.. matter a fact.. im sore right now.. i feel like i just did a complete work out, my abs hurt and my arms aresore feelin like i just did a couple hundred push ups
Originally Posted by vrp32tl

Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

this happened when i was 15. I was a freshmen in high school and u know that transformation where females is butt ugly but over the summer they sprout wings and be looking like butterflies well this one female that looked straight up like a light skinned buster douglas turned into a jessica alba. She was mixed and had a nice lil round %*+. anyway even though i clowned her all 8th grade year she gave me play when we made it to high school. Well we start dating first day i smash in a utlility closet at school. she feelin it but we didnt do it for long she like lets find a place after school. so school gets out we go to the park by her house we try in the bushes she lays her coat in the grass but branches is scratchin her back so we decide to go to the rec center bathroom. its onme of those places where u need a key. so she gets a key and we decide to go to the female bathroom cause it would be cleaner. we go in and lock the door she lays her coat on the floor of the bathroom. I pull out my bag of condoms(went to planned parenthood during lunch and got that bag with condoms and lubricant. Put it in 10 minutes into my smashing session i hear a pull on the door nob but we know its locked so we aint trippin then all of a sudden we hear keys jingle we jump up as we hear fumbling with the lock and run into 2 seperate stalls. its me an empty one next to me and then her after the empty one. someone walks in cuts on the lights and then goes to the stall in between us and starts to pee. Now mind u the coat is still laying on the floor the condoms and lubricant are thrown on the sink and floor. and we standing on toilet seats. while the lady starts to pee we both look up outta the stall look at each other and run out she grabs her coat i leave the condoms. we run outta the rec to the park. we sittin on the bench all outta breath from running she like wanna go to my house. im thinkin y didnt she just say that before. anyway we go to her house i have to sneak through her window which is in a back ally, because her older brother who goes to the same high school and her dad is home. she sneaks me in i have to hide in the closet for like an hour while her brother asks for help with his homework and her dad walks in and out of the room. finally its time to get down to business. we did it on the floor(again) cause her bed was squeaky. After about 30 minutes im getting ready to leave but she like come back later on. im like fa sho she tells me what time to knock on the window(12 midnight) and everything. so i go home do homework play videogames eat watch buffy the vampire slayer then angel. my impatient %*+ like %*#% 12 im a go early. the second i saw the preview for next weeks episode of angel go off i snuck out the house went to her house. i went through the ally climbed the fence and started knocking on the window. i was tapping for like 5 minutes when i see the curtains start to move and the window open. i cant see the person but im thinking its my girl. next thing i know im looking at the barrel of a gun and her dad im thinkin oh #%@%. he like freeze #*+#%. and calls his daughter in the room she looking like oh #%@%. im like my bad i got the wrong house im looking for my friend he like yeah right #$!*!+*@%%$!. and asks his daughter if she knows me i motion no(im thinking this $%%*$ gonna shoot me if he knows im here to %*#% his daughter) she says no and im thinkin if i continue the story of i got the wrong house this will all blow over and he will let me go. Well i was wrong: his $%%*$ calls the police on me the police comes but before they get there i throw the condoms on the ground cause i didnt want them to think i was a rapist. the cops come and pat me down and i go to jail for tresspassing. And to top it off i got probation and house arrest and community service even after i admitted to my lawyer what really happened. the $%%*$ say it could be wort because its illegal for minors to consent to sex so i had to take the probation. I did like a week or two in juvenile hall after i got back to school we talked about what happened but after that convo we never talked to each other again

Cliffnotes please.
girl gets cute over summer
we date
smash first day multiple time which included:
smashing in school closet
tried to smash in bushes but branches scratched us
smashed on bathroom floor but someone came in
smashed at her house while brother and pops was home when we shoulda just went there to begin with
came back later that night to smash but pops opens the window with gun
got arrested went to juvenile hall
get probation
community service
never spoke to again
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

This just happened last summer.

