Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

RIP to the kid n my condolences to the family. 18 years young n already gone, another life wasted. :smh:

What pisses me off most about this is dude wasn't given his due process. The cop played judge, jury, n executioner. The sad part is the cop will be suspended with pay, basically a vacation all for killing someone. Then an investigation will be conducted n either: A) He will be found to have done no wrong; simply doing what he is trained to do. OR B) Be brought in for some BS manslaughter charges, ask for a change in venue, due to bad press n win his trial; evading jail time n any monetary penalties (It will be paid for by the public; insult to injury). The victim's family will be given a formal apology n many will try to exploit the situation for their own gain. All the while, this young man's family, most importantly his mother n father, will be left with questions as to how/why this happened. They will be paraded around on news networks for ratings, all the while being used as the flavor of the week in the fight against oppression, injustice, what have you. He will become another statistic n cautionary tale that will be used by the talking heads on TV on how A) Our inner cities are in such turmoil (The same ol' BS no one cares to DO anything about) OR B) Another example on how minorities should know better than to test the law. It's just another media circus looking to gain on the misfortune of others.

What should be done, in my opinion, is the officer(s) involved in the incident should be fired immediately because A) He is a murderer that should be locked in prison OR B) He is clearly incapable of performing his duties while on the job. Also, the department should be required to pay for any funeral costs, therapy or counseling for witnesses n family, n set up a community outreach program, wherein the department can interact with those living within its jurisdiction so as to not promote mistrust between the two parties, all paid for by the offending officer's pension.

It's BS that this keeps happening time after time n punishment is not doled out. The police need to take responsibility kuz all this covering up only leads to further problems down the road.

Well done chap.
He ain't racist unless he says the N word guys. That's the only sure way to prove it
Nah, not until her burns something clearly. Because some people don't seem to understand the N word brings back alot of mixed emotions.
Hate crimes= prime time news
N word= rap song
can someone explain to me what is reverse racism?
It's an acknowledgment that there is, in our society, a normative, hierarchical flow to racism.  

For “reverse racism” or “reverse sexism” to make any sense at all, clearly they must counter a normative flow.  There is, of course, a substantial difference between throwing a weight up to strike someone and dropping it from a height. 

For example:  most of us would acknowledge that there's a difference between sexual discrimination and sexism.  A man denied the opportunity to apply for a nursing position is wrong and would rightly be considered sexual discrimination.  Discrimination can be intensely hurtful, undeniably immoral, and even deadly.  Anyone can be guilty of it and subject to it.  However, sexism, as a social structure, is the institutionalization of male dominance.  Given that our society is currently and historically rooted in a particular tradition of sexism, it makes sense to acknowledge that there is a structural basis for collective privilege and inequality that favors males at the expense of females.  

The simple fact that I can go through life without people challenging my competence, professionalism, or rationality due to my sex is a substantial, unearned, and unjustified privilege that comes at a tremendous cost.  I don't have to take any precautions in my daily life to avoid the threat of rape or sexual assault.  This privilege is the product of centuries upon centuries of oppression and terrorism designed to control and subjugate women.  

For someone to describe sexual discrimination against a man as "reverse sexism" can be described as false equivalence in one sense, but it is nonetheless a tacit admission of the above: that "reverse" sexism is somehow contrary to sexism "proper."   
Its not RACISM by cops it is stereotyping as what most do. The typical thing to think about a young black male is he have a gun or he will harm me. Society already fear blacks cops really fear young black males.  cop got his ego busted up by the young boy

Now the reason I say it was not racisim is for a few reasons. if this would had been a old senior black lady do we think the cop would had felt the need to shoot multiple times at her? If this was a old black senior male would the cop had did the same thing. Even a middle age black women? Nope

The cops are shooting mostly young black males for no reason

That leaves us a few reason as to why the cops are doing this:

Fear..         Cops fear young black males.


A: Cops think all young black males isnt worth a penny so they dont blink twice when they take their lives because no one cares

B: Cops think all young black males are gun toting thugs who will shoot at them

Now most of cops now days are young and never even seen a black male most of the time prior to being a cop except on tv. Most cops leave out in the country or suburbs even when growing up

All that cops know about young males is what they see on tv and they build their stereotype

I came from the streets growing up I know how cops are. Most of these cops are the same weak nerdy getting rejected by girls in high school. They get a badge and get a ego and get revenge so to speak..

Basically the shooting of black males is basically coming down to typical stereo type and fear, not racisim
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18 is too young... Po always look out for theirs, I doubt he'll get a slap on the wrist
And my last statement

I tired of blacks harming each other, blacks hating on each, blacks wanting other blacks to fall.

