Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

In my years of being on NT, I've come to learn and accept that those who don't see the issues with situations like these or downplaying these situations for whatever reasons is because of the sheltered life they have lived.

If you're not a black person from an impoverished area or not black at all, you don't really understand the anger and frustration when it comes to countless situations like these; that doesn't stop people from voicing their opinion though. However, there comes a point where a person needs to stop voicing their opinion on things they don't really understand or have experienced first-hand. For example, the situation between the Israelis and Palestinians is terrible, but I don't know anything about it aside from what the media tells me, so I'm careful about the opinion I give on the matter. I'm not going to blame one side because of the destruction they have done to the other because I am not involved in it and don't know what the root is.

I'm just saying it's wrong to make racist claim based on nothing

A black man being shot by a white cop isn't what you call "nothing" when you have history to look at. The Black Panther party was demolished, yet the KKK holds rallies and is alive and well, Emmet Till, MLK, Sean Bell, Trayvon Martin, Addie Mae Collins, Carole Robertson, Cynthia Wesley, Denise Mcnair, Greenwood in Tulsa, OK. I could go on. So you have to understand that when things like this happen, we as black people for the most part are again haunted by the past.
A black man being shot by a white cop isn't what you call "nothing" when you have history to look at. The Black Panther party was demolished, yet the KKK holds rallies and is alive and well, Emmet Till, MLK, Sean Bell, Trayvon Martin, Addie Mae Collins, Carole Robertson, Cynthia Wesley, Denise Mcnair, Greenwood in Tulsa, OK. 
Renisha McBride, Jordan Davis, Eric Garner, Stokely Carmichael, Malcolm X, Huey Lewis...when do black people finally say enough?
A black man being shot by a white cop isn't what you call "nothing" when you have history to look at. The Black Panther party was demolished, yet the KKK holds rallies and is alive and well, Emmet Till, MLK, Sean Bell, Trayvon Martin, Addie Mae Collins, Carole Robertson, Cynthia Wesley, Denise Mcnair, Greenwood in Tulsa, OK. 
Renisha McBride, Jordan Davis, Eric Garner, Stokely Carmichael, Malcolm X, Huey Lewis.. Newton...when do black people finally say enough?
In my years of being on NT, I've come to learn and accept that those who don't see the issues with situations like these or downplaying these situations for whatever reasons is because of the sheltered life they have lived.

If you're not a black person from an impoverished area or not black at all, you don't really understand the anger and frustration when it comes to countless situations like these; that doesn't stop people from voicing their opinion though. However, there comes a point where a person needs to stop voicing their opinion on things they don't really understand or have experienced first-hand. For example, the situation between the Israelis and Palestinians is terrible, but I don't know anything about it aside from what the media tells me, so I'm careful about the opinion I give on the matter. I'm not going to blame one side because of the destruction they have done to the other because I am not involved in it and don't know what the root is.
A black man being shot by a white cop isn't what you call "nothing" when you have history to look at. The Black Panther party was demolished, yet the KKK holds rallies and is alive and well, Emmet Till, MLK, Sean Bell, Trayvon Martin, Addie Mae Collins, Carole Robertson, Cynthia Wesley, Denise Mcnair, Greenwood in Tulsa, OK. I could go on. So you have to understand that when things like this happen, we as black people for the most part are again haunted by the past.
This is what I said in the Staten Island thread. If you are not or have never been a young black male u will NEVER understand our disdain for police. If u are a minority, how can u trust the police?
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Bro, I grew up in east KC and then moved to Mission Valley, SD and then to the suburbs in KC in middle school up until I moved out. I've lived on both sides of the tracks, and seen it all. The difference between you and I is that I was raised not to judge people based on their skin color. Most of you are jumping straight to racism claims based solely on the fact that the suspect that was killed was black, and nothing more. Don't give me that, "but in the past..." excuse, man. Not every african american death by police is racially fueled. Anton brings up a completely valid point on how none of you really care that black on black violent crime is at an all time high, and none of you are making/replying to threads about that, but if a white cop kills a black man, you go crazy. You're literally just mimicking what the media wants you to based on how important they portray these news stories, and that the truth. No one clearly cares about black on black violence, but white on black violence is completely unacceptable. 

Next someone here will try to justify destroying and violently attacking innocent people and stealing from random shops and businesses within their community while chanting for justice and peace.
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If y'all on twitter, they are supposedly rioting. It's a pic with a dude coming out a corner store with stuff in his pockets, it's wild out there fambs...
RIP to the teen
It is now being reported that there is rioting in Ferguson, MO. This is heartbreaking because it only gives ammunition to those that will inevitably try to justify this tragedy. Those rioting n looting will be caricatured as "animals" n "thugs", when in fact they are people living in fear of those that have sworn to protect them. This was something I feared would happen with an increased police presence. All this mobilization n militarization of the police does is cause the people to live in fear n believe they are an enemy, when in fact, they are the ones to be protected n consoled. There is such a disconnect between the police n the residents of their jurisdiction, it's sickening. In my opinion, with a formal apology from the offending officer n the police chief, along with a sincere outreach towards the family of Michael Brown, this could have all been avoided. However, the police department is again being hard-headed n stubborn, as are most, if not all, departments are when a situation like this occurs. I hope this escalation in turmoil doesn't result in further bloodshed n alienation of the people living there. Though ultimately, it is looking like this will not end well in any aspect.
I've tried to find an account of what happened, but the first post and others I've read say different things. Did Brown assault the officer then run off?
They looted the quick trip.
Wow so the police got some people (officers,snitches informantts, someone)to bust at the news van windows to make them feel threatend so they will leave and not have coverage.....hummmm?
I never will understand how can you feel right as a officer doing this/

