Post Something You Know That We Don't Because Of Your Job

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

crobers 78 wrote:
92TiLLiNFINitY wrote:
shoeking2101 wrote:
-The higher i've gone, the more�stories i've gotten.�A friend of mine got turned down my some record label (forgot the name)�down south because he wasn't gay. The record label�literally wanted to have sex�with him and suck his
...This also happened to an�up and coming artist�out here that I know of (don't really know him, but word spreads quick) with a�sub division�of atlanic.�And its�crazy,�because when I first got started in this, I�had no clue�how ayo this industry was.

-Higher ups have parties where they intentionally hire gay men�
Hold up... is this in the hip hop industry?
And what do you mean by "Higher ups"?

That 1st story is disgusting.
And Honestly, I couldn't help but think of this when I read what you typed.

BTW Shoeking, do you believe the illuminati videos on youtube? Because a lot of the ++#% that you're talking about they talk about too.
Movies, songs, and videos come from real life stuff�that has been done or is�currently happening...real talk. *nothing new under the�Horus oops i meant the Sun*


Yes Sir,I'm talking�about the hiphop industry.�But this can definately be applied to the�entertainment industry as a whole.
By higher�ups, I mean people who control everything, and people who we have no clue who�they are,�yet they control�the�entire�industry, and are the multimillionaires who never appear on any of those fancy financial least not�from what I see. The�people I conversate with refer to them as "Higher Ups"

As far as those illuminati videos on youtube, I haven't seen extensive footage, but I've caught a few videos including the vid you posted and I will say they definately fit the bill.�From�my experiences and my knowledge, I can�honestly say nothing happens by coincidence. So when you see all these crazy happenings in music videos that are highlighted in those illuminati videos, at the very least the information presented is compelling and�makes you wonder. Music Videos are a controlled environment, so when artist�and directors depict�angels burning, etc. who knows what to think. I do know�nothing happens by coincidence though.
, I'm definitely done listening to mainstream stuff... Not that I ever listened to it extensively.
This is really weird stuff, I'm kind of spooked.
Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Originally Posted by 430AM

Ticket writer at a Sportsbook in Las Vegas:

- The sportsbooks do NOT know any inside info on games, We pretty much hoped for 50% action on both sides so we can walk away with the juice.
thats a god damn lie.....and you're a ticketwriter not a line maker so of course you wouldn't know %!@% about that 
this guy must have lost his life savings on some dumb bet... Forget mad, this guy's FUMING! 

It makes sense though, 50/50 walk away with the juice, minimizes the risk. I've heard it before, from plenty of people.
 nah.....i've actually won thousands betting just off the fact i know which lines vegas set to trap the public on one side so they can profit like hell on the other side....hell i just did it last night w/ the chicago/okc games.....chicago was -4 and the public was betting okc HEAVY.....guess who covered....chicago 
.....never had to work through college because of sports betting 
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]if you watch nba games you'll know that there's some shady @!$# that go down at the end of some games when it comes to ov/un or spreads....not every game but a lot of games [/color]
I've noticed this for years. I'm no conspiracy theorist though, but sometimes, it's just to obvious to not notice.
92TiLLiNFINitY wrote:
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

crobers 78 wrote:
92TiLLiNFINitY wrote:
shoeking2101 wrote:
-The higher i've gone, the more�stories i've gotten.�A friend of mine got turned down my some record label (forgot the name)�down south because he wasn't gay. The record label�literally wanted to have sex�with him and suck his
...This also happened to an�up and coming artist�out here that I know of (don't really know him, but word spreads quick) with a�sub division�of atlanic.�And its�crazy,�because when I first got started in this, I�had no clue�how ayo this industry was.

-Higher ups have parties where they intentionally hire gay men�
Hold up... is this in the hip hop industry?
And what do you mean by "Higher ups"?

That 1st story is disgusting.
And Honestly, I couldn't help but think of this when I read what you typed.