Luckily I had already been with shorty a couple times already, but this particular evening she was denying me access saying she's trying to get her life correct or something along those lines. I really wasn't trying to hear it so I just went for her "spot" and started kissing and sucking and all that. In seconds she was sliding everything off. We had always used protection before but I was too ready to go so I said F it and went in. Even with a rubber I could tell she had some good (()) so I don't know what convinced me to go in raw knowing I hadn't had sex in a few days. No lie I slid in and it was a wrap. I don't even think I got one pump off. I pulled out real real fast and was like "ma chill, we shouldn't be doing this"! She grabbed me like "nah, c'mon" due to me getting her wet and all but I pushed her away and hit her with another excuse while trying to hide me squirting everywhere. It got all over the bed and I'm not sure but I think she realized what happened cause she had this smile on her face just staring at the ceiling. Dude, I wish I could've left the earth at that very moment.
I don't know what I would've done except for just keeppumping in there. Yall gotta switch it around like u aint stimulating me to cover up the fact that you came quick
Originally Posted by ccb302

2nd story: i was smashing this one chick from the back (on a hot summer day) and by the 10th stroke i caught a whiff of her butt and was like
i swear it hit me like a ton of bricks. i got soft and she asked "what happened???" i told her i was nervous about my peoples coming home and told her she had to leave it was terrible!
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Back in HS

I was messing with this chick. I had no condom and was all scared so I had the brilliant idea of suggesting anal. Well as Im trying to stick my pipi into the hole..... my d will bend and it will not go in at all. I thought I broke my boner but I was cool.

Eventually I managed to get it in, but being un experienced.... (thinking anal was as easy as the pronos) I had no idea my plan would soon be tarnished. At first I was like "yes!" +1 for anal, but soon my +1 turned my score down -10

As I got it into the hole I soon got a scent coming from the area of the action. My joy soon turned into misery. I smelled dookie....... I look down and my unit has brown all over it. I don't know if chick pooped on me or something but I my baby blue Polo also had dookie stains on it..... it was a mess.

SO there I am with dookie all over my shirt and penis. Just looking like "what just happened" I ask girl if she pooped on me and she sai she didn't know, the only response I go t was "I will wash your shirt"

I said no thanks Im gonna burn it. To make things even worst.... I had to ride the train for like 1 hour with my penis covered with traces of dookie
I be doing anal and I pray this never happens to me. I mean a stench so rancid it makes me go soft immediately?

Kicktionair you shoulda went ATM on her. That's justifiable payback. Talkin bout she don't know.
Originally Posted by vrp32tl

Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

this happened when i was 15. I was a freshmen in high school and u know that transformation where females is butt ugly but over the summer they sprout wings and be looking like butterflies well this one female that looked straight up like a light skinned buster douglas turned into a jessica alba. She was mixed and had a nice lil round %*+. anyway even though i clowned her all 8th grade year she gave me play when we made it to high school. Well we start dating first day i smash in a utlility closet at school. she feelin it but we didnt do it for long she like lets find a place after school. so school gets out we go to the park by her house we try in the bushes she lays her coat in the grass but branches is scratchin her back so we decide to go to the rec center bathroom. its onme of those places where u need a key. so she gets a key and we decide to go to the female bathroom cause it would be cleaner. we go in and lock the door she lays her coat on the floor of the bathroom. I pull out my bag of condoms(went to planned parenthood during lunch and got that bag with condoms and lubricant. Put it in 10 minutes into my smashing session i hear a pull on the door nob but we know its locked so we aint trippin then all of a sudden we hear keys jingle we jump up as we hear fumbling with the lock and run into 2 seperate stalls. its me an empty one next to me and then her after the empty one. someone walks in cuts on the lights and then goes to the stall in between us and starts to pee. Now mind u the coat is still laying on the floor the condoms and lubricant are thrown on the sink and floor. and we standing on toilet seats. while the lady starts to pee we both look up outta the stall look at each other and run out she grabs her coat i leave the condoms. we run outta the rec to the park. we sittin on the bench all outta breath from running she like wanna go to my house. im thinkin y didnt she just say that before. anyway we go to her house i have to sneak through her window which is in a back ally, because her older brother who goes to the same high school and her dad is home. she sneaks me in i have to hide in the closet for like an hour while her brother asks for help with his homework and her dad walks in and out of the room. finally its time to get down to business. we did it on the floor(again) cause her bed was squeaky. After about 30 minutes im getting ready to leave but she like come back later on. im like fa sho she tells me what time to knock on the window(12 midnight) and everything. so i go home do homework play videogames eat watch buffy the vampire slayer then angel. my impatient %*+ like %*#% 12 im a go early. the second i saw the preview for next weeks episode of angel go off i snuck out the house went to her house. i went through the ally climbed the fence and started knocking on the window. i was tapping for like 5 minutes when i see the curtains start to move and the window open. i cant see the person but im thinking its my girl. next thing i know im looking at the barrel of a gun and her dad im thinkin oh #%@%. he like freeze #*+#%. and calls his daughter in the room she looking like oh #%@%. im like my bad i got the wrong house im looking for my friend he like yeah right #$!*!+*@%%$!. and asks his daughter if she knows me i motion no(im thinking this $%%*$ gonna shoot me if he knows im here to %*#% his daughter) she says no and im thinkin if i continue the story of i got the wrong house this will all blow over and he will let me go. Well i was wrong: his $%%*$ calls the police on me the police comes but before they get there i throw the condoms on the ground cause i didnt want them to think i was a rapist. the cops come and pat me down and i go to jail for tresspassing. And to top it off i got probation and house arrest and community service even after i admitted to my lawyer what really happened. the $%%*$ say it could be wort because its illegal for minors to consent to sex so i had to take the probation. I did like a week or two in juvenile hall after i got back to school we talked about what happened but after that convo we never talked to each other again

Cliffnotes please.
Dude went to go smash and her father caught him trying to get in their house, and whipped out a gun on him. Then he called the cops and got hitfor trespassing.

I don't understand why you got trespassing if the you and the girl confessed to what was happening.

Wow man that sucks, especially when you were just 15.
Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

Originally Posted by vrp32tl

Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

this happened when i was 15. I was a freshmen in high school and u know that transformation where females is butt ugly but over the summer they sprout wings and be looking like butterflies well this one female that looked straight up like a light skinned buster douglas turned into a jessica alba. She was mixed and had a nice lil round %*+. anyway even though i clowned her all 8th grade year she gave me play when we made it to high school. Well we start dating first day i smash in a utlility closet at school. she feelin it but we didnt do it for long she like lets find a place after school. so school gets out we go to the park by her house we try in the bushes she lays her coat in the grass but branches is scratchin her back so we decide to go to the rec center bathroom. its onme of those places where u need a key. so she gets a key and we decide to go to the female bathroom cause it would be cleaner. we go in and lock the door she lays her coat on the floor of the bathroom. I pull out my bag of condoms(went to planned parenthood during lunch and got that bag with condoms and lubricant. Put it in 10 minutes into my smashing session i hear a pull on the door nob but we know its locked so we aint trippin then all of a sudden we hear keys jingle we jump up as we hear fumbling with the lock and run into 2 seperate stalls. its me an empty one next to me and then her after the empty one. someone walks in cuts on the lights and then goes to the stall in between us and starts to pee. Now mind u the coat is still laying on the floor the condoms and lubricant are thrown on the sink and floor. and we standing on toilet seats. while the lady starts to pee we both look up outta the stall look at each other and run out she grabs her coat i leave the condoms. we run outta the rec to the park. we sittin on the bench all outta breath from running she like wanna go to my house. im thinkin y didnt she just say that before. anyway we go to her house i have to sneak through her window which is in a back ally, because her older brother who goes to the same high school and her dad is home. she sneaks me in i have to hide in the closet for like an hour while her brother asks for help with his homework and her dad walks in and out of the room. finally its time to get down to business. we did it on the floor(again) cause her bed was squeaky. After about 30 minutes im getting ready to leave but she like come back later on. im like fa sho she tells me what time to knock on the window(12 midnight) and everything. so i go home do homework play videogames eat watch buffy the vampire slayer then angel. my impatient %*+ like %*#% 12 im a go early. the second i saw the preview for next weeks episode of angel go off i snuck out the house went to her house. i went through the ally climbed the fence and started knocking on the window. i was tapping for like 5 minutes when i see the curtains start to move and the window open. i cant see the person but im thinking its my girl. next thing i know im looking at the barrel of a gun and her dad im thinkin oh #%@%. he like freeze #*+#%. and calls his daughter in the room she looking like oh #%@%. im like my bad i got the wrong house im looking for my friend he like yeah right #$!*!+*@%%$!. and asks his daughter if she knows me i motion no(im thinking this $%%*$ gonna shoot me if he knows im here to %*#% his daughter) she says no and im thinkin if i continue the story of i got the wrong house this will all blow over and he will let me go. Well i was wrong: his $%%*$ calls the police on me the police comes but before they get there i throw the condoms on the ground cause i didnt want them to think i was a rapist. the cops come and pat me down and i go to jail for tresspassing. And to top it off i got probation and house arrest and community service even after i admitted to my lawyer what really happened. the $%%*$ say it could be wort because its illegal for minors to consent to sex so i had to take the probation. I did like a week or two in juvenile hall after i got back to school we talked about what happened but after that convo we never talked to each other again

