Post Something You Know That We Don't Because Of Your Job

i dont work here but i have a couple of friends that do..

i have herd that the manager is perverted and women get hired easily if they make sexual comments...

all the workers are all friends and potheads. they smoke in the freezer during work..

rice is usually 3 months old
california state government agencies are not allowed to purchase a good or service unless it has been previously arranged/approved by the procurement department. the procurement department is occasionally lazy/less detailed or accurate than they could be, and they arrange for a maximum amount of money to be available to fulfill the order or service that you need. when that financial agreement is reviewed by the department of general services, they charge a percentage based on the total amount of the agreement. so if procurement over estimates the amount of money needed, they have to over pay the reviewers for the approval of the overestimated agreement. if you complete the financial transaction (i.e pay for the goods/services) and the financial agreement has any remaining balance (because procurement overestimated) it costs money to file a transaction to liquidate the remaining balance that was overstimated on the agreement.

the government knows when you lie/cheat on your taxes. (you may only look at the forms once a year, but some of us look at them everyday) if you get away with it, it is because it is not financially feasible for us to pursue you/audit for correction.

low income single women who are wondering when they will get their tax refund (as a result of the child and dependent care credit; a credit that is available to somebody who "pays" for "child care" while they are looking for work/working,) would probably be more successful in finding jobs if they spent the same amount of time looking for work as they do calling to check on the status of their refund. calling twice a day does not get your money to you any faster, and by the way, if you tell us that you paid cash to a relative for the child care, your refund will likely get cancelled.

men rarely called to inquire about the status of their refund as a result of the child and dependent care credit. (i'm not trying to be sexist, it is just something that i statistically noticed.)

if you are going to be living somewhere else for an extended period of time, or joining the military, or moving over seas, please do not use a california address as a mailing address for anything. if you do not live here, do not tell anybody that you receive mail at a california address. you want to live in spain? get an address in spain and use that address. if you tell your bank, or your work, or even the post office that all of your mail should be sent to a california address while you are NOT living in california, we will assume that you ARE a california resident, and we will estimate your california income based off of your federal tax return (did you put a CA address on that too?) and assume you owe money to CA until you prove that you don't.

if you have an occupational license (cosmetologist, contractor, architect, legal, medical etc) file your taxes or be prepared to explain why you don't have to.

most "professional" tax preparation firms that advertise on tv/radio/internet are going to overcharge you for what they'll provide, and please plese please if at all possible do not opt to get your tax refund on their "pre-paid" cards. just get it direct deposited into your bank account.

do not blame tax agencies for your tax situations, they are only enforcing the laws that elected politicians put in place. talk to your elected representatives if you really want to change the laws. get involved.

the people you talk to on the phone in a call center occasionaly have themed dress up days to improve morale. i have answered million dollar tax questions while wearing a banana costume, full snowboarding gear with boots and board, a cell phone costume, basketball gear, and a cooking apron.

we do not have a big red "audit" button.

in a state of 33 million people, your problems are not unique. because tax issues crop up seasonally, if you have a reason to call it's probably the same reason as about 17,000 other people on any given day.

we comment every account that we interact with in order to provide a detailed narrative history in case you need to refer back to it. yes, we know when you called before and what you said at that time.

joint tax return filings in california are considered community property. this means, if you and your wife are expecting a refund, but you haven't told your wife about the child support that you owe, she will find out about your child support because we will give your joint refund to them. and we will send you a letter letting you know that your refund was given to child support. or outstanding dmv fees, college loans, pre natal health screening, parking tickets, court ordered fees/debts, or irs back taxes.

we use facebook to find delinquent tax payers and their new businesses for collection actions.

if you are in a situation where you find it difficult to afford your taxes, be open and honest and ask for help and you will be given many opportunities to avoid involuntary collection actions or negative effects on your credit score.

keep your own copies of tax return forms and wage/income documents. it takes time and occasionally costs you money to get replacements.

individuals that own their own LLC or partnership or corporation generally pay someone else to prepare their taxes, but take it upon themselves to call and discuss issues or problems after that. people running "successful" businesses frequently have no idea what their tax obligations are, and will try and use their ignorance as a bargaining chip to improve their situation by asking for waivers, discounts, etc.

