Porn does a lot more harm than good and is a serious problem

Some people watch porn when they’re horny and get their nut off in 15-20 minutes then go about their day

IG is porn
Same for Tik tok. My therapist straight up told me I need to get off those so I did. Plenty dudes in my program are off for that same reason, many of them have “dumb phones” too cause of that. I should do the same too myself honestly but I need e-mail for work, i don’t own a personal computer anymore because of my addiction so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It’s where they get a lot of traffic so they’ll never get rid of it. No matter how many times I’d hit “not interested in this” on my explore page, they would always find their way back there.
It’s where they get a lot of traffic so they’ll never get rid of it. No matter how many times I’d hit “not interested in this” on my explore page, they would always find their way back there.
Yeah SM pushes certain content because they know it's their bread and butter. Some of it also sponsored content(similar to certain ads on Youtube) so no matter how much you select not interested or don't show me this, it will reappear.
Yeah SM pushes certain content because they know it's their bread and butter. Some of it also sponsored content(similar to certain ads on Youtube) so no matter how much you select not interested or don't show me this, it will reappear.
I know I’m super sensitive to this stuff because of what i dealt with so I try not to sound like a old man out of touch but I really worry about these kids cause of stuff like this. I got exposed early as a child but in my case my bad self had to look for it. Kids these days get exposed to that stuff early cause of IG and tik tok and they’re not even necessarily looking for it. Like someone else has said in this thread already porn stars because IG stars with millions of followers now. I believe we’re going to see a whole generation affected by this stuff.
I know I’m super sensitive to this stuff because of what i dealt with so I try not to sound like a old man out of touch but I really worry about these kids cause of stuff like this. I got exposed early as a child but in my case my bad self had to look for it. Kids these days get exposed to that stuff early cause of IG and tik tok and they’re not even necessarily looking for it. Like someone else has said in this thread already porn stars because IG stars with millions of followers now. I believe we’re going to see a whole generation affected by this stuff.
Yeah, I know a few people who teach and basically, they're saying that the kids are way out there. Personally, I think we're going backwards as a society. The next few generations are going to be ****ed.
Yeah, I know a few people who teach and basically, they're saying that the kids are way out there. Personally, I think we're going backwards as a society. The next few generations are going to be ****ed.
Yea man I agree. I know every generation claims the next generation is worse than them so I try to make sure I don’t sound like an out of touch old man but yea… i be worrying for them.
what makes someone an addict to porn? Watching everyday? Few times a week? I ask because Godfrey said he fapping 3 times day
When it becomes a compulsive habit. My best friend used to be addicted to porn and she'd apparently compulsively masturbate for hours upon hours straight while watching porn. Up to 6-8 hours straight, often to the point of barely getting any decent sleep.
She eventually recovered but she's been going from one addiction to another addiction. From porn to cocaine and now to alcohol.
Yea man I agree. I know every generation claims the next generation is worse than them so I try to make sure I don’t sound like an out of touch old man but yea… i be worrying for them.

I appreciate & respect you being so transparent with your journey. Super dope because I know most wont open up in that way. Porn definitely is detrimental to the human mind, especially nowadays with how easily accessible it was.

I remember growing up as a kid you would only get exposed to it by looking at one of the blurry channels and catchin a loose tit or if one of your friends dad/uncle had a Hustler or Playboy stash. Now all you need is a wifi connection and youre good to go 😂

As a teen/young adult porn definitely gave me unrealistic expectations about sex as well as about women. I was using women purely just for sex and basically just tryin stuff out that Id view online. If she couldn’t replicate that to the extent that I felt was suitable it was on to the next. It wasnt until I met my wife that I really was able to connect the dots that a lot of my wants/desires came from what I viewed online. Still a work in progress but Im glad I was able to steer myself away from that way of thinking/influence.
You guys do realize that SM only pushes things you want to see, correct? If you don't view it on the platform, it won't push it to you. My TL/FYP/HP is filled with nothing but sports, cars, food, dogs, and architecture. If you don't want to see half naked women on SM, stop looking at half naked women on SM.

If you want to remove, dislike the content or tell the app you're not interested.
I make profiles with fly handles leave comments talk to women all through what seems like strip clubs and porn the porn is recent the strip club is back in the day during the sidekick era
Yea. IG is pretty much softcore pr0n that kids are exposed to. You legit have pr0n stars with verified accounts teasing kids :smh:

Back in the day you had to seek that stuff. Now it's in your face
You guys do realize that SM only pushes things you want to see, correct? If you don't view it on the platform, it won't push it to you. My TL/FYP/HP is filled with nothing but sports, cars, food, dogs, and architecture. If you don't want to see half naked women on SM, stop looking at half naked women on SM.

If you want to remove, dislike the content or tell the app you're not interested.
This isn't true at all and you don't know what you're talking about.
First it was the usual porn same old actors, but now we have OF you’ve got the amateur lane now too. A lot of content to consume. And always craving a new scene.
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