Cliffnotes please.
girl gets cute over summer
we date
smash first day multiple time which included:
smashing in school closet
tried to smash in bushes but branches scratched us
smashed on bathroom floor but someone came in
smashed at her house while brother and pops was home when we shoulda just went there to begin with
came back later that night to smash but pops opens the window with gun
got arrested went to juvenile hall
get probation
community service
never spoke to again

at the cliffs..
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

.Just looking like "what just happened" I ask girl if she pooped on me and she sai she didn't know, the only response I said no thanks Im gonna burn it. To make things even worst....

I had to ride the train for like 1 hour with my penis covered with traces of dookie


Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by vrp32tl

Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

this happened when i was 15. I was a freshmen in high school and u know that transformation where females is butt ugly but over the summer they sprout wings and be looking like butterflies well this one female that looked straight up like a light skinned buster douglas turned into a jessica alba. She was mixed and had a nice lil round %*+. anyway even though i clowned her all 8th grade year she gave me play when we made it to high school. Well we start dating first day i smash in a utlility closet at school. she feelin it but we didnt do it for long she like lets find a place after school. so school gets out we go to the park by her house we try in the bushes she lays her coat in the grass but branches is scratchin her back so we decide to go to the rec center bathroom. its onme of those places where u need a key. so she gets a key and we decide to go to the female bathroom cause it would be cleaner. we go in and lock the door she lays her coat on the floor of the bathroom. I pull out my bag of condoms(went to planned parenthood during lunch and got that bag with condoms and lubricant. Put it in 10 minutes into my smashing session i hear a pull on the door nob but we know its locked so we aint trippin then all of a sudden we hear keys jingle we jump up as we hear fumbling with the lock and run into 2 seperate stalls. its me an empty one next to me and then her after the empty one. someone walks in cuts on the lights and then goes to the stall in between us and starts to pee. Now mind u the coat is still laying on the floor the condoms and lubricant are thrown on the sink and floor. and we standing on toilet seats. while the lady starts to pee we both look up outta the stall look at each other and run out she grabs her coat i leave the condoms. we run outta the rec to the park. we sittin on the bench all outta breath from running she like wanna go to my house. im thinkin y didnt she just say that before. anyway we go to her house i have to sneak through her window which is in a back ally, because her older brother who goes to the same high school and her dad is home. she sneaks me in i have to hide in the closet for like an hour while her brother asks for help with his homework and her dad walks in and out of the room. finally its time to get down to business. we did it on the floor(again) cause her bed was squeaky. After about 30 minutes im getting ready to leave but she like come back later on. im like fa sho she tells me what time to knock on the window(12 midnight) and everything. so i go home do homework play videogames eat watch buffy the vampire slayer then angel. my impatient %*+ like %*#% 12 im a go early. the second i saw the preview for next weeks episode of angel go off i snuck out the house went to her house. i went through the ally climbed the fence and started knocking on the window. i was tapping for like 5 minutes when i see the curtains start to move and the window open. i cant see the person but im thinking its my girl. next thing i know im looking at the barrel of a gun and her dad im thinkin oh #%@%. he like freeze #*+#%. and calls his daughter in the room she looking like oh #%@%. im like my bad i got the wrong house im looking for my friend he like yeah right #$!*!+*@%%$!. and asks his daughter if she knows me i motion no(im thinking this $%%*$ gonna shoot me if he knows im here to %*#% his daughter) she says no and im thinkin if i continue the story of i got the wrong house this will all blow over and he will let me go. Well i was wrong: his $%%*$ calls the police on me the police comes but before they get there i throw the condoms on the ground cause i didnt want them to think i was a rapist. the cops come and pat me down and i go to jail for tresspassing. And to top it off i got probation and house arrest and community service even after i admitted to my lawyer what really happened. the $%%*$ say it could be wort because its illegal for minors to consent to sex so i had to take the probation. I did like a week or two in juvenile hall after i got back to school we talked about what happened but after that convo we never talked to each other again

