\\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

Cheesy 80s movie/horror genre/car action involved + murders...Definitely will be watching it soon :lol:

On another note, classic cars look so damn odd with tint. It doesn't work well at all on them. It's like chrome on modern cars...just makes 0 sense. I've seen a couple of classics with tint in local car shows & to me it just ruins their otherwise beautiful looks.
You get used to it quick but yes, it is definitely dangerous at night. The trick to driving such a dark car like this is to never drive it after sunset :lol:. Helps it's not my daily, if it were I'd possibly leave the windshield clear.
yeah definitely an adjustment period. now whenever i drive my girls car it feels like all the windows down and the sun is just cookin me cause she doesn’t have any tint😂 i don’t think i could go back tbh, i love my tint
If anything it's not dark enough :lol:

Yeah, not too bad. Plenty of street lights out here if it were Upstate NY that'd be a completely different story. Is Richmond more in the countryside? I'd think Dallas/Houston/San Antonio are well lit cities.

Exactly this 💯 + it looks killer

You get used to it quick but yes, it is definitely dangerous at night. The trick to driving such a dark car like this is to never drive it after sunset :lol:. Helps it's not my daily, if it were I'd possibly leave the windshield clear.

Yeah any amount is illegal. We work local though and never get inspections so it doesn’t matter. We’d never pass, every truck is deleted too with a tune.
Mine has been solid so far, knock on wood… But the issues I’m seeing most are unrelated to the Toyota power plant, more like AC resistors getting wet and the AC stops working. Lots of electrical gremlins from low charged batteries too.

Also the sound system sucks, I put a subwoofer in mine that’s pretty easy to remove


How much was this install on the Emira and where? Trying to have my guy get this installed in his.
Need some insights from this group. Kind of longer story.

My wife and I started looking at Range Rovers in August 2023. Dealer told us they could get us one by April/May 2024. We pick out what we want (LWB/Constellation Blue) and dealer says they will call us. Come January we give them a call and they say it will be a little later, but “summer 2024.” Time goes by and nothing. We are down there in June and dealer says “great news, your order is finally up” and they ask for $5k deposit. We pay them and they say vehicle will be delivered in October. We check in in August and “delivery has been moved to December.” A few weeks later I call to get exact date so I can schedule ppf and delivery “has been moved to late January.” At this point we are pretty angry. We call salesman and he lies - says when order was placed in June it was for December delivery. He even sends document showing this, but lacking our signature. We go back through our records and find original order document that was signed in the summer and it shows September build and October delivery. Either order was never placed when salesman claimed it was or they moved us back to later allocation and tried to gaslight us. We contact salesman and owner to complain and owner offers to switch us to different salesman.

At this point we want vehicle but don’t want to do business with this dealership. We are more than a year in and would have to start fresh somewhere else. We have built and ordered from Porsche and BMW in past, so we aren’t new to the process. My hypothesis is they keep offering us these spots and then get better offers so they move us back, since we were promised MSRP.

It sounds incredibly spoiled to say, but there aren’t a lot of good options right now in the nice spacious three row SUV segment. Most are glorified minivans (GLS/X7) or feature too much plastic and weird trim (Denali/Navigator). The sweet spot may be Escalade Sport (but not luxury), so we are reaching out to Cadillac. Do not like the wheels/rims options but could go aftermarket.
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they don't value you as a customer, my boy 05fordgt 05fordgt will have more insight

i vote for escalade, britain sucks

Someone call? 😉 I really hate how salespeople do this **** when it comes to ordering a vehicle but don't have the slightest clue how allocations work. This is the difference between a "great salesperson" who can basically do everything because they want to learn vs the now more contemporary salesperson who is, essentially a body and extension of the manager. They are told to show the car, explain the features, bring them back to their desk, get info (name, address, trade info, and payment ideas) and then the manager does ALL THE figuring and some places they do all of the negotiating for the salesperson.

It's one of two things. Either Land Rover was cutting back production for certain models based on sales & on the ground inventory, or the dealer never had an allocation to begin with and had to wait and wait (or beg their regional rep for a car) for one, or they just waited for one to pop up and say it's a delay. Once a car order is submitted, the week of date is known within a few days tops. That date rarely changes more than a few weeks. If it does, it's due to commodity restraints on options.