there are no discounts.

if you can show legal justification as to why something should not apply to you, it can be waived. (although i always considered this to be a correction, we're not waiving something that does apply to you, but if you point out that something was erroneously assessed or charged to you by all means we will do the right thing and correct it.)

it is PAINFULLY obivious if an individual works under a fake SSN but files their returns with an ITIN. we get it. however, because those are federally issued numbers, we don't really care what your legal migratory situation is. i respect people that are trying to comply with tax laws, but i would respect them more if they complied with immigration laws. illegal immigration leads to wasted tax enforcement efforts and expenses. this inefficiency comes directly out of your tax dollars. if less people lied about their social security number, there would be more money for schools, roads, etc.

the more money you give to the government, the longer it takes to get it back. anytime we have to give out more than 10k, there's an extra stage of review added to make sure that it's the correct amount. this can delay refunds appx 6 months, but occasionally longer.

if you are audited by the feds and owe them additional money, immediately contact california and submit your final determination from the feds. voluntary compliance saves you money on interest/penalties compared to if we have to wait 6 months and do all the work to complete the corresponding audit on the state level.

NT access denied on government internet connections.

3 potlucks a month. (i know enough people, and they know that i eat anything, so folks constantly bringing by leftovers.)

fire alarm drills = an hour hanging out in the sunny parking lot. (not economically feasible, we really lose money by not being able to work for that hour, so they limit the drills... only one in 2.5 years.)

your bike is not safe locked in front of a government building. their cameras and security are there to protect the information inside, not the personal property outside.

john chaing's hair is a lot grayer that it used to be.

arnold schwarzenegger is SHORT.

the state of california has imposed goals on itself to do a certain percentage of business with small businesses, micro businesses, and disabled/veteran businesses.

IBM as a vendor is relentlessly interested in collecting money owed to them.

phone bills for a large 5,000 person agency are billed monthly on statements that are 500 pages long.

ANYBODY can get hired.

The earlier you file your taxes, the faster you get your refund. (unless CA runs out of money... increasingly likely these days. if this happens, you'll eventually get your money, so just try to get it as soon as possible. FIFO)

We have a department photographer that makes appx 60k and has about 5tb's of photos of building site history, employee events, etc.
Originally Posted by shoefreek23

-most stuff for sale on black friday isnt a deal because the quality is soo low
-you have to really f up to get fired cuz they will not fire you unless they dont have to pay you unemployment
-babies being born and dead people should not be photographed(I work in the photolab)
-yeah we get naked pics but usually they're of people you dont want to see naked
-people from India ask a million questions and then dont buy anything because everythings made in china
-when the managers take a photo of accidents in the store they use vga mode,the lowest qaulity pics possible
-the automotive section makes alot of mistakes
-the security guys arent gonna catch you stealing unless your really dumb
-we look at everybodies pictures
-the copyrights on photos is a federal law and retailers can get sued for millions for making one illegal copy
-everything gets thrown around when unloading the trucks, tvs, xboxs,everything,we mite as well say oh you want this camera,let me slam it on the ground for you,its still good

Ill post more later.
I work at the photo lab, too.

It's just nudity that cannot be photographed, in other words, showing parts that cannot be seen in a public street.  Also, if pics of abuse have been uploaded, we have to print them and try to report it to the manager.

If I deal with an impatient customer because he/she is still waiting for her photos, I tell the person it's okay to be disappointed and I take 50% off of their order as an appreciation of their patience.

The fabric dept next door is a ghost town.  Customers ask me to get an associate to help me cut fabric for them, so I have to call the fitting room first.  If unsuccessful, I call the customer service desk 2nd, then try to get an associate next door in electronics or the back room that can cut fabric if customer service doesn't pick up.

