Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Did you guys hear the recent story of a 23 year old rookie cop in NJ who was only 7 months on the job when he was murdered while responding to an armed robbery call?


Campbell waited about four minutes for the cops to respond to the report of an armed robbery. Santiago and his partner, Ismael Martinez, were the first on the scene, Fulop said.

Campbell walked up to the passenger side of the squad car and shot Santiago as the officer tried to open the vehicle door, Fulop said. The deranged gunman fired three times at another police car “in an attempt to kill two other police officers,” the mayor said.
Officers fired back, leaving the cop killer dead at the scene. No other officers were hurt.


And how do you think the community responded?  They built a damn memorial for the cop killer.
Not only that, the cop killer's wife said that if the thug had to die, then he should have taken as many cops to the grave with him as possible.

What did this cop do to deserve to get killed only 7 months into the job?  How is painting ALL cops as racists based on the actions of a few any different from people stereotyping young black males as criminals based on the actions of a thug??

RIP to the officer.

I was born black. They choose to become cops. They chose to join that group. They chose to put their lives in danger every second they're working. They chose to have that protection from the law by becoming the law.

Is there no dash cam audio/video or was it "corrupted"?
There's a thread about this already.


This is not that thread.

Please don't use this thread as an opportunity to make yourself feel deep and tell other people how they should look at things.
WTF are you talking about?  Go read the past few pages of this thread and you'll see a general sentiment that all cops are somehow racist and as such, the looting and rioting that happened after Michael Brown's death was somehow justified.   I bring up the story about the cop killing to point out that anyone can take an incident and try to make a broad generalization about a group of people based on the parties involved.  Unlike some people posting in this thread, I can admit that I don't know all the facts surrounding the incident as I wasn't there.  Considering that multiple agencies including a federal civil rights investigator and the FBI are conducting their own investigations into the incident, I can reserve judgment until more information is available.
You're the one making the claim that police kill innocent people everyday, so back up your claim by posting some stories.  Or are you just making broad generalizations about the ALL the police in this country?

The hell you talking about? I never said police kill people everyday. I was referring to him saying no person, especially a cop will kill someone for no reason . My initial response was to him saying no person kills someone for no reason (happens everyday). My second response to him was that police absolutely kill innocent people all the time. Especially black males. Maybe not everyday, but enough to where black males are extremely cautious when approached by police. Especially on back streets. There has been enough stories posted in this thread alone to back up my claim... as well as the LAPD thread. You are free to do your own research.

Back to the topic... don't know if this has been answered. But, are the police allowed to just shoot a person running away? I mean, he wasn't in danger. He knew the kid didn't have a weapon. Why not chase him down, and shoot your taser at him?
The hell you talking about? I never said police kill people everyday. I was referring to him saying no person, especially a cop will kill someone for no reason . My initial response was to him saying no person kills someone for no reason (happens everyday). My second response to him was that police absolutely kill innocent people all the time. Especially black males. Maybe not everyday, but enough to where black males are extremely cautious when approached by police. Especially on back streets. There has been enough stories posted in this thread alone to back up my claim... as well as the LAPD thread. You are free to do your own research.

Back to the topic... don't know if this has been answered. But, are the police allowed to just shoot a person running away? I mean, he wasn't in danger. He knew the kid didn't have a weapon. Why not chase him down, and shoot your taser at him?
I must have misunderstood your first point then.  As for your second point, I can appreciate that black males may have a general distrust in cops because of their own personal experiences with them, or because of what they've been taught.  However, if you were a cop assigned to a high crime area that happened to be predominantly black, wouldn't you tread cautiously as well?  As I mentioned earlier in the thread, cops are human too.  They're just as influenced by their own experiences within the community they're policing, the same way young black males may develop a distrust for police based on their personal interactions with them.  You add the two together, and you get a potentially volatile situation.  That's not necessarily racism, but stereotyping based on broad generalizations about a certain group of people (whether it be cops in general or black males).

As for your  last point, if Michael Brown was shot within the immediate vicinity of the patrol car (or inside even), I could see some merit behind the claim by police that he was struggling for the officer's weapon.  However, if he was shot in the back several feet away from the car (suggesting he was retreating or running away), that would look pretty bad for the shooter (whether he was a cop or not).
Stop going back and forth with these cornball *** ****** 

These are same ones quick to play devil's advocate (and i mean devil literally) in EVERY one of these threads.