Blacks will shoot or kill another black person over a small debt over a girl over words.

But let a outsider come in and take blacks innocent lives and all the gangstas, dope boys, pimps thugs whatever go into hiding......I mean they are suppose to be so tough shoot at the police if you about that life but your quick to fight somebody or shoot at somebody if they call you weak..  And Im not saying to really shoot at the police but saying stand up. They suppose to be so tough, catch the officer off duty and whop his butt.

I mean we still got george zimmerman walking the streets but black on black crime still going on in orlando
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Its not RACISM by cops it is stereotyping as what most do. The typical thing to think about a young black male is he have a gun or he will harm me. Society already fear blacks cops really fear young black males.  cop got his ego busted up by the young boy

Now the reason I say it was not racisim is for a few reasons. if this would had been a old senior black lady do we think the cop would had felt the need to shoot multiple times at her? If this was a old black senior male would the cop had did the same thing. Even a middle age black women? Nope

The cops are shooting mostly young black males for no reason

That leaves us a few reason as to why the cops are doing this:

Fear..         Cops fear young black males.


A: Cops think all young black males isnt worth a penny so they dont blink twice when they take their lives because no one cares

B: Cops think all young black males are gun toting thugs who will shoot at thim

Now most of cops now days are young and never even seen a black male most of the time prior to being a cop except on tv. Most cops leave out in the country or suburbs even when growing up

All that cops know about young males is what they see on tv and they build their stereotype

I came from the streets growing up I know how cops are. Most of these cops are the same weak nerdy getting rejected by girls in high school. They get a badge and get a ego and get revenge so to speak..

Basically the shooting of black males is basically coming down to typical stereo type and fear, not racisim
By that logic, the lynching of Emmett Till wasn't racist because they wouldn't have murdered an elderly Black woman for allegedly whistling at a White girl.  

The stereotype of Black people, especially Black men, as violent and subhuman lies at the very heart of racism.  It is a racist stereotype.  Think about how women are oppressed.  The stereotype that women are weak, irrational, and "less capable" has been used to justify that oppression.  So, when you say, "so and so thinks a Black male life is worthless" or "so and so thinks a Black male is predisposed towards violence", you're invoking the very stereotypes that have been used to justify and perpetuate racism.  
By that logic, the lynching of Emmett Till wasn't racist because they wouldn't have murdered an elderly Black woman for allegedly whistling at a White girl.  

The stereotype of Black people, especially Black men, as violent and subhuman lies at the very heart of racism.  It is a racist stereotype.  Think about how women are oppressed.  The stereotype that women are weak, irrational, and "less capable" has been used to justify that oppression.  So, when you say, "so and so thinks a Black male life is worthless" or "so and so thinks a Black male is predisposed towards violence", you're invoking the very stereotypes that have been used to justify and perpetuate racism.  
I guess I dont even care anymore. Because no of us here are doing anything to help prevent racisim or even make things better or making any changes. Everybody have a opinon instead of going back and forth on a forum lets help make a change. I'm not hear to change people minds I'm here to discuss my opinion

Im in the process now of setting up a dedication website for Mr. Mike brown and his family. people can I sign it as well. the website will be turned over to the family after finished

keeps this thread alive with updates. i dont want to derail this thread
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Dudes in be re talking about its a genocide? Really :smh:

Mines well throw the word holocaust out there 2 smdh

Discrediting catastrophic events need to stop..this is its own thing
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I'm leaving this city the first chance I get

Don't leave, bruh. that's not gonna do anything positive.

Or if you leave, plan to come back. I left for school but definitely plan to return one day when I'm better equipped to use my voice.

I want to give back to STL what it gave to me, it's some horrible **** that goes down in the lou, but I'm damn proud to say I'm from there.

I'm leaving this city the first chance I get

Don't leave, bruh. that's not gonna do anything positive.

Or if you leave, plan to come back. I left for school but definitely plan to return one day when I'm better equipped to use my voice.

I want to give back to STL what it gave to me, it's some horrible **** that goes down in the lou, but I'm damn proud to say I'm from there.
I mess with that :pimp:

Hell I'm 19 and under some circumstances I haven't seen about 3/4 if the city until these past two years

Ima be here a while any way ,plan to go put in work in California and if my plans go right I'll have no problem coming back here

Or rent a condo here :smile: :pimp:
Need to figure away to effect change economically. Its the only thing that's felt and understood across the board.
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