Post Something You Know That We Don't Because Of Your Job

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by doin90onthefreeway

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

ayo shoeking, i live in LA, lets kick it one day

forreals though, invite me to such events u speak of

i can keep my mouth shut and dont crack under pressure

we can be "cousins"

I'm in norcal for school and such right now, but when I get back down there, i'll pm you or something whenever a party or a get together happens. I don't have a problem with this lol

Forreals though
PM me, if it's on the weekends, I'll prolly be free.
Originally Posted by 92TiLLiNFINitY

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

, I'm definitely done listening to mainstream stuff... Not that I ever listened to it extensively.
This is really weird stuff, I'm kind of spooked.
Really, why?

A) Because the satanic/free masonry imagery that is used in mainstream music videos may *!*# with my head.
B) Because, apparently  "rapper image" = facade.
C) Because the music is garbage.

*On a side note, I attended a class by a Muslim scholar today...and this dude was talking about satanic imagery in music. (He was referencing cows and bulls in music.
(ie this gif 
is rooted in the image of satan as a Bull, with horns, etc.)
He went off on a tangent. We were previously discussing how the image of the cow or bull is also indirectly referenced in the Quran).

Some dude who was in the Music industry (in NYC) started talking about how artists do not control everything in their videos, and that after a musician will sign with a record label, often times his record label will give him guidance on what producers/photographers etc. to work with and the artists simply do what they are told many times. So a lot of the images in these videos are not controlled by the artists themselves.
Then the Muslim Scholar, who also serves as a consultant for artists, brought up a few instances when Muslim Musicians have come to him for guidance because they were encountering moral dilemmas and he brought up that they felt like they were "selling their soul".

(Basically a lot of what was talked about at this class was stuff that you talked about earlier.)
I was sitting there in complete shock.
I believed you before, but now I believe you with even more conviction.

Its the truth Man. It's get bad in the industry bro. It's a shame man, because people refuse to believe how serious this is. That cow and Bull thing is definately true, in fact look at T-Pain's new vid for rap song, its a clear picture of Bull/cow in there. And Like I said earlier, music videos are controlled environments, and directors, photographers, etc. control all that. So, Bulls, and Horns, and all other kinds of wild *@$% that come up in videos really should be questioned. A good point my guy made (another up and coming music manager I know) was that when you see these artist throw up devil signs, do the all seeing eye, etc. half the times in videos it doesn't even call for it. Like, its random, out the blue. Makes you wonder... 
Originally Posted by doin90onthefreeway

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by doin90onthefreeway

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

ayo shoeking, i live in LA, lets kick it one day

forreals though, invite me to such events u speak of

i can keep my mouth shut and dont crack under pressure

we can be "cousins"

I'm in norcal for school and such right now, but when I get back down there, i'll pm you or something whenever a party or a get together happens. I don't have a problem with this lol

Forreals though
PM me, if it's on the weekends, I'll prolly be free.

Next time I'm in LA and something is going down, I got you
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by doin90onthefreeway

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by doin90onthefreeway

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

ayo shoeking, i live in LA, lets kick it one day

forreals though, invite me to such events u speak of

i can keep my mouth shut and dont crack under pressure

we can be "cousins"

I'm in norcal for school and such right now, but when I get back down there, i'll pm you or something whenever a party or a get together happens. I don't have a problem with this lol

Forreals though
PM me, if it's on the weekends, I'll prolly be free.

Next time I'm in LA and something is going down, I got you
Yo, get at me too man. I want to see what all this hoopla is about.
you can substitute a mixture of tap water and Half & Half for milk in drinks and people won't even notice the difference
Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

you can substitute a mixture of tap water and Half & Half for milk in drinks and people won't even notice the difference

Damn shame when you allowed me to this that day
Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

you can substitute a mixture of tap water and Half & Half for milk in drinks and people won't even notice the difference

Damn shame when you allowed me to this that day
why not?
it was busy as hell, we didn't have milk at the time, and they kept buying and didn't complain...
...we have had worse moments in that place...we need to write the pilot episode for the series

Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

you can substitute a mixture of tap water and Half & Half for milk in drinks and people won't even notice the difference

Damn shame when you allowed me to this that day
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Most people that are better off financially, are terrible at money management.

edit - I've sold cars for several years (BMW/Honda/Acura/Toyota/Ford) .. If you need any info, let me know.

would you recommend a 4runner or ridgeline?

