Post Something You Know That We Don't Because Of Your Job

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Working on becoming a music manager and let me just say...This business is wild, ayoo, dirty, and shameful. The fact that I live in LA is helping me though.
Seems like a few people who work in Hollywood on here have said the same thing.
Health reform, is doing us more harm than good
Jesse Palmer styles his own hair, refuses to let anyone else touch it after its been cut.

I tried.
Train cargo contain some of the most toxic and dangerous chemicals known to man. We pull tanks of chlorine, toxic acids and fumes by houses and play grounds 24 7. And it doesn't take much to derail a train. There is little to no security in rail yards filled with this stuff. Imagine a terrorist of nut setting off a pipe bomb on a just one haz mat tank! And if your sitting at a rail crossing please don't pull right to the gate. I've hit 3 cars and have 1 fatality under my belt and i've only been here 4 yrs.
Originally Posted by stand4something

Former Google NYC Employee

-one of the best places to work in the world
-we get around the facility using scooters (vp's and managers have segways)
-ive personally met Eric Schmidt (ceo) and larry and sergey (founders)
-Googlers do not pay for anything, and when I say anything I mean anything, from food to cellphones
-the NYC office is the second biggest next to mountainview
-there is nothing outside or in the lobby of the building that says "Google"
-5 star chefs come to the Google Restaurants and prepare meals according to the theme (e.g chinese, jamaican, etc)
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are free of charge, buffet style
-theres a special internal google search system called "Moma", Google as a whole cannot operate without it, it contains every single drop of google info, you wont find anything on Moma if you google it
-fun fact: Google gets 14$ for each Google and youtube search, insane

I can go on for days lol
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by stand4something

Former Google NYC Employee

-one of the best places to work in the world
-we get around the facility using scooters (vp's and managers have segways)
-ive personally met Eric Schmidt (ceo) and larry and sergey (founders)
-Googlers do not pay for anything, and when I say anything I mean anything, from food to cellphones
-the NYC office is the second biggest next to mountainview
-there is nothing outside or in the lobby of the building that says "Google"
-5 star chefs come to the Google Restaurants and prepare meals according to the theme (e.g chinese, jamaican, etc)
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are free of charge, buffet style
-theres a special internal google search system called "Moma", Google as a whole cannot operate without it, it contains every single drop of google info, you wont find anything on Moma if you google it
-fun fact: Google gets 14$ for each Google and youtube search, insane

I can go on for days lol

I going to go ahead and call BS on this.  If that was true Google would be pulling in close to a billion dollars daily.  No way in hell that is true.  Maybe 14 cents, but even that seems high.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Working on becoming a music manager and let me just say...This business is wild, ayoo, dirty, and shameful. The fact that I live in LA is helping me though.
Seems like a few people who work in Hollywood on here have said the same thing.

Well they are right. A couple of things i've learned/saw:

-Most rappers are paid with any and everything but money
-EVERYTHING cost money, even when you see a mixtape or a brand new interview from an artist, unless he's established it probably cost. Radio spins, everything is either pushed by a label, or payed for. From my experience at least
-You can literally launch a music career with ease in this day and age with social networking
-I've seen thiss with a few artist I'm close to...You are literally one hit away from stardom, and at the same time one dud away from being dropped/non existent
-Most rappers are really dope people, but they don't know or control what's going on in their lives as far as music goes, which can be very dangerous. My homeboy is like this.
-A lot of the higher ups are gay
-The higher you climb, the crazier things get...I'll leave this one alone. I know how NT hate conspiracies even though its not.
-If you get on in LA, its better than getting on in almost any other city. With the exception of maybe NY
-Alluded to this earlier, but with the right amount of money, you can literally buy your way to stardom. I've seen it happen so many times. Records from mixtapes no matter how big the artist may seem, just don't jump to radio. They are either payed for, pushed by a label, something. It's looked at as an investment, and if the investment is successful, then you won't have to pay for that anymore
-Learn the art of winning friends and influencing people. Incredible tool.
-Backstage at the VMA's are so crazy. Grammy's too.
-More than likely,you need to spend money to make money in this business.
-Contrary to popular belief, you can blow in the music industry, that's isn't the hardest part. With the right amount of money, you can "Pay for connections" and "blow."The question is, do you really want to blow? (Pause) This isn't what it seems. There's so much things you have to do and there isn't much room to do what you want.
-There's a reason why your favorite artist isn't as prolific as you think he should be.