Actually, it just hit me! I'm assuming you ordered a 2024 right? Being you placed it a while ago? If it's not coming till January 2025, it has to be a new order as a 2025 which means it's gonna cost more. They are stringing you along. I would walk away and find another dealer who may be willing to locate one for you. If not, just jump online and see if you can find a dealer out of state who has one. If you aren't trading anything, find what you want and ship it in. 👍
Need some insights from this group. Kind of longer story.

My wife and I started looking at Range Rovers in August 2023. Dealer told us they could get us one by April/May 2024. We pick out what we want (LWB/Constellation Blue) and dealer says they will call us. Come January we give them a call and they say it will be a little later, but “summer 2024.” Time goes by and nothing. We are down there in June and dealer says “great news, your order is finally up” and they ask for $5k deposit. We pay them and they say vehicle will be delivered in October. We check in in August and “delivery has been moved to December.” A few weeks later I call to get exact date so I can schedule ppf and delivery “has been moved to late January.” At this point we are pretty angry. We call salesman and he lies - says when order was placed in June it was for December delivery. He even sends document showing this, but lacking our signature. We go back through our records and find original order document that was signed in the summer and it shows September build and October delivery. Either order was never placed when salesman claimed it was or they moved us back to later allocation and tried to gaslight us. We contact salesman and owner to complain and owner offers to switch us to different salesman.

At this point we want vehicle but don’t want to do business with this dealership. We are more than a year in and would have to start fresh somewhere else. We have built and ordered from Porsche and BMW in past, so we aren’t new to the process. My hypothesis is they keep offering us these spots and then get better offers so they move us back, since we were promised MSRP.

It sounds incredibly spoiled to say, but there aren’t a lot of good options right now in the nice spacious three row SUV segment. Most are glorified minivans (GLS/X7) or feature too much plastic and weird trim (Denali/Navigator). The sweet spot may be Escalade Sport (but not luxury), so we are reaching out to Cadillac. Do not like the wheels/rims options but could go aftermarket.

They are playing games my dude. I wouldn't be surprised if they sold your allocation off several times.Hasnt the lead time for cars been much shorter now that the pandemic is over? I'm hearing cars arriving in 3 months and 5 at MOST unless you have a PTS color or rare combo. 05fordgt 05fordgt knows better about this dirty game and others in here.
They are playing games my dude. I wouldn't be surprised if they sold your allocation off several times.Hasnt the lead time for cars been much shorter now that the pandemic is over? I'm hearing cars arriving in 3 months and 5 at MOST unless you have a PTS color or rare combo. 05fordgt 05fordgt knows better about this dirty game and others in here.

It all depends on the car and how hard it is to still get. Even Mavericks which were easily a year out for orders of hybrids are only 2-3 months now (I waited 13 months for mine). I honestly don't believe hey had an allocation to begin with and we're just stringing them along until they hopefully got one.

Dealers are their own worst enemy! 🤬🤬
Range Rover LWB seven seaters are still a year to two years based on what I have read online. It’s not the wait time that gets me, it’s the constant changes to the timeline and the sales guy trying to gaslight us by saying delivery date was always for December. That was a straight up lie.

We’re not idiots though. Attached attorney to email to GM asking for proof that order was placed when they said it was. Am not expecting them to provide anything but want to mess with them a bit.

Like someone mentioned above, am pretty confident they had spot but passed us up for ADM.

We have friends and connections at most luxury dealers down here (Porsche/Audi/Cadillac/Mercedes), just not Land Rover. We walked in cold on a Saturday and ended up with a random salesman.

Is owning the allocation and taking delivery worth anything? Is there any money to be made in flipping it or do we just call dealership and dump them once we have something else lined up?
Would a 2021 Cadillac Escalade Sport Platinum with 50,000 miles priced at $73,000 be considered a good value?

Anyone has the MMR/Wholesale on these?
You can see a huge difference

One of the only decent side by side pics I got. The roof and hood were just as bad. I’m guessing the paint wasn’t touched in 10+ years and possibly never was

My pad/compound combo was not aggressive enough to remove everything. Still a decent amount of water spot etching and moderate scratches remaining

But a massive step up in clarity. I’ll go at the problem areas again with something more abrasive eventually

Some befores and afters









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