Post Something You Know That We Don't Because Of Your Job

Originally Posted by crobers 78

Mr Marcus wrote:

K2theAblaM wrote:

Mr Marcus wrote:

430AM wrote:

Ticket writer at a Sportsbook in Las Vegas:

- The sportsbooks do NOT know any inside info on games, We pretty much hoped for 50% action on both sides so we can walk away with the juice.
thats a god damn lie.....and you're a ticketwriter not a line maker so of course you wouldn't know %!@% about that 

this guy must have lost his life savings on some dumb bet... Forget mad, this guy's FUMING! 

It makes sense though, 50/50 walk away with the juice, minimizes the risk. I've heard it before, from plenty of people.

 nah.....i've actually won thousands betting just off the fact i know which lines vegas set to trap the public on one side so they can profit like hell on the other side....hell i just did it last night w/ the chicago/okc games.....chicago was -4 and the public was betting okc HEAVY.....guess who covered....chicago 
.....never had to work through college because of sports betting 

if you watch nba games you'll know that there's some shady @!$# that go down at the end of some games when it comes to ov/un or spreads....not every game but a lot of games 

^   THIS! Donaghy's "Personal Foul" taught me well

agree 100% the NBA is fixed. Me and my boys joke around that theres a reason you can't bet on womens college basketball, its not fixed.
read the whole thread in 3 days, off and on, was literally stuck on this thread...lots of interesting facts here.

I'll contribute
- you might find yourself paying 7 dollars for a bag of popcorn when movie employee's probably only have to pay 2 to 3 dollars...this goes for pizza, candy, etc
-anytime someone isn't asking for some snacks at the concessions then you're basically on break (what is there to do?)....might seem fun, but when you're there for hours just standing not doing anything you'll get frustrated the pay is low low low.
- if you ask someone who works at the movies have they seen a new movie and they reply no, they're probably lying.

Grocery Store
- The new fruit and or vegetables are placed at the bottom, not on the top, so don't grab the first item you see next time.
- Customer Service is a cashier's go to line when they are tired as @+*@ or don't want to be bothered, or if they don't know what you're asking (was good at this one)
I'd just say "customer service can help you"
-Become a coupon shopper, it's been cases where I've seen someone purchase $300 worth of groceries that used coupons and knocked their @#$! down to $60.

- They WILL be times where an item has the wrong price.....mistake made by some one that works that department in the grocery store, if you PAY attention and bring it to the cashier's attention, the manager just might let you walk away with a discount or even get that item free.....seen a dude walk away with a case of water one time
man he got the @+*@ when they said he can take it for free.
-For the people in this thread that said paper is more of a hassle than plastic.......paper is GREATER than plastic, plus it holds more........double that @#$! son and you'd have no problems.
-The pay between department managers at grocery stores and the average worker's are $#$*%@$ insane.
  smh at them having the nerve to be on our backs every minute.
- depending on the manager you have, if a customer complains to them about you, the manager won't do @#$! you're wasting your time.
major plus being a cashier where Howard University females use to do their grocery shopping....the things they wore in the summer time....
I'm in law school, so I don't have a "job" yet, but I volunteer at a legal clinic and observe at my mentors court (he's a family court judge).

- NEVER take the public defender. Think about it this way, who pays the public defender and the DA/ prosecutor? the same person! The prosecutor aint ruffling any feathers for your %@*. His number one goal in life is to become a judge, its all politics man.

-Never take the public defender b/c 95% of the time they are actually friends with the DA/prosecutor. Like they will eat lunch together daily and have each other over their fams house for xmas dinner type friends. That plea bargain you take, makes BOTH of them look good.

- Never take the public defender b/c they were most likely the dumbest person in law school (no offense to anyone). this may not be true for some young attoneys with the economy the way it is now, lawyers take any job that they can get. But for the most part the older lawyers who are the public defenders are dumb! They've been stuck in that job, because they can't do any other legal job. When the economy was really high this was the lowest paying job a lawyer would take.

- Some lawyers care about your feelings, some dont give a damn at all and will be laughing at you to their fam over dinner. Just tell them the damn facts about your situation. No point in crying telling them that your hurt feelings are going to upset little timmy and he may have a bad little league game. The lawyer will sit there and agree and talk w/ you as long as you want, you know why? there charging you $200+ an hour. Save yourself some money and pay a shrink.