Gotta call a spade a spade. We should start more threads where LIKE-MINDED people can discuss these matters amongst each other. Don't **** come from these threads but a bunch of running in circles.
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The things we(people in general, race separated) rally around, man. Is this real?(speaking specifically on the rally around the pic of the kid with the Doritos bag throwing back the gas bomb)

Popularity and comfort is so strong.
If I ever run for office, I'm definitely starting a grass root campaign on NT, it's easy to gain flock on NT, witness
^^ Another pointless act. Nothing more than a pose. Just like the hoody and skittles ish.....

Does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL. I'm just so tired and annoyed with it.
WTF are you talking about?  Go read the past few pages of this thread and you'll see a general sentiment that all cops are somehow racist and as such, the looting and rioting that happened after Michael Brown's death was somehow justified.   I bring up the story about the cop killing to point out that anyone can take an incident and try to make a broad generalization about a group of people based on the parties involved.  Unlike some people posting in this thread, I can admit that I don't know all the facts surrounding the incident as I wasn't there.  Considering that multiple agencies including a federal civil rights investigator and the FBI are conducting their own investigations into the incident, I can reserve judgment until more information is available.

It so hard to understand that in the past, reserving judgement and letting the investigation run its course ALWAYS results in little to no accountability for cops actions. Even when you have a video recording of ten cops surrounding a man on the ground beating him with night sticks, the investigation still vindicates all involved. What you are suggesting never works, never has, never will. Now you can flip my statement and say im advocating rioting and looting and violence if u want, it just makes you look foolish. Or you can realize the the overwhelming issues with police brutality ARE the subsequent investigations. They are less about truth and justice and more about developing plausible justifications for unjustifiable acts. There is a trend of police violence and lack of accountability and people out here dont need to hear investigation results on CNN to know that. People live it and experience it for themselves. Yall suburbanites have no clue how city cops behave. Cops in the suburbs are generally nice and polite to everyone, including minorities. So when this is your lifes experience with cops, when something like this happens it seems hard to fathom that the cop was murderous. On the other hand, for example, when I was 13 I watched 5 cops carry a handcuffed man into a holding cell and beat him within an inch of his life while I was waiting to be picked up after violating curfew. Alpha cop then proceeds to come stick his chest out to me and a bunch of other curfew violating teens.

Yall have to understand, people that dont see this **** for themselves will never get it. They deal with andy griffith type cops and cant fathom the type of psychopaths that are in the inner city getting their rocks off violating folks.
^^ Another pointless act. Nothing more than a pose. Just like the hoody and skittles ish.....

Does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL. I'm just so tired and annoyed with it.

It's not a pointless act. This was taken at Howard University. A young lady who graduated from there (and was a classmate of mine) was shot in the head by police last night during the protest. That's why this picture was taken..

Stop judging and throwing stones when you know nothing about the situation.
Wesley Lowery [emoji]10004[/emoji] @WesleyLowery
Officers slammed me into a fountain soda machine because I was confused about which door they were asking me to walk out of
5:44 PM -

Wesley Lowery [emoji]10004[/emoji] @WesleyLowery
Was waiting to be taken away, large black man SCREAMING for help in back of police truck

I'm dying. I'm dying. Please call help he screamed." They mocked him

Matt Pearce [emoji]10004[/emoji] @mattdpearce
I just called Ferguson police chief to ask about @WesleyLowery and @ryanjreilly, told him what I knew. His response: "Oh, God

Wesley Lowery works for the Wash. post.

Plenty more tweets on his page, he was also arrested
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I'm going home friday. Meeting with some people to compile as much of the videos/photos from the people I can grab and place it all on a dedicated website/blog.

Also going to try and set up some interviews with people in the community as well as people on the street.

Black Summer.
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"An 82nd Airborne veteran said on Twitter that in comparison to these cops, he "rolled lighter than that in an actual war zone"

"He's right, as a 3x Iraq Combat veteran I can say we didn't roll that deep when we were doing convoys into Fallujah"

Because these cops are cowards. You guys aren't.
The clowns on the last few pages :x

Y'all gotta ignore the NT police department man, just let them be

This thread is too much.
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