The break room is the nastiest part in the back of the store.  Flies everywhere due to some of my fellow employees not picking up after themselves,

I work at a Supercenter, by the way.
when using a visa or master card the merchant isnt suppose to ask to see ID if the card is signed. they also cant require ID to complete a transaction.
"EPIC" is supposed to be the most revolutionary medical billing software ever and it is going live on Jan 17th.
Originally Posted by donpoppa

when using a visa or master card the merchant isnt suppose to ask to see ID if the card is signed. they also cant require ID to complete a transaction.

i knew if its signed part but not the ID nonrequirable part, wow, im going to start a debt next time someone asks for my ID lol

Ultrasonic Engineer... what takes us hours to build a transducor and cost of part is 3-4x cheaper than what we charge ppl maybe even more, lol... epic gain!
Originally Posted by famenycity1

i can take you cellphone bill and cut in in half every money (tmobile att verizon)
if you have a relative or anyone you know or jappen to find the code for chase bank that cell ohone companies use it is 20% off the top of your bill....they dont check

you'll laugh if you saw the price i can get blackberrys htc mytouch nokias for....and then the price i sell them

that $20 dollers a month you pay for unlimited text messaging cost your carrier $0....$20 straight profit

recently with the influx of all these no contract umlimited companies that piggy back of att and tmobile service some major carriers have gotten nervous....sprint has gone as far as adding minutes on the invoice on your bill to cause you to go you could of talked to somone for 9 minutes....but in your bill they wrote 22....ive seen it done..caught them and profited from it

most the time when you come in with some problem with your cell phone... i will put on a shocked face poke around on it (usually looking through pictures) and then say your phone is broken and intise you to buy a new one...40% of the time i sell a phone.

ive done some amazing things with cell phone insurance...they are tighter on it then before...but damn i milk at&t

next time you get a activation fee for opening a new customer service say that you went into a dealership and were promisd no activation and for some reasonit is on your bill...say your very unhappy and might decide to switch back to watever will save you $40

i only hook pretty females up with discounts

dont ever buy chargers cases any sort of product like that from corporate stores...auhorized dealers and direct dealers are much cheaper and you can bargain

NO contract is the way to go now....simple mobile offers you unlimited talk text and unlimited 3G web speed internet for $60 a it is on tmobiles network....GSM so you can use any phone.

just my 2 cents about the cell phone business....we are just a bunch of crookes
NO contract is the way to go now....simple mobile offers you unlimited talk text and unlimited 3G web speed internet for $60 a it is on tmobiles network....GSM so you can use any phone.

More details on this please,i have the loyalty plan with tmobile,its great an all,but $100 a month is 1200 a $60 a month is $720 a year....any break is a good break.

Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Phone Surveyor
  • If you want your number taken off the list, you're going to have to be kind. We hate this job MORE than you do, trust me. A simple "Naw man... i'm not really interested... but thanks for calling anyway. But hey... do you mind taking my number off the list? It would be great if you could do that solid one for me" or something similar is all you need. Trust... when i've been yelled at or cursed at, and then rudely commanded to remove a number from the list, i've straight hit that redial option... many times.
  • Surveys can range from 1 question to literally hour long ones. I honestly do not know how I've got multiple people to do those very long ones.
  • By far the most annoying thing is a person who starts a survey and quits halfway. We have quotas we must meet each hour, or else we're sent home because we're not being productive enough (which doesn't make any sense, because this job is 80% luck and 20% skill). If a survey is quit prematurely, we must go to the supervisor and ask if we were far enough to count it as a complete survey. If we weren't, the survey is discarded. So if each survey takes 20 minutes, and you quit 15 minutes in to the survey, and I have to discard it... i'll be extremely pissed. So please, if you start one... finish one.

I'm always nice to phone surveyors because I think it must be awful to have people be mean and impatient with you all day. Usually I'll tell them to call me back at a time of day when I know I'll have some downtime. Then I just take the survey while I clean my room or play with my hedgie or fold laundry. I'm gonna be doing those things anyway, may as well help someone out while I'm at it.

One survey I took I think I made the lady feel really old though. She asked how many radios we had in our house (I live with my four best friends) and I'm like "Radios? Like to listen to?" shes like "yeah" I'm like "I think my roommate has one that she only uses for the alarm clock, does that count?" She's like "None of you listen to the radio?" I'm like "Sometimes in the car when our iPods are dead!"