- If you are ever convicted of anything, during the time between the trial and sentencing (if your not locked up during this period) do something productive!!!!! Coach your kids little league games, get a job, go to school. I cannot stress this enough. 100000% of the time the judge will take this into consideration and take time off your sentence.

- Not to sound like a jerk, but don't tell your lawyer how to do their job. They went to law school and passed a very difficult bar exam. the law is not similar to what you have seen on law and order. With that being said you should make sure to stay in contact w/ them to make sure they are meeting deadlines and do their work quickly.
kobe4threebang wrote:

Old job Lowes

-u can get at least 10% off of any item in the store if u ask a manager
-store managers are literally not aloud to say no to a customer if u really want power at a Lowes look up the district managers name and name drop him to a manager he will literally do anything for ya

-most employees have no problem helping u load stuff that actually needs loaded don't call us up there to load 1 bag of something, and what really made me mad was when people sit there blow cigeratte smoke in my face and watch me load your car when u are clearly physically able to help

-the saw is there to trim big pieces of lumber so they can fit in your car not to build you a house it takes a lot of time to cut wood especially when the store makes no money off of it
-if u order lumber for pickup or delivery u will get what's on the shelve no matter what condition the wood is in
-when u ask a associate for advice they probably don't know what they are talking about for most people its just a part time job for when they are not in school
-u can literally walk out the store with any merchandise and there and @$%* anybody in the store can do except right a plate # down and ask for your receipt
-delivery drivers work 12-15hr shifts sometimes and have one of the hardest jobs in the store hauling 400 lb fridges up 4 flights of stairs sucks the least u can do is tip since delivery is free

-they must deliver all appliances next day no matter what if they say they are full tell them to make space they have to honor there policies
Cool info
Originally Posted by CJ003

I'm in law school, so I don't have a "job" yet, but I volunteer at a legal clinic and observe at my mentors court (he's a family court judge).

- NEVER take the public defender. Think about it this way, who pays the public defender and the DA/ prosecutor? the same person! The prosecutor aint ruffling any feathers for your %@*. His number one goal in life is to become a judge, its all politics man.

-Never take the public defender b/c 95% of the time they are actually friends with the DA/prosecutor. Like they will eat lunch together daily and have each other over their fams house for xmas dinner type friends. That plea bargain you take, makes BOTH of them look good.

- Never take the public defender b/c they were most likely the dumbest person in law school (no offense to anyone). this may not be true for some young attoneys with the economy the way it is now, lawyers take any job that they can get. But for the most part the older lawyers who are the public defenders are dumb! They've been stuck in that job, because they can't do any other legal job. When the economy was really high this was the lowest paying job a lawyer would take.

- Some lawyers care about your feelings, some dont give a damn at all and will be laughing at you to their fam over dinner. Just tell them the damn facts about your situation. No point in crying telling them that your hurt feelings are going to upset little timmy and he may have a bad little league game. The lawyer will sit there and agree and talk w/ you as long as you want, you know why? there charging you $200+ an hour. Save yourself some money and pay a shrink.

- If you are ever convicted of anything, during the time between the trial and sentencing (if your not locked up during this period) do something productive!!!!! Coach your kids little league games, get a job, go to school. I cannot stress this enough. 100000% of the time the judge will take this into consideration and take time off your sentence.

- Not to sound like a jerk, but don't tell your lawyer how to do their job. They went to law school and passed a very difficult bar exam. the law is not similar to what you have seen on law and order. With that being said you should make sure to stay in contact w/ them to make sure they are meeting deadlines and do their work quickly.
Sounds like Republicans and Democrats

Originally Posted by CJ003

I'm in law school, so I don't have a "job" yet, but I volunteer at a legal clinic and observe at my mentors court (he's a family court judge).

- NEVER take the public defender. Think about it this way, who pays the public defender and the DA/ prosecutor? the same person! The prosecutor aint ruffling any feathers for your %@*. His number one goal in life is to become a judge, its all politics man.

-Never take the public defender b/c 95% of the time they are actually friends with the DA/prosecutor. Like they will eat lunch together daily and have each other over their fams house for xmas dinner type friends. That plea bargain you take, makes BOTH of them look good.

- Never take the public defender b/c they were most likely the dumbest person in law school (no offense to anyone). this may not be true for some young attoneys with the economy the way it is now, lawyers take any job that they can get. But for the most part the older lawyers who are the public defenders are dumb! They've been stuck in that job, because they can't do any other legal job. When the economy was really high this was the lowest paying job a lawyer would take.