Cliffnotes please.
Dude went to go smash and her father caught him trying to get in their house, and whipped out a gun on him. Then he called the cops and got hit for trespassing.

I don't understand why you got trespassing if the you and the girl confessed to what was happening.

Wow man that sucks, especially when you were just 15.

The girl didnt admit it to anyone I did..........not to mention he lawyer really wasnt interested i had a public moms was heated at thetime..............
Originally Posted by FreezeTag

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

.Just looking like "what just happened" I ask girl if she pooped on me and she sai she didn't know, the only response I said no thanks Im gonna burn it. To make things even worst....

I had to ride the train for like 1 hour with my penis covered with traces of dookie


nawghtyhare wrote:

this happened when i was 15. I was a freshmen in high school and u know that transformation where females is butt ugly but over the summer they sprout wings and be looking like butterflies well this one female that looked straight up like a light skinned buster douglas turned into a jessica alba. She was mixed and had a nice lil round %*+. anyway even though i clowned her all 8th grade year she gave me play when we made it to high school. Well we start dating first day i smash in a utlility closet at school. she feelin it but we didnt do it for long she like lets find a place after school. so school gets out we go to the park by her house we try in the bushes she lays her coat in the grass but branches is scratchin her back so we decide to go to the rec center bathroom. its onme of those places where u need a key. so she gets a key and we decide to go to the female bathroom cause it would be cleaner. we go in and lock the door she lays her coat on the floor of the bathroom. I pull out my bag of condoms(went to planned parenthood during lunch and got that bag with condoms and lubricant. Put it in 10 minutes into my smashing session i hear a pull on the door nob but we know its locked so we aint trippin then all of a sudden we hear keys jingle we jump up as we hear fumbling with the lock and run into 2 seperate stalls. its me an empty one next to me and then her after the empty one. someone walks in cuts on the lights and then goes to the stall in between us and starts to pee. Now mind u the coat is still laying on the floor the condoms and lubricant are thrown on the sink and floor. and we standing on toilet seats. while the lady starts to pee we both look up outta the stall look at each other and run out she grabs her coat i leave the condoms. we run outta the rec to the park. we sittin on the bench all outta breath from running she like wanna go to my house. im thinkin y didnt she just say that before. anyway we go to her house i have to sneak through her window which is in a back ally, because her older brother who goes to the same high school and her dad is home. she sneaks me in i have to hide in the closet for like an hour while her brother asks for help with his homework and her dad walks in and out of the room. finally its time to get down to business. we did it on the floor(again) cause her bed was squeaky. After about 30 minutes im getting ready to leave but she like come back later on. im like fa sho she tells me what time to knock on the window(12 midnight) and everything. so i go home do homework play videogames eat watch buffy the vampire slayer then angel. my impatient %*+ like %*#% 12 im a go early. the second i saw the preview for next weeks episode of angel go off i snuck out the house went to her house. i went through the ally climbed the fence and started knocking on the window. i was tapping for like 5 minutes when i see the curtains start to move and the window open. i cant see the person but im thinking its my girl. next thing i know im looking at the barrel of a gun and her dad im thinkin oh #%@%. he like freeze #*+#%. and calls his daughter in the room she looking like oh #%@%. im like my bad i got the wrong house im looking for my friend he like yeah right #$!*!+*@%%$!. and asks his daughter if she knows me i motion no(im thinking this $%%*$ gonna shoot me if he knows im here to %*#% his daughter) she says no and im thinkin if i continue the story of i got the wrong house this will all blow over and he will let me go. Well i was wrong: his $%%*$ calls the police on me the police comes but before they get there i throw the condoms on the ground cause i didnt want them to think i was a rapist. the cops come and pat me down and i go to jail for tresspassing. And to top it off i got probation and house arrest and community service even after i admitted to my lawyer what really happened. the $%%*$ say it could be wort because its illegal for minors to consent to sex so i had to take the probation. I did like a week or two in juvenile hall after i got back to school we talked about what happened but after that convo we never talked to each other again
funny *@* encounter! I cant believe i read that wall of text.
Originally Posted by Young Street86