But in terms of the beer cart girl on the golf course:
  • We may smile and laugh good-naturedly at your pervy-as-hell comments, but best believe as soon as we're out of sight we're cursing you up and down.
  • Be nice and treat me like a human being and I'll definitely hook you up with free stuff.
  • I'd rather not be tipped at all than be tipped a nickel. C'mon son. Old people are the exception. Then it's cute because they smile at you like you should be excited. Usually I act excited.
  • I don't have milkshakes, or hamburgers, on my cart. Where the F would I keep stuff like that?
  • If you're a man and you buy Smirnoff Ice, I judge the bejeezus out of you
  • If you tip me well, I'll make sure you're taken care of for the rest of your round. That being said, I'd rather have a person be really nice and jokey with me than tip me. That's how many a-holes I get. Niceness is all the tip I need. (Although $ is appreciated as well
  • If you say something openly explicit and chauvinistic, you better believe I'm shaking the hell out of your beers before giving them to you.
I also cater at said golf course
  • We criticize the hell out of your wedding. We've seen hundreds. Any groom that allows an all-pink wedding needs to grow a spine.
  • If you're an a-hole when demanding milk instead of cream, I'll pick up the tiny pitcher of cream, walk out with it, stand in the hall, then a minute later walk back in and set it back down. Sometimes if you're lucky I'll give it the appearance of milk by mixing it with water. But if you're nice I'll come back with a tiny pitcher of milk along with some honey and whatever the hell else you want.
  • If you're polite, I will go totally out of my way to help you out.
  • If it's a buffet, don't grab four steaks. No one needs that many. And throwing out that much food hurts my soul a little.
  • We throw out a RIDICULOUS amount of food. We aren't allowed to give it away or keep it ourselves because I guess you can sue the restaurant if you save it forever and get sick off it once you eat it. 
  • The butter in butter dishes on the tables at weddings/tournaments/etc. that's left over at the end of the night gets all scraped into a container so they can use it for cooking. Sometimes it's all full of crumbs and whatever the hell else.
  • The leftover bread from buffets/table baskets is used to make croutons.
finnns2003 wrote:
NT access denied on government internet connections.

Wow, I wonder why...

False, I'm on my NMCI (navy marine corps intranet)  machine now at work.

Any site dealing with "video Games" or "Sex" are blocked out. i can't even look at the Black Ops page on wikipedia.

Youtube was blocked out on the network until a couple of months ago.

All personal email sites are blocked out.

Looking through the Federal Employee hand book is cool because it applies to all of the government, including the president.

Edit: Nevermind, I see that you are talking about state government.
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

      Being polite makes such a HUGE difference. If you act like an %$$ with us, we'll remember it, just the same way we'll remember someone really nice.
      One of the busiest stores in south florida... Tipping is a nice thing to do.
      DONT WALK IN 10 MINUTES BEFORE CLOSING WITH YOUR WHOLE FAMILY. By then we're already cleaning and most likely a lot of stuff has run out/the person
      making your drink is just drained
      This is one I've started seeing, so help me God.... If you walk into our store and order a "triple espresso over ice" just so you can pay for that instead of a latte, save some money,
      then pour all the milk from the condiment bar into your espresso/ice, I'm pulling decaf shots. Period. You aren't clever, and thinking that we don't realize what you're doing is an insult.


How about you just do what you're told and stop working retail with a ego.

You pathetic dawg.


Im one of the most polite people in there. Ill always treat you with respect, no matter how rude you are. But those are things that all people working tend to feel when working, so stop acting like you know anything.

Its all good though, if youre ever in miami come through, drink on me
i'd slap you if you gave me decaf coffee.

Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

      Being polite makes such a HUGE difference. If you act like an %$$ with us, we'll remember it, just the same way we'll remember someone really nice.
      One of the busiest stores in south florida... Tipping is a nice thing to do.
      DONT WALK IN 10 MINUTES BEFORE CLOSING WITH YOUR WHOLE FAMILY. By then we're already cleaning and most likely a lot of stuff has run out/the person
      making your drink is just drained
      This is one I've started seeing, so help me God.... If you walk into our store and order a "triple espresso over ice" just so you can pay for that instead of a latte, save some money,
      then pour all the milk from the condiment bar into your espresso/ice, I'm pulling decaf shots. Period. You aren't clever, and thinking that we don't realize what you're doing is an insult.