- Some lawyers care about your feelings, some dont give a damn at all and will be laughing at you to their fam over dinner. Just tell them the damn facts about your situation. No point in crying telling them that your hurt feelings are going to upset little timmy and he may have a bad little league game. The lawyer will sit there and agree and talk w/ you as long as you want, you know why? there charging you $200+ an hour. Save yourself some money and pay a shrink.

- If you are ever convicted of anything, during the time between the trial and sentencing (if your not locked up during this period) do something productive!!!!! Coach your kids little league games, get a job, go to school. I cannot stress this enough. 100000% of the time the judge will take this into consideration and take time off your sentence.

- Not to sound like a jerk, but don't tell your lawyer how to do their job. They went to law school and passed a very difficult bar exam. the law is not similar to what you have seen on law and order. With that being said you should make sure to stay in contact w/ them to make sure they are meeting deadlines and do their work quickly.
Currently applying to law school, and I figured stuff like this occurred.

Sidenote: Where do you go to law school? The application process sucks, damn waiting game
I'm a courier/delivery guy/process server

-you can get into damn near anywhere with the delivery uniform
-I know where the best places to take a duece in Oakland/San Francisco (ala George costanza)
-during rush hour/traffic, the best lane is the second from the left
-paralegals do a lot of the work, lawyers that I come across with are always browsing the web when I go to their offices
-loading docks are awesome places to park, ive parked in them and gone through the lobby and out the front door and gone about my business then come back.
-again NEVER get a public defender
-bike messengers lack of good hygiene is laughable
-a lot of short cuts and knowing where to find parking
-the job sucks
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

, I'm definitely done listening to mainstream stuff... Not that I ever listened to it extensively.
This is really weird stuff, I'm kind of spooked.
Really, why?

A) Because the satanic/free masonry imagery that is used in mainstream music videos may *!*# with my head.
B) Because, apparently  "rapper image" = facade.
C) Because the music is garbage.

*On a side note, I attended a class by a Muslim scholar today...and this dude was talking about satanic imagery in music. (He was referencing cows and bulls in music.
(ie this gif 
is rooted in the image of satan as a Bull, with horns, etc.)
He went off on a tangent. We were previously discussing how the image of the cow or bull is also indirectly referenced in the Quran).

Some dude who was in the Music industry (in NYC) started talking about how artists do not control everything in their videos, and that after a musician will sign with a record label, often times his record label will give him guidance on what producers/photographers etc. to work with and the artists simply do what they are told many times. So a lot of the images in these videos are not controlled by the artists themselves.
Then the Muslim Scholar, who also serves as a consultant for artists, brought up a few instances when Muslim Musicians have come to him for guidance because they were encountering moral dilemmas and he brought up that they felt like they were "selling their soul".

(Basically a lot of what was talked about at this class was stuff that you talked about earlier.)
I was sitting there in complete shock.
I believed you before, but now I believe you with even more conviction.
92TiLLiNFINitY wrote:
shoeking2101 wrote:
, I'm definitely done listening to mainstream stuff... Not that I ever listened to it extensively.
This is really weird stuff, I'm kind of spooked.

Really, why?

A) Because the satanic/free masonry imagery that is used in mainstream music videos may *!*# with my head.
B) Because, apparently  "rapper image" = facade.
C) Because the music is garbage.

*On a side note, I attended a class by a Muslim scholar today...and this dude was talking about satanic imagery in music. (He was referencing cows and bulls in music.
(ie this gif 
is rooted in the image of satan as a Bull, with horns, etc.)
He went off on a tangent. We were previously discussing how the image of the cow or bull is also indirectly referenced in the Quran).

Some dude who was in the Music industry (in NYC) started talking about how artists do not control everything in their videos, and that after a musician will sign with a record label, often times his record label will give him guidance on what producers/photographers etc. to work with and the artists simply do what they are told many times. So a lot of the images in these videos are not controlled by the artists themselves.
Then the Muslim Scholar, who also serves as a consultant for artists, brought up a few instances when Muslim Musicians have come to him for guidance because they were encountering moral dilemmas and he brought up that they felt like they were "selling their soul".

(Basically a lot of what was talked about at this class was stuff that you talked about earlier.)
I was sitting there in complete shock.
I believed you before, but now I believe you with even more conviction.

Tried to tell folks on here but they do not listen n just call you a conspiracy theorist/nutt...without knowing what the hell they are talking about, just rambling and denying something because they cannot believe it to be true
 Ignorance to some is bliss
Your dog wont be killed at the vets office if it bites someone and your not there.
you will just have a aggressive handling fee.
Its not cheap but the $ is worth your pets care.As long as the dog is nice and doest try to nip all the time we wont be mean and we obviously like animals
were not gonna abuse it  but we know what will tick em off.