Long read but soooo worth it:

During my jr. year of h.s. we went on a track trip to SC. My homeboy put me on this real cute freshman chick. Later that night in the hotel we messin around but she playin and i end up not smashing. The following morning I woke up with the worst blueballs to date, tombout [word to OP] hard to walk, why me God blueballs. So when we get back to the hotel she calls me up to her room. It's 2 beds in a room and she was there with this other chick (certified/bonafied freak) who was messin with another friend of mine (also in the room). One thing leads to another and clothes start comin off, she asks if i have a condom, I say yes. However my soldier says no. Ya boy was marsh mellow soft. Meanwhile, buddy is on the bed next to me straight beastin ol girl
. Goin 2-3 rounds and s_. So i go back to the room after unfruitful efforts and go to sleep SMH. Fastfoward to the nxt week at school. EVERYBODY knows what happened. Not some people, not 3/4 of people bur ALL the poeple. Even some teachers found out
. When i get out my car that tuesday, i aint go to school monday in hopes it would blow over, BAD idea, n_ makin mad jokes at your boy. Cats was like, "what happened to u yesterday Evan? Couldnt get up in time?" It was ugly. I got called limp d_ for a minute. Dudes was talkin about giving me Viagra gift baskets.
I just spit out my oj on the computer screen FML
Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

The girl didnt admit it to anyone I did..........not to mention he lawyer really wasnt interested i had a public moms was heated at the time..............

Did you tell your moms about what really happened?
Originally Posted by TheSouthside

I hate out a girl that was hairy, i kinda coughed as i did it cause i think i swallowed/inhaled a hair

another time, i did anal with this one girl, it was only like my 3rd time doing it, it was her first, i guess she didnt go to the bathroom or take a shower beforehand

I wasnt strapped either
Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

The girl didnt admit it to anyone I did..........not to mention he lawyer really wasnt interested i had a public moms was heated at the time..............

Did you tell your moms about what really happened?

yeah i got an !!$ whooping for going to jail over some vagina
Vol. 4 where the heck have I been???

At the moment I have a girl with whom I'm receiving buns on the regular out of state .This friday everything is going as usual we get back to her room Ilay down in the dark, turn on television and lay down. Time

passes by she changes clothing into bootyshorts and climbs on top and things begin to get ape-!$%. Int the midst of all this she tells me " this feels sogood & im on the last day of my p. " It all begins to hit me why she

still had the shorts on all this time, and mind you I'm going raw. I get off angrly spin around and lay on my side , not realizing the handfull of stuffedanimals behind me. At the point I brushed my bloody man spike up

against winne the pooh, giving him the ugliest penis picasso seen in decades. She didnt see me do this, I threw the stuffed animal under the bed got to thebathroom cleaned up and havent called since then.
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