There's so much more, I'll come back later
Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by stand4something

Former Google NYC Employee

-one of the best places to work in the world
-we get around the facility using scooters (vp's and managers have segways)
-ive personally met Eric Schmidt (ceo) and larry and sergey (founders)
-Googlers do not pay for anything, and when I say anything I mean anything, from food to cellphones
-the NYC office is the second biggest next to mountainview
-there is nothing outside or in the lobby of the building that says "Google"
-5 star chefs come to the Google Restaurants and prepare meals according to the theme (e.g chinese, jamaican, etc)
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are free of charge, buffet style
-theres a special internal google search system called "Moma", Google as a whole cannot operate without it, it contains every single drop of google info, you wont find anything on Moma if you google it
-fun fact: Google gets 14$ for each Google and youtube search, insane

I can go on for days lol

I going to go ahead and call BS on this.  If that was true Google would be pulling in close to a billion dollars daily.  No way in hell that is true.  Maybe 14 cents, but even that seems high.

I said the same thing bro, this is why Google has been the number 1 fortune 500 company for years, that number came from Schmidt 's mouth himself in a conference, but you gotta realize, they have over 100 offices worldwide to keep up with, and every facility is the same with the perks, scooters, chefs and etc. So 14$ is definitely hard to believe but not farfetched.. 
Starting salary for an engineer out of college is close to 100k, I've seen sales, media and advertising and engineers W2's lol, they'll show you happily.But in hindsight it is a very demanding place to work, its hard to focus when you have game rooms with 360, ps3, Wii etc, Microkitchens that are equipped with all types of snacks from m&m's to red velvet cake , from water to naked smoothies, indoor gyms, basketball courts, massage rooms, quiet rooms, personal elevators, free Google clothes etcGooglers are the first to have any Android phone.

 When the g1 and my touch first released, I had it on my desk about a month before releaseAmongst all of these perks, they'll fire you in a minute, no if Ands or buts, no one really works for Google for more than a year or 2, why? I dunno, people get stressed out, vps always all over you, no room for error, there are no write ups, you mess up, your fired, that simple.Good thing about it is you get to keep everything and most of all, its on your resume..

how can you get a job at google? to be honest, go to school, or just know the right people. People think you have to be a "googler" to get a job at google. Theres jobs in there that dont require an outlandish degree or insane credentials and they still pay good, great actually

i still email my ex-coworkers time to time and i still reap SOME benefits from working there, but all in all its a great place to work, the people you meet the connections you make are endless
Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

      Being polite makes such a HUGE difference. If you act like an %$$ with us, we'll remember it, just the same way we'll remember someone really nice.
      One of the busiest stores in south florida... Tipping is a nice thing to do.
      DONT WALK IN 10 MINUTES BEFORE CLOSING WITH YOUR WHOLE FAMILY. By then we're already cleaning and most likely a lot of stuff has run out/the person
      making your drink is just drained
      This is one I've started seeing, so help me God.... If you walk into our store and order a "triple espresso over ice" just so you can pay for that instead of a latte, save some money,
      then pour all the milk from the condiment bar into your espresso/ice, I'm pulling decaf shots. Period. You aren't clever, and thinking that we don't realize what you're doing is an insult.


How about you just do what you're told and stop working retail with a ego.

You pathetic dawg.


Im one of the most polite people in there. Ill always treat you with respect, no matter how rude you are. But those are things that all people working tend to feel when working, so stop acting like you know anything.

Its all good though, if youre ever in miami come through, drink on me
i'd slap you if you gave me decaf coffee.

where at in miami?
Originally Posted by KaDUKUkicks

Originally Posted by finnns2003

NT access denied on government internet connections.

Wow, I wonder why...

...because it is a social networking access govt worker should be tweetin during govt hours...

...govt agencies will soon have facebook pages...

...if you are getting out of military...file for disability...9 out of 10 accepted...if you wait years later...denied...

...a lot of combat veterans lose grip of reality and usually end up on the streets...

...if your child's school teacher is single...usually a FREAK...

