Post Your Cel Vol. not the #'s


Originally Posted by TheAbove

Samsung Instinct.

The somewhat answer to the Iphone.

I have the instinct too...i hate when people be like "so u got an iphone??" I be like "well not quite, i mean it something like it" LOL
Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

Take it apart as much as you can and place it in a box of rice to remove moistures.
maaaaaaaan, its already dry. it went from not even comming on at just the speaker phone working completely fine to not working at all. everytime i shut it off it comes back on by itself. and everytime i turn it on, it restarts back to the beginning askin me to put in my password.

how it happend was....the phone was in the pouch of my hoodie, and as soon as i unzipped, something black felll in the, i am absolutley horrible with thinking on my feet, so, i got scared cuz i thought that a piece of my body fell off into the toilet, i started panicking, checkin my ears and elbows to make sure they was still intact. (yes, i know this is extremely stupid
) i felt even dumber cuz i realized that my elbows couldnt have falllin in the toilet cuz i had on a big black hoody. so i started lookin around the ceiling to make sure nothing was fallin from up above and it wasnt, then i looked in the toilet and saw my phone and was like " @%@#+!#%%$@@ !!!
" all of that took about 6 seconds. i didnt even know my phone was in my hoody.


The lil Pocket on your jeans...FTW

Pouch in your Hoodie...Asking for disaster!
guys recommend me a thin phone that indestructible and looks good. don't need all these features just need something to call.

I'm tired as s*** of this phone. It was my first PDA. It's pretty solid and good for a first-timer. I'm about to cop a Curve tho.
Sprint htc touch, I like it but I prefer a
keyboard cause I text like no other... But I got it for free
so am not complaining..
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