Also why everytime its a white cop shooting a black where are all the black officers? its like they give them a vacation for the time being
Bro, I grew up in east KC and then moved to Mission Valley, SD and then to the suburbs in KC in middle school up until I moved out. I've lived on both sides of the tracks, and seen it all. The difference between you and I is that I was raised not to judge people based on their skin color. Most of you are jumping straight to racism claims based solely on the fact that the suspect that was killed was black, and nothing more. Don't give me that, "but in the past..." excuse, man. Not every african american death by police is racially fueled. Anton brings up a completely valid point on how none of you really care that black on black violent crime is at an all time high, and none of you are making/replying to threads about that, but if a white cop kills a black man, you go crazy. You're literally just mimicking what the media wants you to based on how important they portray these news stories, and that the truth. No one clearly cares about black on black violence, but white on black violence is completely unacceptable. 

Next someone here will try to justify destroying and violently attacking innocent people and stealing from random shops and businesses within their community while chanting for justice and peace.

I was judged not to just based on color but to always be weary of those may not have been raised as I was. Just because I wasn't raised to color doesn't mean I'm ignorant enough believe that everyone was raised like me.

Not every black death by police is racially motivated, that's a broad generalization and only a fool would make a statement like that, however, there are times where you have those with authority who fear another race and react accordingly. The past is not an excuse, it's something that we can use for the present and the future. If there was no past, there would be no precedent in the legal system, there would be no progress made for technology and innovation and so forth.

And the black on black crime, white on white crime, etc crap that is spewed is utter garbage. If you have a race that inhabits an area and have violence, you can bet your bottom dollar that the race of the victim will more than likely match the race of the killer. Violence, no matter the color of the victim and killer is unacceptable.

You have to sit and think b, it's one thing for a "poor" person to kill another "poor" person. You can most certainly guarantee that they will go to prison for a long time, thus justice being served. However, if you have a person with money or with authority (which in the US is predominantly white) and they kill a person, you can't be certain that they will suffer the same fate. When officers shoot and kill someone, who does the investigation? Other officers. The officer who is under investigation is sent home with pay until everything is sorted out. The poor black person, who may have had a job is sent to prison without pay. The "poor" person could've killed in self-defense but being they weren't "in the line of duty", it's presumed that they killed for some selfish motive, yet a person with authority doesn't get that same presumption.

but what do I know, you've been on both sides oft he tracks and I haven't.
Bro, I grew up in east KC and then moved to Mission Valley, SD and then to the suburbs in KC in middle school up until I moved out. I've lived on both sides of the tracks, and seen it all. The difference between you and I is that I was raised not to judge people based on their skin color. Most of you are jumping straight to racism claims based solely on the fact that the suspect that was killed was black, and nothing more. Don't give me that, "but in the past..." excuse, man. Not every african american death by police is racially fueled. Anton brings up a completely valid point on how none of you really care that black on black violent crime is at an all time high, and none of you are making/replying to threads about that, but if a white cop kills a black man, you go crazy. You're literally just mimicking what the media wants you to based on how important they portray these news stories, and that the truth. No one clearly cares about black on black violence, but white on black violence is completely unacceptable. 

Next someone here will try to justify destroying and violently attacking innocent people and stealing from random shops and businesses within their community while chanting for justice and peace.
 people dont care about black on black crime because 98% of the time there is no innocent victims. Also alot of people/churchs /organizations have rallys and walks to stop the violence etc have you ever attendend one? I did.

But with this shooting the officer could had been black this tense situation still would had happen. people are tired of it
I never will understand how can you feel right as a officer doing this/
I don't know how those citizens can be okay with people destroying their own community with violent rioting, and looting. 

See what I did there?
I guess cops wouldnt be cops if they were hung out to dry, so to speak. There is a huge level of protection. It seems like if the higher ups would have made a statement about what happened, instead of trying to cover it up right away, they could have deescalated the situation.. Maybe arrest these cops who shoot first, charge him with something, and give him his day in court...

No one wants to man up when they see something wrong. I'm sure there were other cops who witnessed this but you won't see them go up to the officer who shot and arrest him for murder.. That brotherhood is too strong i guess
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I've tried to find an account of what happened, but the first post and others I've read say different things. Did Brown assault the officer then run off?
Come on. You know they are going to say that.. They keep saying a struggle which can mean anything.. Cop pulled boy,.boy pulled away they fall together =struggle

They saying while in the car he reached for a gun come on. cops are tained to say that if your hand go anywhere near the gun even if its not even on purpose

But regardless the cop shot him from inside the car while the boy was outside. he threw up his hands and the cop got out the car and shot him more times

heard the witness is in hiding right now in fear
I don't know how those citizens can be okay with people destroying their own community with violent rioting, and looting. 

See what I did there?
based on that video the way he described the killing, I bet 100% the cop is ex military. Seem the cop was hot tempered
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