BTW Shoeking, do you believe the illuminati videos on youtube? Because a lot of the ++#% that you're talking about they talk about too.
Movies, songs, and videos come from real life stuff�that has been done or is�currently happening...real talk. *nothing new under the�Horus oops i meant the Sun*


Yes Sir,I'm talking�about the hiphop industry.�But this can definately be applied to the�entertainment industry as a whole.
By higher�ups, I mean people who control everything, and people who we have no clue who�they are,�yet they control�the�entire�industry, and are the multimillionaires who never appear on any of those fancy financial least not�from what I see. The�people I conversate with refer to them as "Higher Ups"

As far as those illuminati videos on youtube, I haven't seen extensive footage, but I've caught a few videos including the vid you posted and I will say they definately fit the bill.�From�my experiences and my knowledge, I can�honestly say nothing happens by coincidence. So when you see all these crazy happenings in music videos that are highlighted in those illuminati videos, at the very least the information presented is compelling and�makes you wonder. Music Videos are a controlled environment, so when artist�and directors depict�angels burning, etc. who knows what to think. I do know�nothing happens by coincidence though.
, I'm definitely done listening to mainstream stuff... Not that I ever listened to it extensively.
This is really weird stuff, I'm kind of spooked.

Really, why?
Originally Posted by PUSHA C

doctors/nurses are actually dumb as +%*!

Aye......Not cant make that generalization.
I find myself to be pretty intelligent 
most younger female RN's are in it for the money....they don't give 2 !$%#% about the patients
.....seriously ...especially the black ones

and i'm blk btw
Originally Posted by PUSHA C

doctors/nurses are actually dumb as +%*!

A few nurses I know are probably the dumbest people I've ever met. 

How they got to the position they are in, I have no idea.
Originally Posted by SlimK4

Originally Posted by PUSHA C

doctors/nurses are actually dumb as +%*!

Aye......Not cant make that generalization.
I find myself to be pretty intelligent 

no #$+@ you're intelligent

many of their common sense game isn't on point though. i work for a medical staffing company doing payroll and also a lot of them can't count for #$+@/do basic math. its like they remember all the medical stuff they learned but everything else is forgotten. they're useless outside of the hospital haha
Originally Posted by rafsjays

Originally Posted by PUSHA C

doctors/nurses are actually dumb as +%*!

A few nurses I know are probably the dumbest people I've ever met. 

How they got to the position they are in, I have no idea.

Nurses may be different, but no one who gets into and graduates medical school is "dumb". I know extremely smart people who can't even get into med school, let alone become practicing doctors.
The 14 cents Google thing make sense because of AdWords... They maybe ain't doing the money directly, but everytime you search something theres an Ad there, so they make money everytime someone makes a click on that ad, that's usually everytime because almost every people don't know those are ads...

I have a Blog Network and in reality, almost anyone knows what is an ad and what is real content...
Originally Posted by PUSHA C

Originally Posted by SlimK4

Originally Posted by PUSHA C

doctors/nurses are actually dumb as +%*!

Aye......Not cant make that generalization.
I find myself to be pretty intelligent 

no #$+@ you're intelligent

many of their common sense game isn't on point though. i work for a medical staffing company doing payroll and also a lot of them can't count for #$+@/do basic math. its like they remember all the medical stuff they learned but everything else is forgotten. they're useless outside of the hospital haha
 I feel you on that one, Math isnt doctors strongest asset unless you are into business also....
Doctors cant write for %!#$ though and thats fact

Other tidbits....

Doctors only get paid 6-8 dollars per patient from their insurance (Medicare) 

Doctors dont get paid anything on repeat visits.....example ( a follow up visit to see how well you are tolerating medications)
, guess all that music conspiracy theory stuff makes sense now.

Makes me wonder, what should I say to friends who are also in LA trying to break into the's really something.

This thread is definitely appreciated
. Oh and to add more about health reform.

Health care plans are paid according to coverage, a new law is passed to where the coverage is measured by a rating system. Given a health plan's certain ratings, some health plans will be reimbursed more than others (even if its better by a slight margin).

The difference comes out between several thousands of dollars, to several millions.

