\\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

Youtube tells me otherwise lol. So, exactly how bad is it? Is there heavy enforcement on decible/exhaust note?
people SAY that
even spoke to officers about it
have not met a single person who has gotten a ticket for mods
they get pulled over for something else
and the cop being a **** about stuff
and throwing on other reasons
to give a ticket
Doesn't it feel good to be able to park on curves wash it once a month. I have a Armada and that's my daily tank. Haul my quad and my bikes. Haul my cars and she never let me down. Plus feels good to ride high sometimes.
Armada's a great big SUV. Haul's cargo, infinite amounts of space & they're sporty & good lookin. You most def weren't haulin quads & bikes in your Caddy
people SAY that
even spoke to officers about it
have not met a single person who has gotten a ticket for mods
they get pulled over for something else
and the cop being a **** about stuff
and throwing on other reasons
to give a ticket
So basically boils down to the cop & their attitude
How bad are the earthquakes present time? Im reading next 10-20 years maybe less Cali will drift off into the Pacific. Are you Cali peeps used to the more minor quake activity? I'd be running for my life after the 1st lol
How bad are the earthquakes present time? Im reading next 10-20 years maybe less Cali will drift off into the Pacific. Are you Cali peeps used to the more minor quake activity? I'd be running for my life after the 1st lol
they dont be that serious
unless its like a serious one
like the 89 quake
still remember that one
just hopped on the sticks of super mario bros
then it started and power was cut
had been waiting hella long for my turn too :smh:
they dont be that serious
unless its like a serious one
like the 89 quake
still remember that one
just hopped on the sticks of super mario bros
then it started and power was cut
had been waiting hella long for my turn too :smh:
Damn that quake! Ruinin your video game leisure.The quake that just hit recently, where in Cali was it exactly?
Damn that quake! Ruinin your video game leisure.The quake that just hit recently, where in Cali was it exactly?
close to socal
know folks in central cali that felt it
just had one in norcal today
i didnt feel it though
i swear most quakes u never feel
its almost like ur bed shakes for a second
then its not
u think u trippin
then later find out there was a earthquake
Agreed! Too many bad cops out there across US. Anytime I get pulled over it's always "yes sir" "here you go sir", I try & be as polite as possible. I ain't tryna get shot by some trigger happy, badge wearin cop
i used to
but now i dont care
either u taking me to jail or u aint
either u giving me a ticket or u aint
i aint bout to kiss ya ***
plenty of polite folks get either shot
taken to jail
or get a ticket
**** them
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