police story from last night

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by JuJu

lol @ thinking you have to give consent for them to search your car. its called a car search exception. when an officer lawfully pulls you over (say your boy simply ran over the lights in the road, BOOM probable cause of intoxication, especially if the area is a bar strip deal) they can search your entire car even the trunk for evidence of a crime they have probable cause to believe has been committed or is about to be committed. they will say because of his erratic driving we believed him to be intoxicated, because of this we searched the vehicle for evidence such as alcoholic beverages or alcoholic beverage containers (which they found justifying their search all the more) or they can say that because you all were intoxicated and all minorities they had a reasonable suspicion to believe that you might have weapons/and or be dangerous (another valid reason to search without consent). about the only thing you could complain about is if they arrested you and then searched the trunk cause that is a 4th amendment violation. but as mad as you want to be at the cops they did nothing wrong from what you said in your post...
im black if it matters 
the problem i have is the driver wasent drunk or swerving or anything. and yes the passengers were drunk, but we werent sloppy drunk or anything there was no way they would have known. and them finding the can came way after they were already searching the car
yes the can came after cause they were searching the car. they can search ANYWHERE alcohol could be located like under a seat or in a glove box. and you would be surprised what officers pick up on when it comes to alcohol. and like i said in a diff reply. do you know if your friend has illegal tint, and expired tag, all you had seat belts? you live in Cali right? dont yall need to have like environmental emmiusions stickers? was that up to par? there are so many reasons yall got pulled over that you could have no clue about simply cause it wasnt your vehicle.
i have been pulled over for ALL these things except the environmental sticker deal. people get pulled over it happens.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by JuJu

lol @ thinking you have to give consent for them to search your car. its called a car search exception. when an officer lawfully pulls you over (say your boy simply ran over the lights in the road, BOOM probable cause of intoxication, especially if the area is a bar strip deal) they can search your entire car even the trunk for evidence of a crime they have probable cause to believe has been committed or is about to be committed. they will say because of his erratic driving we believed him to be intoxicated, because of this we searched the vehicle for evidence such as alcoholic beverages or alcoholic beverage containers (which they found justifying their search all the more) or they can say that because you all were intoxicated and all minorities they had a reasonable suspicion to believe that you might have weapons/and or be dangerous (another valid reason to search without consent). about the only thing you could complain about is if they arrested you and then searched the trunk cause that is a 4th amendment violation. but as mad as you want to be at the cops they did nothing wrong from what you said in your post...
im black if it matters 
the problem i have is the driver wasent drunk or swerving or anything. and yes the passengers were drunk, but we werent sloppy drunk or anything there was no way they would have known. and them finding the can came way after they were already searching the car
yes the can came after cause they were searching the car. they can search ANYWHERE alcohol could be located like under a seat or in a glove box. and you would be surprised what officers pick up on when it comes to alcohol. and like i said in a diff reply. do you know if your friend has illegal tint, and expired tag, all you had seat belts? you live in Cali right? dont yall need to have like environmental emmiusions stickers? was that up to par? there are so many reasons yall got pulled over that you could have no clue about simply cause it wasnt your vehicle.
i have been pulled over for ALL these things except the environmental sticker deal. people get pulled over it happens.
Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by enlightendespot

Originally Posted by JuJu

they can say that because you all were intoxicated and all minorities they had a reasonable suspicion to believe that you might have weapons/and or be dangerous (another valid reason to search without consent).
Them being minorities while being intoxicated is reasonable cause? Does that also hold true for non minorities that happen to be intoxicated?  BTW what were they pulled over for? I am sure the cops should be able to tell you that much.

im black if it matters 
It definitely doesn't matter, your just like any person of any race that has the cops on speed dial.


well like i said if the cops saw them leave the parking lot of the club they would have reasonable suspicion to believe all of them might have been drinking and just wanted to make sure for safety of the road. OP said he was drunk, did he check the drives license plate to make sure his lil sticker on it wasn't expired? Does his buddy have tints on his car?  was EVERY passenger wearing a seat belts? these are all lil things that give police that reasonable suspicion foot in the door to lead to more searches. like i pull you over for a lil expired tag or  no seat belts and then i smell weed. boom im searching the WHOLE whip for weed.
i didn't say it was fair but yes intoxicated minorities can be a problem because the officer can use his experience to say that the males were intoxicated, and my EXPERIENCE has taught me that certain minorities feel threatened by police and feel persecuted and might act violently. sadly the level of suspicion to search for weapons to protect the officer from harm isn't as high as probable cause, so more often than not they conducted a simple search of the immediate grab area of the occupants  BEFORE arresting him to look for said weapons threats.
if he is in an all white town than yes he can say DRUNK people in general might be violent. all im doing is playing devils advocate and telling you how it really is. just like the other day i told a kid that the courts give the "criminals" the benefit of the doubt and say that running from the police is not enough to give them probable cause to search you beyond a weapons search which means i can see a cop run and he catches me and im better off leaving the crack in my pocket because now unless he feels a obvious WEAPON on his terry stop he can't go in my pockets. most dudes make the mistake of dumping the drugs to be picked up by the officer free of any 4th amendment violation because the person has now given up their reasonable expectation of privacy.

and i def dont have the police speed dial im just in law school and have learned over the last two years to take any emotion out of it. thats why i threw in the black part because i didnt want some people completely disregarding what i said because they think im some rich white kid whose dad is a cop. cause thats what NT usually jumps too the moment you dont join in on the #%@# the police rabble rabble...