-If you got a New luxury vehicle don't be cheap sorry but its not excepted. Maybe$ 3 or more for reg valet is ok.
-If you want a spot up front PAY UP! Nothing should be upfront anyways it takes up space when the drive way gets busy.
-don't be a @##! because car will get the biz and WE WILL REMEMBER you, so see you next time or your car parked in public.
-Tipping when you first arrive makes thing alot better for you.
-At my place we NEVER STEAL we get paid good not to.
-The 89 Toyota just tiped$5 and the Benz said thank you= The older cars("middle class") give more tip then the rich
-Lots of upskirt action even  if you don't want it

-No offense but i did not think some Jewish people were really cheap till i got this job, were not asking for hand outs but damn.
-Yea i peeked at the celly or digi cam pics.
-Some of these expensive cars are`t really worth the $ all of em have Engine Lights on.
-Rich people are`t really as happy as they seem.
all for now.
Originally Posted by airtrainerkid

Your dog wont be killed at the vets office if it bites someone and your not there.
you will just have a aggressive handling fee.
Its not cheap but the $ is worth your pets care.As long as the dog is nice and doest try to nip all the time we wont be mean and we obviously like animals
were not gonna abuse it  but we know what will tick em off.

-If you got a New luxury vehicle don't be cheap sorry but its not excepted. Maybe$ 3 or more for reg valet is ok.
-If you want a spot up front PAY UP! Nothing should be upfront anyways it takes up space when the drive way gets busy.
-don't be a @##! because car will get the biz and WE WILL REMEMBER you, so see you next time or your car parked in public.
-Tipping when you first arrive makes thing alot better for you.
-At my place we NEVER STEAL we get paid good not to.
-The 89 Toyota just tiped$5 and the Benz said thank you= The older cars("middle class") give more tip then the rich
-Lots of upskirt action even  if you don't want it

-No offense but i did not think some Jewish people were really cheap till i got this job, were not asking for hand outs but damn.
-Yea i peeked at the celly or digi cam pics.
-Some of these expensive cars are`t really worth the $ all of em have Engine Lights on.
-Rich people are`t really as happy as they seem.
all for now.

BTW...I'm kinda surprised about the Trey Songz thing... but i'm not at the same time. I mean he is an R&B singer...and I think most people in the arts are gay anyways...
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by doin90onthefreeway

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

ayo shoeking, i live in LA, lets kick it one day

forreals though, invite me to such events u speak of

i can keep my mouth shut and dont crack under pressure

we can be "cousins"

I'm in norcal for school and such right now, but when I get back down there, i'll pm you or something whenever a party or a get together happens. I don't have a problem with this lol
what school you going too?
Real Life...

it really sucks i have nothing to contribute to this thread

I do the signing at macys:

all i do is put the little signs on each rack. and i gotta scan the things on the rack to make sure theyre all the same percentage /price.
I'm surprised no one quoted this
-Some of tupac's dead songs aren't done by him, they are done by someone else and they just use his voice

What songs exactly are we talking here?

I love 2pac, but I am more than willing to delete all the fake 2pac from my library.
Does 2pac's mom know about this?
Originally Posted by crobers 78

If you ship Fedex(old gig):

Expect pkg to get searched

Expect pkg with money (cash) to get stolen or intercepted by the Sheriffs(K9'S)

Little to no dope will get through unless they are watching the courier to make a bust and/or build evidence (once again K9'S). My neighboring Courier was stealing dope money from drug dealers for years. He mainly got caught because he came to work flashing new whips and runnin his mouth about exotic trips. They set him up with a pkg filled with over $60k cash n he took the bait (took $10k)...soon as he drove out of station, sheriffs sewed him up.
 Cold part is dude's wife was a cop.

Expect whatever you ship to be seriously mishandled (yeah i know the lil sweet lady at the counter fooled ya into thinkin it was safe but boy when it hits the Ramp/HUB...well)

Most veteran couriers knows who ships what in what pkgs so J's, Gucci. LV. Rolex. etc etc are spotted immediately by them and it seriously is up to the courier and if they want to keep their job if you actually receive your pkg.