I'm a lawyer in the bahamas.. do trust, banking, securities, land, company, contract and estate law.. have any questions, let me know
yo shoeking

i gotta hear the exchange that took place in the label that wanted your guy to do that ayo stuff

how could they possibly break that to you and not expect you to put them on blast?
itsaboutthattime wrote:
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Most people that are better off financially, are terrible at money management.

edit - I've sold cars for several years (BMW/Honda/Acura/Toyota/Ford) .. If you need any info, let me know.

would you recommend a 4runner or ridgeline?

I'm a lawyer in the bahamas.. do trust, banking, securities, land, company, contract and estate law.. have any questions, let me know

How much do you make per year?
Originally Posted by 0 Xm 0

when your car insurance goes up after 6 months and you havent moved/had an accident/had a violation, the rates in your area went up. This means the insurance company has spent more money paying out claims and are trying to stay in the green by getting more money from all its customers. NY Insurance is really bad, mostly on its broken no-fault system

if you get into a minor car accident/broken window/ minor damage. do all you can to avoid getting police/insurance invovled. if you claim ur insurance company for a $50 broken window, this goes into your record, and come renewl you might see an increase of well over $50. not worth it

Even not at fault accidents where you did absolutely nothing wrong will look bad on your driving record and increase your rate.

Rear-end collisions are always %100 at fault for the colliding vehicle, even if the guy in front of you just felt like hitting his brakes in the middle of a highway.

accidents where a moving vehicle hits a pedestrain are always %100 at fault for the driver UNLESS theres a police officer present that witness's negligence on behalf of the pedestrian.

Keep in mind, Insurance varies vastly from state to state. Most of the info you posted above isn't true for California, but it probably is true for NY Im guessing..
Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

yo shoeking

i gotta hear the exchange that took place in the label that wanted your guy to do that ayo stuff

how could they possibly break that to you and not expect you to put them on blast?

Well, My guy was the one who went to the meeting by himself. They requested that only he go, which in hindsight I know why. But what went down I found out, was because he told me what happened, they didn't. Also, my word doesn't hold that much weight in the industry right now so they wouldn't care that much, but I didn't find out from them.  
Originally Posted by Napoleon

itsaboutthattime wrote:
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Most people that are better off financially, are terrible at money management.

edit - I've sold cars for several years (BMW/Honda/Acura/Toyota/Ford) .. If you need any info, let me know.

would you recommend a 4runner or ridgeline?

I'm a lawyer in the bahamas.. do trust, banking, securities, land, company, contract and estate law.. have any questions, let me know
How much do you make per year?

40 this year (45 after that.. then 50.. then it continues to go up at that rate, but i also get profit sharing from the money i bring into the firm).. but i'm just starting out and we don't have income tax

but we make our money in partnership, serious money.. US lawyers will do better just starting out (or did historically, until the recession)
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

KingSuperbIV wrote:

Man I am highly connected to music industry and I know everything about it ins and out.

The music industry is all interconnected. All of them down to the attorneys. You can even get a appointment with interscope unless you hire one of their attorneys. Check:

Universal Music Publishing Group policy does not accept unsolicited manuscripts, sound recordings, or any other materials. Our policy is to return all such materials unopened. In the event that your package is inadvertently opened by a member of our staff, we will not examine or review the material before returning it to you. If you are interested in having your material reviewed by UMPG creative staff, please establish a relationship with an attorney, manager, or record company executive with whom we have an ongoing business relationship. If you are a new or beginning writer, we suggest that you contact one of the following organizations may be able to help you identify additional opportunities:

There all interconnected all the music induistry is and they all invest in other side business with each other businesses.

Rappers dont make much at all. Peanuts. its funny how people think they have so much money. We probably have more free money then them.. If a artist do a show for say 125k, 20-25% of that going to manager, 20-25% going to taxes and maybe 10-15% kickback to record label. that doesnt leave to much for the artist... Also most artist only makes less then a $1 per cd. The more they sell the higher they get paid per cd. Its like in steps. Go gold then get $1.50 per cd go plat then get $2.50 per cd and so on...

The music industry is dirty. its really not worth getting into if your a rapper.