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by enlightendespot

Originally Posted by JuJu

they can say that because you all were intoxicated and all minorities they had a reasonable suspicion to believe that you might have weapons/and or be dangerous (another valid reason to search without consent).
Them being minorities while being intoxicated is reasonable cause? Does that also hold true for non minorities that happen to be intoxicated?  BTW what were they pulled over for? I am sure the cops should be able to tell you that much.

im black if it matters 
It definitely doesn't matter, your just like any person of any race that has the cops on speed dial.


well like i said if the cops saw them leave the parking lot of the club they would have reasonable suspicion to believe all of them might have been drinking and just wanted to make sure for safety of the road. OP said he was drunk, did he check the drives license plate to make sure his lil sticker on it wasn't expired? Does his buddy have tints on his car?  was EVERY passenger wearing a seat belts? these are all lil things that give police that reasonable suspicion foot in the door to lead to more searches. like i pull you over for a lil expired tag or  no seat belts and then i smell weed. boom im searching the WHOLE whip for weed.
i didn't say it was fair but yes intoxicated minorities can be a problem because the officer can use his experience to say that the males were intoxicated, and my EXPERIENCE has taught me that certain minorities feel threatened by police and feel persecuted and might act violently. sadly the level of suspicion to search for weapons to protect the officer from harm isn't as high as probable cause, so more often than not they conducted a simple search of the immediate grab area of the occupants  BEFORE arresting him to look for said weapons threats.
if he is in an all white town than yes he can say DRUNK people in general might be violent. all im doing is playing devils advocate and telling you how it really is. just like the other day i told a kid that the courts give the "criminals" the benefit of the doubt and say that running from the police is not enough to give them probable cause to search you beyond a weapons search which means i can see a cop run and he catches me and im better off leaving the crack in my pocket because now unless he feels a obvious WEAPON on his terry stop he can't go in my pockets. most dudes make the mistake of dumping the drugs to be picked up by the officer free of any 4th amendment violation because the person has now given up their reasonable expectation of privacy.

and i def dont have the police speed dial im just in law school and have learned over the last two years to take any emotion out of it. thats why i threw in the black part because i didnt want some people completely disregarding what i said because they think im some rich white kid whose dad is a cop. cause thats what NT usually jumps too the moment you dont join in on the #%@# the police rabble rabble...

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

So we're gonna just let the thread slide? 
I thought these type of threads weren't allowed anymore? 

so u came into this thread and wrote a reply just to snitch on me 
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

So we're gonna just let the thread slide? 
I thought these type of threads weren't allowed anymore? 

so u came into this thread and wrote a reply just to snitch on me 
I got pulled over one time for no reason. Cop said it smelled like weed in my car. I said nah how is that even possible I'm smoking a square as we speak. Dude was like give me the weed and I wont ticket you for it. (Yea right) didn't matter though because I didn't have any he was just doing what pigs do. Lying and accusing me of anything. Then he asks if I mind if he searches my car.
I asked him if he minds wasting his time?
. Idiot then hands me my license and storms off.

Most the time they are just making stuff up and fishing for whatever they can get. He thought cause I was a young dude I had some trees. I've also been stopped for dui dead sober. Never admit to anything I'd prefer to make the pigs look foolish.
I got pulled over one time for no reason. Cop said it smelled like weed in my car. I said nah how is that even possible I'm smoking a square as we speak. Dude was like give me the weed and I wont ticket you for it. (Yea right) didn't matter though because I didn't have any he was just doing what pigs do. Lying and accusing me of anything. Then he asks if I mind if he searches my car.
I asked him if he minds wasting his time?
. Idiot then hands me my license and storms off.