Damn near every pkg goes to Memphis first

Shaunie O'neal (Shaq's Ex) definitely likes her some young meat

Anything else just ask

Originally Posted by 92TiLLiNFINitY

I'm surprised no one quoted this
-Some of tupac's dead songs aren't done by him, they are done by someone else and they just use his voice

What songs exactly are we talking here?

I love 2pac, but I am more than willing to delete all the fake 2pac from my library.
Does 2pac's mom know about this?

do you know how hard it would be to master a song posthumously? stop being an illuminati sheep
A lot of people that work for big IT companies can't save a word document or a powerpoint file. Let alone attach an email. I could go on, I did real estate, now I do streaming media. I've worked in retail, and currently do when bored. I don't know where to start.
Most people that are better off financially, are terrible at money management.

edit - I've sold cars for several years (BMW/Honda/Acura/Toyota/Ford) .. If you need any info, let me know.
I had this one gig going nationally working for Wal-mart, I'll post later too. Put it this way, I hit up over 300 stores in 20 states I thinkl
when your car insurance goes up after 6 months and you havent moved/had an accident/had a violation, the rates in your area went up. This means the insurance company has spent more money paying out claims and are trying to stay in the green by getting more money from all its customers. NY Insurance is really bad, mostly on its broken no-fault system

if you get into a minor car accident/broken window/ minor damage. do all you can to avoid getting police/insurance invovled. if you claim ur insurance company for a $50 broken window, this goes into your record, and come renewl you might see an increase of well over $50. not worth it

Even not at fault accidents where you did absolutely nothing wrong will look bad on your driving record and increase your rate.

Rear-end collisions are always %100 at fault for the colliding vehicle, even if the guy in front of you just felt like hitting his brakes in the middle of a highway.

accidents where a moving vehicle hits a pedestrain are always %100 at fault for the driver UNLESS theres a police officer present that witness's negligence on behalf of the pedestrian.
Originally Posted by kamakazipnoygt

Originally Posted by CJ003

I'm in law school, so I don't have a "job" yet, but I volunteer at a legal clinic and observe at my mentors court (he's a family court judge).

- NEVER take the public defender. Think about it this way, who pays the public defender and the DA/ prosecutor? the same person! The prosecutor aint ruffling any feathers for your %@*. His number one goal in life is to become a judge, its all politics man.

-Never take the public defender b/c 95% of the time they are actually friends with the DA/prosecutor. Like they will eat lunch together daily and have each other over their fams house for xmas dinner type friends. That plea bargain you take, makes BOTH of them look good.

- Never take the public defender b/c they were most likely the dumbest person in law school (no offense to anyone). this may not be true for some young attoneys with the economy the way it is now, lawyers take any job that they can get. But for the most part the older lawyers who are the public defenders are dumb! They've been stuck in that job, because they can't do any other legal job. When the economy was really high this was the lowest paying job a lawyer would take.

- Some lawyers care about your feelings, some dont give a damn at all and will be laughing at you to their fam over dinner. Just tell them the damn facts about your situation. No point in crying telling them that your hurt feelings are going to upset little timmy and he may have a bad little league game. The lawyer will sit there and agree and talk w/ you as long as you want, you know why? there charging you $200+ an hour. Save yourself some money and pay a shrink.

- If you are ever convicted of anything, during the time between the trial and sentencing (if your not locked up during this period) do something productive!!!!! Coach your kids little league games, get a job, go to school. I cannot stress this enough. 100000% of the time the judge will take this into consideration and take time off your sentence.

- Not to sound like a jerk, but don't tell your lawyer how to do their job. They went to law school and passed a very difficult bar exam. the law is not similar to what you have seen on law and order. With that being said you should make sure to stay in contact w/ them to make sure they are meeting deadlines and do their work quickly.
Currently applying to law school, and I figured stuff like this occurred.

Sidenote: Where do you go to law school? The application process sucks, damn waiting game

University of Arizona....i hate tucson, BUT every law student is getting a scholarship. school has hella $$$. if you need a scholarship apply here
Originally Posted by 0 Xm 0

Rear-end collisions are always %100 at fault for the colliding vehicle, even if the guy in front of you just felt like hitting his brakes in the middle of a highway.
This happened to me before... 

After I hit the lady she flicked her cigarette out the window and rolled out the car like she was about to die...

Anyway I work for a pharmaceutical company... We ship all the medications to the pharmacies and hospitals....

If you go to a pharmacy with a prescription and they say they can't get it most likely they are lying and just don't want to purchase the drug because of the cost... 

The narcotic drugs are kept in a cage and vault....

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