...$7 a night for Salvation Army lodging...

No it's not. I'm on it now from work, and I'm on the biggest Artillery base in the US. It used to be, but lately they've been loosening the reigns as far as what's blocked and what isn't. We even get social networking sites and Youtube now, because Units like to make their own facebook page and sometimes upload Family/Organization Day highlights to Youtube, so those have been unblocked.

As far as the disability scam, I agree. Everybody in the Army is killing off that once they get out. You get 20% just off sleep apnea, usually any adult males have some sort of knee problem, you get like 20 more % for that. I literally know dudes who got handicapped stickers, who come and hoop with us on the daily. Like if there isn't 2 more antonymous things

But with regard to working IT for the Government, more particularly the US Army, all the stuff you'd expect is true i.e I can watch your computer, go in your pictures folder and take stuff out without you noticing, etc.

They pay 550$ per computer for Dell Optiplez 750 w c2d, 4gb of ram, and Windows Vista on them and buy literally 100s of 1000s per base and have to replace them every 3 yrs, in our case we replaced the 750s with 760, exact same specs, just different form factor as they're smaller. Seems like it would have been cheaper to just renew the warranty.

In fact, the Government gets ripped off on EVERYTHING. Literally, looking at this Beacon Equipment catalog as they're the official Supplier of the entire post, they literally have 500$ chairs that you could get at Staples for like 75 tops (the bungee cord chair for example). Regular pens with no special features, 20 pack for 34.99$ I mean #@*% is disgusting
You could go to Wal Mart and get the same items, same quality (because it's almost all this crappy name brand called Skillcraft) for like 90% savings.
shoeking2101 wrote:
Well they are right. A couple of things i've learned/saw:

-Most rappers are paid with any and everything but money
-EVERYTHING cost money, even when you see a mixtape or a brand new interview from an artist, unless he's established it probably cost. Radio spins, everything is either pushed by a label, or payed for. From my experience at least
-You can literally launch a music career with ease in this day and age with social networking
-I've seen thiss with a few artist I'm close to...You are literally one hit away from stardom, and at the same time one dud away from being dropped/non existent
-Most rappers are really dope people, but they don't know or control what's going on in their lives as far as music goes, which can be very dangerous. My homeboy is like this.
-A lot of the higher ups are gay
-The higher you climb, the crazier things get...I'll leave this one alone. I know how NT hate conspiracies even though its not.
-If you get on in LA, its better than getting on in almost any other city. With the exception of maybe NY
-Alluded to this earlier, but with the right amount of money, you can literally buy your way to stardom. I've seen it happen so many times. Records from mixtapes no matter how big the artist may seem, just don't jump to radio. They are either payed for, pushed by a label, something. It's looked at as an investment, and if the investment is successful, then you won't have to pay for that anymore
-Learn the art of winning friends and influencing people. Incredible tool.
-Backstage at the VMA's are so crazy. Grammy's too.
-More than likely,you need to spend money to make money in this business.
-Contrary to popular belief, you can blow in the music industry, that's isn't the hardest part. With the right amount of money, you can "Pay for connections" and "blow."The question is, do you really want to blow? (Pause) This isn't what it seems. There's so much things you have to do and there isn't much room to do what you want.
-There's a reason why your favorite artist isn't as prolific as you think he should be.

There's so much more, I'll come back later
More?  Son, you haven't told us anything.  You going to hit us with another list of timeless chestnuts like "things get crazy" and "there's a reason" and "everything costs money" and "lots of people are gay"?  We could change a couple words in that wasted two minutes and make all your insight apply to anyone's job.

And since you're reading, some people seem to have mistaken this thread for a place to post things you do at work because you are petty and believe you are important.  A good example of contributing to this thread would be:

Originally Posted by JD Turk

Jesse Palmer styles his own hair, refuses to let anyone else touch it after its been cut.
A bad example would be:
Originally Posted by Boss Unk II

Costco managers are some of the biggest d-bags on power trips known to man.
Even if it's true, we don't have to work there to figure this out.  Similarly, it takes us less time to figure out who the self-important coffee maker/delivery guy/sales person is than it takes you to write it out.  If your time is so important then stop wasting your time telling us how important it is. 