On a smaller level, if it hasn't already been said. Those who have no insurance will benefit the most (however will get very minimal coverage at best, even with the 26 year old clause). As for those of us working (and/or already insured), our premiums will continue to double  (or triple) depending on the coverage and you'll still be paying for the same quality care.
I read all 42 pages of this today at work.

And I can build you a road/bridge/structure.
so trey songz likes to stick his trigga in the fellas and the females?
all the nurses i've ever seen were !#@$@+#%
Originally Posted by pkpouttu

I read all 42 pages of this today at work.

And I can build you a road/bridge/structure.

idk whether to be impressed or sorry for you 
Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Originally Posted by 430AM

Ticket writer at a Sportsbook in Las Vegas:

- The sportsbooks do NOT know any inside info on games, We pretty much hoped for 50% action on both sides so we can walk away with the juice.
thats a god damn lie.....and you're a ticketwriter not a line maker so of course you wouldn't know %!@% about that 
this guy must have lost his life savings on some dumb bet... Forget mad, this guy's FUMING! 

It makes sense though, 50/50 walk away with the juice, minimizes the risk. I've heard it before, from plenty of people.
 nah.....i've actually won thousands betting just off the fact i know which lines vegas set to trap the public on one side so they can profit like hell on the other side....hell i just did it last night w/ the chicago/okc games.....chicago was -4 and the public was betting okc HEAVY.....guess who covered....chicago 
.....never had to work through college because of sports betting 
if you watch nba games you'll know that there's some shady @!$# that go down at the end of some games when it comes to ov/un or spreads....not every game but a lot of games 

^   THIS! Donaghy's "Personal Foul" taught me well
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

rafsjays wrote:
PUSHA C wrote:
doctors/nurses are actually dumb as +%*!

A few nurses I know are probably the dumbest people I've ever met. 

How they got to the position they are in, I have no idea.

Nurses may be different, but no one who gets into and graduates medical school is "dumb". I know extremely smart people who can't even get into med school, let alone become practicing doctors.

If you have a great memory you can get through College and Grad School (with good grades) hence why it's so many dumb smart folks, ijs. Most of your Brain is used to recite and regurgitate data

lostsoulswander wrote:
so trey songz likes to stick his trigga in the fellas and the females?
all the nurses i've ever seen were !#@$@+#%

yeah, that's old news least out here in LA it is

i'ts some bad nurses out here bro... a lot of Filipinos also
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

ayo shoeking, i live in LA, lets kick it one day

forreals though, invite me to such events u speak of

i can keep my mouth shut and dont crack under pressure

we can be "cousins"
Originally Posted by doin90onthefreeway

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

ayo shoeking, i live in LA, lets kick it one day

forreals though, invite me to such events u speak of

i can keep my mouth shut and dont crack under pressure

we can be "cousins"

I'm in norcal for school and such right now, but when I get back down there, i'll pm you or something whenever a party or a get together happens. I don't have a problem with this lol
Old job Lowes

-u can get at least 10% off of any item in the store if u ask a manager
-store managers are literally not aloud to say no to a customer if u really want power at a Lowes look up the district managers name and name drop him to a manager he will literally do anything for ya
-most employees have no problem helping u load stuff that actually needs loaded don't call us up there to load 1 bag of something, and what really made me mad was when people sit there blow cigeratte smoke in my face and watch me load your car when u are clearly physically able to help
-the saw is there to trim big pieces of lumber so they can fit in your car not to build you a house it takes a lot of time to cut wood especially when the store makes no money off of it
-if u order lumber for pickup or delivery u will get what's on the shelve no matter what condition the wood is in
-when u ask a associate for advice they probably don't know what they are talking about for most people its just a part time job for when they are not in school
-u can literally walk out the store with any merchandise and there and @$%* anybody in the store can do except right a plate # down and ask for your receipt
-delivery drivers work 12-15hr shifts sometimes and have one of the hardest jobs in the store hauling 400 lb fridges up 4 flights of stairs sucks the least u can do is tip since delivery is free
-they must deliver all appliances next day no matter what if they say they are full tell them to make space they have to honor there policies
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