Also the music industry owns the radio stations so to speak, they control what is played and what not is played and when. I think its called BBDS. You have to pay like 20k for like maybe 40 spins on radio..Something like that.

I could go on and on. I know alot.   Best thing to do if you want to break into music biz first thing is to cop Attorney Joel A. Katz which is 10k retainer. You cant even talk to record companies without him and he is connected.

This. I be trying to tell these folks man. Labels/"higher ups" as my boy calls them pay for radio spins, etc. I've seen it with my own eyes. Dudes be Infitrating the game with money.

Does the industry see artist and labels like Rap A Lot, No Limit, Wiz Khalifa, Drake and Travis Porter as a threat? The aforementioned were able to establish a buzz with no push.
dont ever put your mouth directly on soda cans, or anything can..........those boxes of cans are shipped around, stepped on, spit upon, dirt/rat/mice crawl all over the top while stored in warehouses

I thought it was common knowledge to wash the top of cans, food ans sodas.
doctors/nurses are actually dumb as +%*!
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by 0 Xm 0

Rear-end collisions are always %100 at fault for the colliding vehicle, even if the guy in front of you just felt like hitting his brakes in the middle of a highway.
If you go to a pharmacy with a prescription and they say they can't get it most likely they are lying and just don't want to purchase the drug because of the cost... 
that's not necessarily true, at least with the pharmacy i work at. often times, we can't get a particular medication because the manufacturer has discontinued it or it's on back-order, but this never happens to any common medication that most patients ask for anyways.
Originally Posted by RedMan

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

KingSuperbIV wrote:

Man I am highly connected to music industry and I know everything about it ins and out.

The music industry is all interconnected. All of them down to the attorneys. You can even get a appointment with interscope unless you hire one of their attorneys. Check:

Universal Music Publishing Group policy does not accept unsolicited manuscripts, sound recordings, or any other materials. Our policy is to return all such materials unopened. In the event that your package is inadvertently opened by a member of our staff, we will not examine or review the material before returning it to you. If you are interested in having your material reviewed by UMPG creative staff, please establish a relationship with an attorney, manager, or record company executive with whom we have an ongoing business relationship. If you are a new or beginning writer, we suggest that you contact one of the following organizations may be able to help you identify additional opportunities:

There all interconnected all the music induistry is and they all invest in other side business with each other businesses.

Rappers dont make much at all. Peanuts. its funny how people think they have so much money. We probably have more free money then them.. If a artist do a show for say 125k, 20-25% of that going to manager, 20-25% going to taxes and maybe 10-15% kickback to record label. that doesnt leave to much for the artist... Also most artist only makes less then a $1 per cd. The more they sell the higher they get paid per cd. Its like in steps. Go gold then get $1.50 per cd go plat then get $2.50 per cd and so on...

The music industry is dirty. its really not worth getting into if your a rapper.

Also the music industry owns the radio stations so to speak, they control what is played and what not is played and when. I think its called BBDS. You have to pay like 20k for like maybe 40 spins on radio..Something like that.

I could go on and on. I know alot.   Best thing to do if you want to break into music biz first thing is to cop Attorney Joel A. Katz which is 10k retainer. You cant even talk to record companies without him and he is connected.

This. I be trying to tell these folks man. Labels/"higher ups" as my boy calls them pay for radio spins, etc. I've seen it with my own eyes. Dudes be Infitrating the game with money.

Does the industry see artist and labels like Rap A Lot, No Limit, Wiz Khalifa, Drake and Travis Porter as a threat? The aforementioned were able to establish a buzz with no push.

Drake? No Push? Hardly, he was being pushed heavy by Cash Money/Universal motown for awhile...

Travis Porter? No, not big enough. Haven't heard much nationally about them.

Wizzle? He was pushed as well...You can't get on the radio/mtv etc. w/o being pushed. I vividly remember drake saying this before him becoming big, that's why I'm almost positive he had some kind of push/backing.

And those labels I'm not sure.
Why is it so hard for artists to get onto these media without a major push? Is everything THAT consolidated?
Originally Posted by Destination Kicks

It's extremely easy to lie about your income to get an FHA mortgage.

Do you have any useful info on FHAs man? My dad is going to a workshop to hopefully apply soon. And we would def not be lying about low income. :Lol
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