And finally, a general observation: There seems to be an inverse relationship between how important people's jobs are and how important they believe they are.  Middle managers know they are grunts.  Hourly employees think they're saving the universe one table at a time.

Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

But with regard to working IT for the Government, more particularly the US Army, all the stuff you'd expect is true i.e I can watch your computer, go in your pictures folder and take stuff out without you noticing, etc.
would like more information on stuff like this ...

how do you determine which computers to look at? can you go into myspace, facebook, twitter etc... ?

i dont really care in the grand scheme of things as i dont have anything to hide, but i'd like to know how it works just for my own personal knowledge ...
Originally Posted by 91mph Style

shoeking2101 wrote:
Well they are right. A couple of things i've learned/saw:

-Most rappers are paid with any and everything but money
-EVERYTHING cost money, even when you see a mixtape or a brand new interview from an artist, unless he's established it probably cost. Radio spins, everything is either pushed by a label, or payed for. From my experience at least
-You can literally launch a music career with ease in this day and age with social networking
-I've seen thiss with a few artist I'm close to...You are literally one hit away from stardom, and at the same time one dud away from being dropped/non existent
-Most rappers are really dope people, but they don't know or control what's going on in their lives as far as music goes, which can be very dangerous. My homeboy is like this.
-A lot of the higher ups are gay
-The higher you climb, the crazier things get...I'll leave this one alone. I know how NT hate conspiracies even though its not.
-If you get on in LA, its better than getting on in almost any other city. With the exception of maybe NY
-Alluded to this earlier, but with the right amount of money, you can literally buy your way to stardom. I've seen it happen so many times. Records from mixtapes no matter how big the artist may seem, just don't jump to radio. They are either payed for, pushed by a label, something. It's looked at as an investment, and if the investment is successful, then you won't have to pay for that anymore
-Learn the art of winning friends and influencing people. Incredible tool.
-Backstage at the VMA's are so crazy. Grammy's too.
-More than likely,you need to spend money to make money in this business.
-Contrary to popular belief, you can blow in the music industry, that's isn't the hardest part. With the right amount of money, you can "Pay for connections" and "blow."The question is, do you really want to blow? (Pause) This isn't what it seems. There's so much things you have to do and there isn't much room to do what you want.
-There's a reason why your favorite artist isn't as prolific as you think he should be.

There's so much more, I'll come back later
More?  Son, you haven't told us anything.  You going to hit us with another list of timeless chestnuts like "things get crazy" and "there's a reason" and "everything costs money" and "lots of people are gay"?  We could change a couple words in that wasted two minutes and make all your insight apply to anyone's job.

And since you're reading, some people seem to have mistaken this thread for a place to post things you do at work because you are petty and believe you are important.  A good example of contributing to this thread would be:

Originally Posted by JD Turk

Jesse Palmer styles his own hair, refuses to let anyone else touch it after its been cut.
A bad example would be:
Originally Posted by Boss Unk II

Costco managers are some of the biggest d-bags on power trips known to man.
Even if it's true, we don't have to work there to figure this out.  Similarly, it takes us less time to figure out who the self-important coffee maker/delivery guy/sales person is than it takes you to write it out.  If your time is so important then stop wasting your time telling us how important it is. 

And finally, a general observation: There seems to be an inverse relationship between how important people's jobs are and how important they believe they are.  Middle managers know they are grunts.  Hourly employees think they're saving the universe one table at a time.


Sorry to dissapoint you sir. Wasn't my intention. Was just trying to share some stuff, that's all.
Women can breastfeed babies with a diagnosis of Hepatitis A, B, or C
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease is the most common hereditary diseases in the United States and accounts for 10% of all people who end up using dialysis later on in their lifetime 
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

91mph Style wrote:

shoeking2101 wrote:

Well they are right. A couple of things i've learned/saw:

-Most rappers are paid with any and everything but money
-EVERYTHING cost money, even when you see a mixtape or a brand new interview from an artist, unless he's established it probably cost. Radio spins, everything is either pushed by a label, or payed for. From my experience at least
-You can literally launch a music career with ease in this day and age with social networking
-I've seen thiss with a few artist I'm close to...You are literally one hit away from stardom, and at the same time one dud away from being dropped/non existent
-Most rappers are really dope people, but they don't know or control what's going on in their lives as far as music goes, which can be very dangerous. My homeboy is like this.
-A lot of the higher ups are gay
-The higher you climb, the crazier things get...I'll leave this one alone. I know how NT hate conspiracies even though its not.
-If you get on in LA, its better than getting on in almost any other city. With the exception of maybe NY
-Alluded to this earlier, but with the right amount of money, you can literally buy your way to stardom. I've seen it happen so many times. Records from mixtapes no matter how big the artist may seem, just don't jump to radio. They are either payed for, pushed by a label, something. It's looked at as an investment, and if the investment is successful, then you won't have to pay for that anymore
-Learn the art of winning friends and influencing people. Incredible tool.
-Backstage at the VMA's are so crazy. Grammy's too.
-More than likely,you need to spend money to make money in this business.
-Contrary to popular belief, you can blow in the music industry, that's isn't the hardest part. With the right amount of money, you can "Pay for connections" and "blow."The question is, do you really want to blow? (Pause) This isn't what it seems. There's so much things you have to do and there isn't much room to do what you want.
-There's a reason why your favorite artist isn't as prolific as you think he should be.

There's so much more, I'll come back later
More?  Son, you haven't told us anything.  You going to hit us with another list of timeless chestnuts like "things get crazy" and "there's a reason" and "everything costs money" and "lots of people are gay"?  We could change a couple words in that wasted two minutes and make all your insight apply to anyone's job.

And since you're reading, some people seem to have mistaken this thread for a place to post things you do at work because you are petty and believe you are important.  A good example of contributing to this thread would be:

JD Turk wrote:

Jesse Palmer styles his own hair, refuses to let anyone else touch it after its been cut.

A bad example would be:

Boss Unk II wrote:

Costco managers are some of the biggest d-bags on power trips known to man.
Even if it's true, we don't have to work there to figure this out.  Similarly, it takes us less time to figure out who the self-important coffee maker/delivery guy/sales person is than it takes you to write it out.  If your time is so important then stop wasting your time telling us how important it is. 

And finally, a general observation: There seems to be an inverse relationship between how important people's jobs are and how important they believe they are.  Middle managers know they are grunts.  Hourly employees think they're saving the universe one table at a time.


Sorry to dissapoint you sir. Wasn't my intention. Was just trying to share some stuff, that's all.

A lot of it was useful in regards to the music... but It'd be nice if you could get a little more specific and go more into detail.. seems interesting
Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

--Text messaging is marked up big time. Like movie theatre popcorn.
--Sure your plan is unlimited and it seems worth it but if you dont have text, your charged about 15 cents for ONE.

--The actual cost is about 1/16 of a penny. Too lazy to do the math, but yeah....

Bro, you don't know how good you have it over there.

20c per text is the norm here in New Zealand unless you have a text deal. iPhone plans are crazy insane prices, no unlimited anything.
shoeking2101 wrote:
Originally Posted by finnns2003

shoeking2101 wrote:
Working on becoming a music manager and let me just say...This business is wild, ayoo, dirty, and shameful. The fact that I live in LA is helping me though.
Seems like a few people who work in Hollywood on here have said the same thing.

Well they are right. A couple of things i've learned/saw:

-Most rappers are paid with any and everything but money
-EVERYTHING cost money, even when you see a mixtape or a brand new interview from an artist, unless he's established it probably cost. Radio spins, everything is either pushed by a label, or payed for. From my experience at least
-You can literally launch a music career with ease in this day and age with social networking
-I've seen thiss with a few artist I'm close to...You are literally one hit away from stardom, and at the same time one dud away from being dropped/non existent
-Most rappers are really dope people, but they don't know or control what's going on in their lives as far as music goes, which can be very dangerous. My homeboy is like this.
-A lot of the higher ups are gay
-The higher you climb, the crazier things get...I'll leave this one alone. I know how NT hate conspiracies even though its not.
-If you get on in LA, its better than getting on in almost any other city. With the exception of maybe NY
-Alluded to this earlier, but with the right amount of money, you can literally buy your way to stardom. I've seen it happen so many times. Records from mixtapes no matter how big the artist may seem, just don't jump to radio. They are either payed for, pushed by a label, something. It's looked at as an investment, and if the investment is successful, then you won't have to pay for that anymore
-Learn the art of winning friends and influencing people. Incredible tool.
-Backstage at the VMA's are so crazy. Grammy's too.
-More than likely,you need to spend money to make money in this business.
-Contrary to popular belief, you can blow in the music industry, that's isn't the hardest part. With the right amount of money, you can "Pay for connections" and "blow."The question is, do you really want to blow? (Pause) This isn't what it seems. There's so much things you have to do and there isn't much room to do what you want.
-There's a reason why your favorite artist isn't as prolific as you think he should be.

