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i have an RS with the 3.6 V6

i goes from 6cyl to 4cyl and back to 6 when i get on it

thing is 4cyl mode(cruising steady speed) sucks, feels like the car is puttering, laggy.

Scat vs Stang GT, hmm tough call, depends on who hooks first or who knows their car better. not everyone pushes their car to its limits

ive gotten my baby up to 130+(tops out 149) on open mexico freeway in ohio
ill say this, reg RT 5.7 Hemi vs my RS, both auto.
pretty even race

I like that tidbit about how Tesla has made their charging network open to everyone looking to manufacture electric cars but nobody has taken them up on the offer.

I also like how he transitioned into the traditional auto makers and how they could be the ones to really compete in the space with Tesla.

Telsa really has put in the work, and these startups trying to come in with their major media marketing in media marketing and minor in auto manufacturing are way behind when it comes to tesla and the rest of the group. Mercedes and Toyota are so innovative when it comes to car tech, I really would like to see a truly attractive mass produced vehicle from both of them. No gimmicky TRON or egg shaped cars.

The things I hate the most about electric cars are 1 - the designs. They're terrible. I got nothing else to say about it. And 2 - the names. They try too hard to come up with some futuristic **** when they can just take their current platforms or traditional naming conventions and just make an electric car. I'm not a huge fan of Tesla's design (Their front ends at least. The interiors and rear ends are great imo), but their names are at least tolerable and easy to remember. Model 1 is generic and plain, but it works because they are the first truly successful electric car maker so they can coin these names and run with it.

But despite the corny name from Audi, I think they have the best designed electric car coming soon.

I truly wish they left the whole TRON **** out of the title. The "Audi E-GT" would have sufficed and rolled off the tongue better and the "E7" SUV would have sounded wavier as well. They already have A, S, RS, Q, and R lines. Adding an E line for their electric models would have fit in nicely.

The only thing is, the range is terrible in comparison to Tesla. Audi only has a driving distance in the 200 mile range. Tesla is kicking over the 300 range, so any competitor would have to match or exceed that.

I really want to learn more about what Mercedes has been working on


I'm just tired of all electric car makers thinking thy have to design some **** that came out of a Pixar movie. This is the real world. We still want good looking cars. But if anyone can make a good looking and well performing electric car, it's the Germans.

They need to do like how tech companies do tho. Samsung make some of the best display panels in the market and allow other companies to use them even if they're competitors (ie Apple using Samsung panels in iphones). That doesn't stop the iPhone or Apple from being the biggest products on the market, and that doesn't stop Samsung from being right there next to them in terms of sales and innovation. These Auto makers need to use the resources that Tesla has offered and made available


Tesla has the charging station game on LOCK. Don't even try to compete, just take advantage of the work that's already been done for you

I just wish the Audi came with a leather interior

Agree.. not sure on the range but that jaguar iPace looks decent. The thing about the other companies (not Tesla) is that they’re gonna eat into their own sales, so it’s interesting to see how hard they push into the r&d when over the long term it will make their regular production cars obsolete.. hard to say. I was looking at building a model s and when fully loaded it came to 200k CAD, and with that price, I could get a s63 coupe and save some money for gas lol.. not that people are buying the model s to save money on gas. Tesla does have about 3 years of data ahead of all other manufactures and that’s priceless and will continue to give them a competitive advantage. I was in Norway and 6 out of all 10 cars I saw was a model s, but they have a 100% tax on any car that’s not a full EV, so a Toyota Prius ends up costing more than a model s. Plus free parking for EV’s and ability to use them in the HOV lanes by yourself is a good incentive, curious to see if US or Canada will implement something like that to encourage potential customers.
I put on the sto n go thats removable.

In a month during the summer I got pulled over and ticketed 5 times for it. So I gave in and got the sto n go. 138 a piece for those tix :sick:.


Thats what I have
Damn that's some real bad luck right there lol. $138x5=alot of $ to give to the city. I used to drive it tucked away but with the car bein as low as it is from factory it'd rub every little bump, dip I drove over. I actually lost my 1st plate like that not even me it was my brother drivin lol. Wish NY state didn't require a frontplate...all a $ makin scheme
Do you guys pay for each plate in states that require front and back or is it one fee for both?
Do you guys pay for each plate in states that require front and back or is it one fee for both?

One for both they give you 2. There's a luxury bias in OH can't speak for others tho. It's generally not enforced but I don't know a single person w an expensive car that's gotten pulled over. One lives next to the chief of police in her city and he said she's fine w/o it :lol:
Know some friends w beaters that have gotten popped for it tho which is unfortunate
in the valley baby. san fernando valley

is the transmission really faster?

and none of that matters if you cant put the power down. so it might come down to driver skill

maybe the heavier chally will put more power down as opposed to a lighter mustang.

what size tires u running?
Put the same tire on both cars and the mustang will win every time. If you’re roll racing make sure to use the paddles to get in the right gear so that the transmission doesn’t waste time shifting when you hit the gas. And yes the mustang transmission is that fast. On the 2018s it’s about a .5 difference in the 1/4 mile vs the manual.
One for both they give you 2. There's a luxury bias in OH can't speak for others tho. It's generally not enforced but I don't know a single person w an expensive car that's gotten pulled over. One lives next to the chief of police in her city and he said she's fine w/o it :lol:
Know some friends w beaters that have gotten popped for it tho which is unfortunate
This is how it is in Texas. I’ve seen people with beater cars that get pulled over for the front plate but then you see all the nicer cars like sports cars without them and you’re good :lol:
I’ve ran without it for years and I’ve only been given a warning but this was when I had my 89 blazer so that just further proves my point
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