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Lol I get that but like as the miles add up...how would they know if you are or are not daily'ing it? Do they take down the mileage on the car you insure with them b4 hand & allow only certain amount thereafter? And match it when time comes to renew?

My friend has his 442 insured through them. He said they just send him the new bill every yr and dont check a thing.
Lol I get that but like as the miles add up...how would they know if you are or are not daily'ing it? Do they take down the mileage on the car you insure with them b4 hand & allow only certain amount thereafter? And match it when time comes to renew?
when or if it gets into an accident
is when they will find out
How much is the ticket per window? Is no tint an included requirement to pass inspection? They mandated that here but theirs ways around it lol. I don't blame em for keeping it on #1. Privacy & #2. Hot summer months, tint helps reduce interior temp somewhat

I don’t know. I don’t believe it’s a requirement to smog.

It’s just one of those things.. it’s all good until it’s not all good and you’re getting a ticket. Not worth it for me.
My boy had a 350Z with a stock exhaust or muffler or something, but it was loud.. cops pulled him over and asked about 5 times if it was a mod. He kept saying no it’s stock no it’s stock and finally told them that they can call Nissan and they’ll tell them it’s stock.

Cop finally let him go and told him he pulled him over for not using a turn signal to switch a lane.

Still think CA cops don’t care?
Know this out of left field but we got any Hawaii Car heads in here will be there for a few years when I leave over seas. Does Hawaii have strict DMV Standards?
Some random mofo hit my Maxima while I was away in Philly last week for few hours. Came back & saw this mean dent. My baby is gettin damaged out here
This is why you have a dd. This would’ve been the scat that got hit
i used to
but now i dont care
either u taking me to jail or u aint
either u giving me a ticket or u aint
i aint bout to kiss ya ***
plenty of polite folks get either shot
taken to jail
or get a ticket
**** them
I used to be so nice to them but after my 5th speeding ticket in a year I just stop caring. Give me my ticket and beat it. And I’m gonna floor it after the ticket with no care in the world
Theres a point though where its almost the thought of why the hell you even bought it.

My uncle copped a new MDX August last summer, I asked him a couple weeks ago how many miles he put on it since and he tells me he just hit 1k.
What the **** was the point of buying it then? :lol:
I mean 1k in one year is extreme though. I’m not saying never drive it but if you can half the miles you put on then why not?
Thats why I love the Renegade I bought. 21k otd cheap 4x4 new beater and Im putting the miles on it and park it anywhere. Got a few dings and scratches but dont care.

And it has 22k miles on it now. 22k miles saved on the hellcat
Yeah it’s nice to drive something you don’t give a crap about and letting it take the beating instead of the weekend car
I used to be so nice to them but after my 5th speeding ticket in a year I just stop caring. Give me my ticket and beat it. And I’m gonna floor it after the ticket with no care in the world
Have you ever actually floored it after gettin the ticket? How did that end? Lol
Have you ever actually floored it after gettin the ticket? How did that end? Lol
I’ve gotten a speeding ticket
A few hours after getting a speeding ticket
Also got a speeding ticket
coming from the courthouse about a speeding ticket :lol:
Look Brother I'm not trying to be in your pockets but how in the hell can you drive a hellcat with decent insurance rates with all them tickets?
Look Brother I'm not trying to be in your pockets but how in the hell can you drive a hellcat with decent insurance rates with all them tickets?
Never said I pay decent rates :lol:
For just the 2 challengers I pay 580/month
Was 500 when I had my challenger and impala
Went down to 400 after I got rid of the impala
Obviously theres a difference between an MDX and a rare whip, extensively modified whip, high hp whips but ay man, get me a Hellcat and im whipping that heavy.

Exotics, whipping it heavy, relatively speaking. Im not gonna get a car and not use it. The only case where id watch my miles is if I spent 100k in overnight parts from Japan on my 2jz engine Supra. Then id watch it and have a legit DD. A Hellcat Challenger? Thats gonna be my DD. :lol:
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