Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

This whole situation is wild, man. I'm speechless

It's amazing how this situation has turned from a black boy being shot to this national display of this new militarized police state. This is now much larger than the justice for the Brown family.
Thank you and repped to EVERYONE posting livestream links to Ferguson. I pray for everyone one of those people out there peacefully protesting and raising awareness to this injustice. The police are doing nothing but violating protesters rights and using excessive force.
Dude on CNN just said most of the protesting has been peaceful, but there are crowds near the site of looting that are refusing to disperse, triggering the tear gas.
Not Egypt, not Syria, not Turkey, not Iraq. Ferguson, Missouri, USA.
It's tear gas. Not PTAB-2.5M cluster munition.  Relax 
nah cant be real
While insane,

"The photograph is genuine. However, the implication in the message that the incident took place in the United States is untrue. And the identity of the officer is already known. The incident took place on 23rd March, 2011 during a public protest in Niterói, Brazil. The officer's actions were the subject of an investigation by Rio de Janeiro's state prosecutor."

I've followed this thread from post 1

I'm curious though, and this says it all: if I started a new thread right now, and you had to vote on whether this thread was


Will change be incorporated into our lives?
Did we learn something from this incident?
Did we learn something from this thread?
Will we implement those things we learned?
Did we leave mad?
Is everything still the same?

With threads like this, powerful occasions to say and or make a difference, did you make that difference?

Did you let the tread get the best of you?

Man, so many questions.
So many.

If I started that thread, took that vote, asked for that feedback....I'm not sure I want the answer. I read it for 1474 posts
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Country will never be the same after this..feel like this is the start of something big.
That livestream though.  

That crowd wasn't doing anything that warranted that response from the boys.  

It's all about that mental warfare and putting the uppity negroes back in their place.  Police ain't **** for that.  
Haven't been in this thread just cause I'm sure it's very predictable stuff from the usual devil's advocate people, but this is such a disgusting event, and the fact that regular tv media is trying to sweep this under the rug while also attempting to divert people's attention is even worse. Props to that FB post up there as well. There's a handful of people who get it, but currently that's still not enough.
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