How about you just do what you're told and stop working retail with a ego.

You pathetic dawg.


Im one of the most polite people in there. Ill always treat you with respect, no matter how rude you are. But those are things that all people working tend to feel when working, so stop acting like you know anything.

Its all good though, if youre ever in miami come through, drink on me
i'd slap you if you gave me decaf coffee.

Oh yeah? Bet you wont tell the difference!
Stop by sometime, Im probably gonna be quitting soon lol

Damn I posted that when I first got the job. I sounded like an !+%, probably because everyone who trained me has worked there forever and is basically sick of the place

Stuff I've learned after working there for a couple months:

If youre going there for brewed coffee and want to make sure its fresh, look at the little red light on the bottom corner of the brewer. Coffee should be made every 30 min, after 30 min the brewer light will go from solid red to flashing. Flashing light = old coffee.

Frapps are garbage for you and are basically syrups, ice, and water soluble coffee powder. Not worth the money and really unhealthy.

If you want a lot of caffeine, go for iced/brewed coffee rather than espresso based drinks

If youre cool with the barista, youll probably get hooked up. Personally when Im working register Ill give people free drinks or random crap if they seem cool, especially if my manager isnt around. Little things like that really make people's day sometimes.

Some baristas get kinda annoyed if you stand there and mean mug em while theyre making your drink. Doesnt bother me but It scared the @*+@ outta me when I first started. Job is intimidating at first and someone watching over you is worse.

All the syrups, ALL of em, are really bad for you. I usually avoid all of em and just go with a latte with raw sugars + caramel drizzle. Not too unhealthy.

If youre ordering an iced drink and you usually get a grande, just go for a venti. Much more for your money (26 oz vs 16).

All the pastries in the case are placed based on how fresh they are. Ask for the pieces up front, theyre always the freshest.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

NT access denied on government internet connections.

Wow, I wonder why...

...because it is a social networking access govt worker should be tweetin during govt hours...

...govt agencies will soon have facebook pages...

...if you are getting out of military...file for disability...9 out of 10 accepted...if you wait years later...denied...

...a lot of combat veterans lose grip of reality and usually end up on the streets...

...if your child's school teacher is single...usually a FREAK...

...$7 a night for Salvation Army lodging...

If you ship Fedex(old gig):

Expect pkg to get searched

Expect pkg with money (cash) to get stolen or intercepted by the Sheriffs(K9'S)

Little to no dope will get through unless they are watching the courier to make a bust and/or build evidence (once again K9'S). My neighboring Courier was stealing dope money from drug dealers for years. He mainly got caught because he came to work flashing new whips and runnin his mouth about exotic trips. They set him up with a pkg filled with over $60k cash n he took the bait (took $10k)...soon as he drove out of station, sheriffs sewed him up.
 Cold part is dude's wife was a cop.

Expect whatever you ship to be seriously mishandled (yeah i know the lil sweet lady at the counter fooled ya into thinkin it was safe but boy when it hits the Ramp/HUB...well)

Most veteran couriers knows who ships what in what pkgs so J's, Gucci. LV. Rolex. etc etc are spotted immediately by them and it seriously is up to the courier and if they want to keep their job if you actually receive your pkg.

Damn near every pkg goes to Memphis first

Shaunie O'neal (Shaq's Ex) definitely likes her some young meat

Anything else just ask
Originally Posted by Hugo

old job(car sales)-
-usually all used car dealership get their cars from a auction.
-we reset the check engine light so it would be off when you buy it.
- we never have "a sale"

new job(maintenance)-
-if we in a bad mood and see restroom all dirty, we use the same rag to clean alll the toilets.

Originally Posted by papageorgeo510

I'm a machinist, we make almost everything you can think of.

That %+$! is amazing!!!

Thats what I want for christmas.
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