Most the time they are just making stuff up and fishing for whatever they can get. He thought cause I was a young dude I had some trees. I've also been stopped for dui dead sober. Never admit to anything I'd prefer to make the pigs look foolish.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

No o live in texas, no tint, all had seatbelts on

Well I'll tell you this it really doesn't take much to get pulled over. As long as the cops can articulate why he stopped you, he is in the clear and I know in New York (I'm sure in Texas also) the officer has the right to search the immediate grabable area of all passenger + driver in the car without any warrant.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

No o live in texas, no tint, all had seatbelts on

Well I'll tell you this it really doesn't take much to get pulled over. As long as the cops can articulate why he stopped you, he is in the clear and I know in New York (I'm sure in Texas also) the officer has the right to search the immediate grabable area of all passenger + driver in the car without any warrant.
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

I got pulled over one time for no reason. Cop said it smelled like weed in my car. I said nah how is that even possible I'm smoking a square as we speak. Dude was like give me the weed and I wont ticket you for it. (Yea right) didn't matter though because I didn't have any he was just doing what pigs do. Lying and accusing me of anything. Then he asks if I mind if he searches my car.
I asked him if he minds wasting his time?
. Idiot then hands me my license and storms off.

Most the time they are just making stuff up and fishing for whatever they can get. He thought cause I was a young dude I had some trees. I've also been stopped for dui dead sober. Never admit to anything I'd prefer to make the pigs look foolish.
the moment a cop ask for permission to search your car that means they got NOTHING so ask them to either let you go or write the traffic ticket and then let you go lol. the cops HAVE to let you leave if they arent ticketing you or the moment after you sign a ticket because if not then its considered custodial arrest and they have to miranda you to ask any questions. so by keeping traffic stops short and sweet the cops get around giving miranda warnings on traffic stops cause the average person knows that they will be let go in a matter of minutes and that isnt enough to consitute miranda custody which means you could make the cop wait for your lawyer for a seat belt 
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

I got pulled over one time for no reason. Cop said it smelled like weed in my car. I said nah how is that even possible I'm smoking a square as we speak. Dude was like give me the weed and I wont ticket you for it. (Yea right) didn't matter though because I didn't have any he was just doing what pigs do. Lying and accusing me of anything. Then he asks if I mind if he searches my car.
I asked him if he minds wasting his time?
. Idiot then hands me my license and storms off.

Most the time they are just making stuff up and fishing for whatever they can get. He thought cause I was a young dude I had some trees. I've also been stopped for dui dead sober. Never admit to anything I'd prefer to make the pigs look foolish.
the moment a cop ask for permission to search your car that means they got NOTHING so ask them to either let you go or write the traffic ticket and then let you go lol. the cops HAVE to let you leave if they arent ticketing you or the moment after you sign a ticket because if not then its considered custodial arrest and they have to miranda you to ask any questions. so by keeping traffic stops short and sweet the cops get around giving miranda warnings on traffic stops cause the average person knows that they will be let go in a matter of minutes and that isnt enough to consitute miranda custody which means you could make the cop wait for your lawyer for a seat belt 
So i just talked to the freind and on the ticket it just says yeild sign even though theres not one where we got pulled over
So i just talked to the freind and on the ticket it just says yeild sign even though theres not one where we got pulled over
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

So i just talked to the freind and on the ticket it just says yeild sign even though theres not one where we got pulled over

how long after you started moving did you get pulled over. if it was instant then get a picture and be like boom no yield sign. if it was a mile from where you got pulled over than they could have got you at a yield sign you didnt even notice and they followed you for a hot minute before yoking you
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

So i just talked to the freind and on the ticket it just says yeild sign even though theres not one where we got pulled over

how long after you started moving did you get pulled over. if it was instant then get a picture and be like boom no yield sign. if it was a mile from where you got pulled over than they could have got you at a yield sign you didnt even notice and they followed you for a hot minute before yoking you
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

So i just talked to the freind and on the ticket it just says yeild sign even though theres not one where we got pulled over

Also failure to yield or failure to observe a yield sign
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

So i just talked to the freind and on the ticket it just says yeild sign even though theres not one where we got pulled over

Also failure to yield or failure to observe a yield sign
Originally Posted by trak1sh

arguing your rights and trying to be a smart #$% will only lead to problems.
saved me a few felonies, when i had drugs in my glove, center counsel, and trunk.

cop pulled me over for no reason. asked to see my license and everything. then asked if i minded they search the car. i said yes i do.

called 4 squad cars with guns drawn asking me if they could search the car. i said if your going to give me a ticket you can go ahead and do that, but i would like to leave now if im not under arrest.

gave me a mean speeding ticket like 55 in a 35,

i fought it with speed trap laws.

i won.

saved myself jailtime knowing my rights.

btw. never drive dirty -_______--
Originally Posted by trak1sh

arguing your rights and trying to be a smart #$% will only lead to problems.
saved me a few felonies, when i had drugs in my glove, center counsel, and trunk.

cop pulled me over for no reason. asked to see my license and everything. then asked if i minded they search the car. i said yes i do.

called 4 squad cars with guns drawn asking me if they could search the car. i said if your going to give me a ticket you can go ahead and do that, but i would like to leave now if im not under arrest.

gave me a mean speeding ticket like 55 in a 35,

i fought it with speed trap laws.

i won.

saved myself jailtime knowing my rights.

btw. never drive dirty -_______--
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