There's so much more, I'll come back later

You don't even have to explain. Already...
Let's see then, some random facts/observances from my "job" (I don't consider this a job). Sorry if anyone knows this

-Almost all of the "Celebrity Hollywood" parties have coke,x, etc. I saw a few artist (Not relavant (sp?) at the moment) use and abuse drugs and weed definately doesn't count
-Most artist (i.e. Lil Twist, Nicki Minaj, and even Lil Wayne, although he his kind of hard to prove) are asked to lie about their age once they get "ON" to the masses. A record exec. actually told me this one, and a few artist that i'm in contact with/manage have been in talks about doing this
-The industry is Blackballing DMX right now and some of this stuff he is being accused of he really did not do
-I'm sure most of you know this, but nothing is a coincidence from what i've seen. You can trace anything back to prove this. "So and So" won a grammy and it seems like a surprise? Hardly, been in the works by the Higher ups for months now
-Music forum knows this one: A lot of big time artist in conjunction with their label and pr will schedule the release of their albums to coincide with the deadline for the grammy's.
-Jews really are powerful in not just music, but hollywood. I'm assuming you all know this as well.
-Trey Songz is a dope individual...So is J.Cole. Mad Chill people
-Nicki Minaj isn't into this wig/outrageous outfits that they have her in
-Higher ups have parties where they intentionally hire gay men
-If you don't know who Casey Veggies, Overdoz, Jamaal, or a few others are right now, you will hear from them sometime next year. The west coast has been doing it with the young artist
-Some of tupac's dead songs aren't done by him, they are done by someone else and they just use his voice
-I don't get paid a lot of money
-Drake has used so much money to break into the game. From the trey songz feature on replacement girl, to the video for this, to the making of comback season, to so far gone, etc.
-Selling your soul in the industry isn't "Selling your morals." It's literally selling your soul
-Hardly any rapper lives the life you think they do. Even the most popular ones. I have a friend who spent some time with
-HARDLY any rapper is making serious money right now. Another record exec. told me this. I know most know this, but its serious.
-Award shows are so fixed its sickening
-Future the Prince and D10 are dope people. Mad chill and layed back.
-A recording contract is....for lack of a better term, it tricks you. They give you a large advance, but in essence have to finance their career with that.
-Being tied to a record label for multiple albums is potentially suicide.
-At this time, being independent is hard as far as finances and publicity go, but if you can manage to do it, do it. That way, you have control. Sign to a label to quickly, They might not let you get your mixtape game going, they will rush your album out knowing damn well the public isn't even ready for you, and then you will find yourself dropped. The only reason why they signed you, is so they can have control of your buzz or your single that was buzzing at the time.
-You don't get nominated for a grammy off a Mixtape. Like I said, that was not a coincidence. Although he was at the time "Unsigned," CM/YM/Universal pushed so far gone and best I ever had as if he was their artist. In fact, one pr guy told me over lunch that he has been signed for much longer than people think.

Just some that came to mind. Sorry if this is already known.
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

-The higher you climb, the crazier things get...I'll leave this one alone. I know how NT hate conspiracies even though its not.
-Backstage at the VMA's are so crazy. Grammy's too.
Touch more on these two, you gotta.
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

Train cargo contain some of the most toxic and dangerous chemicals known to man. We pull tanks of chlorine, toxic acids and fumes by houses and play grounds 24 7. And it doesn't take much to derail a train. There is little to no security in rail yards filled with this stuff. Imagine a terrorist of nut setting off a pipe bomb on a just one haz mat tank! And if your sitting at a rail crossing please don't pull right to the gate. I've hit 3 cars and have 1 fatality under my belt and i've only been here 4 yrs.
What the... wow how does it feel?
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